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Paradise Postponed (Not Quite Eden Book 2)

Page 32

by Dominique Kyle

  As soon as Holty had disappeared out the gate I hopped on my bike and drove up to Lyndale.

  Todd immediately intercepted me in the car park. “You can’t come in.”

  “But they proved I didn’t do it,” I protested. “Surely I can say good-bye to the students? They’ll wonder what’s happened to me!”

  “You’re not allowed back on the premises, sorry.”

  My eyes filled with tears. “Well at least bring them to the Stocks at Belle Vue,” I pleaded. “You know Bobby will think he’s died and gone to heaven. Look up the dates for when the F2s are on in Manchester and I’ll give them a special tour of the pits.”

  “Maybe,” Todd said without it sounding at all promising. “But now you’ll have to go, or I’ll be obliged to call the Police.”

  My eyes flooding with misty tears I very nearly ran over Bobby as he leapt out in front of me as I left.

  His voice sounded plaintively in my ears as I sped away, “E-e-e-ve, Honda CBR125R 13 bhp, 124.7 cc, 72 mpg, E-e-e-ve!”

  We left sharpish on Sunday morning because the races started at two pm. I knew my contingent of supporters were meeting back at the garage to share a car and would be arriving just before the races started. I had to put on a brilliant showing for them, I really did. I’d be racing on my own in the second heat. Quinn and Jo were both in the first. So all I needed to concentrate on was qualifying, rather than any internal race rivalry.

  Entwistle and company arrived just before Jo’s first race. I introduced everybody just before she got into the car. I could see that Dewhurst and Bolton were lapping it all up. They’d soon be converts, I could tell. The roaring of engines rose to fever pitch and their eyes were lighting up. I took them up to a good vantage point and gave them a running commentary, pointing out Jo’s blue top whenever it came past. She qualified just ahead of Quinn.

  Back at the pits she commented privately to me, “He’s good. And he’s learning fast too.”

  “Said he would,” I agreed, internally steeling myself for my own race. Couldn’t let anyone down now… I just had to learn faster.

  A chorus of ‘good lucks’ and I drove slowly out to the front. Only one other white. But no super-stars. Tyler had swept to the front of the first heat effortlessly, and finished the last lap driving with just one hand on the wheel and the other elbow resting nonchalantly on the window frame.

  No-one to fight with – just throw your mind to the front and stay there, I thought. I screamed away and came in fourth.

  “Well done,” Paul said. I valued that more than all the thumbs up from my garage team. While we waited for some other formats to take place, and the Consolation for the F2s, Entwistle was deep in discussion with Paul. I could tell he was impressed with the Satterthwaite set up. The attention he gave to everything Paul was saying to him boded well.

  Strong coffee and a Snickers bar. It was becoming a pre-Final routine. My stomach churned harder than any time since my first ever race. The Entwistle gang made their way up to a good vantage point. We were all three of us out there on the track and Quinn in the row behind me on on the outside. Slow rolling start. And then we were away. I took the advice Paul had given me after Owlerton. No thinking about Quinn or Jo or anyone. Just think about finishing first. Once again it felt like an out of body experience. Just the track and the cars ahead and the cornering and the balance of the car. Tyler flashed past skimming me so lightly it barely registered as a bump, but deliberate contact all the same. A white car was coming up on my inside. He couldn’t quite get near enough. I knew who it was and I knew he was getting into position to give me a shove. I stayed super alert and allowed instinct to reign. I kept my eyes fixed ahead. Suddenly, like a shark attack, a blue plunged its nose into the front third of Quinn’s nerf rail with a skilled ‘insider’ manouvre. He went spinning off, way out of line, bouncing off the far barricade. A second later and the black and white flag was waving. I’d had no idea that the end of the race was so close.

  As I drew up at our pit, Pete and Paul were smiling broadly. Paul opened my door and leant in. “Are you aware that you came second?”

  “You’re kidding me?” I hadn’t realised. I’d just carried on driving until the red was waved then come back here.

  Jo drew up. “And as for you,” her dad directed at her, “if you’d only drive like that every time you’d have made it to red long ago.”

  I looked ruefully at her. “I don’t know if I should take any satisfaction out of my placing,” I said. “You deliberately rammed him for me didn’t you?”

  She shrugged insouciantly.

  “So did you come third?”

  “By the time I recovered from hitting him, I was about fifth I think.”

  “I can’t wait to have my car back and join in the fun,” Pete lamented.

  I looked at him, dismayed. “Oh no, it’s just occurred to me that next season I’ll be racing against you, and I bet you’re really good!”

  He smiled a wolfish smile.

  Yes, we’d sprayed out a red top I remembered. “So will you be bashing me?” I asked.

  “Of course,” he smiled a real slow smile. “Especially if you’ve been giving me any annoying lip beforehand!”

  The Entwistle team arrived back to congratulate us both. I was glad to see that they were including Jo in the warmth. Shortly afterwards I saw Entwistle get Jo on her own. I crossed my fingers. It would great to have another woman working with us.

  I turned back to see Tyler wandering round the back of Jo’s car to speak to Paul. He jerked his head in my direction. “She nearly got round before I did!” He laughed. “Quicker she’s moved to the back the better!”

  He looked across at Pete. “When will you be back with us?”

  Pete grimaced and tapped his cast with his crutch. “Not this season.”

  “Bad luck,” Tyler commiserated. A photographer appeared at his side and Tyler called me over. I went reluctantly. Tyler grabbed me round the shoulders and told me to smile.

  “Told you to start a scrap book,” Pete jibed as I walked away with burning cheeks. I quickly checked my zip was well up, and he cracked up again.

  “I’m a bit scared of Tyler,” I admitted.

  “Why?” Jo was back with us.

  “Because he bashes me every time he goes past.”

  “That’s just his way of flirting with you,” Jo dismissed.

  I stared at her. “When did roses and chocolates go out of fashion?”

  Pete threw his head back in hilarity. “What do you expect? This is the Stocks, not the Stock Exchange!”

  Jo rolled her eyes. “Anyone would think he was back on the opiates.” She leaned into my ear for a private word. “Your boss has just offered me a job.”

  “And..?” I was on tenterhooks to hear her answer.

  “So I said I’d consider it if the price was right.”

  The confidence of the woman! I wondered what he would offer her.

  The atmosphere was one of jubilation as we drove back in the transporter. They offered to drop me off at my house to save me having a late ride home in the dark on the bike.

  “Pick up your bike from ours tomorrow when you come round,” Paul suggested.

  He drew the Beast up outside my house and Pete said he’d escort me in. He swung on his crutches along the path.

  “Which house is Quinn’s?” He asked curiously.

  I pointed.

  “So what’s your dad like?” He asked.

  “You’ll find out,” I said.

  Dad opened the door to us. He filled it, standing squarely there, tattooed arms crossed, looking at Pete.

  “This is Pete,” I introduced. “The man who owns my car.”

  “This is Eve,” Pete corrected with a wry smile, “The girl who temporarily drives my car.”

  Dad and Pete shook hands, both with an iron grip and stood motionless like that for much longer than was necessary. Dad suddenly seemed to make his mind up.

  “Look after my daughter, w
on’t you?” He said abruptly.

  “I will,” Pete said confidently. “I have every intention of doing so.” And he smiled at me.

  Helpline Numbers and Advice Websites

  (These details were correct at the time of publication in 2016)

  BriSCA F2 – official site for info about Formula Two Stocks –

  Karma Nirvana – forced marriage support – 08005999247 –

  FGM – if you are worried that a child is at risk of, or has undergone, female genital mutilation (‘female circumcision’) you can call the FGM Helpline – 08000283550 – anonymous and 24/7 – or you can email or for more information go to the relevant page on the NSPCC website –

  Rape Crisis (England and Wales) – 08088029999 –

  Rape Crisis (Scotland) – 08088010302 –

  Rape Crisis Network Ireland – 1800778888 –

  If your region isn’t covered by the above Rape Crisis contact details then try this page –

  Contraceptive advice –

  FPA – Sexual Health Charity - info and support on sexual health, contraception, sex and relationships – – the page to go to with lots of extremely helpful info, advice and support links if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy is –

  Information about Abortion –

  Brook Young People’s Information Service – Information, support and signposting service for young people under 25 on sexual health, contraception, pregnancy and abortion –

  Abortion Support Network – (Supporting women in Ireland)

  from N.Ireland – 07897611593

  from Republic of Ireland – 00447897611593

  Arch – Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline – organisation to support women who have had an abortion and who now are suffering physical or emotional after-effects from it and need help to recover, and also for men and boys whose children have been terminated either with their permission or against their will who now want to talk about how they feel about it. – 08456038501 –

  Life – claim to offer non-directive counselling about unplanned pregnancy but are basically there to help support you to continue your pregnancy. If you are wanting to continue your pregnancy while under pressure to have an abortion, or want to continue your pregnancy and can’t imagine how you can possibly manage, this organisation will offer you support. They are particularly helpful if you are pregnant and facing homelessness as they have several supportive housing projects for pregnant young women and young mothers with their babies – 08088025433 – or

  Crimestoppers UK – you can give information about crime anonymously online or by phone – 0800555111 –

  The Mix – (formerly called ‘Get Connected’) – help for young people – 08088084994

  The Lesbian and Gay Foundation – 08453303030 –

  Frank - A confidential helpline for anyone in the UK concerned about drug use –

  BullyingUK – 08088002222 –

  Childline – 08001111 –

  Cybersmile – online bullying help and advice –

  Kidscape – preventing bullying and child sexual abuse –

  Pay and Work Rights Helpline – 08009172368 –

  UCAS Application Helpline – 08714680468 –

  UCAS Exam Results Helpline – 08081008000 –

  NHS Urgent Care (England Only) – Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it's not a 999 emergency –

  Info about how the criminal justice system deals with young people –

  Victim Support – charity helping people affected by crime including young people –

  Books about Eve by Dominique Kyle

  Not Quite Eden

  Paradise Postponed

  Thrills and Spills

  The Way Barred

  Purgatory is a Place Too

  The Way Back




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