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The Avoiding Series Boxset

Page 22

by K. A. Linde

  “You’ll leave early with me if we go out?”

  “Of course. Don’t invite Clark.”

  “Like I’d want to.”

  Hours later, after kissing Clark good-bye and getting all dolled up, Lexi waited rather impatiently in her apartment. She had refused Jack’s offer to pick her up for proprieties sake. If they were going to be out in public, she would rather not make it look like a date. She had planned on driving herself. However, Olivia had decided she wanted a night out and had insisted on driving. That was fine with Lexi, but Olivia was pretty much the slowest person on the planet. It took her at least thirty minutes longer than anyone else she knew when it came down to getting ready to go out.

  “Geez, Olivia could you take any longer?” Lexi asked pacing in front of Olivia’s bathroom.

  “It could,” she muttered.

  “You don’t even have that much hair,” Lexi pointed out.

  “Which is why I have to make sure every tiny strand is perfect,” Olivia said pulling her flat iron through her bleached blonde pixie cut again.

  “No one is even going to be in town,” she whined.

  “Lexi, darling, that is the reason I should take so long. I’ll spend more time with each person individually. This inevitably means I should spend more time on my hair,” Olivia said taking pleasure in Lexi’s growing discomfort.

  Lexi groaned loudly. “I don’t see why you have to take so long.”

  “I don’t see why you have to be so impatient. Your boy isn’t even going to be out,” Olivia said letting her brown eyes flutter to Lexi’s face.

  A small blush crept onto Lexi’s face. “So…”

  “So chill out,” she cried.

  “Let’s just get out of here.”

  “You can’t rush perfection,” Olivia explained placing the straightener on the off-white counter top. Her hand reflexively reached out for the tall hairspray bottle.

  Lexi groaned again. “Honestly, how much of that stuff do you put in your hair?”

  After spraying on another layer, Olivia snuck a glance at Lexi. “All right, fine. Are you going to tell me why you are being so impatient?” she asked raising one eyebrow inquisitively.

  “I’m always impatient.”

  “Not like this.”

  “I just...uh…miss Clark. I want to get out of here so I can get my mind off of him being gone,” Lexi said anxiously pushing her hair behind her ear. She really was a terrible liar and did not want to have to deal with Olivia being any nosier than normal.

  Olivia raised an eyebrow further. “You sure that’s all it is? You look like you’re anxious to see someone?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh come on. I know that you’ve liked Jack since the beginning of time. It’s not like you have to hide that fact from me,” she said coolly leaning against the sink.

  “Jack and I are just friends.”

  “Yeah, and pigs can fly.”

  “Livy, cut it out. You’ve been on me about Jack since you managed to get him to that concert. I just don’t want to hear it anymore. You know what happened between us after that catastrophe. Leave it be for once,” Lexi cried vehemently.

  “I’m just looking out for your own good.”

  “Sure,” Lexi said rolling her eyes.

  “You know you can tell me anything, Lexi,” Olivia said, her tone turning serious. “I wouldn’t tell Clark if something happened with you and Jack. You’re my best friend. I hope you’d trust me with anything. Or at least all the raunchy details,” she said giggling.

  Talk about a guilt trip. Lexi wanted to trust Olivia with the details of what had happened with Jack all those months ago, and what was continuing to happen to this day. Something deep inside told her that the only person she could trust with what she was doing was herself…and Jack, of course. Sure the gravity of the situation was eating away at her, but even that wouldn’t open her mouth. How could she tell anyone how she felt when she was having issues discerning that on her own? She just could not imagine her life without Jack in it anymore, yet she was still with Clark. He was still with Kate. Neither of them had talked about breaking up. Yet, they still spent time together whenever possible. She didn’t know what to think about that.

  “I know I can trust you with anything, but there’s nothing to tell,” Lexi lied smoothly. “Can we get going?”

  Olivia clicked the off switch on her straightener, glanced at her perfect appearance, and then nodded. Ten minutes later they were pulling into a rather fortunate parking spot down the street from Chamber. Lexi twirled her own stick straight hair around her finger as she approached the door.

  “Stop fiddling with it,” Olivia said swiping at her hand.

  “My hair doesn’t look good straight like yours,” Lexi whined. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”

  “Whatever, shut up. Everyone is going to love it.”

  Lexi strutted to the door and smiled playfully at the bouncer. “Hey, Max,” she said kissing him lightly on the cheek as she breezed through the door without him even bothering to ask for her identification.

  To say that Chamber was dead this Saturday night would have been an understatement. They had gone out a little earlier than usual, but it still seemed that everyone in the city had gone home for Thanksgiving break. Lexi passed the empty dance floor marveling at how hollow the room appeared without bodies swarming the inside. Music filtered through the speakers at a surprisingly reasonable volume for a Saturday night. The only constant in the place was the voluptuous woman behind the bar.

  “What do you want, girl?” Chasity asked sidling around the corner to give Lexi a hug.

  “Whatever you want to make me,” she responded easily.

  “Dragonberry, Red Bull, Sprite, cranberry…the works,” she mumbled to herself. “Liv, you want one too?”

  “I’m driving,” Olivia pouted.

  “You volunteered,” Lexi said pushing her lightly.

  Chasity shrugged her shoulders. “I guess that means you’ll stick to beer tonight then?” she questioned thrusting an open Bud Light at her.

  “You know me so well,” Olivia said cheerfully.

  “Oh dear, look at who just walked into my bar,” Chasity said fanning herself.

  Lexi’s head swiveled to find out whom she was making a fuss about, but she really shouldn’t have bothered. Jack was a damn good sight for anyone’s eyes, but with Seth and Luke flanking him they were a sexy set. Jack was gorgeously built with his shaggy black brown hair and steely blue eyes. Seth towered over the other two and had a very boy-next-door look about him that made him appear to be safe. Well, at least until he opened his mouth. Luke had tousled blonde hair and light brown eyes, and was extremely clean cut. Though Lexi knew that Chasity was whistling at the trio, her eyes were solely focused on one boy. His easy smile upon seeing her sitting at the bar sent unexpected butterflies in her stomach. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. She didn’t even have the excuse of not seeing him often. She just wanted to drink in his every feature. The way he looked right then and there in his worn jeans, tight fit t-shirt, and navy jacket.

  “Hey,” he said nodding his head at the bunch. “Whoa, your hair.” He immediately went to Lexi’s side and fiddled with a straightened strand.

  She smiled up at him, goose bumps kissing her skin at his gentle touch. “Do you like it?” she asked hesitantly.

  “You look great,” he said before he could filter his enthusiastic response.

  “See, I told you!” Olivia cried. Lexi’s smile widened.

  “So, let’s start the night off right. Shots all around and give me a hug,” he demanded of no one in particular.

  Olivia giggled and nudged Lexi forward as if he had been talking to her all along. She didn’t need much coaxing as she nestled into his arms. He squeezed her tightly around the middle before releasing her.

  “Good to see you,” he murmured huskily. “Chasity, shots? Hug? What are you good for?”

  Jack scooted around the bar as Chasity poured the clear liquid into six shot glasses. He wrapped himself around her from behind and whispered something in her ear that Lexi couldn’t discern. Chasity laughed boisterously and shoved him away. “Whore,” she murmured at his turned back.

  “I’m not the only one,” he quipped eyeing her black crop top and tiny black and white plaid skirt.

  “I’m workin’ here. Cut me a break.”

  “I would if you could count,” he said sitting in the chair next to Lexi and leaning across the bar.

  “What are you talking about?” Chasity questioned glaring at him.

  “Seven,” he said gesturing to the group.

  Chasity’s eyes scanned the set in attendance, and then frowned. She quickly shrugged her shoulders and poured another shot. “Not my fault you were hiding the little brunette mouse. Who is she anyway?”

  Lexi jerked around to find out what they were talking about. “Sandy,” she squealed enthusiastically. Despite the girl having zero common sense, she was beginning to grow on her. Apparently, she was extremely intelligent when it came to book smarts. She just wasn’t capable of showing that to anyone. Once you finally got her to open up, she was a real riot.

  “Lexi! I didn’t know that you were going to be out.”

  “I didn’t even know you were still hanging out with Seth,” Lexi said raising her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  “Oh, you know,” Sandy said blushing furiously, “here and there. Whenever he’s not with some other girl, I’ll give him a chance.”

  “I don’t know how you do it. I would die if I had to share.” A chuckle emanated from behind her. She glanced warily at Jack, and the smirk on his face grew.

  “It’s not the sharing that I mind, because I like to sleep with whoever I want. It’s just you know how Seth is and how he treats girls. Sometimes he forgets that we’re whatever…not trying to be exclusive. Then the lying starts and ugh,” she told her shuddering, “I just can’t even get into it.”

  “Bottoms up ladies,” Chasity said pushing shots, several limes, and a saltshaker toward them.

  “Tequila?” Lexi asked anxiously turning from her conversation with Sandy. “Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Nah. Just loosen you up a little. You’ve been way too uptight lately,” Chasity declared licking the crease between her thumb and first finger and pouring a generous amount of salt onto the space.

  “Yeah, let’s loosen you up,” Jack said nudging her playfully.

  Lexi glanced up at him and licked her lips provocatively. “I thought you didn’t mind me being a little tight,” she whispered loud enough for him to hear her.

  His eyebrows shot up and he groaned a little at the mental image she was leaving him with. “Don’t tease me, Lex.”

  “Who’s teasing?” she asked raising her glass to meet the rest of the group.

  “To gettin’ fucked up,” Chasity yelled as they clinked their glasses together.

  Much to Lexi’s surprise, Chamber did end up filling up considerably compared to the amount of people who arrived early enough to get personal attention from their sexy bartender. The townies were coming out of the woodworks knowing that much of the college population would be away for the holiday break.

  As much as Lexi wanted to relax into their evening, something continued to nag at her. She couldn’t figure out what it was. Ever since that fateful night back in May, Lexi had been very careful in situations around Jack. She tried to keep her distance so that Clark wouldn’t see straight through her. And though he had never specifically stated that he thought something was up between them, he still commented on her behavior. He complained of her being distant and closed off, among other things...of a more sexual nature. Yet, that wasn’t what was bothering her. Every time she would begin to stop thinking about Clark, it was like she could feel eyes on her. The idea was ludicrous. Chamber wasn’t full by any means, but there were enough people in the place that no one specifically would be staring at her. She was recognizable from gymnastics meets, but she wasn’t the star. There was no real reason for anyone to be watching her.

  Olivia left early complaining that she wasn’t feeling well. She asked Jack to take Lexi home smirking devilishly. Jack obliged her appeal. Seth and Sandy had not so discreetly located a corner to make out in, leaving Luke as a third wheel. Not too long afterwards, Luke was closely dancing with a large-chested blonde. Even with all of their friends occupied, Lexi still couldn’t get over the feeling that someone was watching her.

  “Jack,” she began taking a strand of her straight hair and pushing it behind her ear.

  “How can you be nervous right now?” he asked taking her hands away from her and placing them around his neck pulling her in close to him.


  “You’re messing with your hair. It’s a dead give-away,” he said letting his bright blue eyes bore into her.

  “Right, sorry. I just…I dunno…I feel like someone is watching me.”

  “Who would be watching us, Lex?” he asked incredulously.

  “I said I don’t know, but I just feel like eyes are being drilled into the back of my head,” she informed him. Even as she said the words out loud she realized how paranoid and slightly delusional she must sound, but still she couldn’t shake the feeling.

  Jack pulled his gaze away from her and let his eyes slowly roam the dark, crowded room. He paused briefly as if examining the individuals in a particular location then shifted to circle the entire room. “If someone is looking at you, then they aren’t right now. I can barely make out anyone ten feet away from me. I don’t see how anyone could be secretive about looking at you even if they were watching. Seeing as no one is blatantly staring from where I can see, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

  “You’re probably right,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck tighter. His lips gently touched the soft spot behind her earlobe.

  “If you really feel like that, we can get you out of here,” he muttered huskily in her ear. “Actually, I think I should get you home. It’s late.” He didn’t even check his watch.

  “I’m glad you are so concerned for my well-being,” she stated mockingly.

  “Oh, I’m very concerned for your well-being. I want to make sure that you get home at a reasonable hour, tuck you in, and all that.”

  “Tuck me in?” she asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Something like that,” he muttered, his lips only inches from her mouth at this point.

  She giggled and pushed him backward. “Chill out. None of that,” she said half-heartedly.

  “Fine,” he said sticking out his bottom lip. “I’m going to close my tab, and then we’ll leave.

  A short while later, Lexi found herself in a very familiar bedroom wrapped in navy blue sheets. She stretched languidly on the bed and then perched on the edge waiting for Jack to join her. He exited the bathroom flipping the light off as he appeared before her. She couldn’t keep her mouth from dropping open at the sight of him. He entered the room in only a flimsy pair of green boxers. He had been doing some serious workouts lately since he was out of school, and the effort was really paying off. His already well-defined six-pack was toned to perfection. His arms and chest had grown in direct proportion making the full package look positively delectable. His tousled brown hair hung just above his crystal clear blue eyes looking at Lexi as if he were about to devour her.

  She smiled coyly and patted the bed. He snuck under the covers and pulled her toward him. “You’re so little,” he said against her collarbone as he kissed a line across it.

  “Um...thank you,” she said squirming under his light kisses.

  “And you should always wear my t-shirts,” he said pulling back to examine the grey band shirt she had picked out from one of his drawers.

  “You don’t like my clothes?” she asked pouting.

  “Oh, I definitely love your skimpy little things, but you’re so…raw,” he said pushi
ng her bangs off her forehead and really looking at her deeply. “So utterly beautiful, my dear.”

  A slow sweet smile played across her mouth as he stared at her lovingly. “Thank you.”

  “No,” he said letting his fingertips trail across her jaw line. “Thank you.” He covered her body with his and pressed his lips firmly against her own. The tenderness and affection he portrayed in that one kiss Lexi thought could last a lifetime. Tears welled up in her eyes as their tongues briefly touched then broke apart. “You’re crying,” he said concerned.

  “I’m sorry. It’s dumb,” she said swiping at her eyes.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “It’s just…I don’t know, Jack. That was amazing. I know you can say it was just a kiss, but…”

  He cut her off. “No, I felt it too,” he said knowing that she didn’t have to explain what had just happened between them.

  “You…you did?” she asked in disbelief.

  He leaned in once more and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “Yeah. I did. Maybe we should just get some sleep,” he suggested.

  Lexi nodded as she lay down on his shoulder and snuggled into his muscular chest. She had no idea where to pinpoint that feeling. It was something she had never experienced. It was wonderful, painful, euphoric, and disarming all at the same time. She felt like her heart was ripping out of her chest, and like she had just had the most amazing adrenaline boost of a lifetime. The scariest part was that she had no idea how such a small thing like a simple kiss could make her feel like this. Those were her last thoughts before she drifted to sleep securely placed in Jack’s arms.

  “Lex…Lex, wake up.” She heard her name called, but all she wanted to do was snuggle up further in the covers. “Come on, Lexi. You need to wake up.”

  Lexi rolled over onto her back and stared up into her favorite pair of baby blues. “G’morning,” she mumbled.

  “Your phone has been ringing off the hook all morning. You should probably go figure out what’s going on,” Jack told her.

  She felt a jolt of adrenaline hit her body, and she bolted out of bed terrified to find out why her phone was blowing up. She had three missed calls from Clark and four from Olivia. Lexi thumbed through the texts, most of which were from Olivia checking to see if she had gotten in all right last night. Then as Lexi progressed through the messages, she noticed they began to get more frantic.


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