Alpha Lover

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Alpha Lover Page 6

by Brenda Sparks

  “Ahhh, Julie. I was really looking forward to going back to the GUM again. I can’t believe you of all people don’t want to go back. We only got through the first floor yesterday. We still have two more floors of shops to explore. You know a little shopping always makes you feel better. Come on, please?”

  Julie’s instincts begged her to leave, warned her that to stay would invite only more trouble. She had no logical reason to feel this way, but something pulled her away from Moscow. An overwhelming sense she needed to depart now flowed through her, but she ruthlessly pushed it aside.

  Fighting the instinct, she gave her friend a weak grin and reluctantly agreed. “Okay, I guess we can go do a little shopping. It won’t kill us.” Julie grimaced at her choice of words.

  Penny shot her an incredulous look, put her arm around Julie’s shoulders, and ushered her from the church. Julie’s trepidation increased. With every step, her instincts screamed to go back to the village. It took everything in her power to allow her friend to lead her in the opposite direction.


  Nicholai’s senses pushed through his home and out into the surrounding forest once again. Hope his heartmate might have finally come to him was quickly crushed. A growl pushed from his throat as much from frustration as anger.

  He needed to speak to Marcus, learn how to call her to him. Nicholai couldn’t believe he was unable to do a task one a century younger than him had managed to accomplish.

  With determination, he stood and flared his senses out one final time. Not sensing his love, he reminded himself that might be a good thing. The fact he did not sense her fear or dread was good. She was obviously safe.

  Or dead, the little voice in the back of his head nudged at him.

  “No,” he silenced the voice aloud.

  He would not allow his thoughts to go there. She’s alive. She had to be. The Fates would not be so cruel as to take her from him when he’d just found her.

  He glided to the bedside table and picked up the phone. Nicholai drummed his long fingers on the table as it rang Marcus’s number.

  “Hello, you have reached the Botticelli residence,” said Marcus’s voice. “I’m afraid we cannot answer the phone at this time. Please leave a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.”


  “Marcus, this is Nicholai. I need to speak with you immediately. Please call me as soon as you get this message. If I am not at home, call my cell.”

  He slammed down the phone and pounded his thick headboard in frustration. His fist traveled not only through the wood but the plaster wall behind it. He let out a mighty roar, more bestial than human. Helplessness ate at him like a vulture gnawing on entrails of a varmint. He’d always been in control. He was the Alpha who maintained his temper, who kept a calm head and stayed cool, in complete command of his emotions. But having a heartmate had changed all of that for him.

  Self-doubt and utter frustration over this situation filled him. He experienced insecurity and vulnerability for the first time in his life. His emotions churned out of control.

  Enough! I will no longer put up with my heartmate being out there unprotected. If anything happens to her, it will kill me. She is my anchor, the other half of my soul. I will not risk losing her. I need her…Now!

  Chapter 12

  Nicholai sat behind the desk in his office at the restaurant. He picked up the phone for the tenth time that evening then put the receiver back down on the cradle yet again. Marcus had not called him back, even with the six messages he’d left. Nicholai replayed the events of the evening in his mind for the umpteenth time.

  Having a heartmate made him wishy-washy, uncertain. He’d always been a male who stepped up and took charge of a situation. However, since finding his heartmate, he’d been anything but self-assured.

  Tonight it had taken him twenty minutes to decide what clothes to wear. Normally, he would have walked into his closet and picked something immediately, but now he questioned every decision. What if I run into her? Will she approve of what I have on? Those thoughts had given him pause. And those weren’t the only questions.

  How can I find her? What should I do? Where should I go first? His mind was utter chaos. If this was what it felt like having a heartmate, perhaps his friend Vladimir had been correct in commenting only the unlucky males ever found their mates.

  Unable to sleep, he’d come in early to the office, but he found it impossible to concentrate on his work. Payroll was due, but instead of working on the books, he spent his time worrying where she was.

  He pushed away from his desk and paced the room. Nervous energy prickled along his skin. When his thoughts turned to Julie, he wrung his hands anxiously, a nervous habit in which he had never indulged before.

  He’d gone to Julie’s hotel room and found it empty. Not knowing where she was worried him. Concern for her remained in the forefront of his mind.

  A sweet, lilac smell wafted to his nose. A deep inhale took the unique scent down into his lungs. He sent his consciousness out into the restaurant and found his Juliette. Relief flooded his body.

  A large smile reached his eyes. Nicholai’s shoulders relaxed. He breathed easier. He needed to see her, see for himself she was unharmed.

  He forced himself to go a human pace as he walked into the dining area and scanned the room. A woman in a red dress stood at the bar. In his usual spot in the corner booth, a couple sat holding hands. A large portly man ate alone. Finally, his roaming eyes rested on his mate.

  Dressed in a green, cowl-neck sweater and winter-white pants, she sat with her friend at the same table they’d occupied previously. Her eyes sparkled, drew him in, and her head tossed back when she laughed—the sound straight from Heaven.

  What a beautiful sound as sweet as the music she sang in our dream.

  He crept behind the bar and busied himself washing a glass, but Nicholai’s eyes never left his heartmate. The casual shrug of her shoulders, the way her hair surrounded her round face when she leaned forward. Her every movement called to him.

  He would wait no longer. He needed to talk to her, be with her. An idea came to him.

  Making his way over to their table, Nicholai’s knees weakened when Julie’s beautiful eyes rose and locked with his.

  Julie sucked in a breath. Desire to know her thoughts warred with his respect for her privacy, but the desire won, and Nicholai pushed into her mind.

  She felt in awe of the tall, dark stranger who stood before her dressed entirely in black.

  He’s so handsome with those alluring eyes and shaggy black hair.

  He overwhelmed her. His power flowed over her, around her, through her, as she stared into his amber eyes.

  Nicholai smiled, his lips retracting to reveal perfect white teeth.

  “Good evening, ladies,” he greeted in his thick accent. “I am the owner of the Kholodnaya Plecha. Tell me, please, how do you like your meals?”

  “We love them,” gushed Penny, drawing his gaze briefly.

  His attention returned to Julie. “And how about you, ma’am?”

  “It’s absolutely delicious.”

  “Good. I am glad you like it. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nicholai Peterhof.” He placed one hand over his heart.

  Penny extended her hand first, so Nicholai brought it to his lips and placed a quick kiss on the back of her hand.

  “I’m Penny Jones.” She giggled nervously at his courtly formality.

  Julie extended a hand as if to shake. But Nicholai wasn’t about to make their first introduction over a handshake. He gathered her tiny hand in his, turned it over, and bowed from the waist, before laying a slow, gentle kiss on the back of her soft hand.

  The kiss sent an electrical wave through Julie’s body and back into his. She shook from the contact. The expression on her face indicated she’d felt it all the way to her toes.

  Nicholai did not keep the knowing grin from his face as he rose back to his full height. The sensation passed betwe
en them because they were heartmates. They had a connection made by the Fates, a bond stronger than anything two human people could ever experience.

  He glanced down at her from under the fan of his dark lashes and gave her a stunning smile. In response, Nicholai sensed the desire that swept through her in a sensual wave.

  “Tell me your name,” he said in a hushed tone.


  “Is it short for something?”

  “Juliette,” she squeaked out and tried to pull her hand from his, but he didn’t allow its escape.

  “Juliette…As in Romeo and Juliet?” He purposely quoted the same question he’d asked her in their shared dream.

  “Yes, except my name is spelled with two t’s and two e’s.”

  “‘What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet,’ with two t’s and two e’s, ‘is the sun,’ ” Nicholai quoted with dramatic flair, while he dropped to one knee.

  When a puzzled expression narrowed her brows, Nicholai read the cause. A strong sense of déjà vu made her recall the dreams they’d shared. She gasped when sinful images filled her mind at Nicholai’s slight prompting. She recognized him as her dream man, only he was here in front of her, in all his glorious flesh.

  Her cheeks flushed as she remembered the passionate dreams in vivid detail. The scenes flickered in her mind, and heat pooled in her stomach, tying it in knots. Her mind raced. She imagined herself writhing beneath him. If this man was half as good as his dream self, she was in for the vacation of her life.

  Wait, what am I thinking? Julie quickly returned from fantasy land. No way will I be sleeping with this man, no matter how much my body wants to. I’m never going to let him see me naked. Not going to happen. As if he’d want to anyway.

  Her thoughts made his heart sink.

  Deliberately retaining possession of her hand, Nicholai stood to his full height of six foot five inches, and gave a wide grin to both women.

  “So tell me, Juliette, do you have a last name?”


  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Juliette Saint-John.”

  Nicholai’s heart leapt for joy when her next thought came.

  I love the way my name sounds on his lips, like a tiger’s throaty purr.

  Penny must have noticed the way Nicholai looked at Julie, for she smiled. “Would you like to join us?”

  Julie’s eyes widened in disbelief.

  “I thought you would never ask,” said Nicholai. “I’ll go get a chair.”

  Penny leaned over the small table and whispered, not realizing Nicholai’s preternatural hearing picked up the conversation. “I think he likes you.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I saw the way he looked at you. Trust me, he likes you.”

  “Shhh, he’s coming,” hushed Juliette under her breath, as Nicholai returned to their table with a chair in hand and sat down. Within a moment, his wait staff put a place setting before him on the table.

  “Spasibo. Thank you.” He spared a glance at the waitress.

  “What can I get you to eat, sir?” she asked him in their native language.

  Nicholai continued their conversation in Russian. “Why don’t you bring us a tray of canapés? The lobster filo baskets, I think, will do nicely.”

  “Of course, sir, right away.” The waitress scampered off on her mission.

  “Did you just order something to eat? U mina plokha s ruskim,” stated Julie bashfully.

  “Actually, your Russian is not bad,” Nicholai replied in English. “I understood you perfectly.”

  “That’s nice of you to say.” Julie blushed.

  Penny drank her tea. “So what did you order?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered the lobster canapés. I believe you will like them. They are one of Chef’s specialties.”

  “I’m sure we’ll love them.” Julie took a sip of water.

  Nicholai eased back in his chair and placed the napkin in his lap. “So where are you ladies from?”

  “England,” responded Julie with a smile that lit her honey-brown eyes.

  “Really? By your accent, I would have thought you were from America.”

  “Well, actually, that is where I grew up, but now I live in England.”

  “So what brought you to my Yaroslavia?”

  “Julie and I are here on holiday.” Penny flashed a wry smile when he spared her a glance, clearly aware his attention was on her friend.

  “How has it been?” he asked, intent on finding out what had happened that day.

  “It’s been…Interesting.” Julie chose her words mindfully.

  “How so?” His interest was piqued.

  “Well,” she continued. “We’ve seen a lot of interesting things.”

  Penny crossed her legs under the table. “We’ve been to Moscow, seen the Kremlin, and of course we’ve spent a lot of time at the GUM.”

  Nicholai nodded. “Anything else?”

  “We toured churches today,” Julie offered.

  Now the conversation headed in the right direction. The Alpha leaned toward Julie, his intent gaze locked with hers. “Tell me how that went.”

  “It went okay,” Julie lied.

  Oh, my dear, you will not lie to me.

  His eyes dove straight into her soul. “Tell me, was there any trouble?” He lowered his baritone voice an octave, putting a compulsion behind the demand.

  “Yes, a little.”

  “Tell me what happened.” Nicholai slipped into her mind once more, so he might watch her memories of the event as she spoke.

  “Well, there was a bit of an accident at St. Basil’s Cathedral.”

  He raised one eyebrow when she hesitated. An image flashed in her mind of being thrown to the floor. “Do continue.”

  “It wasn’t a big deal,” interrupted Penny, breaking Nicholai’s concentration. Julie blinked a couple of times, coming back to an awareness of her surroundings.

  “So what happened during this accident?” Nicholai prodded. He rested one ankle on the opposite knee.

  Penny shrugged. “Um, not much of anything. Some scaffolding fell.”

  “What do you mean, ‘not much of anything’?” Julie gave her friend a disingenuous look. “She is so modest. She actually saved my life. If she hadn’t knocked me out of the way, the rig might have hit me or the nail gun could have crashed down on my head.”

  “It was nothing.” Penny pursed her lips and waved a dismissive hand.

  Concern flooded his body, and Nicholai’s gaze roamed over Juliette to make sure no harm had come to her. “So, you are all right? You did not get hurt?”

  “Oh yes, I’m fine. Thanks to Penny.”

  Satisfied, he turned his full attention to Julie’s friend. “Then I owe you a debt, for I would not have wanted anything to happen to that pretty little head of hers.”

  A meaningful smile crinkled Penny’s eyes. “I agree. We wouldn’t want anything to happen to that ‘pretty little head of hers.’ ”

  Penny shot Jules a told-you-so expression, and Julie blushed. Nicholai easily read the silent communication between the two women. He relaxed in the knowledge the affable conversation was going well.

  The waitress brought out the tray of canapés and placed it on the table. Nicholai thanked her as Penny popped one of the disks into her mouth and let out an approving sound of pleasure. Nicholai forked a bit of the delicacy and fed it to Julie. Her red lips closed around the lobster, the move so sinuous it stole his breath.

  “Do you like it?” His voice sounded rough.

  Julie closed her eyes, clearly enjoying the canapé as she chewed and swallowed. “Ummm, yes. It’s quite good.”

  Nicholai’s pocket went off with a loud buzz.

  Julie glanced down into his lap. “Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?” she quipped.

  A sexy smile pulled at one corner of his mouth. “Both, my dear.” He raked his hot gaze up and down her body.
“Definitely both.”

  Another blush crept up Julie’s face. When he gleaned her thoughts, he found it had been a long time since she had served up a flirt to a man, and she realized he was up to returning her serve with a backspin.

  Nicholai stood and retrieved his phone from his pocket, then glanced at it to see who would dare interrupt such an important meal. Recognizing the caller, he needed to answer.

  “Excuse me, ladies. I must take this. I will not be but a minute.”

  He clicked the phone on as he strolled away from the table. “Hello, Demetri,” he greeted his friend and cousin in their native Russian. “How are you this evening?”

  “I’m fine and you?”

  “I am doing well enough.”

  Grief at having to leave his heartmate pushed in as Nicholai traipsed into the office and closed the door. “You sound bored.”

  “I am bored. You know how boring reconnaissance can be.”

  That piqued Nicholai’s interest. “Recon? Where are you? Why are you doing recon?”

  Demetri sighed. “I am in Wyoming. There may be a situation. I’m not sure, so I called Stephan here to help me discover exactly what is going on.

  “There have been a series of possible animal attacks in the mountains. Of course, living in Mason’s Bluff as long as I have, I am no stranger to the occasional attack, but these are different. They are more brutal than usual and happening with greater frequency. I hope Stephan will help me discover whether it is an animal or perhaps a rogue vampire that is the cause of such carnage.”

  “Is Marcus with you? I have been attempting to contact him all day and have yet to reach him.”

  “No. In fact, Stephan sent Marcus and Christina out to Las Vegas to stay with Katrina.”

  “Stephan left his heartmate in Vegas while he came to Wyoming? Why didn’t he take her with him?”

  “He wasn’t sure what we would find out here, so it would be safer for her to remain in Vegas under Marcus’s protection.”

  “That explains why I haven’t been able to get a hold of Marcus.”

  “What did you want of Marcus?”

  Nicholai knew his cousin didn’t have much use for love and believed finding a heartmate made a vampire weak, so he decided not to share the news about Juliette. Besides, he knew what Demetri’s advice would be. He’d tell Nicholai to throw Julie over his shoulder and take her to his lair.


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