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Kill Bin Laden

Page 37

by Dalton Fury

organizational model, Delta Force

  The Osama Bin Laden I Know (Bergen)

  Pachier Agam, Afghanistan


  Afghanistan border

  bin Laden, Usama

  Intelligence Service

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Pakistan Intelligence Service (ISI)

  Panama, United States invasion of

  Pashto language

  Pashtuns, Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji

  Peltor ear protection

  Pentagon (Washington, D.C.)

  Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)

  PKM machine guns

  Playboy magazine

  politics. See also bureaucracy; military establishment

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)


  Delta Force deployment


  Pope (recce team leader)

  PRC-D radio

  Predator (drone aircraft)

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Press Pool Ridge (Tora Bora Mountains,


  prisoners of war, Laos

  proactive military stance

  problem-solving, Delta Force

  public speaking, Delta Force

  Qadir, Haji

  quick-reaction force (QRF)


  Tora Bora, Battle of


  RAND Corporation, Delphi method


  Afghanistan mission

  Delta Force

  Haditha Dam raid

  quick-reaction force (QRF)

  supply problems

  reconnaissance, Delta Force. See also observation posts

  Red Army Faction (Germany)

  Redfly. See Fury, Dalton (Redfly)

  reward, bin Laden, Usama

  risk avoidance, Delta Force deployment

  risk taking

  Rivera, Geraldo

  roadblocks, Ahmed, Gul mission


  Afghanistan operations

  al Qaeda


  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Russian language skills

  safety vests

  SAM missiles

  SAS. See Special Air Service (SAS) commandos (U.K.)

  SA-7 SAM rockets

  Saudi Arabia

  SBS. See British SBS commandos; British Special Boat Service; Special Boat Service

  Schwitters, Jim

  Scrawny (sniper)

  Searcy, Brian

  security industry, Delta Force

  selection process, Delta Force

  Serbia. See also Balkans

  Shachnow, Sid


  Shelter Now International, hostage crisis

  shooters, Delta Force. See also snipers

  Shrek (sniper)

  Ahmed, Gul mission

  equipment of

  Hopper and

  Shroen, Gary

  Shultz, Richard

  Shura (council of elders)

  siege warfare, Tora Bora Mountains

  SIGINT, bin Laden, Usama. See also Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); HUMINT; intelligence

  Silver Star recommendations

  Six Minutes to Freedom (Muse)

  Ski (recce team leader)

  Afghanistan mission

  Ahmed, Gul mission

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Smith, Michael

  Smucker, Philip


  bin Laden, Usama

  Delta Force

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  SOCOM, MacDill Air Force Base

  SOFLAM (Special Operations Force Laser Marker)

  Somalia (Black Sea, Battle of)

  The Sopranos (TV show)

  Sorubi, Afghanistan

  Soviet Union

  Afghanistan war

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Special Air Service (SAS) commandos (U.K.)

  Special Boat Service (SBS, U.K.)

  Special Forces Operational Detachment (Delta Force). See Delta Force

  Special Operations Aviation Regimen (SOAR)

  Special Operations Force Laser Marker (SOFLAM)

  Special Operations Forces. See also Delta Force

  deployment decisions

  principles of

  Special Warfare Center (Fort Bragg, North Carolina)

  Spectator (London, England newspaper)

  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  Spyderco knives

  SR-25 long-range rifle

  Stabilization Forces (SFOR)

  Stormin’ (“the Bod,” assault team leader)

  Sudan, Delta Force

  supply problems, Tora Bora, Battle of

  Surefire flashlight

  surrender, at Tora Bora

  Suskind, Ron

  Sutter, Mark

  Tactical Operations Center (TOC)

  tactical signal interceptors

  Taliban. See also al Qaeda; bin Laden, Usama; Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan)

  deception plan for

  intelligence on

  Inter-Service Intelligence (Pakistan)


  Northern Alliance

  Shelter Now International hostage crisis

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Talon aircraft


  al Qaeda



  Task Force Dagger. See Mulholland, John

  taxpayers, Tora Bora, Battle of

  Team Jawbreaker Juliet (CIA point group)

  Kabul, Afghanistan


  Tehran, Iran

  television. See media

  terminal guidance operations (TGOs)

  Green Berets



  Baader-Meinhof gang

  Delta Force planning

  9/11 terrorist attacks

  T-55 (Soviet tank)

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thermopylae, Battle of

  They Just Don’t Get It (Hunt)

  Thompson, C. W.

  Tiger Swan Inc.

  Tikrit, Iraq

  Tip of the Spear (magazine)

  To Dare and to Conquer (Leebaert)

  Top Gun (movie)

  Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan)

  Ahmed, Gul

  air bombing

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord)

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord) forward command

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord) headquarters

  Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord) tactics

  al Qaeda

  al Qaeda surrender


  bin Laden, Usama

  BLU-82 bomb (Daisy Cutter)

  British SBS commandos


  costs of

  Delta Force

  Engagement Zones (EZ)

  friendly fire

  Green Berets


  medals and awards for


  military units in

  mobile support site (MSS)


  Mulholland, John

  night vision goggles (NVGs)

  observation posts

  preparations for

  quick-reaction force (QRF)

  significance and lessons of



  supply problems

  surrender at

  tactics for

  weather complications

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Tora Bora Mountains (Afghanistan)

  air supremacy

  al Qaeda

  bin Laden, Usama

  enemy manpower in

  intelligence on



  Towr Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  Trainor, Bernard

  Trojan horse plan

  Trojan War

  T-62 (Soviet tank)

  Tucker, David

  unexploded ordnance


  Delta Force

  friendly fire

  Green Berets


  United Kingdom



  Royal Marine commandos

  SBS commandos

  Special Air Service (SAS) commandos (U.K.)

  Special Boat Service (SBS, U.K.)

  United States

  United States Air Force

  United States Air Force special tactics combat control. See also Admiral (U.S. Air Force combat controller); Tora Bora, Battle of (Afghanistan), air bombing

  United States Army

  military establishment

  organizational model

  United States Army Central Command (CENTCOM)

  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  United States Army Green Berets

  Afghanistan operations

  Ali, Hazret (warlord)

  Balkan operations

  Delta Force


  Spin Ghar Mountains (Afghanistan)

  terminal guidance operations

  Tora Bora, Battle of


  United States Embassy bombings (Africa)

  United States Marine Corps

  United States Special Operations Forces (Tucker and Lamb)

  urban reconnaissance, Delta Force



  Vader thermal imager

  Vickers, Larry

  video camera, espionage

  Vietnam War

  Viking Tactics Inc.

  war criminals

  warlords. See also Ali, Hazret (Pashai warlord); mujahideen; Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord)

  Delta Force and

  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji

  Waugh, Billy

  weapons of mass destruction, intelligence

  weather complications, Tora Bora, Battle of

  Weekly Standard (magazine)

  Wilcox, Frederick B.

  World Trade Center terrorism attacks

  Xerxes (king of Persia)


  Zaman Ghamshareek, Haji (Pashtun warlord). See also mujahideen

  Ali, Hazret (warlord) and

  al Qaeda

  al Qaeda surrender

  bin Laden, Usama

  biography of

  Inter-Service Intelligence (Pakistan)



  surrender negotiations

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Zawahiri, Ayman al-

  intelligence on

  Tora Bora, Battle of

  Zawir Khili, Afghanistan

  ZPU-1 14.5mm AAA guns


  [1] An unclassified version of the SOCOM history of Tora Bora is part of the 20th Anniversary History: 1987-2007 (U.S. Special Operations Command), pp. 93-98, which can be publicly accessed at

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  [2] Authors Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor recount these events in the book Cobra II on pages 561 and 562. Newsweek first recounted the event just a few weeks after the raid in “See How They Ran,” Newsweek, Aug 4, 2003, pp. 22-29.

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  [3] The history, importance, and uniqueness of Delta’s selection process is discussed in detail by both Colonel Beckwith in his book Delta Force and CSM(R) Eric Haney’s book Inside Delta Force.

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  [4] Derek Leebaert, in his book To Dare and to Conquer, discusses when and where Delta planned to use the Trojan horse option during the eventually aborted rescue attempt of American hostages in Iran. The June 2006 edition of Tip of the Spear, a monthly magazine published by USSOCOM, discusses former MACV-SOG Dick Meadows’s participation in Operation Eagle Claw. Already retired from the military, Meadows was pressed back into action, and along with a few others infiltrated Tehran, Iran, to prepare for the arrival of the rescue force and confirm the location of the hostages. See

  * The flying heroics of the 160th are well known throughout the world and several books cover their selection process and derring-do accomplishments. Retired CW4 Mike Durant, of Blackhawk Down fame, had authored two books on the organization. The first, In the Company of Heroes, covers his personal experience in Somalia. The second, titled Night Stalkers, recounts several previously unknown secret missions of the 160th. Also, David Tucker and Christopher Lamb describe the talents of the 160th in their book, United States Special Operations Forces.

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  [5] The history, importance, and uniqueness of Delta’s selection process is discussed in detail by both Colonel Beckwith in his book Delta Force and CSM(R) Eric Haney’s book Inside Delta Force.

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  [6] The political will to use Special Operations Forces prior to 9/11 is well documented in a January 2004 edition of the Weekly Standard. In an article titled “Showstoppers,” author Richard Shultz provides nine reasons why US officials never sent our Special Operations Forces after al Qaeda before 9/11. See

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  [7] Authors David Tucker and Christopher Lamb in their book, United States Special Operations Forces, discuss this Way Ahead meeting.

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  [8] Former CIA official Gary Shroen, in his book First In, discusses the Delta advance party sent to Afghanistan to develop rescue plans for the Shelter Now International hostages.

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  [9] Author Derek Leebaert, in his book To Dare and to Conquer, discusses these capability exercises performed by Delta for visiting VIPs.

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  [10] In Cobra II, authors Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor recount the meeting between representatives of the CIA, Vice President Cheney, and President Bush.

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  [11] See article on “Targeted Killings” published by The Foundation for Defense of Democracies. See

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  [12] Both warlords, Haji Zaman Ghamshareek and General Hazret Ali, were identified in Philip Smucker’s book, Al Qaeda’s Great Escape, and later inside USSOCOM’s 20th Anniversary History edition on page 93.

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  [13] Gary Berntsen discusses the reluctance of Colonel Mulholland to commit Green Berets to Tora Bora in his book Jawbreaker. USSOCOM’s 20th Anniversary History also discusses this on page 94.

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  [14] Retired Lieutenant General Dell Dailey’s exploits as the JSOC commander are well recounted in numerous books by various authors. In Jawbreaker, Gary Berntsen shares his personal interaction with Dailey during the opening days of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. In Sean Naylor’s Not a Good Day to Die, and in Cobra II, by Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor, the friction between Delta and Dailey is shared in detail.

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  [15] Michael Smith, in his book Killer Elite, discusses in detail the history of these special signal collectors.

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  [16] The good relations between the United States and the United Kingdom developed since the turn of the twentieth century continue today. This is particularly true among military outfits and has proven a tremendous asset in the ongoing war on terror. See

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  [17] Author Derek Leebaert in his book to Dare and to Conquer discusses this unique characteristic of Delta’s selection process.

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  [18] Operation Acid Gambit was the opening
mission of the invasion of Panama in 1989 by Delta to rescue American citizen Kurt Muse. Muse shares his story in his book Six Minutes to Freedom.

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  [19] Authors Michael Gordon and Bernard Trainor document well Delta Force’s crossing of the Saudi border and long push into Iraq to start the war in their book Cobra II.

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