Book Read Free

Alpha Lover

Page 9

by Brenda Sparks

  “Thank you.” He gave Julie a slight nod of acknowledgement.

  “You’re welcome, sir,” the waitress replied.

  When the grin slipped from Juliette’s face, jealousy lit her eyes.

  Nicholai fought the grin. He found her jealousy endearing, if unwarranted. He only had eyes for his Juliette. Knowing she needed a distraction, he asked, “So what do you think of this place? Do you like it?”

  Julie glanced around at their surroundings. The restaurant boasted ivory-colored walls which met ornate crown molding. They sat directly across from a stone fireplace, the heat from which blushed Julie’s cheeks. He hoped she would love the meal and the setting enough to grant him a second date.

  “Oh, yes,” she finally stated. “This place is gorgeous, elaborate really.”

  The waitress gingerly placed the fine china plates down on top of the gold chargers that lay on their table. The plates made a delicate clinking sound like the plucked strings of an angel’s harp. The musical sound drew Julie’s attention, and she glanced down at the food placed before her.

  “What is this?” she inquired of Nicholai.

  “It is Chicken Kiev.”

  At Juliette’s insistence, Nicholai had ordered their entire meal from the rassolnik to the piroshky. All seven courses had been carefully chosen to give her an authentic taste of Russian cuisine. He wanted to immerse her in his culture, the culture she would be a part of once she agreed to be his.

  “And what’s that?” she asked with a smile and a slight giggle in her voice.

  “It is chicken and herbs wrapped in bread crumbs and fried.”

  “Chicken? I’m glad it’s chicken. I feared it would be some kind of fish. I know Russians love their fish, but the only fish I’ll eat is salmon.”

  “We are renowned for our seafood,” Nicholai observed. He gently rubbed his index finger across the back of her hand before reluctantly withdrawing his hand in order to cut his food.

  “Speaking of seafood, one thing I’ve never tried is caviar.”

  Nicholai’s grin widened. “We will fix that tonight, my beloved.”

  He raised his hand above his head, and their server immediately appeared at his side.

  While Nicholai relayed his instructions in Russian, Julie turned her attention to the food and took a bite of the Chicken Kiev.

  “Mmmmm,” she hummed. “This is scrumptious.”

  “I am unfamiliar with the term. What is scrumptious?”

  “It means very, very good,” Julie explained.

  “Ahhhhh, like you. I’m glad you like it. So tell me about your family.” Nicholai forked another bite into his mouth.

  “There’s not much to tell.”

  “Are your mother and father still alive?” he pressed.

  “Oh yes, they are very much alive and well. They live in a town called Camdin Falls. It’s in Virginia, in the US.”

  Nicholai grinned. “I know where Camdin Falls is.”

  “Really? Most people have never heard of it.”

  “I have a friend who lives there.”

  “You do?” Shock widened her eyes incredulously. “Seriously?”

  “Yes. I’ve known him for years,” he said. “In fact, Alexander and I go way back.”

  Just how far back, he couldn’t tell Julie. Alexander was a member of the Alpha Council. The two of them had been fighting evil together for over a century.

  “I have been to Camdin Falls on several occasions.”

  “You’re kidding,” Julie commented dubiously.

  Nicholai had been there many times, one of which had been to work with Alex to take out a vampire who had set up a human-feeding slave operation on farmland just outside of town. Nicholai thought it best to change the subject before she pressed him on why he had been in her hometown.

  “Do you have any brothers or sisters?” he further inquired.

  “Yes, I have one sister, but she doesn’t live in Camdin Falls. She lives in New York.”

  “Ah, New York. I enjoyed my time there.”

  “You’ve been a lot of places,” Julie observed.

  “I get around.” Nicholai gave a cryptic shrug of his broad shoulders.

  “You are so young to have done so much traveling.”

  A wryly expression crossed his face. “Oh, I’m older than I look.”

  His comment gave Juliette pause. “But I thought…”

  When she swallowed the comment, he pushed, “You thought what?”

  Julie’s cheek turned a deeper shade of red, giving her a sheepish appearance. “Oh, nothing.”

  “Please tell me what you were going to say.”

  “You look like you are in your early twenties. I am a bit older than that.”

  “So you believe you are older than me?”

  “By at least fifteen years.” Julie shifted uncomfortably. “I hope that isn’t an issue.”

  Nicholai leaned over, resting his forearms on each side of his plate. “I have seen a lot in my time. Enough to realize where I want to be, and who I want to be with.”

  Relief softened her features. She patted her lips with the napkin from her lap and replaced it before she looked at him. His eyes darkened, burrowed into her soul until he captured her with the stark passion in his gaze. She leaned forward. He easily read her intention to kiss him and was all too happy to meet her across the table.

  Their waitress chose that most inopportune moment to saunter up to their table, carrying a bucket of champagne in one arm and a glass container in the other. She set the champagne down first, then slipped the glass vessel into the middle of the table between the couple, effectively breaking the magnetic pull between their bodies.

  Nicholai let out a disappointed sigh. “The caviar has arrived.”

  He moved his chair around the table, so he sat beside Julie instead of across from her.

  “Are you ready to take your first bite of the food of the gods?”

  He took a small piece of blini from the container and placed a portion of Beluga Caviar on the tiny mother-of-pearl spoon. He topped the creation with a dab of crème fraîche and fed her the concoction.

  “Well, what do you think?” His brows rose with curiosity.

  Julie covered her mouth with her hand. “It’s salty…but good,” she replied hesitantly. “I like it. But it is too much food. With so many courses, I can’t possibly eat much more.”

  “I noticed you haven’t been eating too much. Tell me why. Do you not like what I chose?”

  Julie shook her head emphatically. “I love what you have chosen. I’m just watching my figure.”

  “I have been watching your figure all night. I can assure you it looks good to me.” Nicholai winked and gave her a mischievous grin. Julie blushed and glanced away.

  “I’m glad you liked the caviar. I hoped you would, especially with the sweet crème fraîche.”

  “You say crème fraîche perfectly. Do you speak French?” Julie asked.

  “Oui, mademoiselle. Je parle Français. Et tous?”

  “I have no idea what you said,” Julie admitted.

  “I said yes, I speak French. How about you?”

  “No. I’m not nearly as good as you at speaking languages. I’m lucky I was able to learn enough Russian to get by on this trip.”

  Nicholai smiled. He slowly lifted the topped blini to her lips. His stomach clenched when her lips brushed his fingers as they closed around his offering. His inner beast banged its fists against its chest in triumph as he fed her. Providing for his mate was as instinctual as mating itself. Today he would provide, soon he would mate. A satisfied growl threatened to tear from his throat.

  “French is but one of the languages I speak.”

  Julie swallowed the caviar. “Wow! You speak Russian, English, and French. Just how many languages do you speak?”

  “I can also speak Spanish and Italian.”

  “Italian is such a beautiful language. Say something,” she commanded dreamily.

the perfect phrase came to mind.

  “Ti amo, Cara.”

  “What did you say?”

  “Ya tebya lyublyu,” he repeated in Russian.

  “What does it mean in English?”

  He couldn’t yet tell her. She wasn’t ready to hear his declaration of love though his heart wanted him to say “I love you” yet again.

  “One day I will tell you,” he promised, and prepared another blini with the caviar and crème mixture.

  “Why not tell me now?”

  “Because, my dear Juliette, if you wish to find out what I said, I will require something from you first.”

  “What is that?”

  “I want to see you again. To find out what it means, I require at least one more date with you before I tell you.” Nicholai took her hand in his. “I have so enjoyed our time together. Did you enjoy it as well, my dear?”

  “Yes,” she admitted readily, her eyes down cast on her plate at the half-eaten food.

  “Then will you come out with me again tomorrow night? It will be a grand adventure. I promise. Please say yes.”

  “How can I resist an offer like that? Yes.” Julie pushed her uneaten food around her plate. “Where will we be going?”

  Nicholai steepled his fingers. “I think it will be a surprise.”

  Nicholai easily read the thoughts that brought a resplendent grin to brighten Julie’s beautiful face.

  I love surprises, especially ones that involve spending time with an incredibly handsome man. I have no idea how he knows, but somehow he seems to know things about me, knows exactly what to do and say.

  Of course, being in her mind gave him an unfair advantage, but there was no way he would chance doing or saying the wrong thing and driving her away.

  “What should I wear?”

  A half-smile pulled at one corner of his lips. “Women and clothes. Are you always worried about what to wear?” He chuckled and gave her button nose a gentle bop with his finger. “Something comfortable you can walk around in. Jeans and a sweater should be fine.”

  “What time should I be ready?”

  “I’ll arrive at the inn after the sun goes down.”

  Juliette nodded enthusiastically. Suddenly her face dropped. “Wait. I forgot. I can’t go.”

  Nicholai’s heart clenched.

  Chapter 16

  It’s good to be the king. His father’s voice boomed in his head. Varrick scrubbed a hand down his face and scoffed at the memory.

  Sure being king of the demon race came with perks: his every whim catered to, subjects were loyal, his days were mostly his own. But, as the saying went, with great power came great responsibility. Being responsible for an entire race weighed heavily. His people needed him, and a certain beautiful queen consumed him.

  A knock pulled him from his thoughts.

  “Enter.” His deep voice echoed off the granite walls of the training room.

  His sister’s guard pushed open the great wooden doors.

  “Remain outside,” Jara commanded. She tossed her sandy-blonde hair, so much like his own, over her shoulder. Her red eyes glowed above cheekbones which stood out against her hollow cheeks. Pulled into a tight line, Jara’s small mouth indicated she wasn’t happy.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Not that he really wanted to know. Jara always brought bad news.

  She gathered energy in the palm of her hand. It coalesced into a reddish orange ball she lobbed into each of the torches on the wall, instantly igniting the tinder. The ambient glow filled the room, and shadows danced in time with the flickering flames.

  Jara glanced at the long sword Varrick held in his hand. “Practicing in the dark again?”

  “It sharpens my senses.”

  Jara moved toward him and laid a hand on his thick biceps in a conciliatory gesture. “You needn’t tell me. I remember all too well Father’s training sessions with you.”

  Varrick fought the shiver that threatened to creep down his spine at the reminder of his upbringing. Their father enjoyed teaching them lessons. His tutorage typically left Varrick bloody and broken.

  “I’ve come to see how Elizabeth is faring after her outing.”

  Varrick scoffed. “I’m surprised you care.”

  Jara had the good sense to look affronted by the comment. “Of course I care. Though I can’t see why, you care for her deeply, and that makes me care too.

  “I know you don’t want to hear this, brother, but having a human—”

  “Half human,” Varrick corrected.

  Jara tipped her head. “A half human in the compound is dangerous.”

  “I know we are susceptible to human diseases, Jara, but we live in a mountain fortress. The walls are granite. I don’t believe Elizabeth is a threat to our health.”

  Jara moved around the side of the fighting mat. “Perhaps we should find a way to protect us from diseases, just in case.”

  “Do you think I have not tried?” Especially after Elizabeth’s little stunt could have resulted in her getting a cold or the flu.

  “I think you have been preoccupied by your queen. I, on the other hand, have been in the tomes room. I might have an idea.”

  A way for him to be with Elizabeth without having to fear catching something that would kill him? “Tell me more.”

  A sanguine smirk took Jara’s face. “I discovered something that may help cure us once and for all.”

  Hope bloomed in his chest. “Tell me.” He motioned for the two of them to sit on the mat.

  Jara situated her long, red gossamer robe out of the way and gracefully floated down beside him. “I found a long-buried tome. It described a race of creatures with great strength and speed. They feed on the blood of others—”

  “Vampires,” Varrick interrupted. “We know of vampires—grew up hearing stories about them as if they were boogie men. Our parents were quick to impress on us to remain hidden from them because they are so violent.”

  “Yes, but we are just as fast and strong, so why do you suppose we were told to remain hidden from them?” Jara continued as Varrick ruminated on the question. “I might know why. Did you know vampires don’t get ill?”

  “What? I was never told that. How did you learn that?”

  “It’s in the tome, dear brother. According to the ancient writing, demons believed vampires carried disease but never became ill themselves. That’s why we had to stay away: they could infect us.”

  Jara’s eyes glowed red with excitement. “I believe if we can harness the vampire healing ability, our people can be saved.”

  “And how do you propose we do that?”

  “I’m no scientist, but I know a damned good one. Lane. I spoke to him to see what his thoughts are on the subject.”

  Lane’s brilliance was well known. “What did he have to say?”

  A wicked smile took Jara’s face. “He suggested a vampire might be the key to discovering how to boost our immune systems. He’d like to do some experiments.”

  “Experiments?” Varrick stomach knotted. “What kind of experiments?”

  “He wants to kidnap a vampire and see if he can ascertain what in its makeup allows it to heal and remain disease free.”

  “I can’t allow it.”

  “Why not, Varrick? It’s not like we owe anything to a vampire. Have you forgotten about what happened to Alcid?”

  “Of course, I have not forgotten what happened to our sister’s husband,” Varrick snapped. “Authorizing a kidnapping and experimentation, even on a vampire, is not something I do lightly.”

  “But you’ll authorize it? Right, my dear brother?” Jara batted her eyes. “What is the life of one vampire when hundreds of demons might be saved? When your dear Elizabeth might be able to remain healthy?”

  A chance for his Elizabeth to live as she wanted, go to town, possibly be around humans and not bring back a disease that could kill them—it was too much to hope for. The thought of experimenting on another being was offensive to him. But
if it led to his people having a normal life…Did he dare to imagine a time when demon kind might walk among the humans and not risk their lives? If there was the slightest chance, it would be worth it.

  “Fine. I’ll allow Lane to experiment on one vampire.”

  Jara squealed in delight. “I’ll go tell him right now.” She jumped to her feet.

  Varrick rose as well. “But, sister mine, know this. I do this with a heavy heart. Lane is to make his experiment as painless as possible. Understand?”

  “Of course. I might even know where to find a vampire.”

  “How would you know something like that?”

  “As I tried to tell you the other day, Lovazia ran into one.”

  “WHAT!” Varrick jumped to his feet.

  Jara rested a quelling hand on his forearm. “Don’t worry. I told her to leave the bloodsucker alone.”

  “She better. If Lane needs a vampire, we will either find one or I’ll send my guards after the one Lovazia knows of. I don’t want her anywhere near the creature. Understand?”

  “Of course, dear brother. I’ll go tell Lane the news.”

  “Remember I want him to make the experiments as painless as possible,” he reiterated, calling after her as she flung open the chamber doors and left with Cyrus falling in behind her.

  A sense of trepidation crept up his spine. What had he done? Giving Jara her way rarely resulted in anything good. However, if Lane could cure their vulnerability so he could be with Elizabeth, then he had to take that chance.

  Varrick gathered his energy in the palm of his hand and sent fire down his blade, instantly igniting the fuel. The flames danced in time with each forceful swing and graceful parry as he resumed his training session to work off the impending dread.

  Chapter 17

  Disappointment pricked along Nicholai’s skin. “Why can’t you come with me tomorrow?”

  “Because I promised to do more sightseeing with Penny.” Her eyes flicked up and met his steady gaze from under her long lashes.

  Julie took another small bite of her chicken and chewed, allowing herself time to consider the question. “I don’t feel right leaving Penny alone for a second night.”

  Nicholai wanted to belay her worry. “Penny is invited too, if you would like her to join us. The place I have in mind can easily accommodate all three of us.”


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