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Obsidian (The Horsemen Chronicles Book 2)

Page 14

by D. C. Gambel

  “What’s your plan now, Evie?”

  I could vaguely make out his silhouette as he stood in the shadows. The moon was barely a sliver in the sky casting little light on the world outside the barn and being of no help to brighten the building from within.

  “Well,” he growled from behind me.

  I spun around realizing the figure I’d been focusing on wasn’t him. He grabbed my arm twisting it behind me, causing me to turn to keep the pain away.

  “Is this your plan, Evie? You want me to take my rage out on you,” he hissed in my ear yanking me hard against his chest.

  “Yes,” I elbowed him with my free arm. With a grunt he relaxed his hold allowing me to slip away. Bumping into a punching bag, I quickly stopped it from swinging before making my way to the sparring mats.

  “Then perhaps running from me isn’t the best way to accomplish your goal. If anything you’re adding to my rage.”

  He slammed into me. Both of us toppled to the ground. Without waiting for him to recover, I swung my foot connecting with his jaw before trying to right myself onto my feet. Cam gripped my ankle yanking it out from under me. I didn’t have time to brace myself. Stars lit my vision as my head slammed against the mat. Without aim, I swung my fist hitting air. When no retaliation blow came, I scurried backwards then turned onto my hands and knees trying to crawl some distance away, but stopped when my hair was yanked with force drawing me backwards.

  “Your sparring needs work,” Cam hissed. When I reached for his hand to release my hair, I froze when the cold tip of a blade kissed my neck. I hadn’t even been aware when he’d armed himself. “Perhaps we should increase our training regiment. You barely gave me any fight at all.”

  “Well I didn’t expect you to fight like a girl. My hair? Really?”

  “A girl, huh?” he tugged me against his chest forcing my back to arch.

  I braced my hands on his thighs trying to eliminate some of the strain he was putting on my neck, but being this close to him, feeling the heat of his body mix with the cool night air I couldn’t help my body’s reaction to his proximity.

  “Evie,” he groaned watching my nipples pebble. “Is this turning you on?” His question didn’t need a reply especially when he took the blade from against my neck and traced the harden peaks themselves with the tip. I quivered with need. There was no doubt the effect he was having on me. “You trust me,” he stated surprised and rightfully so. Here he was, servant to his rage, with a blade to me and I was…enjoying it. If anyone else was in my position, and enjoyed it, I’d question their sanity too.

  Moaning as the blade scraped over the hardened peak before doing the same to its twin, I nodded silently begging for more.

  Suddenly releasing me, I fumbled to the ground. I was worried I had been too open with my honesty. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as he sheathed his blade.

  “How found are you of your clothes?” he asked in all seriousness.

  I shook my head unsure of his intention but knew I would in no way hinder his need. “I’m not.” I barely recognized the lusty tone my voice took on thinking of his blade slicing through my clothing until I was bare to him.

  He gave me a moment to right myself before he charged at me again.

  It seemed like hours we went on like this. He’d catch me long enough to entice my pleasure before relinquishing his hold only to begin his game of cat and mouse again.

  Chapter 10

  Waking up alone wasn’t a surprise especially when I saw the time. It was after noon. Groaning, I rolled over feeling my stiff muscles argue. Cam had closed the curtains so the sunlight didn’t wake me, to which I was grateful. The sun had just begun its ascent when we finally found our way to bed.

  I stared at the door when it cracked open and an extremely good-looking man poked his head in. I couldn’t help but smirk.

  “Morning,” he called out shyly. That wasn’t like him.

  “Afternoon,” I teased reaching out for him. Closing the door, he walked to the bed, but hesitated about sinking into the bed with me. With a questioning brow, I waited.

  “Evie, about last night…”

  There it was. His rage had all but consumed him the night before and I think he was ashamed of how he relinquished it. “Cam,” I began but he cut me off.

  “Please just let me say this. I’m sorry for… I’m…” he huffed a frustrated breath.

  “There’s no need to apologize.”

  “There is,” he whispered. “I’m ashamed of how I handled it.”

  “You shouldn’t be,” I explained. He finally sat down on the bed letting me take him into my arms. “What happened was between us and you never have to be ashamed of anything we do together.”

  “You really are made for me,” he breathed tracing his lips teasing against my neck.

  “Please don’t tell me you came for sex,” I groaned unsure if my body could handle it with how heavy my limbs felt just holding him.

  He chuckled against my neck. “And if I did?” he teased nipping at my ear acting more himself.

  I sighed. “As long as you are okay with carrying me to the shower and bathing me after, do your worst. I can barely move as it is.”

  “And that is one of the many reasons why I love you. Fortunately for you, we don’t have time. The vampires sent an envoy. They’re downstairs.”

  “Maya?” I asked. He nodded.

  As I crawled out of bed I groaned for an entirely new reason. It was one thing for Shane to be working with the vampires. It was another for him to be working with Maya. I’d been too busy the night before first with trying to survive the vampire attack and then with trying to help Cam release the rage he held, that I hadn’t even thought about the marks that the vampires had worn.

  “Shower first,” Cam whispered coming up behind me when I moved towards the closest. “They can wait.” He knew me. I would have skipped it to get the vampire meeting over with but I wouldn’t feel like myself until I had one.

  Smiling at him over my shoulder, I nodded before changing course to the ensuite bathroom.

  Having been a marathon showerer until recently, I was in and out completely washed and dress in under five minutes. I had wanted to enjoy it, especially since it eased the strain in my tense muscles, but it was one liberty I wouldn’t allow myself. Cam seemed stunned by my speed. Since moving in, I’d learned to enjoy small luxury.

  “You trying to catch flies?” I asked walking past him. He was by my side an instant later.

  Downstairs was deathly quiet. Tyler was the first person I saw as I rounded the corner into the living room. He stood just off to the corner of the couch with his arms folded over his chest looking every bit the sentinel that I knew he was trying to convey that he was. Derek stood as well, but appeared more relaxed with his arms clasped behind his back. It was a rouse. I knew he held a weapon there and was prepared the moment the diplomat attempted anything. He wouldn’t risk our safety to simply stand on ceremony. The fact the guys had allowed a vampire into the house was beyond me. I knew we could always rescind the invitation, but still it was risky.

  The envoy that was sent looked more like an elegant butler than a diplomat. His dark ebony hair was tie back behind his neck making it appear sleek and shorter than it actual was. His mahogany eyes conveyed an arrogance that claimed his superiority to us, not just in race but manners. A black suit framed his lean body. I almost rolled my eyes when I noticed a matching bowtie. His hair covered his mark, but I had no doubt that he was one of Maya’s.

  “Evie,” Cam began speaking calmer than I know he was. “This is Hugo. He is Maya’s emissary.”

  “Death,” the man gave a slight bow of his head. “’Tis truly an honor to be in the presence of the one who eradicated the mighty Asher MacNair.”

  “It was a team effort.” No point in denying it. After the vampires received Asher’s head they attacked the werewolves in retaliation. Either they used it as an excuse to attempt a massacre on the wolves or they truly believ
ed they were responsible. We all believed it was the first. Admitting to our involvement could bring the wrath of the vampires down on us, but after our own mini massacre there was a good chance it already was.

  “Why are you here, Hugo?” Cam demanded when the vampire eyed me a little too hungrily. Whether he was lusting after my body or my blood, it didn’t matter. Both made me uncomfortable, especially after Asher.

  “A horde of our newest recruits went missing. We discovered their mangled bodies in an old dive bar not far from here.”

  “And?” Cam spat seeming annoyed by the conversation.

  “And the waitress told a prevaricate story, about three strikingly handsome men and a dark haired woman who, using brute strength and weapons that seemed to appear out of no where, took on twenty of our vampires and slaughtered them.”

  “Well,” Cam folded him arms over his chest to appear both intimidating and relaxed. “If you knew her story to be fake, why come here at all?”

  “To hear it contradicted, of course. We have no desire to be at war with the Horsemen. Maya respects what you do.”

  I almost snuffed. I doubted it. If the vampire noticed, he ignored me keeping his focus on War.

  “But of course, if the story were true, we would be within our right to retaliate. Maya forgave you for Asher. After all, it was in her best interest that he be eliminated. Yet your list of enemies is not a short one, War, and seems to have only grown since acquiring your final horseman. And then there’s her killing spree.”

  “Which has been handled.”

  “Has it?” Hugo asked cocking his head to the side. “And yet she’s still walking around.”

  “Demonic possession.”

  The vampire laughed. “If you believe that, or expect me to, then you’re a fool. A demon cannot share a body with a human.”

  “But we’re not entirely human, are we?” Cam replied his voice practically growling. He didn’t want to put the blame where it belonged. It would show our hand if we admitted we were aware of Shane especially since he seemed to be working with the vampires.

  “I suppose you are right. If you are in fact correct, it will be a first within the supernatural community. As it is, Death’s thirst for supernatural blood is not why I am here. The human who has made these false claims will be executed at dawn.”

  “Executed?” I gasped. It seemed harsh for informing them what she knew.

  Hugo turned his dark eyes to me. “Indeed. Making a false claim to a vampire master is a punishable offense. Maya wishes to deter anyone else that might make the same grave mistake. An example must be made.”

  “Isn’t that a little extreme?”

  He tilted his head to the side studying me. “Perhaps, but can you not agree that it will prevent future instances?”

  “Cut the shit, Hugo,” Cam spat yanking the vampire’s attention back to him. “We both know that those vampires deserved to die. They ambushed us.”

  “Ambushed?” Hugo’s brow knitted as if the word was foreign to him. “The four of you were ambushed by twenty vampires and yet they are dead while you four still walk around with not even a scratch?”

  “If I scratched you, or broke your arm for that matter, would you still be injured tomorrow?” Cam asked but didn’t wait for a response. “Then how do you expect the same of us?”

  “Let me tell you what I believe, War. You set a trap because you knew the vampires were Maya’s. Do not think she’s unaware that you have been investigating her. You obviously have no proof or you’d have contacted the council by now. Instead you decided to take the law into your own hands and massacre twenty baby vampires.”

  “Your breath must really be rank with all that shit you’re talking,” I mumbled, but the vampire glared at me with his jaw clenched.

  “You choose to insult me further?” he hissed a hint of fang showing.

  “I choose to be spoken to without someone trying to BS me,” I spat back refusing to cower down to him simply because he was a vampire. Instead I let my mouth runaway on me. “You know you’re story has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese. You know I wasn’t the one attacking. You know those vampires staged their attack. And I’d bet you know who’s responsible for all of this.”

  The vampire studied me closely for a second. His face was unreadable giving nothing away. “For arguments sake, let’s say I believe you. Then how did you annihilate twenty vampires?”

  “Like this,” Cam hissed. Closing his eyes he focused. After thirty seconds, Hugo began glancing around. The energy was turning awkward as nothing happened. “Fuck,” Cam groaned relaxing from the struggle.

  “Well, that was impressive,” the vampire said sarcastically. “Since you have admitted to the slaughter, you can expect our retaliation.” Hugo moved to go when Ty spoke up.

  “Hold on. Before you go.” Hugo turned trying to hide his aggravation with the horseman. Ty spun his laptop around. I hadn’t even been aware he’d retrieved it and had been clicking away while I was engaged with the vampire. Tapping on the track pad a video began playing. My eyes widened recognizing the scene. Ty clicked pause once the vampires rushed us at the bar. “Now,” he began watching Hugo grind his teeth. “I have already prepared to send this to each supernatural leader in Summery along with the vampire council unless I type in a cancelation password here in the next two minutes. So here’s what’s going to happen; you’re going to go back and tell Maya… Frankly I don’t care what you tell her only that there will be no retaliation. The waitress and any other humans will be released unharmed or she can try her luck with the council. What’s it going to be Hugo? You’ve got one minute and twenty-six seconds left.”

  I’d never seen so much blood rush to a vampire’s face before as Hugo turned as red as a tomato.

  “I cannot guarantee she will concede.”

  “Oh, now come, Hugo. I know you can be very persuasive. It’s how you’re maintained your position even through the change of leadership.” Ty glanced down at his timer. “Fifty-nine seconds.”

  The vampire groaned running his hands frustratingly through his hair. “Fine.”

  “And you’ll make her see reason?”

  “Yes! Now cancel the video.”

  Tyler flipped the laptop around quickly typing in what appeared to be an extravagant password. “Done.” Hugo’s shoulders relaxed. “Just an FYI. I have it setup to need a variety of passwords for different days to keep it from being sent. So if you plan on reneging, or should anything happen to me, or my fellow horsemen, just know that only I know the passwords and I’m sure the council would be thrilled to know what we suspect Maya’s up to. I also suggest you cease working with Shane. I don’t know what all he’s told you, but he’s a manipulator and a liar. I’ll also expect proof the humans are alive and well within the hour before the password is due again. I also rescind your invitation to our home.”

  Just like magic Hugo was tugged towards the door where it opened awaiting his departure and closed once he was over the threshold.

  “Now that was impressive,” I stated.

  “Thanks I thought they might have some cameras with how Shane knew the moment we arrived,” Ty explained.

  “Not that, although it was impressive too. I meant him being drug from the house.”

  “Oh,” Ty replied before scratching the back of his head. “Yeah, that’s just how it happens.”

  The four of us stood in the barn in battle ready attire. Cam and I stood facing off with Ty and Derek as part of my training. Grabbing Cam’s arm, I tapped into his power throwing up only half a sphere using it as a shield of sorts sliding it away from me towards the two horsemen. Of course it was just for show and wouldn’t hurt them, as they were immune to my gift of death, but it was the practice I needed. Cam and I had been working on the speed and control of me using his power. The half sphere was a new achievement. It allowed me to use less energy and to control a more accurate aim.

  Shoving the shield toward Derek, he rolled out of the way like he woul
d if he were anyone else. I brought my sword down before he had a chance to right himself. He kicked my knee forcing it to buckle making me drop the shield. It snapped back like a rubber band making both Cam and I wavier for just a second as the magic settled back over us. I righted myself immediately but it was enough of a gap for Derek to get to his feet.

  Cam and Ty were busy sparring. We’d been rotating partners as the training session progressed. Cam as my partner made the most sense since I could tap into his gift, but it didn’t mean that he’d always be available. I needed to be just as comfortable with Ty and Derek as partners too. I went on patrol with both men regularly and needed to know how to work with them just as seamlessly.

  The hilt of Derek’s sword slammed into my chin making me stagger.

  “Shit Evie,” Derek said dropping his stance. “I’m sor—” But I spun landing my foot against his cheek. Not in retaliation but in keeping to the guise that we were enemies.

  When he righted himself with a shocked expression blanketing his face, I rolled back my shoulders and widened my stance in preparation for his retaliation. “We’re sparing, Derek. I can take a blow the same as you.” It was a subtle reminder that even though I had breasts it didn’t make me any less of a horseman.

  Curtly nodding, he charged at me this time not holding back.

  Switching partners a few more times finally had me exhausted. I used Cam’s power whenever the opportunity appeared. It wasn’t just as a fail safe, but to learn to use it without losing focus. If I could do it in a training session then in the field would be much easier.

  I laid on my back staring at the raptures in the old barn. My arm was draped over my forehead listening to the guys as they stripped their weapons and cleared the training area. Five shields, along with the exertion of sparring, and I was beat. Figuring I just needed a catnap, I closed my eyes listening to the gentle hum of the guys’ conversation. Only a moment passed before the deafening silence registered.


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