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Page 6

by Hannah Davenport

  “That’s awful.” After a moment, he asked, “What about the rest of your family?”

  “It wasn’t awful, it was just my life. Anyway, I’m an only child. My mom died from breast cancer just after I turned sixteen. My dad started drinking more, and I guess I picked up some of his habits. After I graduated college, I slowed down on the drinking until I eventually stopped all together. I guess I just grew up some.”

  “How old are you now?” his voice was softer, quieter.

  “I’m twenty-five. You?”

  “I’m ninety-one.” When she gasped, he continued, “I’m not sure what that would be in your Earth years.”

  “You look the same age as me.”

  As they lay there talking, she felt warm, comfortable, and at peace. Maybe they’d needed to have that argument last night. She’d always faced problems head on; why should this be any different? After talking for a few moments more, she finally asked quietly, “Will you really give up your consorts for me?”

  “Yes, I will. I never again want to feel the way I did last night, and I don’t what you to feel that way, either.”

  “But you said you care for them,” she reminded him.

  “I do. But I care for you so much more.” After a moment of silence, he added, “They are familiar, and I’m used to them being there. However, I don’t talk to them like this, and they sleep in their own rooms. I’ve never held a female all night before.”

  With that admission, she felt her burden lift for the first time since their mating. She silently admitted that she was falling in love with him, even if she wasn’t ready to say it out loud.

  “I’m sorry I kissed someone else,” she said, and she was. Chloe remembered how her stomach churned in protest when she’d grabbed the other males face. If it hadn’t been for her need to show Dazz what it felt like to have to share, and the whiskey running through her veins, she’d couldn’t have gone through with it. All of her life, she’d had one rule when it came to dating. If you can do it, then I can do it, too.

  “I have no words for that. I don’t want to ever see you touch another male again.” Dazz hesitated before adding, “I understand why you did it. I don’t know if the females on Azziar feel the same way you do, but now I understand how you feel.”

  That was all she’d wanted…for him to understand her point of view, and know why she could never live with him having consorts. “I’m still sorry,” she whispered.

  After squeezing her shoulders, he replied, “I don’t know if poor Sakku will ever be the same,” he chuckled. “He’s the same male you encountered yesterday when you tried to leave our quarters.”

  Chloe’s heart warmed when she heard him say our quarters. However, she felt bad for the male she apparently kept unintentionally targeting. “Oh, God!” she groaned.

  Her stomach rumbled in hunger, demanding she eat. Dazz chuckled, and said, “Let’s get dressed and go have first meal together.”

  “I need to shower and a cup of coffee.”

  He kissed her forehead and then climbed out of bed. “I don’t know what coffee is, but I’ll have Stavven give you something for your aching head.”

  They both got ready in a comfortable silence before heading to the Dining Hall. Dazz took her hand as they started down the corridor. Chloe noted all the stares as they passed others, just as she had the day before.

  “Why does everyone look at me like that?” she asked.

  “Hmm…several reasons, actually. First, they’ve never seen your species before. Second, they know that we’re mated, and third, they know you fought the Tureis.”

  “Wait, how do they know we’re mated?”

  “They can smell it, of course.”

  “No… they’re not that close to me. Can they really smell that far away?” When he nodded, she asked, “What else can you smell?”

  “Most everything. I can smell that we joined last night, the cleaning liquid you used, I can even smell a lie.”

  “Now you’re just pulling my chain,” she said, smiling.

  “You do not have a chain to pull.”

  She burst out laughing as they walked into the Dining Hall. Everyone turned in their direction and stared at the two of them. She felt a little uncomfortable, but she refused to show weakness. When they retrieved their food, they took a seat at a table with several Azziarins.

  “Here, drink this. This will help your head until we visit Sick Bay.”

  When she took a sip, it tasted like a cross between coffee and some exotic tea, but it was good. “Thank you,” she said as she held the cup with both hands and slowly sipped.

  “What is wrong with the female?” Chloe looked at the one who had spoken.

  “Chloe, this is Kainn,” Dazz told her, so she nodded at the other Azziarin. “This one is Chasse, and this one,” he said, pointing to the one sitting directly opposite her, “is Sakku.” She remembered him from the day before.

  Looking at Sakku, she grimaced before saying, “I’m sorry about yesterday.”

  “What happened yesterday?” Kainn asked, curiosity on his face.

  Leaving out the part where she’d bested Sakku, which was probably a good idea, Dazz explained.

  “I found out that Earth culture is different from ours. The females don’t share their males.” Chloe noted the general surprise among them at this bit of information. “When I came back to our quarters last night, she had drunk half a bottle of Fire’s Breath, and decided to show me how it felt. She kissed Sakku and I almost killed him,”

  Three sets of eyes stared at her in disbelief. Chloe didn’t like being the center of attention, but instead of squirming under their scrutiny, she used her eating utensils to point in emphasis at them in-between bites. “So, remember that, if you decide to take a human mate. We don’t share… ever,” she stated firmly, and then continued eating, leaving them to stare at her in stunned silence.

  The rest of the day went very well. Dazz gave her a tour of his ship, introduced her to crew members as his mate, and kept her by his side most of the time.

  After having last meal together, Chloe stood in front of a mirror, combing out her long, dark-red hair.

  “I love the color,” Dazz said as he came up behind her and took a strand in his hand.

  Looking into the mirror, her eyes found his. “Some people claim that red hair means hot-tempered,” she said, giving him a tender smile.

  He laughed, and she enjoyed the sound. As she slowly turned around, their eyes connected once again and she could feel the desire rolling off him. He tenderly touched her cheek before taking her lips in a loving kiss.

  Breaking the kiss, she stared into his beautiful blue cat eyes and said, “Let me love you, tonight.”

  “Do you? Do you love me?” His face and voice held a serious tone.

  Chloe pursed her lips, deciding what to say, and then finally settled on, “Yes. I don’t know how it’s possible in such a short time, but I do love you, Dazz.”

  He smiled warmly, and said, “I feel the same way.”

  Chloe took his strong hand and led him to the large bed. She slowly undressed him, and then herself, before guiding him to lay on the bed the way she wanted.

  With him stretched out, his shaft at full attention, she looked her fill. He was hers!

  She climbed on top, straddling him, as she took his lips in a tender kiss, while running her fingers through his short silky white hair. When her lips left his, she rained kisses down his neck to his chest while her hands gently roamed his perfect body.

  When she got to his shaft, she glanced up and saw his intense stare as he took in everything she did. With their eyes still connected, she opened her mouth and took as much of him as she could inside. Her tongue swirled around the head of his shaft while she let her mouth slide up and down the length of him. As he watched, he’s eyes widened with surprise before they closed with pleasure and he threw his head back.

  “Chloe,” he ground out as his fingers ran through her hair, gently gripping her hea
d. With his back arched, his head tilted back, and through slightly parted lips, she heard him say, “Oh, Chloe…ahh….I’m going to…ahh…” He released his seed inside of her mouth, while she drank it down.

  When her eyes found his again, she licked her lips and said with surprised wonder, “You taste like baked cookies!”

  “Do you like that?”

  “Yes, baked cookies are delicious!” She noticed he was still hard.

  Licking her lips, she slowly crawled up his body until her womanhood centered over his hard shaft. Keeping their eyes locked together, she slowly slid down his shaft, talking him to the hilt. With her hands on his sculpted chest, and him deep inside her, she started slowly riding him. It wasn’t long before he took over.

  “You’re killing me!” he said, before grabbing her hips and lifting her slightly off himself. Holding her in place, he started pounding into her as he forcefully thrust up at a rapid pace.

  “Oh, God….Dazz!” she screamed as the most intense orgasm rolled through her and crashed, feeling her with so many sensations and emotions. All she could do was hold on and ride the wave!

  She heard Dazz yell, “Ahhh…Chloe…” and filled her with his seed, which seemed to go on forever.

  Still connected and with labored breathing, she laid down on his chest. She could barely hold her heavy eyes open, her orgasm having drained all of her energy. He tenderly wrapped his arms around her.

  “That was…the most amazing joining I’ve ever had,” he said.

  “Good. That’s what I was hoping for,” she smiled.

  “What you did with your mouth…”

  Chloe raised up slightly and looked at him. “No one has ever done that before?”

  “Can’t.” He pointed to his mouth. “Fangs, remember? I’ve also never joined with a female on top.”

  Chloe smiled, glad she could do things that the other females could not. “I’m glad I was your first.” Dazz laughed and it was a hearty sound. Looking into his beautiful eyes, she said, “I love you, Dazz.”

  He smiled, “I love you, Chloe.”


  Lying in bed with Chloe on top of him, he couldn’t help but grin as he let the strands of her hair fall through his long fingers. She was sound asleep as he should be, but he enjoyed feeling her in his arms, and wanted it to last a little longer before letting sleep claim him.

  As he remembered what they’d just shared, he could feel his shaft spring to life. What she’d done with her mouth…and the sight of her high, large breasts bouncing as she sat on top, he couldn’t take it and had needed to quicken the pace. Had any female ever turned him on so much? No; that was an easy answer.

  Letting her hair slide through his fingers one last time, he wrapped his arms tighter around his mate and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

  Waking up the next standard day, Dazz didn’t want to leave, but duty called. Chloe remained sound asleep, and after he dressed, he kissed her forehead.

  When she roused at the kiss, he said, “I have duties I have to attend to. Go back to sleep. When you wake, we’ll have first meal together.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile before replying, “’K.”

  He didn’t understand what that meant, but smiled anyway. After kissing her forehead once more, he headed for his Ready Room.

  As he exited his quarters, he found Dannte standing guard. “Dannte, did Sakku assign you guard duty today?”

  With his eyes straight ahead while standing at attention, the young soldier replied, “Yes, Commander.”

  “Stay with my mate at all times, and let me know when she’s ready for first meal.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Dazz headed down the corridor, and as he walked onto the Bridge, heading for his Ready Room, Sakku, Kainn, and Chasse fell in line behind him, heading for morning report.

  After the last one entered and shut the door, Dazz sat down at his desk before finally addressing the three of them.

  “Sakku, I talked with Dannte. You checked him out personally?”

  “Yes, Commander. His family didn’t lose any family members in the last attack on Azziar.”

  “Chasse, have you found anything?”

  “Someone keeps messing with the ship’s sensors, but the ID code has been erased each time, and I’m unable to track who it is,” he replied.

  “Is there any way to piggyback a program so we are alerted as soon as it’s tampered with? Maybe send the deleted information to a different location before it is actually erased?”

  “It’ll take a little time, Commander, maybe a standard hour or two. But I think I can do it, or something similar.”


  “Commander, there are 103 on board who lost family members in a Tureis attack. Forty-eight of them lost female family members.” Kainn informed him.

  “Let’s start with the ones who lost female family members. I want an account of their activities. Maybe we can find a connection between one of them and the tampered sensors.”

  After Dazz had dismissed them, Sakku remained behind.

  Addressing his friend, Dazz said, “Yes, Sukku?”

  “I…I just wanted to say congratulations on your mating.”

  Dazz sat back in his chair and laced his fingers together while studying Sakku. “You’re alright with it now?”

  “Yes. I could see how happy you were with her. I feel bad for Sassha, but I’m happy for you.”

  “And what do you think of my mate?” he tilted his head, preparing to weigh the words of his friend.

  “She is…different,” Sakku grimaced.

  Dazz’s boisterous laugh startled the other, as he explained, “That’s an understatement!”

  “I don’t think I would like a female that…strong-willed. Are you sure you are up for the challenge?” Sakku asked.

  “I’m sure. I actually enjoy her fighting spirit. It will keep things interesting.” Dazz said with a grin.

  Sakku took the seat opposite Dazz, and the two fell into a comfortable conversation, both more at ease now that things were settled between them.

  At the end of it, Sakku stood to leave and asked, “May I ask how long you plan to hold our position?”

  “We’ll stay another standard day and see if any other Tureis ships come through the wormhole, and then we’ll head home.”


  Chloe woke up after one of the best nights of sleep she’d had in a long while. The other side of the bed was empty, but she smiled anyway. She remembered the sweet way he’d told her he had to go to work.

  After stretching, she laid there a moment longer until her stomach rumbled, reminding her it was time to eat.

  She jumped out of bed and headed for the shower. After going without for so long, a nice shower was one thing she really enjoyed first thing in the morning.

  With her teeth brushed, she donned the normal black jumpsuit, and then braided her wet hair before heading out the door. She expected a guard, but the corridor lay empty. Strange. She was positive Dazz had told her to let the guard know she was ready for first meal.

  She headed down the corridor toward the Dining Hall. Before making it to the end, she felt a prick on her neck. Her hand shot to the inflicted area, and when she spun around, the last thing she saw was a grinning Tureis! Everything went black.

  Chapter Seven


  Back on the Bridge, he noted the late standard hour. His stomach rumbled, and he needed to eat. Chloe should be up by now, he thought.

  “Commander, the program you requested has been up and running for thirty standard minutes without any noted problems.”

  “Thank you, Chasse. Now, let’s see if it works the way we hope.”

  His stomach rumbled again, reminding him that he’d told his mate they would have first meal together. Tapping his com-unit, he said, “Bridge to Dannte.” No reply. “Bridge to Dannte,” he said again. Still nothing.

  “Sakku, you have the Bridge.”

  “Yes, Commander.”<
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  Dazz briskly walked down the corridor, toward his quarters. He noticed the absence of the guard first, before he found his quarters empty. Agitation warred with worry as he thought that she’d probably eaten without him, but he couldn’t discount the threat on board his ship.

  Walking into the Dining Hall, he looked around, but she wasn’t there. He spotted Rannd sitting close by.

  As he approached the table, Rannd started to rise, to stand at attention. “Stay seated. Have you seen Dannte, or my mate?”

  “No, Commander,” came the answer. Dazz nodded before leaving the Dining Hall.

  Walking back toward his quarters, he tapped his com-unit, “Sakku, meet me in my quarters with a security team. Chasse, you have the Bridge.”

  “On our way,” Sakku answered.

  “Yes, Commander,” Chasse responded.

  In his quarters, Dazz looked for anything out of place, but everything looked normal. There were no signs of a struggle. When Sakku showed up with a team of security officers, Dazz explained the situation.

  “Starting here and moving outward, I want everything searched! They have to be somewhere, and I want them found…her found!”

  As they started the search, Dazz stood in his quarters trying to think of an explanation. His gut told him it was foul play, and dread had started to seep in.

  “Commander?” a voice said through the com-unit.

  Tapping his, he answered, “Here.”

  “Commander, we have a problem in the Brig.”

  Now what! He rubbed his forehead in frustration. “I’ll be right there.”

  Before he got a chance to head for the Brig, Sakku called out, “Commander, I’ve found Dannte!”

  Dazz found his friend down the corridor near a supply closet. Sakku was kneeling beside the male lying on the floor. After checking for a pulse, Sakku looked up and said, “He’s dead.”

  “Chloe?” he asked.

  “Not here.” When Sakku spoke those words, Dazz hid the relief he felt. In a time of crisis, he needed to be strong for all to see.

  “Commander, this is Chasse. We have an alert from the program.”


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