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Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)

Page 20

by Synithia Williams

  Andre stormed to the door, composed himself and turned back to Curtis. “Dad, find another way to lash out at your brother. Leave Mikayla’s project alone. Hurt her, and I swear you’ll pay.” He slammed the door shut. Adrenaline rushed through is body as if he’d just gone ten rounds with a heavyweight champion. Unease settled heavily in his chest. He knew where his dad would hit next. He only hoped he could block whatever blow Curtis threw towards Mikayla.


  “A toast to Caldwell Development’s new head of acquisitions.” Renee lifted her martini and grinned.

  Mikayla pushed aside the empty tapas plates before raising a glass of red wine. “Thank you, even though the rest of the office may not join us in celebrating.”

  “To hell with Charity York. She’s the only one who’s jealous of you getting the position. Finally, we’re having a girls’ night. We have all this good food, good wine, and we’re going to have a damn good time.” Renee’s hand wavered, spilling a splash of the martini while she leaned sideways onto one of the beaded blue silk pillows spread throughout the booth of the wine and tapas bar. “Everyone in the office knows you’re great at what you do. I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Not just because I’m your best friend.”

  “Heck yeah, because you’re my best friend,” Renee laughed. “But also because you deserve it. Now toast.”

  Mikayla shook her head and clinked glasses. “You’re one in a million, Renee.”

  “I know that already.” A devilish gleam in her eyes she leaned in close to Mikayla. “What I don’t know is how things are going with you and my cousin.”

  “You don’t really want to know.”

  “Normally I would agree, but considering I haven’t had sex in months and these martinis have severely impaired my judgment I’m going to ask. Are you spending all your time with him because the sex is that good?”

  Mikayla giggled and Renee’s eyebrows rose to her hairline.

  “Oh my goodness, you’re giggling. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you giggle.” Renee giggled too.

  “I don’t…unless it comes to Andre.” She sighed and leaned back onto a red pillow. Slowly she swayed to the rhythmic music playing softly through the speakers and thoughts of Andre took hold. “I’m comfortable around him. I never would have expected it, but from the moment he took my hand in the mountains I felt it. We clicked. We talk, we don’t talk, we go out, we stay in, my dad likes him, and the sex is amazing.”

  “You’re falling in love,” Renee whispered.

  “I’m in love,” Mikayla said eyes glued to the smooth ceiling. “And I let it slip out.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Something about not knowing how to love, but that maybe I could show him.”

  Renee sat up. She curled her martini glass against her chest and gave Mikayla a sappy smile. “For him to say that means a lot. That side of my family isn’t known for romantic gestures.”

  “Then you won’t believe this.” She explained Andre’s willingness to step away from the family business.

  “Did he say what his dad planned?”

  “No, but I was so moved that I,” her face burned and she lowered her eyes. Just thinking about her show of thanks made her core constrict, but she wouldn’t go into detail about that. “Let’s just say I was overcome with emotion and desire.” She met Renee’s eyes. “Do you think he loves me?”

  Renee brows drew together. “Umm let’s see, I think he has to be close, if he doesn’t already. The reason my dad and uncle don’t get along stems from some weird sense of broken loyalty. My uncle always demanded that Andre and Isaac stay loyal to him. For Andre to consider stepping away from the family, means he’s certifiably crazy about you.”

  Happiness rose inside her chest like bubbles in champagne. There was hope for the relationship. Hope that he actually loved her and was too afraid to admit his feelings. His actions proved more than words. Still, to hear him say I love you, would mean everything.

  “I also met his friend, Jonathan. Very handsome, very flirty, you should meet him.”

  Renee shook her head and waved a finger. “No ma’am. I don’t have time for matchmaking. Especially with a friend of my cousin.”

  “He’s a nice guy. You shouldn’t judge him before you meet him. Besides, you said yourself it’s been awhile.”

  Renee lifted her chin. “That’s because I have discerning tastes, not because I can’t find a man on my own.” Renee slowly lowered her glass to the table, and the smile on her face morphed into a flat line. “I had an ulterior motive for asking about Andre.”

  “Okay, what?”

  “I wanted to be sure that you were completely over Ryan.” She held up a hand before Mikayla could interrupt. “I get it. You were never in love with Ryan. My dad and I wanted that more than you, but you must admit it would have been great if you became my sister one day.”

  Mikayla reached over and squeezed Renee’s hand. “I don’t need to marry Ryan for me to be your sister.”

  “Yeah, yeah, still. I don’t want the news to hurt you.”

  “What news?”

  Renee pulled her hand back. “Ryan asked Angelica to marry him,” she said in a rush. “Dad is going to go ballistic and mom can’t stand the woman. He hasn’t said anything to them yet because I think they’re going to run off to Vegas.”

  Mikayla shot up in her seat. “No! He can’t marry her.”

  Renee’s eyebrows peaked in a steep V. “Why do you care?”

  “I shouldn’t after what he did, and I don’t care for the reason you think. Angelica confronted me last Friday to say she wanted Andre back. Her marrying Ryan is a way to try and make Andre jealous.”

  Renee nodded slowly, a thoughtful look on her face. “That could work.”

  Mikayla picked the olive out of an empty martini glasses and tossed it at her friend. “Didn’t you just say he loved me?”

  “Sorry, forget that. What are we going to do about Ryan?”

  “I’m not going to do anything. It’s his problem, he needs to fix it.” Renee’s face screwed into a frown and Mikayla held up a hand. “And don’t look at me like that. If I tell him, he’s going to think it’s because I still care.”

  “You do still care.”

  The truth landed in her gut with a heavy thud. She didn’t have romantic feelings for Ryan, but knowing how much he cared about Angelica, and how hard it was for him to get over her when she’d broken his heart, nagged the one sympathetic bone she had left for Ryan.

  “I don’t want to see anyone hurt, but I’m not getting in this. I told you. You’re his sister, you say something.” She waved for the server to bring the check.

  Renee presented her case like a top notch defense attorney as they left the restaurant and on the cab ride home, but Mikayla held her ground. She refused to get in the middle of Ryan and Angelica’s phony relationship.

  Andre’s Mercedes sat parked in front of her apartment building when she arrived home. Thoughts of Ryan and Angelica drifted from her mind. Mikayla had given him a key the prior week. Mikayla’s cheeks ached from her wide grin, she shoved the cash at the driver and jumped out. Andre hadn’t said he was coming this weekend and knew she was going out with Renee, but it didn’t diminish her delight that he’d surprised her.

  She struggled to get the key in the lock, and several curse words worked their way out of her mouth. The door flew open.

  She sagged with relief when she saw him, and tilted her head. “Hey you.”

  Andre’s broad smile sent warmth dancing under her skin. “Hey you.”

  They quickly fell into each other’s arms. Vaguely, she noticed the door closing and Andre moved her further into the apartment as they kissed. Breathing in the wonderful mixture of his cologne, her hands ran across the buttons of his dress shirt. He must have just arrived. Otherwise, he would have taken off the work clothes. Though she had no problem removing them herself.

  “You taste like wine,” he said against her li

  “I drank a lot of wine.”

  He lifted his head and frowned. “Then drove home?”

  “I’m not stupid. Renee and I called a cab.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned, swaying her body against his.

  His erection slowly rose against her stomach. A sexy grin brightened his handsome face. “Good. I’d hate to punish you.”

  “Ooh, please punish me.” She leaned up and sucked his lower lip between hers.

  Andre grabbed her thighs, and easily lifted her while Mikayla shrieked and giggled like an adolescent birthday girl wrapping her legs tightly around his waist.

  “Just remember, you asked for it.”


  Three hours later Andre sat on the edge of the bed and handed Mikayla a cigarette. She could barely catch her breath, but she didn’t turn down the smoke Andre offered.

  “I’m glad you came,” she said.

  “So am I.” He leaned down and slowly kissed her. Even after loving his body for several hours the soft glide of his tongue stirred her arousal.

  Fire simmered in his dark eyes when he lifted his head. Her body would hate her in the morning, but she looked forward to the promise of more punishment.

  “What made you come down?”

  He reached for the cigarette. Once he settled himself against her headboard, she flipped over so that her chest rested on his thighs. His large hands gently rubbed her exposed backside, and she had to fight the urge to arch and purr like a kitten.

  “I planned to come but didn’t say anything after you mentioned going out with Renee. I know you guys haven’t spent a lot of time together.”

  “That’s sweet, but I wouldn’t have dumped her if I knew you were coming.”

  He took a draw of the cigarette then grinned. “I know that. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “I like the surprise.” She swung her feet back and forth.

  He handed the cigarette to her, then patted her behind with his free hand. “So what did you all talk about? I’m assuming she grilled you about me.”

  “She did, but not in a bad way.” Mikayla’s brows knitted together and she stared at the smoldering tip of the cigarette.

  Andre’s hand stopped its gentle petting to softly shake her out of her reverie. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing…just,” she turned on her side to face him. “I’m worried about Ryan.”

  His body tensed beneath her. “You shouldn’t be thinking about Ryan.”

  Andre’s icy tone caught her off guard. “I work with him and am best friends with his sister. I can’t exactly keep him from ever popping into my mind.”

  “That convenient excuse again,” he nudged her to the side and stood up.

  “Are you still upset about that? I’m not quitting my job over some stupid jealousy.”

  Anger radiated intense waves from his naked body as he towered over the bed. “It’s not stupid when my woman says she’s worried about another man right after we have sex.”

  Mikayla rose to her knees. Her movements were jerky when she wrapped the sheet around her body. This would not turn into another argument. With a deep breath, she started over.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you. I was only trying to explain what happened with Renee. Ryan is going to marry Angelica.”

  He laughed. Hard. Bent over with his hands on his knees hard.

  She expected him to frown, say that was a messed up situation, or at least apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion.

  “Serves both of them right,” he said after his mirth dissipated. “Where are they registered, I’ll send them a gift.”

  Mikayla placed the cigarette in the ashtray on the nightstand. “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m dead serious.”

  She stepped off the bed and searched for words. “But…she doesn’t love him. Doesn’t care about him. She admitted to me she wants you back.”

  He threw up a hand as if what she said meant nothing. “She called me with that same bull and I told her never to call back. I don’t give a damn what Angelica wants, and if Ryan is dumb enough to marry her then more power to him.”

  Those words were very familiar. “That was her on the phone last week. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You didn’t need to know.”

  A jolt of pain twisted in her heart like a rusted saw blade. “I didn’t need to know. If anyone needed to know, it would be me. Especially after I told you what she said to me.”

  “Don’t be dramatic, Mikayla, it’s not your style. Angelica approaching me has nothing to do with you. If something doesn’t concern you, I don’t mention it.”

  Her anger soared. “Is this how you view our relationship? That if you decide something doesn’t concern me just keep it to yourself? How am I supposed to trust you if you won’t share with me.”

  “I don’t need to share with you. I’ve been more open with you than any other woman.” He grabbed the cigarette and pointed at her. “And I drew a line with my dad that I never wanted to draw.”

  “Yes, over something else you won’t tell me about.”

  Andre’s hand stopped halfway to his mouth and he regarded her through the haze of the smoke. “Because it doesn’t matter. All, that matters, is my actions toward you. Don’t come to me asking for more because that’s not going to happen.” He looked away then took a drag. “Be happy with what you get.”

  That wasn’t good enough. “Tell me you love me.”

  He grimaced then paced angrily to the nightstand and stubbed out the cigarette. “Don’t start that.”

  Her throat constricted, but she had to know. “Actions may speak louder than words, but I need to hear it.”

  “If you’re waiting to hear it then I’m never going to satisfy you.”

  Tears stung her eyes. She turned away. “I want more than that.”

  His footsteps came up behind her and then warm hands clasped her shoulders. “Please,” he blew a weighty breath, “give me time.”

  Her heart weakened, but the part of her that wouldn’t settle for second best rose up. She shrugged out of his embrace. “Give you time now and then what? Put up with it later when you say you can’t change?”

  He rubbed his eyes then groaned. “Mikayla, I told you I’m not good at this.” His hand dropped. “I won’t be forced into saying something.”

  “Andre, relationships are about compromise, trust, and mutual respect. If I don’t feel confident in this relationship, then it’s best to move on.”

  The cold anger and disappointment that settled over his features sent a chill skittering across her skin.

  “Oh, so you don’t feel confident in this relationship anymore,” Andre bit out.

  Not completely. Not when he kept things from her

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know.”

  His face hardened as he took two steps back. He turned and slid on his underwear. The silence hurt worse than if he’d yelled. Mikayla’s heart rammed against her rib cage the sound of her own harsh breaths echoed in her brain as she watched him get dressed. Not once did he look at her. Just that quickly and we’re through.

  Andre walked out of the bedroom. The front door opened then closed with a resounding thud. She flinched then swiped at the steady flow of tears.


  Hair corralled into a ponytail and dressed in an old pair of overalls, Mikayla skipped her hair appointment and visited her dad. He’d staunchly refused her offer to help. But when she showed up and grabbed the weed eater, thankfully he didn’t comment. The mindless chore was just what she needed to keep her mind off Andre and the way he walked out.

  The burn of her arm muscles and sweat pouring into her eyes, for now, seemed to be the perfect distraction.

  The weed eater hit the back fence and jerked her arm. She tapped the damn thing on the ground to get more line, but nothing came out. Increasing her efforts, Mikayla hit the trimmer harder and harder her frustration growing.

  “You plan
ning to buy me a new one, baby girl,” her dad’s voice came from behind.

  She froze. The urge to throw the stupid machine on the ground and kick it for good measure pummeled with her beating heart. She inhaled a deep breath. People break up every day and survive. I will too.

  Pasting what she hoped was a smile on her face, her stiff facial muscles protested the attempt at the illusion of happiness.

  “Sorry, I was trying to get more string.”

  Her dad took the weed eater and flipped the contraption examining its head. “Beating it won’t make more come. The roll is out.” He grinned and turned it back to face her.

  Great, she was a failure at relationships and weed eating too. Her lips trembled and then the tears spilled. The panicked expression on her dad’s face made her turn and wipe them away with the back of the rough work gloves she wore. Get yourself together.

  “I’ll grab the rake and start gathering up these clippings.” She tried to walk around her dad, but he placed a gentle hand on her elbow.

  The concern in his eyes nearly made the tears return. “What’s wrong, Mikayla.”

  “Nothing I can’t survive.”

  “Trouble with you and Andre?”

  She looked towards the sky, pulled off a glove and used her thumb to wipe the remaining tears. “Andre and I are over.”

  “Since when?”

  The frantic look on his face was almost comical. Her dad’s usual response after she broke up with someone: “Oh, well, better for you anyway.”

  “Since last night.” She grabbed the weed eater back from him and headed for the shed.

  Her dad followed. “What happened?”

  “We’re on different levels. We want different things. So I did what you taught me, move on instead of staying with a guy who’s not right for me.”

  She put the weed eater on the shelf and took down the rake. When she turned, her dad was leaning against his truck and staring at her as if she’d just said unicorns played on his Pop Warner team.

  “He’s perfect for you.”

  Mikayla had to fight to keep her jaw from dropping. “Just because he knows about cars and can fix stuff with you over a few beers doesn’t mean he’s perfect for me.”


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