Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13)

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Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13) Page 1

by Corgan, Sky


  Part Thirteen


  Text copyright 2015 by Sky Corgan.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the author.


  Only the beginning.

  I glance down my body at the vibrator, knowing that I'm completely at Lucian's mercy. If he wanted to, he could make me climax until I can't stand it anymore. I wonder if it's even possible to get to that point.

  “Sir,” I exhale slowly.

  “I love it when you call me Sir,” he purrs into my ear, his finger slipping from between my folds to climb back up my body.

  I expect him to grope my breast again, but instead his hand withdraws from me when it gets to my hip. Silently, I mourn the loss of his touch.

  Lucian's hand rounds my face out of my peripheral vision. He holds the dial up to my mouth and says, “Open.”

  I give it a confused look before doing what I'm told. When I part my lips, he gently slips the dial into my mouth. Instantly I taste the salt of his fingers on the plastic. I cringe slightly at the thought of how many germs are on the thing, but I quickly get over it. At least he's not making me lick his shoes. Hopefully, that never happens, because that's where I'd have to draw the line.

  “Close,” he tells me, and I lightly clamp my teeth around the dial.

  Lucian places his hands on my ribs and slides them down my body, feeling my curves. Even though I know it won't do any good, I still suck in. My sides are far from smooth, and I definitely don't feel sexy with him touching me like this.

  “That's better. I like being able to touch you with both hands.” His fingertips walk back up my sides, causing me to wiggle slightly from being ticklish. I stifle a giggle and grip the dial in my mouth even tighter. Somehow my tongue must have nudged it because I feel the massager come on again, though the vibrations are so low that there's no threat of me climaxing from it.

  Lucian's hands glide up my ribcage before cupping my breasts. He pulls me back against him, his thumbs and forefingers pinching and tugging at my perked nipples. A soft moan rumbles from my throat, and I close my eyes, feeling my core throb with tiny contractions that seem to be extended by the vibration of the massager.

  I tilt my head to the side and relax against the metal bar behind me as Lucian's fingers press into the pillowy flesh of my breasts. I can feel his cock against my ass. Even though it's buried beneath layers of clothing, I can tell that he's hard. I want to moan out the word Sir, but I dare not open my mouth.

  Lucian's hands move down my body again, tracing the same path that they took to get to my breasts. They stop on my hips and his grip tightens as he pulls them to the side. For a moment, I feel off balance. My body is rigid as I give resistance, confused about what he wants.

  “Lean to the side a bit. I don't want your ass centered with the bar,” he tells me, and I instantly comply, even though the position is a bit uncomfortable.

  A gentle slap on my ass causes me to jump, making the metal tower I'm bound to rattle. It also reminds me of how unstable I feel, so I curl my toes against the cool metal platform to better ground myself. The sting of the slap is only momentary, hardly painful at all. More like a pleasant warmth. He spanks me once more before taking my ass in both hands and squeezing it.

  My cheeks instantly flush, my self-consciousness coming to the forefront of my thoughts. Hopefully, he doesn't think I have a fat ass. I do kind of have a fat ass.

  Lucian gropes my butt similarly to how he did my breasts, his fingers kneading deeply into the flesh. I'm embarrassed that he's spending so much time on it. Even more embarrassed when he pulls my ass cheeks apart. It makes my muscles flex.

  “Relax,” he chuckles. I'm glad he thinks this is so amusing because I certainly don't.

  When I feel one of his fingertips poke at my asshole, my muscles tighten even more. Since I can't speak, I mumble my protest. Something along the lines of a pathetically incoherent, “No.”

  Assplay has never been something of interest to me. Anal, even less. I've always thought it was dirty. That's an out hole, not an in hole.

  Thankfully, he pulls his finger away. I relax a bit, glad that we're moving on to something else. One of his hands is still on my ass, spreading my butt cheeks apart, but I feel no threat from it.

  That is until I feel his finger return, wet this time. I have no chance to give protest before he pushes it inside of me.

  My entire body tenses and I grunt from the intrusion, my muscles involuntarily squeezing around the intruder. It's like a built-in defense mechanism, one that I didn't expect.

  Lucian doesn't take the cues my body is sending. He presses his index finger in even farther, and I'm amazed when my clit responds with a pulse of approval. No. No. No. Stupid body. This is definitely not something I should be enjoying.

  He leaves his finger inside of me until my body stops resisting. Then he begins to probe. And for as much as I don't want to admit it, it actually feels pretty good.

  Considering that there's nothing I can do to make him stop—and yes, I'm now using that as an excuse—I decide to soak in the sensation. The tightness is incredible though my body continues to give protest here and there while he slides his thick digit in and out of me.

  “You feel so amazing back here,” Lucian whispers, and I can hear the sheer lust in his voice—feel it radiating off of him. “So tight. I'm probably going to come the second I stick my dick inside of you.”

  Stick your..What?!

  My body tenses again, and I shake my head vigorously while mumbling around the dial, doing everything in my power to show him that I mean no. Having his finger inside of me is bad enough. The thought of him shoving his huge dick up in there just sounds painful.

  “You don't like that idea?” Amusement returns to his voice.

  “Uh uh.” I continue to shake my head.

  “Oh, come on. It will feel really good. I promise.” He leans forward and licks up the side of my neck, his finger curling inside of me and causing a new sensation of pleasure that makes my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  I groan, deciding to trust him, even though I don't want to. I have a pretty good feeling that he wouldn't stop even if I spit the dial out and begged him to.

  “It will hurt a little, but don't worry. As I said, I doubt I'll last long, and I promise I'll make you come too. You won't even notice the pain.” His tone is so creamy and sensual that it actually makes me want to experience it.

  I grunt in surrender, and he withdraws from me and slowly pulls his finger out. My anal muscles squeeze back into place, my butt now feeling totally weird. I sigh around the dial, a trickle of drool slipping from the corner of my mouth. My jaw is starting to hurt. Keeping the dial in my mouth is a real chore. I'm ready for him to take it out.

  The sound of a zipper being pulled down has my body going rigid. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what he's doing. Lucian is pulling out his weapon of mass destruction, and he's about to lay waste to my asshole. My muscles begin lining up their defense, squeezing as tightly together as they can to prevent the intrusion.

  “Relax.” Lucian gives my ass a gentle slap.

  I groan and pitch a mini fit, wiggling on the stand the best that I can with my movements restricted.

  “Amy, it won't be that bad. I promise.”

  So many promises. I wonder if he'll be able to deliver on any of them. Part of me highly doubts it.

  “Now relax for me.”
His hands return to my ass, his fingers slipping between my crack to pry my butt cheeks apart again.

  I know that resistance is futile, so I feel like there's no choice but to give in. It will only make things worse if I keep tensing. I've read enough sex scenes to know that rule.

  “Good girl.” Lucian pets down my side before going back to spreading my ass.

  His other hand leaves me, and then I feel his glans nudging against my asshole. Instantly, my body goes rigid though I think it's only from the shock of his touch, which is dumb because I knew it was coming.

  “Relax,” he tells me again, his voice soothing.

  It's difficult to relax when I think about the size of his dick in relation to the size of my asshole. In my mind, it looks like someone trying to fit a football through a diamond ring. Not gonna work.

  “I'm going to put it in now. Do your best not to tense up. If you do, it will hurt us both.”

  To be honest, I never even factored in hurting him.

  Lucian grips my hips with both hands, and I feel him pushing forward. The pressure is incredible, and despite his words, I feel myself involuntarily tensing up. There's an intense burning pain from being stretched so wide. Different from when I lost my virginity.

  “Fuck, you're tight.” Lucian lets out a heavy breath. “I'm just going to go for it.”

  I brace myself as he bucks forward and pain ignites my entire body. A high-pitched whimper leaves my throat, definitely audible despite my mouth being occupied. Holy hell, anal is painful.

  “Oh shit.” Lucian rests his head on my shoulder, sounding oddly spent. “I'm definitely not going to last.”

  A trembling hand comes into my view, and Lucian gently pulls the dial out of my mouth. I suck in air, though it leaves my throat in haste as he turns the dial all the way up. Before I even have a chance to moan, he shoves the dial back into my mouth. I'd scowl around it if I didn't feel another orgasm building, my ass now throbbing from the strange intrusion, warmth pooling in my backside and making its way to my core.

  Lucian latches onto my hips and begins thrusting. I cry out from a mix of pain and pleasure. Every time he pushes into me, it presses my clit against the vibrator.

  There's nothing gentle about the way that Lucian is taking me. His fingers dig into my skin. His breathing is already labored and I know he's on the edge.

  The heat in my ass floods into my nether region. I pant around the dial, my toes curling as the vibrations and sensations of everything quickly becomes too much to bear.

  Lucian pushes deep into me and lets out a stifled moan. I can feel his cock twitching and spurting inside of me. It's just too much. I groan around the dial and fall apart, my body joining his in release.


  If I've ever had less energy, I can't remember a time. My knees are weak and my body is trembling ever so slightly from the effort of standing upright.

  The second that Lucian pulls out of me, I feel another round of searing pain as if my body is angry that he withdrew. It quickly dissipates though, leaving me incredibly sexually satisfied.

  Lucian finally takes the dial from me and turns the massager off. I'm so sensitive down below that I'm almost sore. The vibrations were a bit too intense, especially right after my orgasm. I tried to squirm away from it. I suppose that's what cued Lucian in to knowing that I'd had enough.

  His seed slowly seeps out of my asshole. It's an oddly soothing feeling, like a balm to take away what little pain is left. I still can't believe I allowed him to fuck me in the ass. Then again, allowed is kind of a stretch. He took what he wanted from me like he always does. I did enjoy it though, I'm a bit ashamed to admit. Maybe everything that I thought about anal sex was wrong. Perhaps it's not so dirty after all. It can definitely be pleasurable.

  “My butt hurts,” I mumble.

  “Your butt felt amazing. I don't think I even lasted thirty seconds.” I can hear him still panting behind me.

  “You lasted closer to a minute,” I tease.

  “Made me feel like a teenager all over again,” he lets out a short laugh.

  I stand there while he recovers, quickly beginning to feel disgustingly sticky. The drool on my chin has dried, leaving behind a crusty residue. Lucian's come is starting to make a slow decent between my butt cheeks, and I'm pretty sure that will dry soon too. I've never felt like I needed a shower more in my entire life.

  Lucian steps in front of me and I'm disappointed to see that he has already shoved his dick back into his pants. While he looks incredibly handsome in his suit, I'm definitely ready to see some skin.

  Lucian unplugs the massager from the wall and unscrews the bar from between my legs to take them both back to the closet. I watch him with a smile on my lips. He definitely made up for earlier. I'm very happy about that.

  When he returns to me, I expect him to begin unfastening my bonds, but instead he kneels in front of me and slides his tongue between my folds, licking me from slit to clit. A small hiss escapes my throat. For the briefest of moments, I think about telling him to stop. But then I realize that I want this too. Damn am I ever being greedy tonight.

  I close my eyes and press my head back against the tower as his mouth goes to work pleasuring me. His deft tongue slips into my pussy, lapping at the wetness that's been seeping from me ever since he first turned the vibrator onto my clit. I know that there's a lot for him to lick up, because I definitely feel moist.

  When he's done eating me out, his tongue slicks all the way back up to my clit. I moan softly, opening my eyes to look down at me. He meets my gaze, his beautiful blue eyes making me swoon from the gleam in them. It's like gazing right into his soul. I can tell that he wants to please me.

  The tip of his tongue circles my cleft before flicking at my clit. I thought my body was dead to pleasure after having two intense orgasms, but it still responds. Damn, he's good. Too good. It's one of the reasons that I don't want him working at Flesh anymore. A woman could definitely become addicted to the things that he does, to the way that he uses his body. Every inch of him is skilled in the art of seduction and pleasure. It's like he was built for sex. A gorgeous, dark-haired God of fucking.

  His eyelids close, and he buries his face between my folds, his lips nibbling at my clit for a few moments before he sucks it into his mouth and applies pressure. I gasp from the intensity of it, from how quickly he draws another orgasm up to the surface.

  “Sir,” I pant out.

  My fingers curl, my nails pressing into my palms. I wish that I could tangle my hands in his hair, that I could draw him to me, drown him between my legs. More than that though, I just want to touch him. I want to feel the softness of his hair, the firm muscles of his shoulders. I want to wrap my arms around him and love him tenderly.

  These romantic thoughts help to push me up the hill of bliss. Lucian slips two fingers into me, and I groan as he begins pumping them inside of me.

  “You're so amazing,” I whisper before pleasure finally consumes me and erases all traces of thought. All I feel are contractions, my toes curling against the cold metal, my body giving in to Lucian once more.

  He releases the pressure around my clit and presses the flat of his tongue against it, massaging in lazy circles until my climax throbs out its last moments of life. He moans, and the soft breath of warm air that hits my clit gives it one more contraction before my body finally dies down.

  Lucian climbs to his feet, and I sleepily gaze up at him, knowing that I look completely worn out. He's wrecked me tonight in the most delightful of ways.

  “I'm beat,” I tell him, readjusting my weight.

  “Is that so?” A wicked grin curls his mouth. “We're going to have to work on your stamina.” He traces my bottom lip with his fingertip. Reflexively, I part my lips.

  “We can't all be sex Gods,” I tease.

  “A sex God, huh? Is that what you think of me?” Amusement is etched on his face.

  “You can fuck like no other. That's for sure.” I wrinkle my n
ose at him playfully.

  “If I'm a sex God, then you're my muse.” His eyes dance over my face, and I can still see the heat behind them. How can he continue to be turned on after everything we've done?

  Lucian presses his finger against my mouth, and I tease the tip of it with my tongue before wrapping my lips around it and sucking gently. He hums in approval, probing his finger back and forth. It tastes like salt and my pussy, but I don't even care at this point.

  “Have you enjoyed our time together tonight?” he asks.

  “Mhm,” I mumble around his finger, nodding.

  “Good.” He pulls his finger out of my mouth.

  “I'd enjoy it far more if you were naked.” I grin deviously, a bit embarrassed by my own request though I'm not sure why.

  “Would that please you?” He smirks.

  “Very much so.”

  “Well then, a man should give his woman what she wants.” He takes a few steps away from me and turns around.

  The fact that he called me his woman makes my heart flutter. Does that mean that we're finally a couple?

  I watch his hand move to the top of his tie. His eyes are locked on mine, and there's sheer seduction in them. He pulls off the tie painfully slowly, moving so gracefully that one would think he's done this a million times before. Perhaps he has.

  I swallow hard as he shrugs off his jacket, tossing it onto the floor much like I did when he made me undress. The tie gets pulled from around his neck, and then he works at unbuttoning the front of his white dress shirt. My hormones come to life again as my eyes land on the valley of his chest that divides hard muscle. Good God, he's built. Gorgeous. Dreamy. Mine.

  My fingers curl at the thought of touching him. I lick my lips when he gets to the middle of his shirt, his tight abdominal muscles peeking out beneath it. I want to lick up his body, to worship it.

  “Should I stop?” His hands draw away from his shirt, and I scowl at him. Damned tease.


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