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The Wild Belle (St. John Series)

Page 17

by Lora Thomas

  “This is all my fault!” she wailed.

  “It’s not—”

  “It is, too! He threatened me. My sisters.”

  “What? When?”

  “At the pig roast. He threatened me. He said if I told anyone he would do something to my sisters.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “He must have assumed that I told someone. If only I hadn’t left the house. If I had told her I wasn’t going—”

  Michael took his finger and turned Andi’s face towards him. The fear in her eyes was unmistakable. He tenderly stroked her cheek, wiping away the tears. “It is not your fault, Andi. Peterson is a cold, calculating bastard. If he hadn’t taken Alyssa now, he would have taken her or one of your other sisters, later.” He gently kissed her forehead. “I will let you get settled. Feel free to use whatever space you need to store your belongings. I will have Cook bring you a small snack. We will have a light fare tonight. Best rest up—tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To make sure we have all necessary supplies and to speed up those that we do not.”

  “And how do you plan on doing that?”

  “Money, Pixie. If you line the right pockets, it is amazing what you can procure.”

  “Oh,” Andrea replied, watching Michael leave the room.

  She looked around the large room. It was not quite as large as her room at the Double Oasis, but it was larger than most boarding rooms she had stayed in. The highly polished oak walls and matching furnishings gave the room a manly feel. The large wardrobe was double-sided and could easily accommodate her clothing along with Michael’s. There was a small round dining table with matching chairs. She ran her hand over the dark blue silk coverings on the bed. It was made of the finest silk Andrea had ever felt. The bed was wide with two large posts at the head. Anchored to each post were lanterns. The furnishings were elaborate and made of the highest quality she had ever seen. For the first time, Andi realized just how wealthy the St. Johns really were. Her small dowry must appear to belong to a pauper compared to the wealth to which he was accustomed.

  A little while later there was a light knock on the door. Andi opened it to find an oriental man at the door. “I have your belongings, Missy St. John.”

  Andrea opened the door the rest of the way and watched as the man along with his companion of the same nationality, carried her sea chests into the cabin.

  The first man looked at her. “Where you want these at, Missy St. John?”

  “There,” she said and pointed to an empty space by the wardrobe.

  “Okee dokee,” the little man said. He turned towards his companion and began shouting in a foreign language. To Andi it sounded like the men were arguing despite their laugher. “If you need anything, you just ask Bob, okee, Missy St. John?”

  “Who’s Bob?”

  “Me,” he replied with a wide grin.

  “Oh. Thank you. I am getting a little hungry. And I assume my servant is, too.”

  “Okee dokee, I get you something good to eat.”

  The man disappeared before Andi could reply. He returned in a matter of minutes with fruit, cheese, wine and tea. “Here ya go. Bob will get you anything you need. I bring you bath in after supper.”

  Before Andi could tell the man she did not want a bath, he went into the hall. She raced to the door, but he had disappeared into thin air. Andi crossed the hall and knocked on the door. When Ruth Ann opened it, she motioned for her to follow her into her room.

  “Have you ever seen such a place, Miss Andi?”

  “No, I haven’t,” Andi answered as they walked into her quarters. “I have food. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The women sat at the small table and ate the snack brought to them by Bob. Once the women had eaten their fill, Ruth Ann asked to be excused so she could nap. Andi agreed, stating a nap would be wonderful. She hadn’t slept well the previous evening, her worry for her husband and sister keeping her awake.

  Andi pulled back the covers on the bed and saw the same quality silk sheets as the comforter. She slipped off her dress and climbed into the bed wearing only her sheer sleeveless chemise. The cool sheets enveloped her body. As she lay in the bed, she thought how grand these sheets would feel during the hot summer months. She ran her hand over the sheets several times, enjoying their softness. Wrapping her arms around the pillow, she took a deep breath. A small smile crossed her face when Michael’s scent drifted to her. She snuggled deeper into the pillow and before long was asleep.

  She was awoken by a pleasurable sensation. She could feel someone kissing her neck. Her eyes grew wide as she turned quickly over. She had her fist pulled back, ready to strike the intruder, but her hand was caught in mid-swing.

  “Is that any way to greet your husband?” Michael asked.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “These are my quarters.”

  Blinking rapidly, she attempted to ward off the sleepy fog from her nap. “No, I know that. I mean, I thought you had left.”

  “I did, two hours ago,” he whispered, coming closer to her. “And imagine my surprise when I returned to find you in my bed, wearing that,” he whispered huskily and gently nibbled her ear.

  “What?” she whispered, bewildered.

  “You are practically naked in that sheer,” he said, kissing her neck, “transparent,” he kissed her lower on the neck, “thin,” he continued as he slid the thin strap off her shoulder, “garment,” he finished as he kissed her shoulder.

  Andi felt the stirrings in her loins. “Stop,” she whispered. Her eyes traveled his body. “Where are your clothes?”

  He didn’t answer. “I will stop only if you want me to,” he said and gently cupped her breast, caressing it.

  She sucked in her breath at the feel of his hands over her undergarments. He gently massaged her breast and she arched her back to him, begging for his touch. He kissed her chest. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  He quickly pulled her sheer undergarment off her body. She could feel the coolness of the sheets on her exposed flesh. Her nipples reacted to the coolness and became pert. He leaned over and gently took one into his mouth. She grabbed the back of his head to hold him in place as her pleasure increased. She could feel his hands all over her body. He was touching her everywhere, but not enough. She wanted more. She felt his lips move lower and lower on her body. As he kissed her abdomen, quivers shot through her body. And before the realization of what was transpiring hit her, she felt his mouth on her inner thigh as his hand gently caressed the most intimate part of her body. Her back arched in pleasure.

  She unknowingly placed her hands on his hand as he assaulted her senses. She thrust her hips against his hand. The sinfully pleasurable sensation he created inside her was unbearable. While his fingers worked inside her, his mouth seemed to touch every part of her body. Her calves, her thighs, her abdomen. A blissful moan escaped her.

  Suddenly, she felt him turn her onto her stomach. His lips touched her back. She could feel his light touch as his hand made its way down her spine. He gently massaged her backside and then she felt his hand slip between her legs. She attempted to rise off the bed.

  “Lie still,” he whispered.

  She did as asked and felt his fingers enter her womanly core again. The cool silky sheets rubbed against her nipples as she writhed with pleasure. Her body would not hold still. And when she didn’t think she could handle this torment any longer, he stopped and kissed her back. The feel of his warm breath and gentle touch was intoxicating.

  He could sense her need, her desire. He had brought her to the point of exploding and stopped. Her reaction to him caused his arousal to increase. He rolled her to her side and placed her back to him. He entered her quickly. She was so hot, so wet. He thrust hard and deep inside of her.

  Andrea was in shock. She never imagined that he could reach her most intimate part from that direction, but he did so easily. Her th
oughts were pushed aside as she felt him move inside her. He would pull out and place only the head of his manhood inside her. The tip moved just in and out of her body, tantalizing, tormenting.

  “Please,” she whispered in a husky voice.

  He kept up the glorious torment of her senses. She attempted to move her hips, but he held them still, not allowing her to move.

  “Not yet,” he whispered into her ear, taking the lobe inside his mouth.

  She could feel his hips thrust up against her body. Each of his movements caused the desirable sensations to increase to the point that she thought she’d go mad unless he allowed her to find her release. Panting, she reached behind her to encourage him to move deep inside her. When he fully entered her, a loud moan escaped her. She could feel his hands on her abdomen encouraging her to move with him. She bucked, meeting his thrust with her own. Suddenly his hand traveled lower and began exploring her clitoris while he moved inside of her. Her mouth dropped open and her head tossed back at this slight touch. Her hand traveled to his. He stopped his assault and placed her own hand to her breast. Clasping her hand, he placed her fingers over her nipples encouraging her to touch them. She did as he silently instructed. His hand traveled back to her clitoris and assaulted again.

  She moaned and thrust harder and harder. The ecstasy she was experiencing was addictive. She did not want it to stop, but wanted to know the pleasurable feelings that he created inside her from yesterday. Suddenly she felt her body tense up as spasms of rapture surged through her body. They both reached their peak at the same time. A loud roar escaped him and he exploded inside her.

  As their passion subsided, he gently kissed the back of her neck. He stayed behind her, holding her closely. She snuggled into him, enjoying the feel of his body. He was so warm, so strong.

  She could hear the tick of the clock and raised her head slightly to look at the time.

  “I have arranged to have dinner brought to us in about an hour, so rest now.”

  She laid her head back down and could feel his hand mindlessly rub her side. She let out a small giggle. “That tickles.”

  One side of his mouth came up in a half smile. “So you’re ticklish? A weapon I will use to my advantage.” His fingers began tickling her side.

  She squealed with laughter. “Stop!”

  “Never!” he replied as he laughed.

  She hopped out of bed and held her hand out. “No fair!”


  “Because, you had surprise on your side.”

  “All is fair in love and war.”

  “That so?”

  “Yes,” he replied and his eyes traveled the length of her naked body. “And unless you are wanting me to make love to you again, I suggest you cover your body up.”

  She looked down at her naked form and blushed. Her blush doubled when Ruth Ann opened the door saying, “Is everything all right, Miss, I thought I heard screa—”

  Ruth Ann’s eyes grew wide as saucers at the sight of her naked mistress.

  “Ruth Ann!” Andi screeched and raced towards the bed.

  The shocked servant quickly slammed the door shut and returned back to her room.

  Michael laughed. His deep voice carried throughout the room. “Well, I’ll guess she knows to knock from here on out.” He turned towards Andi. “As I said earlier, I suggest you cover up. Your body is too tempting. I find myself wanting you now, even in your embarrassment.”

  His response was answered by a pillow hitting him in the face. “You’re incorrigible!”

  “I know, Pixie.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Andrea awoke the next morning and gave a lazy stretch. She smiled, remembering last night. After a light supper and a bath, Michael made love to her again. He explored her body thoroughly and patiently allowed her to do the same.

  She grabbed his vacant pillow and cuddled up to it. He had left early this morning to assist the crew in preparing the ship to sail to England. A frown furrowed her brow. It worried her, crossing the ocean. She had never traveled a great distance away from the coast. The coastline had been easily seen during any ship travel she had taken in the past.

  She stood and ambled to the wardrobe. Michael had informed her that if she wanted to come on deck to be sure to wear her male attire and to stay close to the quarterdeck. The crew would be bustling about preparing to make ready to sail so she must be careful to not get in their way or tangled in any of the rigging.

  As she was dressing, Ruth Ann knocked and waited to be granted permission before entering this time. She spotted Andi at the wardrobe pulling out her clothing for the day.

  Ruth Ann’s cheeks reddened as she glanced at Andi, remembering yesterday. “Allow me to assist you, Miss Andi.”

  “I can manage, Ruth Ann.”

  “No, I will help you—”

  “I’m not Alyssa, Ruth Ann. I have been dressing myself for years . . . despite Sally’s protests.” Andi noted her maid’s disappointed look. “But you can assist me in braiding my hair.”

  Ruth Ann beamed as she approached Andi. Pulling back Andi’s long, blond hair she braided it tightly. She then twisted the braid into a bun on the back of her head. As Ruth Ann looked at her handiwork, she tsked.

  “You have your mother’s wild hair,” she said, attempting to tame the wild locks.

  “Just leave it. There is no use in trying to tuck in every strand. It has a mind of its own.”

  “Just like you, Miss,” Ruth Ann teased.

  Andrea smiled. “Yes. Now I am going to the deck to get some air before we depart. Would you like to join me?”

  “No, ma’am. I don’t like the way these men look. I swear they’d just as soon slit my throat as ta look at me.”

  “Suit yourself,” Andi replied and she left her quarters.

  She quickly made her way to the helm. As she approached, the captain didn’t even look at her. “You have your orders, boy.”

  “Pardon me?” Andi asked.

  Captain Armitage turned towards her voice, apparently embarrassed that he had ordered her about like she was part of the crew. “Pardon my mistake, Mrs. St. John. I didn’t recognize you,” he replied, giving her male togs a disapproving look.

  “Apology accepted,” Andi answered, looking around the ship for Michael. “Where is my husband?”

  Captain Armitage gave a derisive snort and pointed upwards. “Where he doesn’t belong.”

  Andrea’s eyes traveled upwards towards the tall main mast. She could make out several men clinging to the ropes, one of which they were replacing. Her eyes scanned each person, still unable to find her husband. A man swung down from behind the main sail, hanging by his hand. Andi sucked in her breath when she realized it was Michael.

  “Is he insane?” she asked as she stared wide-eyed at her husband.

  “Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen. He insists on working like he’s one of the crew. But I guess his brother doesn’t mind.”

  Andi turned towards the captain. “Why would his brother mind?”

  “This is his brother’s ship. Jacob normally captains the Emerald Jewell, but he is in Kingstown right now. They needed a captain to take that one,” the captain stated, nodding his head Michael’s direction, “here. I just happened to be in port. Damned fool that I was, I agreed. No amount of money is worth watching your employer nearly kill himself acting like a deckhand.”

  Andi turned her gaze back towards Michael. She could hear his deep voice bark orders to the men with him. Another man replied back and Michael threw his head back and laughed. He looked down at her then and gave a wave to her with his free hand. She waved back. She watched as Michael grabbed a robe and slid to the deck. She had to turn her head away, his recklessness causing her legs to tingle with nervousness.

  “Are you putting my wife to work, Captain? Don’t let her size deceive you. I believe she could use the holystone without issue.” He gave Andi a playful wink.

  “No, sir. Just informing her what a fool you are.�

  Michael laughed. “She already knows that one. The sails have been checked and are readied.”

  “Very good,” Captain Armitage replied. He gave the order and the ship was untied from the dock. One of the smaller sails was lowered to help ease the ship out of the harbor.

  Andi held onto the railing as the ship swayed with the motion of the incoming tide. The movement of the large ship was different than that of the small skifts she had traveled on in the past. The bow rose up and down slowly as the ship cut through the water. She felt her stomach go up and down with each methodical movement of the ship. The farther out to sea the ship traveled, the more her nausea grew.

  Michael turned to his now green wife. A small smile crossed his face. “You don’t look good.”

  She said nothing. Closing her eyes, she swallowed slowly.

  “Seasickness is a dreadful thing to have. Come, let me help you below deck. I will have Bob bring you something to help ease the nausea.”

  “That would be great,” she weakly said as she took his arms and walked to their quarters. At the bottom of the stairs, she stumbled. Michael picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.

  When he entered their quarters, he found Ruth Ann straightening up the room. She had already made the bed and had placed the dirty clothing in a basket in the corner.

  “What happened?” the young woman asked, rushing over to her mistress. “Did she get hurt?”

  “No, it’s just the joys of seasickness. Don’t worry, it will soon pass.” He laid Andi down on the bed.

  “How long does this last?” Andi asked, keeping her eyes closed.

  “Depends. I have never experienced it myself, but some of my brothers have. A day or two.”

  “Two days?” she replied, opening her eyes. She quickly closed them and gave a slight moan.

  “Better find her a chamber pot, Ruth Ann. She will need it.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ruth Ann began searching for the requested item.

  “I will find Bob and get you something that will help. Until then, I will leave you in Ruth Ann’s capable hands, unless you need me to stay.”


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