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Page 13

by N. Isabelle Blanco

  Her eyes glisten and she shakes her head, but it’s not a denial of the facts.

  It’s a denial of what they mean.

  “What happened to your shirt, man?” The humans burst out laughing again, drawing closer, and one of the other guys shout out, “Hey! You two mind if we watch?”

  Looks like I’ll be feasting on human flesh again before I finish this with Khatiya. Baring my teeth in a snarl, I turn—

  “No. Don’t!” Hands around my neck, she brings my face back to her. “Stop it. You want every immortal out there after you? You want Baron to extinguish your life and destroy your soul?”

  It might be as close as she ever gets to admitting she doesn’t want me gone.

  “Let’s get out of here. Before I kill them for seeing you like this.”

  My statement reminds her of how close my dick is to being inside her.

  “I—I need—air.” She pushes against my chest. “Space.”

  Oh no she doesn’t.

  I intertwine my fingers around the material of her dress, already braced for her next move. “Stop it, Khatiya. You aren’t going anywhere without me.”

  She throws every bit of her weight against me. It barely registers, but the single inch she gets is all she needs. Reaching behind her, she has that door open in a flash, giving her the space that she needs.

  If she vanishes, I’ll have no way of finding her.

  I throw myself after her, almost flying out into the humid night. I register the feel of my arms wrapping around her, and her body begins to lose its form.

  Closing my eyes, I go on blind instinct alone. An obsessive focus that screams that I can’t lose her. That I must have her.

  Somehow, although my species isn’t supposed to have the skill to dematerialize, I find myself breaking apart with her, thrown into that shattering world of molecules and atoms once more.

  And she’s with me, both of us trapped in the speeding vortex of time together, hurled through the dimension in ways I’ll never truly comprehend.

  She must notice I’m with her and there’s a sudden jolt, the brutal reforming of our bodies—

  We crash into the dirt like two meteorites, cutting a vicious path as we skid to a stop.

  I see the tombs and mausoleums of the cemetery, and the witch shooting off the ground. I brace to follow after her again . . .

  Breathing hard, she remains where she is, shoulders drooping.

  She’s given up.

  She’s finally given up.

  “I didn’t want this. I don’t want to be close to anyone. Don’t you understand?” Khatiya says over her shoulder.

  “I know. Me neither.” Trying to catch my own breath, I approach her from behind and place my hands on her small shoulders. “But in all this craziness, and considering we don’t know if any of us will live, do we really want to spend the extra energy fighting the inevitable?” I turn her slowly to face me.

  Her bottom lip sticks out in a small pout and I lean down to suck on it. “Damn you for figuring out how to dematerialize. Like what the fuck. Just who the hell is in your bloodline that you can do all these—”

  I shut her up with a kiss.

  This time, she gives in almost instantly, wrapping first her arms around my neck, and then her leg around my hips.

  Groaning into her mouth, I lift her the rest of the way. “Let’s agree on exploring that later. For now, I need to fuck you. Can’t think straight anymore.”

  “Here?” she asks breathlessly as I back her up.

  “Here. Not waiting another moment.”

  “You’re really fucked up in the head, werewolf. You know that?”

  “Uh huh. Allow me to show you just how much.”


  I press her to a wall. Don’t know what it is, I’m too busy eating her mouth, but I can guess.

  Yes. I plan on fucking my witch in this cemetery, out in the open air.

  She brought us here. I’m in no mood to go searching for a more suitable spot.

  I pick up where I left off in Baron’s place and tear her dress apart. Her tits fill my hands, large and firm, and I moan at the feel of them. In my peripheral, I see the shadows moving, acknowledge that we have a spectral audience of dead souls, and continue on my current path regardless.

  Fuck me, these breasts. Just touching them makes me want to come.

  I pinch her nipples and kiss her harder, rubbing against her like a madman.

  She fists the hair at the back of my head with one hand, devouring my mouth just as hard, and reaches between us with the other. “Get inside me, werewolf. Before I change my mind.” Her fist wraps around my dick.

  “As if that’ll happen, Khatiya.” God, I love saying her fucking name. “Don’t forget I can smell how wet that pussy is.” I lift her higher.

  She aims my dick where she wants it.

  Lips meeting hers, I drop her onto me, my tip meeting her soft folds and sliding inside—

  I come.

  Just like that.

  Instantaneously. Savagely. Out of my fucking mind.

  Her shocked whimper is drowned out by my growls as I pump into her, vision gone. Mind decimated.

  Pleasure a vicious barbwire along my insides.

  She’s cutting me open, bleeding me dry. I give her everything I have and somehow there’s still an urge to give her more.

  “Holy hell, Silas. You feel so good coming inside me.”

  Ah, shit. Talk about getting overwhelmed. I’m still twitching, thrusting between the aftershocks, my forehead pressed to her shoulder, and she shouldn’t be saying things like that to me if she hopes to live through this.

  I want to fuck this witch ‘till I break her in half.

  Straightening my back, I cup her nape in my hand and bring her off the mausoleum. There’s a large crack we left behind, but ask me if I care.

  As a matter of fact . . .

  I zoom us across to another one in a blur and ram her into it, pounding her with my cock in the process.

  She gasps, part indignation, part pleasure, her golden cheeks flushed. I cup one of her breasts and lower my head to tease the tip with my tongue.

  Khatiya goes wild, hips rotating against mine. “Yes. Please don’t stop.”

  I zip across the cemetery, hitting another tomb.

  She yanks my hair.

  I retaliate by fisting hers and sliding my tongue into her mouth.

  She rakes her heated nails down my back.

  Another rush of adrenaline hits at that bite of pain. I lose track of how many mausoleums and headstones we slam into. “Careful, Khatiya. I’m barely holding back the desire to break you.”

  The tombs are coming down around us.


  Everything is a blur from the speed of our movements. I have her against yet another crypt and we’re tearing it apart while we fuck—a reality defying act for an ex-mortal like me, and if we’re caught, all hell will break loose.

  Do I give a fuck? No. Getting my cock into this witch was my driving goal for years now, I just didn’t know she was real before. Now that she’s twitching in my arms, pussy trembling, there’s no stopping me.

  No stopping us.

  She sinks her fire-lit claws into my back, penetrating deep.

  “Fuck,” I groan, yanking her head back by her hair and sinking my enlarged canines into her neck. “What did I tell you about doing that shit? You want me to wreck you.” And I will.

  Her dark gods help us both, because I will.

  The creature her kind turned me into demands no less.

  “As if you could,” she hisses, turning her head and sinking her little teeth into my forearm.

  The fires surrounding us grow brighter, emanating from her unnatural body.

  A body I’m pile driving into like a demon possessed.

  Her insides are just as hot as the inferno she gives off, a tight cunt that strangles me with each thrust. Her juices drench my groin, the wet slap amplified by the emptiness around us.
  Perceived emptiness. I’m sure someone will come around eventually. The Cities of the Dead are hardly empty at night, regardless of whatever laws the New Orleans officials enact.

  And that’s only in regards to the living.

  I can see them now, the dead, their barely visible forms spread throughout this city by the millions.

  Most are oblivious. Confused. Lost in their prisons between this realm and wherever they’re supposed to be.

  Others are conscious, alert.

  Frantic as they try to get our attention.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see their efforts to get us to look their way, but I ignore every single one of them.

  They want to be voyeurs to this? So be it.

  Same thing goes for anyone else that happens to go by.

  Nothing and no one is getting in the way of this.

  I yank her leg higher around my thigh, circling my hips with my dick as far inside her as it can go.

  She gives off this little gasp that sends shivers down my back, walls fluttering.

  “How’s that, baby? That what you want?”

  Claws dragging across my heated skin, she tightens her hold and lifts her other leg around my hip. “Maybe,” is her cheeky, moaned response.

  Wrapping my hands around those gorgeous thighs, I pound her harder, and fuck, we’re about to break through into that crypt at the rate we’re going.

  Screw it. I’ll screw her right on the coffins inside. Don’t care. That wet, luscious pussy is all that matters.

  I clip her ear with a fang, groaning long and deep. “Is it what you imagined, witch? My dick owning that pretty cunt? Filing it with my cum?”

  She cries out loud as fuck, clearly not caring if we’re caught either. “Fuck you, werewolf.”

  I slam her onto my dick again, pulsing at the end of her. “No, witch. I’m the one fucking you. Stretching this perfect—tight—pussy—to—the—brim.” My hips bang into her with every word, concrete further collapsing all around—

  As predicted, the wall finishes giving way, and I find myself stumbling into the interior of the crypt with her wrapped around me.

  Sweating, maddened, I rush forward, hands on her ass, until I can sit her on the surface of one of the coffins. Once I have her on it, I spend no time forcing her backward and yanking those legs over my arms.

  Pretty face flushed, she whimpers at the new angle, dark hair plastered to her forehead.

  She’s not as physically strong as I now am, but she’s proven to be able to take the beating, and I give her just that, heaving thrusts into her so hard there’s no doubt that coffin will be the next thing to break. “That’s it, witch. You love this. Can’t live without it any more than I can.”

  Her back curves, breasts jiggling. “Still going to kill you when this is all over, wolf.”

  Sadly, of that I have no doubt.

  Only makes me more frantic to fuck her as much as I can before I die, like a glutton at the buffet table hosting his last meal. “You really want to live without this?”

  Her head falls back, throat bared.

  I waste no time nibbling my way down the length of it.

  Grabbing my ass, she urges me to thrust deeper. “You keep doing that and maybe I’ll change my mind.”

  Mercurial creature.

  I slide my hands around her sweat-slicked tits, dick throbbing at the feel of them again. They’re perfect, the kind that drives a man crazy and leaves him a drooling mess. I rub my thumbs over her nipples.

  The coffin beneath her cracks on my next surge.

  Breath catching, she rips one of my hands off her breast and forces it between her legs to play with her clit.

  Then she brings my head down and shoves my mouth onto said breast. “Make me come, Silas. Please.”

  No problem.

  I yank my hips back and my dick slides out of her. Her shocked expression lasts only a second, then I have her in my arms. Switching places with her, I lay back on the coffin, flip her around, and position us into a sixty-nine.

  I’m near mesmerized by her pussy spread above me, but not enough to pause. Palming the back of her head, I urge her down to my dick.

  And she takes me in a single swallow, straight into the back of her throat.

  “Holy fuck. That’s just beautiful,” I groan, and bring her glistening pussy down onto my mouth. She’s plush, swollen, and absolutely fucking delicious. I lap at her folds before paying special attention to her clit.

  It’s uncoordinated, messy. Khatiya’s own tongue is caressing my dick as she bobs her head up and down. It’s impossible for me to think straight. Her scent overwhelms me, her taste . . .

  Don’t remember reaching for her ass, but suddenly it’s in my hands, and the undulations as she rides my mouth drive me fucking crazy. I slide two fingers into her tight hole, teasing her, and nurse on her clit with soft sucks as I thrust into her mouth. The pressure builds, her scent dragging me under like a drug. My eyes roll back. She moans down my length again, hips jerking.

  Her orgasm drenches my mouth, sliding down my chin, and it sets off an explosion through my body. Growling into her pussy, I hold her head down, her lips at my groin, and pump every wave into her throat.

  Two orgasms. That’s what it takes to ease this insanity enough for me to think straight.

  She releases my dick with a gasp, thighs trembling on either side of my head. “Holy shit . . . what the . . .”

  My thoughts exactly.

  I shift us and lay her back on the coffin. Legs shaking, I fall onto her, shuddering, weaker than I’ve ever felt before. My head is heavier than I can handle, and I press my slick forehead to hers. Our entire bodies are drenched in sweat.

  I try to maintain my balance, but my hands are unsteady on the coffin. They slip along the surface and I bump heads with her as I catch myself.

  We laugh softly and she runs her hands up my back. “Easy there, werewolf. We’ve desecrated this tomb enough.”

  Did we ever.

  “Baby,” I drawl, nuzzling her cheek. “You’re going to have to start using my name.”


  We share another laugh.

  Her pussy rubs against me from the move and I groan as heat erupts through me all over again. I’m still hard—I suspect I’ll always be hard now that I’m a werewolf—and it obliterates most of the relief I felt seconds prior.

  Khatiya shifts under me, no doubt feeling me getting harder.

  Moaning, I rock my hips back and forth softly, teasing her.

  “Silas,” she gasps, and fuck yeah, that’s what I like to hear.

  I wrap a hand around her thigh, gaining momentum.

  It doesn’t last long.

  What remains of the tomb is ripped apart, as if a giant vacuum sucks the structure right off the ground. The same force rips me off Khatiya.

  I land on the ground outside. Flipping over into a crouch, I see the sheer distance I just traveled. Thankfully, I also see Khatiya rising from the coffin I left her on, unharmed.

  I straighten to stand and raise a hand to wave her over—

  “Silas!” she screams, her expression chilling me to the core. “Watch out!”

  I’ve already caught the movement at the corner of my eye.

  I flip around to face whoever is approaching.

  Long, dark hair.

  A dirty, worn down beige gown.

  A skeletal face with a thin layer of skin stretched across it.

  No eyes. Sewn up, black mouth.

  And then her hand slams around my throat, the pressure snapping my spinal column.

  I lose all feeling from my neck down.

  As if I weigh nothing, this creature begins to drag me behind her.

  “No!” I hear Khatiya shout, her voice shrill. “Let him go!” She’s trying to flash after us, hitting some sort of barrier every few inches.

  This being is enveloped by an invisible shield.

  Not only that, but I’m still fucking alive. I can’t bre
athe for shit, my brain is on fire with the need for oxygen. I have no sensation below my neck, can’t move, yet I’m still here.


  For now.

  The most I can do, aside from letting this horrendous creature drag me, is stare at Khatiya as shadows surround us. Darker, and darker, until it seems like we’re in a tunnel with a rapidly shrinking entrance, and Khatiya’s enraged expression is the last thing I see.

  I’m thrown through the darkness and land on the moist ground. Within seconds, the world is visible again, and I’m surrounded by the exact details of the vision I had.

  Within seconds, my spine begins to heal.

  Sensation returns long before movement does.

  The pain steals my breath. My eyesight.

  Mouth opening on a shout, I writhe on the floor.

  “His screams are delicious. I want to hear more.”


  I have not seen her for a decade, yet her voice is exactly as I remember. Hollow. Raspy. What I had confused as an old woman’s tone is nothing more than an incarnation of evil.

  Her statement is followed by an immense, bone shattering force. It’s like the planet’s entire gravity lands on me, grinding me into the dirt.

  I choke on another scream as every bone in my body breaks apart.

  The trauma is immediate, as well as the mental disconnect. Remaining alive through this is more than I can process. Oddly, I notice the hem of the creature’s raggedy skirt near my head.

  She’s standing there. Somehow watching my demise although she has no eyes.

  Another disconnect.

  The nerves in my body must be gone because I no longer feel anything.

  There’s a loud crunching sound as the side of my face begins to cave in. Blood rushes into my line of sight.


  I hold onto the memory of her. Like a long-suffered dream, images flash through my mind. Those years of fantasies. What happened mere moments ago.

  Was it real? Did it actually occur?

  Why couldn’t I have more time with her?

  Life’s a bitch, I suppose.

  Trapped by the crushing power bearing down on me from all sides, I can do nothing but surrender as unconsciousness knocks on the door.

  Her voice echoes, filling my final thoughts. Owning these last moments. She’s shouting? Why would my final memory of her be that? Who cares. I hold onto the sound, needing it—


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