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Against Zombies Box Set, Vol. 1 | Books 1-4

Page 26

by Morgan, Alathia

  “Oh, another thing, we need a way to communicate with each other. Beth, I’m going to bet that you’re the only one that knows where there might be a stash of old phones we could pull out and hook up. A landline phone will work as long as the house or business already has a current phone line. We may have to setup a few emergency places so that if there’s a problem, we can call and let the town know since there aren’t many ways to get help way out on these farms.”

  “Our phones work?” Jerry asked incredulously. “Not the cell phones, though, right?”

  “Correct. People don’t think about the fact that sometimes, old-school is best. Have everyone check their attics and storage for old rotary or corded phones. They can’t be wireless or electronic because if the power goes out, they won’t work. When we make a run for supplies, that’s something we can look for in our search.

  “Common sense is sometimes overlooked because we’ve all become so used to the convenience of modern technology, but there are uses for the old ways. All the kids are about to get an education on how to use a rotary phone.”

  “Do we want to meet at the Erickson’s and work our way back from there after lunch?” Jessica suggested.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea, but if we don’t get back to town, the cooks might take it upon themselves to stash food for the next meal.” Beth winked at us, because everyone knew better than to mess with her stuff, even if she wasn’t there.

  They got up, ready to leave, when Jessica stopped them. “Since you’re here and we don’t have to take a trip to town, let me get you the milk we’ve been freezing because we’re going to run out of room, and I’m sure you can use it.”

  “Oh, bless you, honey. Once we get things cleared, then you can start doing deliveries again. We all miss your fresh milk and cheese,” Beth gushed as they stood in the yard, waiting on Jessica to return.

  “Linc, can you open the door for me?” Jessica yelled through the screen.

  Opening it, she walked out carrying two five-gallon buckets with milk inside, like it didn’t weight forty plus pounds.

  Wade took one bucket from her and Jerry took the other, each one giving her a cautious glance after they had to use both hands to get it to the pickup truck.

  “They’re frozen, so they should be fine until you get to town and can refrigerate them,” Jessica assured.

  “Sounds like we’re off to a good start on getting things resettled,” Trish said, sounding hopeful.

  I wasn’t too sure. Since we were in the rural country, there was no way of knowing how bad it really was out there. There could be Jim Danvers’ all over the state, which would make a civil restart almost impossible.

  Wade had brought some of his more agile fighters with both guns and other types of weapons for close hand to hand fighting. He was a smart man, now that he’d gotten some confidence instilled in him, he’d be a great leader.

  Everyone gathered at the gate, I guess for my instructions, so I went ahead and started explaining how it should work.

  “We all need to approach the house cautiously. There’s supposed to be two older people inside, but we have no idea if they had company, or animals that were infected. Don’t take anything for granted.

  “We’ll clear this house together, and then split up into two teams so that we can cover more ground. If there are animals that are alive, make sure they have water available, and we’ll have someone out here before dark to feed them.”

  A few heads nodded, and I took that as a sign to proceed.

  I clutched my gun in hand, ready for anything that might jump out at us.

  The yard and area surrounding the house were clear.

  “Jessica, take a group around the back and check out the barn building back there,” I whispered quietly as I stepped up onto the porch.

  The door was unlocked, but that was normal for most country homes. It was empty as we cleared the living room and kitchen, but the bedroom door that was shut started moving as we got closer to it.

  I wasn’t sure what we’d find, but it wasn’t going to be anyone alive.

  “Wade get ready. I’m going to open the door, and something is going to try to come out. You’ll need to shoot it in the head. Can you do that?” I wasn’t sure if this was his first time to shoot one of these things or not, but I wasn’t going to risk my life on too little communication.

  “Now.” I threw the door open and two bodies rushed toward me.

  Wade got a shot off and one fell backwards, but the other had its arms wrapped around me as I brought my long knife up, implanting it in the brain.

  It slid down my body and landed next to its partner.

  “That was close,” I muttered shakily.

  “Let’s finish clearing the house and we can move them outside.”

  Jess’s group found a cow and some chickens.

  “All right, time to move onto the Bailey’s and the Johnson’s.” Wade took charge and got the group moving.

  “Aren’t we going to bury them?” Roger asked, pointing to the Erickson’s.

  “Not right now. They’re dead, and we need to get the houses empty for the others to move in to. We can have a few of the guys come out in the morning to be a burial detail,” Wade answered before I could open my mouth.

  As the group started out toward the road, Jessica came up beside me, taking my hand. “Are you okay? You seem a little upset.”

  “That last zombie gave me a hug and I realized it was too close of a call. I have to be a little more careful.”

  Pulling her close, I kissed her forehead quickly so that the others didn’t notice.

  “I’ll be careful, I promise,” Jessica tried to reassure me.

  After her demonstration today with the buckets, I knew that my girl had a lot more strength than I’d previously thought.

  The process of cleaning and the removal of the former inhabitants took a few days. The livestock that had been left alone were certainly the priority, and we got them fed and watered.

  We found five farms that had people still alive and working from their homes with no idea about what was going on in town.

  Most of them had been willing to have extra help in exchange for the goods they could offer to the town.

  There’d been a few times when someone had been attacked while they were out in the field by a zombie thing, but the quick actions of the farmer in using his rifle had averted disaster.

  I’d been curious as to why they hadn’t come to town after seeing something like that trying to attack them.

  “We didn’t want to get in trouble for killing someone, and I just assumed it was one of those city kids hyped up on bath salts or those pod things. If I’d known it was a sickness, I might have come to town. More likely, I’d have stayed away and waited to see what would happen before we got involved.”

  I nodded, understanding the farmer’s feelings about letting things take their natural course.

  “It’s a good thing you didn’t come to town then or you might have gotten infected yourself.”

  The others were ready to head off into the world after we’d gotten the farms mostly situated, but I felt that I needed a few days to recuperate before heading into a life or death situation so far from home.

  Wade seemed to understand as I tried to let him down gently. “Hey, you’ve done a lot for us and haven’t really had a lot of time to mourn your mom and friend. We can wait until Monday to go out on a hunt.”

  “I appreciate that.” I held out my hand, hoping that he caught my gesture that I was done with people for a while.

  Everyone assumed that I was wanting time to mourn, but I was hoping for some alone time with a certain lady. She was the best therapy that I could ask for.

  “See you folks Monday,” Wade called to the girls as they watched him walk away.

  “I’ve made the boys a deal. I’ll let them go on the next scouting trip if they’ll let us have three days together, alone.”

  Jessica started to protest, but I covered
her mouth in a steamy kiss that left no doubt about what I had planned for our alone time.

  “Agreed, if Trish’s okay with it,” Jessica said breathlessly.

  “Great.” I reached onto the porch where her bags were packed and waiting for us.

  “Is this like our honeymoon?”

  “Nope. Just some much needed time to enjoy each other without interruptions. We’re still close enough that if something happens, the guys will radio me on a special channel so that we won’t be out in the cabin, oblivious. Can you handle it?” I asked mischievously.

  “Yep. I’m ready for whatever you’ve got.” She reached and took the bag from me, which was a little on the heavy side.

  “You kids have fun now,” Trish called out to our parting backs.

  I just hoped this was a sign for the future, but since things never worked out like that, I would just take what I could get far away from the zombies.

  Cooper slammed the door to his new office in frustration. The president had been sick and placed under quarantine. The powers in charge had finally decided that they would use the antivirus, but it’d been too late.

  The vice president had been sworn in, and since the antivirus hadn’t saved the former president, he didn’t want to use it on the sick.

  The vice president was still thinking on the protection protocol, but I didn’t have much faith that he would do anything in time to save the majority of those who weren’t sick.

  The reports I’d received by encrypted email said my family was still okay. I missed them, but I had to be the voice of reason here, even though all the red tape was driving me nuts.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “Come in.” I straightened up in my chair.

  “There’s been a situation in one of the other cities. The president is recommending that we burn it, but he wants your take on the situation immediately,” the intern announced, voicing my worst fear.

  “Do you know what city?”

  “Charlotte, NC, sir. He did say now, sir.”

  “Once he starts torching cities, there’ll be no stopping him.”

  “No, sir.” The intern fell into step behind me. “He isn’t sure of himself and is hesitating when he should be acting or acting when he should wait.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. Whose intern are you?” I appraised the young man closely.

  “I was working for a senator, but with all of the sudden illnesses the past week, I’m sort of freelancing it.” The young man looked around sheepishly.

  “Perfect.” I clapped him on the back. “How would you like a new boss? I think I have the perfect match for you. When we get done with this meeting, I’ll explain how it’ll work and keep you safe at the same time.”

  “Yes, sir. You’re something of a legend around here.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Mike Gates.”

  “Mike, I’m going to tell you a secret. You won’t be working with me, but you’ll be working for me by keeping an eye on the president.” I grinned, knowing this was the perfect solution and way to monitor the thoughts of the man in charge.


  I stopped walking, pulling him into an empty area.

  “You’ll be undercover and gather information for me so that we can keep our country safe. Can you do that?”

  “Certainly, sir,” Mike responded enthusiastically.

  “Wonderful. Meet me at my office after dinner tonight. Now, I’ve got to stop the bombing of all our important cities.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I took a deep breath and went in to fight for the lives of our living citizens.


  The last few miles to Jackson Mountain were always the longest because I was ready to be home again. This time was worse because it’d been several weeks since I’d seen Emma and my baby boy, Pierce.

  I stepped over the trampled down fence that was in dire need of repair. The infected didn’t follow me, but I’d need to send someone out to take care of it once I knew the family was safe.

  The brush was thick, since this wasn’t a part of the mountain that many people came to, even when we had to defend it.

  I heard a branch break but knew that anyone that had lived on the mountain wouldn’t make that kind of mistake.

  Ducking behind a large tree, I was counting on my camo uniform, making whoever was out there continue walking.

  “Come out. I saw you come over the fence. The rest of the patrol will be here shortly,” a familiar female voice warned.

  “Don’t shoot. You might not like me with holes, darling.” I added a little drawl to my voice as I held my hands up in a gesture of surrender.

  “Brad? Is that you?” Emma let her rifle drop, swinging back into place across her body.

  I could feel the grin as it spread across my face. Holding out my arms, I thought I’d been prepared for a hug, but Emma’s flying leap knocked me over and we both landed on the ground.

  “Emma, you’re not supposed to attack intruders,” Cole chuckled as he stood there watching me try to get my breath back.

  “We’ve been training her as an attack dog. I think she has great potential, don’t you?” Dawson spoke from his perch, leaning against a tree.

  “Down, Emma, let the poor boy breathe.” Cole ambled over to offer a hand to her as she rolled off me, not that I minded really.

  “I tell you to go to the mountain where it’s safe, and then these two hoodlums start training you?” I took the offered hand that Cole held out. “Although, I’d assumed that I would be able to sneak in and make it all the way to the house before I was discovered.”

  “Good thing we have well taught people because we already found your diversion.” Dawson picked up the pack that I’d dropped when my wife tackled me.

  “Sorry. I had to know if things were being looked after properly.”

  Emma slapped the back of my head.

  “Ow! What was that for?” I yelled.

  “For being stupid. Of course, they’re looking after things properly,” Emma scoffed.

  “Boys, what did you do to my wife? This is not the woman that was afraid of guns, and only comfortable in a city atmosphere just a few weeks ago.” I took in the camo fatigues and the way she held her weapon. It showed that she had certainly changed in the short time I’d been gone.

  The radio crackled softly. “Cole, we have intruders on the south side. There’s a truck approaching with about ten people in the back. Looks like they’re headed toward our gate. What should we do?”

  Cole lifted the radio to answer Allen, but I interrupted. “Cole, they’re part of our group. Patti and I brought a few extras home with us.”

  Cole sighed. “Allen, hold them at the gate and we’ll be right there.”

  Emma let go of me and walked back toward where Dawson was standing.

  “What? Just because you arrived doesn’t mean I can abandon my post.” She gave me a look for being dumb.

  “Hey, Emma, go ahead with Cole and Brad. I’ve got this.” Dawson shot a glance toward me.

  He was taking his normal shift, and Emma had been along for training. I appreciated that the guys hadn’t just sent her out to keep watch all by herself.

  “If you’re sure. I can take an extra shift tomorrow to make up for it,” Emma offered, standing between us.

  “I brought a few extras with me that can help take a few shifts, so you won’t have to do it anymore,” I informed her, holding out my hand.

  “That’s it. I’m staying, Dawson.” Emma spun around and started walking fast to catch up to Dawson, who was now walking in the opposite direction of the gate.

  “Emma.” Cole’s voice stopped her before she’d gone five feet. “Ignore your jackass husband for a minute and come with us. You can make up with him later, but I need you to see what he’s brought us.”

  My wife completely amazed me, because she turned and walked over to Cole without a word of argument.

  Shutting my open mouth, I followed behi
nd the two of them and wondered what else I’d missed being gone the past few weeks.

  The truck waiting at the gate held ten people, and I knew that there would have to be good reason for them to be allowed into Jackson Mountain. While the clan believed in being very charitable, they also didn’t want to stretch our resources too thin during the trials ahead.

  My second cousin, Patti, hopped out of the back of the truck with her gun in the safety position. “Cole, tell these overzealous yahoos to let us through the gate. We’ve traveled hours to get here, and I’m not going to let them die now that we’ve made it to a safe place.”

  Patti’s small frame didn’t keep her from coming to a stop in front of Cole, and I smiled at the no arguments stance she took to make her point. There was a reason that she was an Army Corporal.

  I watched as Cole simply ignored her and engulfed her in a hug. “Not exactly the hello I was expecting from a person I had no idea was alive until a few minutes ago.”

  “So, are we letting these people in just because she says so?” Clayton interrupted a very welcome homecoming.

  “That’s not the way you talk to your commanding officers, Clayton. She has more seniority than you do, even if she hasn’t been here the whole time.” I couldn’t let his attitude continue and had no idea how Cole put up with his crap all the time.

  I received a scowl for my effort. Not engaging Clayton further, I walked over to the gate and popped the lock open to pull the chain off the pole. No one made a sound as I lifted the corner up and walked the gate across the dusty driveway, leaving it open so that the truck could make its way through.

  Emma was standing to the side with a smile on her face, watching me put Clayton in his place as I waved the truck through. Stacy, Doug’s sister, was driving, and started the truck forward gently so that the other people sitting in the back weren’t jerked around.

  “How do we know they’re not carrying this sickness around?” Clayton mumbled.

  “None of them have been bitten by one of those things. We had a nurse check everyone out before we left Nashville, and no one here is showing signs of being sick yet,” Patti assured those gathered around the gate as the trucked made its way slowly through. “Let’s close the gate, and let Clayton get back to guard duty. Are the cabins still empty up the mountain?”


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