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Obsidian (The Horsemen Chronicles Book 2)

Page 18

by D. C. Gambel

  “Ty still—” but he pointed further.

  The Spear of Destiny is believed to grant the beholder the power to bend the destiny of the world. Our understanding is the spear is not meant for mortal hands, therefore a mortal cannot contain it, hence its vanishing act. The age itself makes one curious, as it dates back before the great flood.

  Markings on it also place the spear in Ancient Greece. Rumors state the spear once belonged to Atropos, one of the three Fates, in charge of cutting the Thread of Life.

  My mouth fell open. “Mother fucker,” I repeated the same thing Ty had earlier. I looked up at Ty matching his bewildered expression. “You think he’s trying to alter the destiny of the world?”

  “Maybe, but there’s more.”

  Atropos and her sisters, Clotho and Lachesis, were portrayed as the offspring of Zeus himself, but older myths suggest they were the daughters of Nyx, the Goddess of night and daughter of Chaos, who was said to even predate the Titans.


  Ty nodded grimly. Flashes of Hell came swarming to the forefront of my mind. Nyx had been the cause of every bad thing that occurred from the moment I joined the horsemen ending with Cam’s death. I shook my head shaking away the memories reminding myself that she was dead. Yet here, in Tyler’s book, was a connection from her to Shane. It was too much of a coincidence, but regardless, nothing good could come from Shane having the blade, or rather the spear, in his possession.

  Charlie and I were sitting on the couch inside the horsemen house staring at the flat screen where the newest episode of Shadowhunters played.

  “It’s not really like this, is it?” Charlie asked shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth as we watched Clary draw a rune banishing a demon.

  “Nope,” I reached over grabbing a handful. This was the first time that Charlie and I had ever hung out were I was complete relaxed. After discovering she’d been kissed by death and unable to be affected by my gift, a weight had been lifted, even more so than when she discovered that I was Death.

  “They make it look easy,” she mumbled around her mouthful of popcorn.

  “It’s anything but. If people knew that this stuff was real and that it was no where near this romanced version, I doubt they’d be interested in watching it on TV.” I knew that from experience. I had been a huge fan of all different paranormal and supernatural shows and movies before discovering I was a horseman. Maybe it was my mind trying to prepare me for what was to come by somehow knowing the truth of my destiny. It had made the truth a little easier to swallow. Now that it was my life, I didn’t find the same entertainment value to the industry as I once had. The only reason I now watched one of my former favorites was because Charlie had wanted to hang.

  Cam and Ty were out on patrol and Derek vanished, as he always did when we were left alone lately. He was getting better about being around me since we worked patrol last week. Ty had decided to work us in small increments together to slowly rebuild the bond we once had and give Derek time to erect his walls once more. Nothing could come from his feelings for me and he knew it. We were due for another attempt tomorrow. I trusted Derek enough to not let the awkwardness that Asmodeus caused jeopardize our working relationship. After all, it was what he had tried drilling into Cam when we first started taking interest in each other. The job and the team came first.

  Charlie sighed contently clutching her glass of wine. “I will say, they did get something right.”

  “Really?” I asked curiously, reaching for the popcorn that sat between us. “What’s that?”

  “All you warriors of the supernatural are sexy as hell.” She smirked seeing me roll my eyes. “Seriously? Now that you’ve elevated your wardrobe, and no longer use your hair as a means to keep yourself shielded, I’d do you.”

  “I might have an issue with that, Charlotte,” Cam called out. Charlie and I turned our heads almost in a synchronized way, towards Cam who looked incredible mouthwatering leaning casually against the wall. We were both grinning at him for two different reasons. I was glad to see him home and Charlie was enjoying getting a rise out of him.

  “Don’t worry Cam. I’m not a home wrecker,” she exhorted with a roll of her eyes then jabbed her index finger in the air at him. “But watch yourself if you ever mistreat her. I can revile you in the charm department when it comes to getting in a girl’s pants.”

  “Charlie,” I gasped. “Since when do you play for the other team?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve dabbled in it, but you’re my girl, Evie. I’d go pro for you.”

  I chuckled shoving her away. I glanced at Cam to see how the conversation was affecting him. I half expected to see him entertaining the notion of seeing me with Charlie. It was what most guys wanted after all, right? But what I saw in his face was a hint of jealousy. Feeling my gaze on him, he quickly masked it shooting me a devilish smirk. I couldn’t help biting my lip because the idea of me with anyone, girl or otherwise, had Cam jealous and the look he was giving me was a prelude of what was to come later.

  Footsteps sounded coming down the stairs at the same time as the front door opened. The footsteps, immediately halted.

  “What the hell happened to you?” Tyler demanded. Since Cam and I were together, I could only assume it was Derek.

  “What do you mean?” Derek asked.

  Cam and I moved to stand where we could see the scene that was commencing.

  “You’re covered in blood? Were you attacked?”

  I let my eyes rake over of him, but didn’t see anything on his skin. Feeling us there, he turned glancing at us and my mouth fell open. Derek’s white shirt is streaked with different shades of red, from crimson to russet, showing the extent of the drying blood. His eyes locked on me, but for the first time since Phoenix, I didn’t feel his animosity.

  He cocked his head back at Ty. “I’m fine.” He raised his arms out. “Not a scratch. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need a shower.”

  When he was out of ear range, Ty tilted his head in our direction. “That was weird, right?” We both nodded. “Good. Glad it wasn’t just me.”

  Derek hadn’t been on patrol and unless he was hiding them extremely well, he didn’t appear armed. So how in the world was he covered in that much blood? And better yet, who’s was it?

  Cam and I were prowling the vacant streets of Summery. So far it was a slow night. Understatement of the year. It was dead. The only thing that prevented me from pointing this out was karma had a way of biting us in the ass and I didn’t want to suddenly be overwhelmed to the point that Cam and I couldn’t handle it. Combining our gift out in the open, dead or not, wasn’t safe. Someone could be inside the buildings, unseen to us, but it wouldn’t stop my power from taking their life if it touched them. True I had been training to use it as more of a moving wall than a sphere, but it could still get away from me and I wasn’t willing to risk that.

  “So Derek apologized to me,” Cam admitted as we scanned the streets.

  “Really? For?”

  The skittering of an object, possibly a discarded can, skipped across the pavement instantly drawing our attention. We moved to examine it but saw nothing of importance.

  “For his dickhead antics after Phoenix.”

  I nodded even though his back was to me. “I was worried when you two patrolled last night.”

  “I’m not mad about the kiss, Evie.” When I raised a single brow to him he rolled his eyes. “Okay so I am, but I get why it was necessary. I’m more pissed that he still has feelings for you.”

  With a sigh, I stepped into him placing my hand on his arm. “He can’t control that anymore than you could. I’m pretty awesome.” He narrowed his eyes but there was a smile tugging at his lips. “But I only have feelings for you. I love you.” This time his smirk grew into a true smile. He leaned in brushing his lips across the top of my head. Kissing me on patrol would only get us distracted and put us both in jeopardy, so even though I was disappointed, I understood the chaste gesture.

p; Voices drifted up the alley from where we stood but were abruptly cut off in an abnormal way, almost as if someone pressed the pause button. Cam and I exchanged a glance before slowly moving to investigate where the sound had just been coming from.

  We scanned the area, but saw no sign of anyone.

  “We both didn’t just hallucinate the same thing, did we?” I wondered. Their voices hadn’t faded. No other noise, such as a door opening, had accompanied the sound of their voices.

  Then we heard them again. But they were coming from two different directions.

  “I think we need to separate,” Cam stated, but appeared torn with his decision. I knew he hated the idea of leaving me on my own, but we’d been over this. He couldn’t treat me like his girlfriend here. I was one of his fellow horsemen.

  “Okay,” I nodded. He paused for just a second before returning my nod then we parted.

  I moved quickly. Speed was important but not if it compromised my stealth. I rounded the corner of the alley, but before anything other than the darkness that encompassed me became visible, an arm snaked out and yanked me back.

  Instinct took over and I threw a right hook clipping the jaw of my assailant before gasping when realization took me.

  “Fuck, Cam what were you thinking.”

  “Obviously I wasn’t,” he spoke adjusting his jaw. I didn’t know if he was feigning discomfort for me, but I’d hit him plenty of times in training and he’d barely reacted. “Come on. I found something.”

  Reaching down, his fingers encircled my arm and he began dragging me before I had even processed his words.

  “Cam,” I gasped. His grip was almost painful. Something about this didn’t feel right. In the chaos it took me a moment to realize that I didn’t feel Cam the way I normally did. There was a bond, a connection, that was missing. The man holding me felt like anyone else touching me.

  Quicker than I knew I could move, I withdrew the blade that rested at my hip and slashed it across Cam’s arm. He hissed releasing me.

  “Evie, what the—”

  I spun and had him pinned against the wall with the blade pressed to his neck. “You’re the incubus, aren’t you?” I demanded.

  Cam smirked. “Clever girl. Then you also remember that I work with Shane and he wants a meeting. As I’m sure you remember from last time,” he lifted his hand and I responded by pressing the blade harsher against his throat so a smear of crimsons kissed my blade. He didn’t try to stop me. Instead he wiggled his pinky at me. “He’ll get to you one way or another.”

  “Evie!” Cam called out. Then suddenly I was standing in the dark alley with two Cam’s. I was sure in other circumstances that I might enjoy the gravity of the moment. After all, it had been a fantasy of mine that I would never admit out loud.

  “Incubus,” the real Cam hissed. “I let you go last time and you were dumb enough to come back.”

  “And I’ll be leaving again, no more harmed than I am thanks to Evie’s quick reflexes, unless you want your fellow horseman to be ambushed by a horde of vampires. You forget, Shane is prepared for all sorts of contingencies.”

  “Shane,” Cam spat.

  The incubus turned his focus to me all but ignoring Cam. “All harm brought to me will be repaid. You know he’s capable. If I’m not back within the time limit he set for me, with or without you, then I guess Famine will be the first to test your immortal theory.”

  The mention of Derek had me tensing. He hadn’t been home when we left. I didn’t think he was bluffing. Risking a glance to Cam showed he believed the incubus wasn’t either.

  “What do you mean, with or without Evie?”

  “I’m here for her. The time grows near. Shane is eager for her to uphold her end of their bargain.” His response was to Cam but his eyes never wavered mine. After a moment he broke away to focus on Cam. “You know the consequences if she reneges on the deal.”

  “Let him go, Evie.”

  My mouth fell open. “You can’t be serious. He has information we need.”

  “I know, but we can’t risk Derek. He’s not answering.” Cam held his phone in his hand looking grim.

  Gritting my teeth, I pressed the blade harder against the imposter Cam. I knew even if Cam wasn’t against me killing the incubus, I wouldn’t be able to follow through. There was no way I could kill him while he wore the face of the man I loved.

  With a heavy sigh, I shoved away from him. The incubus’s Cam exterior smiled, but it didn’t hold the same allure that a real Cam’s smile held.

  “We’ll be seeing you soon, Evie.”

  Cam and I rushed back to the manor barely acknowledging the stoplights taking them more as a suggestion. When we pulled up and saw only Ty’s car awaiting us, my heart sank. I’d alternated between calling Derek and Ty multiple times while Cam raced home behind the wheel of his Mustang. We knew Derek was out and Ty was researching and had a no phone rule in the library.

  The car was barely in park before I was out running towards the house.

  “Ty!” I screamed seeking the Horseman of Pestilence.

  Hearing the urgency in my voice, he sped to the top of the stairs looking down on me.

  “Evie? What…?”

  “Where’s Derek?” I didn’t have time to explain the imposter Cam’s threat. If it was true we couldn’t waste a moment.

  “I don’t—”

  Cam strode inside taking in the scene. “His phone,” Cam demanded.

  Tyler saw the seriousness in our mannerisms he didn’t inquire further, but raced to grab his computer.

  The entire time he clicked away Cam paced using it as a physical outlet for the anxiety he was feeling while I sat stiffly feeling my muscles clench.

  “Got him,” Ty stated after a few moments. Cam was immediately over his shoulder taking in the location.

  “Are you mobile?” Cam asked already heading to the door.

  “Of course,” Ty admitted following behind War carrying his laptop.

  Within seconds, all three of us were loaded into Cam’s Mustang. Ty sat in the back but continued to relay directions.

  “There!” I shouted louder than I intended feeling both relieved and anxious spying Derek’s Bronco.

  The Mustang’s tire’s squealed as Cam cut the wheel hard pulling into the parking lot that housed the Bronco.

  “He’s not here,” Ty explained. “But he’s close.”

  We didn’t waste time to allow Ty to weapon up. He followed with just the basics that he wore daily as we charged across the parking lot.

  I gasped when we saw Derek resting on a stoop covered in blood. He appeared to have been put through the ringer a few times, but was in better shape than I had anticipated.

  “Derek!” I rushed to his side so I could see his injuries better, flanked by Cam and Ty. Cam took to Derek’s other side since he had more training than I did to evaluate the injuries.

  “What the hell are you all doing here?” Derek demanded.

  “Did the vampires do this to you?” After letting the imposter Cam go, we still worried that Shane wasn’t going to keep his word. It would have been a lesson to me for attempting to make a deal I’d had no intention of keeping. I knew Shane would see it that way and have no problem delivering the message. Now taking in Derek, I wondered if he was planning on hurting the horseman no matter what happened to the incubus.

  “Vampires?” he questioned.

  I opened my mouth to reply but Cam beat me to it. “How’d you get hurt?”

  Derek shrugged, but averted his eyes almost like he was ashamed. “I’m fine or I will be. What are you all doing here?”

  “Dammit, Derek!” Cam spat at the horseman’s evasiveness. “I get that you’re going through some shit right now, but we thought we might find you dead instead of just beat to a bloody pulp. Stop with the cagey shit and just answer the fucking question!”

  Derek eyed Cam with a knitted brow internally debating if he should keep up his vague tactics. With a sigh he seemed to resolve himse
lf. “Not vampires. That’s all I’m saying. I’m sorry you all were worried, but I’m also a little offended you didn’t think I could handle myself.” Shoving off the concrete where he sat, he winced, but quickly covered it. “I’ll see you all at home.”

  He didn’t risk a backward glance as he charged out to the parking lot. The roar of the engine alerted us to his departure.

  “Cam,” I breathed glancing around.


  “Isn’t this where we were earlier?”

  He gazed around and recognition flashed across his face.

  “Why would Derek be near the same place you two were patrolling?” Ty wondered.

  He wasn’t alone in his curiosity.

  Chapter 14

  “Evie?” Derek called out. I was sitting at a table in our home library trying to find out exactly how the Blade of Sin, Spear of Destiny or Atropos’ blade, whatever name you wanted to call it, worked. I’d been at it for most of the morning. Ty had offered to take over for me since I’d been at it for days now, but I’d refused. I felt like I was on to something, or was close—maybe in the vicinity of it.

  “Yeah?” Since our first patrol together, Derek seemed to reign in whatever feelings Asmodeus’ task had unleashed, at least somewhat. We were colleagues, but hadn’t quite crossed the border to friends.

  He bit his lip nervously while studying the ground. “I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind patrolling tonight with Cam? I know how he likes to work with you.”

  Cam was on day three for patrol already. It’d been a week since we discovered Derek bloody but we still had no answer as to what happened. Shane seemed to be momentarily quiet. Those first few days after our run in with the incubus, I could barely close my eyes for fear that Shane would find me in my dreams. Not even Cam could coax me to sleep. I missed two of my patrols because he ratted me out to Ty and neither of them believed I should be out until I got some rest. Cam had taken one of my shifts, but since the other was with him, Ty had stepped up taking it.


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