Alpha Lover

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Alpha Lover Page 5

by Brenda Sparks


  Torches lit the way as Jara traveled quickly through the granite halls. She and Varrick had grown up in this mountain compound. She knew every nook and cranny. Every shortcut.

  She used one such shortcut to get to Varrick’s throne room. Her guard, Cyrus, followed silently behind as always. Such an unnecessary precaution, but one Varrick insisted upon, since she was next in line for the throne.

  As they approached the Receiving Room, Cyrus shuffled around her and opened the massive mahogany door. Jara breezed through, her long gown flowing behind her.

  Jara’s gaze swept the room. The granite walls curved into floor and ceiling, supported by evenly spaced columns. In the middle of the room, a three-tiered fountain flowed. Fire poured over the tiers and pooled in the large basin, sending yellow and orange light flickering around the room, that illuminated the polished walls.

  At the end of the cavernous room, two thrones sat on a rock dais. Though the velvety padding was hidden from view by the demons sitting upon the wooden chairs, Jara knew from experience the thrones were plush and comfortable.

  Her brother’s red eyes met hers immediately, and he rose. They met halfway through the room. Varrick grasped her hand and smiled, exposing his extra-long canines. “Not that I don’t enjoy your visits, but what brings you here today, dear sister?”

  Jara noted the sarcasm in his voice. Ever since he’d claimed Elizabeth as his queen, things between them had been strained.

  “I have news of Lovazia. I received a phone call from her. She may be in trouble.”

  Elizabeth rose. Her straight, blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders.

  “I’ll leave you two to talk,” Elizabeth offered, and Jara wondered if she knew how much the king’s sister despised her.

  “Sit,” Varrick ordered. “Jara can say what she needs to, then go. We have things to discuss.”

  Jara glanced from Varrick to Elizabeth and back again. “Actually, Varrick, my news might be better received in private.”

  “Is our sister well?” Varrick’s voice deepened with concern.

  “Yes,” Jara said, “but—”

  Varrick’s furrowed brows rose. “Then whatever you must say to me, you can say to your queen.”

  That stung. Elizabeth might be his mate, but Jara would never accept the skinny little twit as queen. Her ire rose. Lovazia’s news wasn’t for hybrid ears. No half demon needed to know about the existence of vampires. Elizabeth had just learned about the existence of demons, and she wasn’t taking that well.

  “Your eyes are glowing, Jara. I suggest you calm yourself,” Varrick commanded. “Perhaps you need a minute. Leave us. When you are in control, you may come back and share the news of Lovazia.”

  He was choosing that woman over his own sister. “B-but—” Jara stammered.

  “Leave us,” Varrick commanded before returning to his throne.

  Jara stormed from the room, and Cyrus shut the door behind her. She paused and leaned against the door to catch her breath. The mountain kept the compound at a constant sixty-six degrees. The cool wood felt good against her back.

  “I just don’t get it, Cyrus. What does he see in that woman?”

  “I don’t know, miss.” Cyrus shifted uncomfortably, running his fingers through his short, blond hair. “She isn’t too hard on the eyes.”

  “But she is so tiny and weak. I don’t get it. All these years, I’ve had to listen to my brother whine about how he wanted to be with her. Ever since she summoned him during a séance, she’s consumed him to the point he couldn’t even reign properly. If not for me, someone would have used his distraction to dethrone him by now. You know how temperamental our kind can be. If I hadn’t kept him focused all these years, someone would have been able to challenge him.

  “I mean really! She can’t morph into an animal form. She didn’t grow up with our customs and rules. She clings to her human life. I just don’t understand what he sees in her, other than—”

  The sound of shouting coming from the Receiving Room interrupted Jara’s sentence.

  “Sounds like we should go,” offered Cyrus.

  Jara hushed him and leaned her ear against the door. “I can just barely make out what they are saying.”

  “I hate this, Varrick. I really do,” Elizabeth proclaimed.

  “Hate what?”

  “Hate this. I hate sitting in the throne room day after day. I hate being stuck in this compound, never seeing my old friends.”

  “But you know why you must remain here. It isn’t safe for you to go back to Mason’s Bluff.”

  “I know, I know. You are worried I’ll bring back something that would infect the other demons.”

  “Elizabeth, my dear. I worry not only for their safety but yours as well.”

  Bile churned in Jara’s stomach. How could her brother care for that twit?

  “I miss my friends, my job.”

  “We’ve been through this. As my queen, your place is with me. Not in the human world.”

  “Why do you want me, Varrick?” asked Elizabeth.

  Exactly what I’d like to know, thought Jara.

  “What can I say? Like calls to like,” her brother practically purred.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” The pitch of Elizabeth’s voice rose. “We are nothing alike. You are large. I am small. You are strong. I am weak. You are male, and I am female. Even our eyes differ. Yours are red, while mine are golden. We are opposites in every way.”

  “What I mean is under all those little delectable bits of yours, there is a little demon. You, little one, have hot, passionate demon blood in your veins, like myself. We are alike, you and I.”

  Jara wanted to gag.

  “But why me? I don’t understand. Why did you pick me?”


  “Because, Little Bits, from the moment you summoned me, I have loved your little fingers, little shoulders, your tiny neck, especially your tiny pouty lips.”

  There was a pause, then Varrick continued, “I love all your little bits.”

  Jara heard a distinctive smack.

  “Don’t play grab-ass with me. I’m upset with you.”

  “You’re always upset, Little Bits. But you’ll see. You’ll care for me more each day.” Varrick’s voice softened. “And let’s not forget that symbol for ruler that is tattooed on your body. How do you explain that?”

  “My tribal tramp stamp? It’s just a tattoo, Varrick.”

  “But if our love wasn’t ordained by fate, then why would you have chosen the exact demonic symbol for ruler? It’s not a coincidence, Elizabeth. Your demon half surfaces from time to time as it did when you were choosing the tattoo.”

  “Bullshit!” Elizabeth’s tone sharpened. “Screw this. I’m outta here. I need some air.”

  Jara jumped away just in time for Elizabeth to yank open the door and storm off with Varrick’s guard hot on her heels.

  Seeing an opportunity to speak to her brother alone, Jara marched back into the room.

  “Varrick, can we talk now?”

  Varrick held up a thick hand. His high cheekbones and patrician features of his face bespoke of their high breeding. Worry lines creased his eyes. Jara’s concern for the emotional toll his mate was having on him was short lived, however.

  Varrick shook his head. “I’m not in the mood, Jara. What I need now is a little time in the forest. I need to let my inner beast out, take animal form, and run for miles with the cold wind whipping through my fur.”

  “Fine, I’ll go with you. I haven’t taken the form of a mountain lion in weeks. It would feel good to morph.”

  “No. I want to be by myself. I need to think. Devise a way to win Elizabeth’s love and having you there would be a distraction.”

  A distraction! Well, I…

  The sight of her brother morphing into his favorite form, a lion, made Jara lose her train of thought. It was a magnificent sight.

  His humanoid form began to shimmer and blur. Varrick’s hand
s contorted, golden fur pushed from his smooth skin. His high cheekbones and full lips shifted. For a second he had a lion’s cast to his face, then a full muzzle and whiskers emerged. The king’s blond hair grew long and combined with the heavy dusting of blond hair on his chest to form a mane. As his clothes split and fell away, Varrick collapsed to the floor while his body completed the change. With a roar that echoed mightily, he bounded out of the room.

  Chapter 10

  Julie’s feet ached in her fur-lined boots after another day of sightseeing with Penny. The women now stood in front of the most recognizable building in the whole of Russia, St. Basil’s Cathedral. With its terra-cotta walls and colorful domes, it appeared truly magnificent. Blues, greens, yellows, and reds swirled around the ornate domes of the church, while teal snaked its way along the building to accent the brown walls. It reminded Julie of the gingerbread house from the fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel.

  Penny’s smile reached her eyes.

  “I can’t wait to see inside.” Penny linked arms with Julie. “Let’s go.”

  The two headed for the cathedral. Apprehension slithered over Julie’s skin. She had not been in a church since the funeral. Her stomach twisted in knots. Growing up in the Baptist Church, her faith had been rather strong until the deaths. She found the idea of going into the building a bit disconcerting.

  As they approached the ornately carved doors, Julie’s unease increased. The nape of her neck tingled. She glanced around quickly, a habit formed from years of being alone and watching out for herself. The sensation grew. The hairs on her arms rose next. A shiver skirted down her spine, but a second glance found nothing amiss.

  Julie nearly pulled Penny up the broad stone steps, grabbed the massive wooden door of the church, and made quick time through it.

  Inside the vestibule, they removed their coats and draped them over their arms. The interior of the building wasn’t what she expected. The extravagant and brightly colored domes of the cathedral’s exterior masked a more modest interior. Small, dimly lit chapels and maze-like corridors filled the inside of the church.

  Delicate floral designs and images painted in bold colors covered the walls. The paintings, having faded over the years, were in the process of being restored, evidenced by the scaffolding that rose to meet the art painted on the ceiling. Though in need of repair, it still took Julie’s breath away. She tore her eyes away from the paintings when Penny approached.

  “I wonder where the workers are,” Julie mused, noting their absence from the scaffolding.

  “Who knows?” Penny gave a quick shrug. “Maybe they are on a break.”

  “Uh-huh, maybe.”

  “Come here, Julie. I’ve got something to show you.”

  Penny pulled her to the middle of the Chapel of the Intercession. “Look at the amazing blue and gold iconostasis.” Her voice sounded breathy with awe. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Julie nodded in agreement. “The people seem to be coming right out of the image, as if it was a gateway from Heaven itself.”

  Suddenly, a loud crash sounded above them. The women glanced up. One of the scaffolding rigs tipped and a neon yellow object hurtled toward them. Its orange industrial cord thrashed behind it like an angry bullwhip.

  “Look out!” cried Penny. She tackled Julie to the floor as the rig careened down with a crash. When Penny landed on top of her, it forced the breath from her body. The nail gun crashed onto the floor of the chapel. The women screamed as the gun bounced along the floor.

  Pssst, pssst, pssst. The trigger depressed with each hit and sent long nails hurling through the chapel.

  Penny rolled off Julie, and they crouched down then covered their heads with their hands. The gun came to rest on its side, and a deafening silence filled the church. Penny’s wide, terrified eyes met Julie’s.

  “Are you okay, Jules?” Penny wiped her forehead with the back of her wrist. “Man, that was a close call.”

  “I-I think so,” Julie stammered. Her eyes traveled along the wall beside her to where one of the nails jutted out from the plaster. It still vibrated from the force of the impact. Her face paled when she realized it had struck just inches from her head.

  “The nail gun almost landed on your head.”

  “Thank you so much, Penny. You saved my life,” Julie gushed, reaching out to grab her friend’s hand. She squeezed it tightly.

  “Ouch!” Penny pulled out of Julie’s grasp.

  “I’m sorry. The adrenaline rush must have given me more strength than I realized. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I can’t believe what just happened.” Julie ran a shaky hand through her hair and rose slowly to her knees.

  Penny stood, then offered a hand to Jules, which she gladly accepted. Once on her feet, Julie pulled her friend into a warm embrace.

  “Thank you so much, Penny. I have no idea what I’d do without you.”

  “It’s okay, Julie.” Penny’s hand rubbed along Julie’s back.

  “Are you all right?” Julie’s eyes went wide and round. She pulled away and stared at Penny’s tummy. “What about the baby? Is the baby okay? I didn’t squish you when we fell did I?”

  Penny chuckled. “The baby and I are fine. When we fell, I actually landed on you, remember?”

  Julie exhaled an audible sigh of relief. “Oh, that’s right. Thank goodness it wasn’t the other way around. I might have hurt the baby.”

  Penny shot Julie a reproachful look.

  “First, just because your sister is a supermodel, doesn’t mean you are overweight.” Penny splayed her hand over her tummy. “And second, I’m only in the first trimester. I’m not even showing, for goodness’ sake. I don’t think any harm could come to the baby. It’s too small.”

  Jules released her bestie from the embrace. She glanced around, her gaze drawn to the scaffolding from which the nomadic gun had toppled. Luckily, it had landed on an empty floor and not done any major damage.

  As a priest rushed in to see what all the commotion was about, movement danced in the corner of her vision. Her eyes darted to the spot. Was it her imagination or had that vestibule door just closed?

  Chapter 11

  Nicholai’s eyes popped open, and he stared, unseeing, at the ceiling above his bed. Every nerve ending in his body fired with a prickly heat. Something was wrong with Juliette. He took several deep breaths to calm himself so he could concentrate. The Alpha’s consciousness streamed from his body and reached for his beloved. Through the mindlink they shared, he found her easily.

  She seemed terrified but alive, and that gave him some hope. He dared not talk to her through their link, for he feared it might scare her more to hear a strange voice in her head, but he needed to know what had scared her so. Being ensnared in his home by the sun, made him impotent. Nicholai roared in frustration.

  Anger washed over his body. His fangs lengthened. His heartmate was in trouble, and he could not reach her. Nicholai glanced at the clock. It would be several hours until dark. He balled his fists and beat the mattress.

  Jumping from his bed, he paced the room, hands clenched at his side. His mind raced through the possibilities of how to get her help. Could he find a human to send to her? Someone he might trust with her life? Would it be possible to use their mindlink to manipulate the danger? Might he reach her by dematerializing into the shadows?

  Nicholai abruptly stopped when the tingling eased from his body. Juliette’s fear subsided a bit, and he sensed her calming. Whatever terrified her had passed.

  He stayed a quiet shadow in her mind, hoping to find out what had been wrong. He needed to assure the threat did not return. She seemed fine, relaxed. He waited several minutes until confident she was no longer in danger, then slowly withdrew from her mind.

  His own heart still raced, and he forced some calming breaths to ease its pace. Whatever had sent such panic through Julie must not have been real to have lasted such a short time.

  But what if it had been? Nicholai paced the room.

  Had it been
a serious threat he would have been helpless to assist her. His kind did not tolerate the sun for more than a few minutes before they succumbed to death. The thought left him utterly vulnerable.

  He stomped in exasperation at his own limitations. Emotions warred within him. He felt relieved that Juliette seemed fine and yet furious she’d been in danger when he could not get to her.

  Wait. He paused. Didn’t Marcus once call his heartmate to him by compulsion? It is a rare talent but not one unheard of for a vampire. Marcus is younger than I. If Marcus did it, I should be able to do it, especially since Juliette and I share a mindlink. If I can get her to come to me, I can make sure she is safe.

  He lay down on his bed, closed his eyes once again, and willed his body to relax. He inhaled several deep, cleansing breaths and sent out his mental call to his love. Come to me, Juliette. Come to me. He paused, stilled his breath, and sent all of his mental concentration behind the command. Come to me, my beloved. Hear me and come to me now.

  Another breath in and a deep sigh out. He centered his thoughts, letting everything but his desire to see her slip away as he summoned her again.

  He continued to call. Every so often, he’d open his eyes and ears and send his senses from the home to see if he detected her near. The minutes turned to hours.

  Nothing! He scrubbed a hand down his face. Time and time again, nothing.

  By the afternoon, mental exhaustion set in, and the day pulled at him. He needed rest. Perhaps when he awoke he would call Marcus for some tips. He must succeed in calling her to him. Determined to see his love again, to see her safe and sound, he’d stop at nothing to make that happen.


  A shiver of unease wrapped around Julie’s spine. Under the pretense of being cold, she shrugged into her trench coat and wrapped it tightly around her body, leaving her arms in place to hug herself. Another wave went through her. She desperately wanted to leave the church and go back to the village.

  “Hey, Penny. What do you think about us packing it in for the day and heading back to Yaroslavia? I’m a bit tired after all the excitement.”


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