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The Avoiding Series Boxset

Page 71

by K. A. Linde

  “It’s okay,” he said tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. “We’ll work it out.”

  Her and Ramsey had always acted together…as equals. Their relationship developed slowly over time, and she had been careful, keeping her heart guarded. Then when she had finally given it freely, he managed to hurt her anyway.

  And still she couldn’t deny her feelings for him. She spent close to a year of her life with him; in a relationship that she truly thought was going somewhere. She knew in time they would need to discuss what had happened, but she wasn’t ready for that moment. She was still too angry…too bitter. But she wasn’t sure if she was ready to get rid of it all. They just needed time.

  “Can we go back up there?” Ramsey asked standing and planting her lightly back on her feet.

  Lexi nodded as she brushed the wrinkles out of her dress. She swished all of her hair over one shoulder hoping to catch a breeze on the back of her neck. This wasn’t the first time she had forgotten how unbearably hot Georgia summer afternoons are.

  Ramsey swept aside the branches of the willow, and the oppressive heat hit Lexi full force as she exited back onto the trail that led to the party. Their anger subsided for the moment, the two walked side by side toward his parents.

  The scene before them was as if nothing had happened. Jack was standing at Bekah’s side smiling into her enamored face. Three women stood beside her, and Lexi was pretty sure she knew who they were. She remembered the last time she had been in proximity to Bekah’s best friends, the Fearsome Four, as Ramsey had called them. She had nearly been sick listening to them talking in the 755 Club. She wasn’t looking forward to seeing them again.

  As they approached, a glass of lemonade was thrust into each of their hands, and they were shuffled closer to the bride and groom. The closer they got, the louder Ramsey’s father’s voice rang in the afternoon air. It was clear he was making a toast.

  “To honor my beautiful daughter…”

  Lexi half-listened to the speech as her eyes moved back to Bekah’s friends. They all had shining blonde hair in various stages of bleach. She wasn’t certain if any of them were natural. Or perhaps they had been at one point, but they had now died their hair so often they couldn’t remember.

  “And my soon-to-be son-in-law…”

  The tallest one was easily the prettiest of the three. She couldn’t place names with any of them since she had never been officially introduced. All that rang through in her mind was a terrible southern drawl talking about fucking in the middle of a crowded party where anyone could hear her…and Bekah encouraging her.

  “I know that through their love…”

  The thought turned her stomach as if she were still standing in the club, hearing the words as she eavesdropped on their conversation. She assumed that the pretty one was the bitch with the drawl.

  “And devotion to one another…”

  Lexi tried not to snort at the last statement as her eyes shifted to the one standing in the middle. She was a tiny little thing with a button nose and calculating, round, baby blue eyes. Unlike the other girls, her dress was extremely conservative…even for a Country Club. Her demeanor oozed prude.

  “They will have a marriage as fulfilling as any we’ve witnessed…”

  The last girl seemed the most normal of the bunch…if that word was even appropriate in Bekah’s presence. Her hair was cut short into a bob that curled up under chin with large sweeping bangs completely covering her forehead. She looked about the closest it came to being a human being—with a natural ease and smile.

  “Saturday will be the first of so many more wonderful moments in their lives…”

  Lexi let her eyes shift back to Bekah and Jack. Their hands were lightly entwined as they stared up at her father. Every couple seconds they would sneak glances at each other. A pain shot through Lexi’s chest from watching them interact together. Bekah looked so incredibly happy standing next to him. Lexi was having a hard time reconciling the situation in her mind.

  “To the happy couple…”

  She knew Bekah and Jack cared for each other, but somehow it had never felt real. It had all been a trick. Bekah had used Lexi to get Jack. There was absolutely no way that a sane person could participate in that kind of deception and still have human feelings. For some reason, seeing them together actually happy, everything came into perspective.

  “May they remember this time forever.”

  Jack was marrying Bekah. This was really happening.

  “To Jack and Bekah.”

  The crowd echoed the final sentiment, raised their glasses in unison, and took a sip of their beverage of choice. Lexi took a tentative sip of her lemonade, sputtered when she realized that the punch was spiked, and then downed another large gulp.

  The two moved in closer to the wedding party as the remainder of the crowd dispersed. She couldn’t help but notice the twinkle in his father’s eye from the toast and the look of adoration on his face as he stared at his only daughter.

  “Ramsey, Lexi, so nice to see you could make it,” Bekah said, a glint in her eyes as they landed on Lexi.

  Ramsey’s father clapped him on the back at Bekah’s statement. “Got back just in time, son.”

  “I have to apologize,” Lexi said speaking up, “I was just admiring your beautiful trove of weeping willows.” Lexi made a pointed effort not to look at Jack the whole time.

  His father beamed. “That’s understandable. They’re gorgeous, massive trees right there on the lake.” His wife bobbed her head along with the statements. Turning his attention back to Bekah, he asked, “What kind of trouble are you ladies getting into tonight?”

  Bekah ducked her chin to her chest as if she were an innocent little girl up to no trouble whatsoever. “Nothing, Daddy.”

  “Don’t Daddy me. I’m footin’ the bill. Where are y’all headin’?” he bellowed.

  Bekah glanced from her dad to Jack and back. “You want me to say in front of the groom,” she asked giggling, clearly putting on a show. “Well all right, we’re just going to go to a few clubs, Daddy. We’ll be in by midnight.”

  “Midnight,” he scoffed as if it was the most ridiculous statement he had heard.

  Lexi wasn’t even sure what they were referring to in the first place. And she didn’t see why it mattered that she was going clubbing tonight with her friends. It didn’t exactly seem like an affair her father would typically be interested in, or paying for.

  “Could Lexi come with us since we’re down one?” Bekah asked, her smile turning into a smirk at the edges. Lexi snapped to attention at the mention of her name. Where exactly was she going? She hadn’t signed up for this.

  “You’re my only daughter, and you’re only getting married once,” he said that with finality. “You can take whoever you damn well want to. And anyway, I insist she go along with you. Anyone who can stand Ramsey this long is someone you should be better acquainted with,” he muttered, a harsh laugh following the statement.

  Lexi’s mouth hung open slightly. She felt Ramsey stiffen at her side, but he didn’t say anything. The looks she was receiving from Bekah and her friends weren’t exactly comforting either. She was pretty certain that whatever they had in mind wasn’t something she wanted to be involved in. “Go with you where exactly?” she asked.

  Bekah turned to her as if she had forgotten that Lexi wasn’t in the know. Except that Bekah had done everything on purpose. Bekah was always in control…always calculating. Lexi wasn’t going to soon forget it. “Bachelorette party tonight, doll.”

  This couldn’t be happening. “Wow, I really appreciate the offer…” she began her voice monotone. She obviously was not thrilled with the invite. “I just…”

  “Well great,” their father interrupted, “it’s all settled then.”

  Apparently, after their father spoke everything else was final. Ramsey, it seemed, was the only person who ever argued with the man, and at this moment, he thought it pertinent not to speak up. Lexi would have a
few words with him later about that. But right now she needed to find a way out of this mess; there was no way she was going to a bachelorette party with any of these people.



  Who the hell was Parker?

  Lexi had no idea who this woman was, but she made her really uncomfortable.

  She wasn’t sure of Ramsey’s relationship with Parker. How could he know someone like her and never bring her up? It’s not like they had been shy about their past. She had finally opened up about Jack. She had told him what had happened between them. He may not know how strong the feelings were or what happened right under Bekah’s and his nose, but he knew enough about her past. He could put the pieces together pretty easily.

  This bought up another big concern—the fact that he had openly admitted to her that he’s never had a girlfriend…that he’d never been in love. Not that she was claiming he was a liar. She didn’t even want to cross that bridge. But the look Parker had given him was beyond friendship. The shock in Ramsey’s face was more than an old friend showing up at the beach. The girl could be nothing more than an old family friend. It was possible. But then why did her gut tell her otherwise?

  She knew he had been somewhat of a Casanova before being with her. What if this girl was one of his conquests? What if she had been Lexi at one point in time—whisked off to a beach for a good time with friends and an endless supply of sex?

  No. Lexi shuddered. He had told her he loved her. That much she was certain of. She remembered his statement all those months ago—he had never been in love. And though this girl may or may not be a notch in his belt, it wasn’t more than that. She had to believe him…trust him.

  She took a deep breath trying to slow down all of the thoughts swirling around in her head. She was having a hard time keeping it together. Even if Parker wasn’t someone he had slept with, how many others were there? Would she ever meet them? Had she already met them? She wasn’t getting anywhere with that train of thought and really it was hypocritical to even go down that route. She couldn’t be angry…merely curious.

  And she was incredibly curious about Parker. Especially curious as to why they looked so much alike. Sure, the more she was around her the less the resemblance was pronounced, but it was still there. How could Ramsey know someone who looked so similar to her and never mention it? In fact, no one had mentioned it before. Surely someone had to have noticed that they looked alike.

  Lexi didn’t know what to expect, and she didn’t much like it.

  Resigning herself to find out the hard way, the three of them wandered into the beachside club, where their planned outing was held. The place was in every way a tourist haven. The walls were covered in beach slogans, coconut bras, grass skirts, and offers of margaritas, daiquiris, and other tempting beverages. The staff wore bathing suits and sun-worn, thin clothing that could have come straight out of a surf shop. Music blasted from stereos as mobs danced on a makeshift dance floor. A side room was hosting karaoke where drunken college girls were singing their hearts out to Britney Spears.

  “Whoaaaaa, small world,” Brad called as soon as the trio emerged into the karaoke room. He picked Parker up and swung her in a big circle. “Parker, baby, you’ve never looked so good.”

  Jason was there next, giving the girl a big hug. “It’s good to see you, doll face. You’re lookin’ pretty tan. Been hittin’ the beaches?”

  Lexi frowned wondering if he was making fun of Parker. She was so pale in comparison to Lexi it was unimaginable that anyone could call her complexion tan. Lexi couldn’t get that pale if she stayed out of the sun for an entire year.

  But Parker just giggled and nodded her head. “Work has me busy, but I hit the beach when I can.”

  “Parker?” a girl squealed behind them. Just then Jessie rushed past Lexi and hurtled herself at Parker nearly tackling her. “I thought you were doing residency. How did Ramsey get you down here to surprise us all? I haven’t heard from you in forever. I thought you’d fallen off the face of the planet!”

  Parker squeezed the girl in her arms and released her. “I’m doing my residency here. Ramsey didn’t do anything,” she said glancing up into his green eyes hesitantly. Lexi didn’t understand the look that passed between them, and she filed that one away as another question for later.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were doing your residency here,” Jessie cried again her face breaking into an even bigger smile. “If I’d known, we would have come to visit you.”

  Parker shrugged. “Well, I did kind of fall of the face of the planet while finishing med school. Didn’t really announce to everyone that I was here.” Another looked passed between Parker and Ramsey. “But hey, I’m all finished at the end of the semester,” she said her face brightening.

  “Oh my God,” Jessie shrieked. “Tell me you’re coming home.”

  Parker’s smile was brilliant. “I’m coming home.”

  Everyone around them suddenly went into motion. Congratulations were yelled. Everyone pulled her in for hugs. Suddenly a round of shots appeared before them in early celebration of Parker’s return. Lexi suddenly felt like it was a long time ago when Ramsey had told her that he loved her. She felt very out of place. She had friends back home and from college, but nothing quite like this. She couldn’t think of a single person, besides Chyna, who would be this excited for her return. All these people it seemed had known each other their whole lives. Who was she—an outsider—to intrude on their moment?

  As she was about to turn away to give them all some time together, Ramsey was there at her side. He held out a shot glass full of clear liquid. Leaning in close so no one else could hear he murmured, “I believe a toast is in order.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “And what are we toasting?”

  “A toast to us,” he said softly.

  Lexi’s smile instantly returned as she reveled in his momentary display of affection. She took the shot and let the alcohol soothe the nerves causing her to overreact to the situation. She was sure there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for Parker’s absence from all their conversations. She might actually not be all that important, or he just didn’t think about her.

  She had plenty of old friends that he didn’t know about. She didn’t want to stress about anything tonight. Not after what had happened earlier between them. She didn’t want to constantly bring her baggage and insecurities into the relationship. Ramsey had given her no reason to doubt him in any way. The only problems she had were her own...and she could be the only one to deal with them.

  Taking a deep breath, Lexi pushed aside all of her pride and reluctance. She couldn’t be hindered by it any longer. If she was really ready to give her heart away, she needed this. A smile broke across her face as she spoke, “Parker seems nice. How do you know her? From back home, right?”

  Ramsey nodded, taking a beer that Jason handed him. “Yeah, she’s Bekah’s year. Been a family friend since I was yea high,” he told her, motioning to a toddler’s height.

  “Wow. You’ve known her a really long time. That’s cool,” she said, trying to keep the conversation sounding natural. “Did she graduate with Bekah?” she asked chewing on her bottom lip to keep from fiddling with her hair.

  “High school?” he asked, but didn’t let her answer the question he posed. “She was supposed to, but she graduated a year early.”

  Lexi raised her eyebrows. “Smarty,” she chirped. “And she’s a doctor now? She said something about residency.”

  “Doctor,” he confirmed, “Finishing two years early.”

  Lexi could detect the admiration in his voice, but refrained from commenting on it. The feat was pretty incredible regardless. “Wow, that’s impressive.”

  “She’s always wanted to do a lot with her life,” he told her, taking another swig of his beer.

  “I know what that is like,” Lexi said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. With a million other questions swirling around in her head, she ask
ed, “So, did you know she was here?” She was pretty certain after seeing his shocked face that he hadn’t a clue, but she wanted to know anyway.

  “No, no, no. I didn’t have any idea where she was.” Lexi’s stomach loosened more “Or that she was coming home anytime soon.”

  “Well, that’s good then. Reunions between friends,” she said trying to be reassuring, but unsure if she was successful or even needed to be.

  “It should be...interesting,” he intoned, taking another big gulp.

  Lexi wanted to ask interesting how, but she was suddenly swept up by Jason and Brad, and deposited on the karaoke stage next to Jessie and another of Ramsey’s friends, Katie. “Hey, hey, hey,” she called, pushing Jason back, “no karaoke for me. I’m not drunk enough for this.”

  “What? You can’t sing, doll?” he asked pushing her backward.

  “I can sing just fine,” Lexi said bucking against him to try to get off stage. “I just don’t sing karaoke unless I’m drunk.”

  “Well, tonight’s your night,” he called out, picking her up and placing her in front of a microphone.

  “Jason, I’m warning you. I’ll get you back for this!”

  He smiled up at her as if he were oblivious to her discomfort. Lexi cast her eyes up to the screen. Lexi and Katie groaned as the guy’s selection appeared before them.

  “How did we get into this?” she asked the two girls next to her as the first few notes to It’s Raining Men blasted through the speakers.

  Jessie shrugged never breaking from her cool demeanor toward Lexi. However, to Lexi’s relief it was clear that Jessie was more comfortable on the stage than either Lexi or Katie. She snatched a microphone and began flirtatiously calling out the introduction. The crowd before them cheered uproariously as Jessie provocatively engaged the audience, swinging her long fire red hair around. Seeing all eyes trained to Jessie, shimmying and egging on the crowd, Lexi loosened up and leaned into the microphone she was sharing with Katie. The girl looked back at Lexi thankfully, and sang along to the tune to the best of her ability.


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