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Obsidian (The Horsemen Chronicles Book 2)

Page 22

by D. C. Gambel

  “Get to the car and meet us,” Shane demanded. They both nodded and stood. “Come on.” Keeping his grip on me, he led me out of what I now noticed was an apartment.

  I was confused as he steered me the opposite direction from where his team headed.

  “What’s going on?” I demanded.

  For a moment Shane did nothing but drag me along. “Remember what I said, Evie? I’ll knock you out and kill anyone who interferes. Full moon is tonight and the wolves are out. They have both of our scents so it’s best to lead them elsewhere before Dom and Chad meet us.”

  “A false trail?”

  “Something like that.”

  He chuckled to himself but when he saw my questioning stare, he spoke. “It’s funny really. They must despise you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “All those murders, my scent lingered on every body. Sure yours was on the wolves, but they didn’t trust the horsemen to do their job. The alpha was running his own investigation. You can’t fool a wolf when it comes to scent. They knew it wasn’t you yet said nothing.”

  “Those fucking bastards.” True I didn’t have the best relationship with the pack. They had tried to kidnap me and hand me over to Nyx for their own purpose, yet I never thought they’d sink that low to discredit me. They could have cleared me months ago but were too stubborn, or prideful, to do it.

  Noticing that I was lost in thought, he squeezed my arm bringing my back to the here and now. “It’s all in the past now. Don’t worry darlin’ they’ll get what’s coming to them.”

  I didn’t know what he meant and I was too afraid to ask. Shane had killed people because it served his purpose. I didn’t know what he’d do for spite.

  He led me down the busy street of the business district. I had to admit, it was a smart move on his part. Our scent would blend in with that of the crowd, all of whom were busy heading home from work making it impossible for the wolves to distinguish our scent from that of the crowd.

  “Evie?” A feminine voice called out halting our progression. My heart instantly sank when I saw it was Emily. After watching Cam kill her, or rather her form, I’d recognize her anywhere. It had been the first time I’d seen the horseman show any real feelings it was also the first time I’d seen someone killed by something other than my gift.

  Shane gripped me harder pulling me into him. Emily seemed to notice. Her eyes slightly widened before her brow furrowed.

  “Please let me get rid of her,” I begged in a hushed tone, worried that Shane would follow through of his threat.

  “Sixty seconds,” he stated. “Or I’ll handle things my way.” I quickly agreed. He released me and pretended to busy himself at a hotdog cart.

  “Are you and Cam no longer together?” She asked hopefully. I wanted to frown, but I needed her.

  “Listen Emily. I know how this looks and if you feel the need to go to Cam I understand and in fact I encourage it.”

  “Evie,” she frowned. “I won’t be the barer of bad news. If you want to end your relationship then do it.” She started to turn but I spoke up knowing if Shane noticed it could cost us both.

  “You don’t understand. Cam is in danger.” Her gaze darted to Shane. “Don’t look at him,” I stated too forcefully shocking her. “I’m sorry. This is bigger than you can possibly imagine. I need your help. I know you may not think much of me—or even like me—frankly I don’t care, but I know you care about Cam. Go to him, as soon as you can. Tell him you saw me with Shane and he’s taking me to Hell.”

  “Hell?” she asked and I nodded.

  “He’ll know what it means.” I could feel Shane’s presence grow nearer. It was time to get rid of her or risk her life. I hoped I had given her enough.

  “I’m done with Cam,” I spat viciously when I knew Shane was close enough to hear it. “He cheated on me. So if that’s the kind of man you’re interested in then fine. Go to him, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I turned and stalked away towards Shane. Once I was in reach, he clamped my arm once more tugging me back to him. His grip was firm and unrelenting.

  “Well that was interesting. Was that the truth or were you saying it to save her life?”

  My body grew rigid. Sharing those details with Shane was the last thing I wanted. He was the type of person to use whatever ammunition he could, and my broken heart was definitely a huge weight for him to sling.

  “A little of both,” I admitted.

  Chapter 17

  The back seat of Shane’s Dodge Challenger was constricting and uncomfortable. With the child locks engaged it was the safest place for me to be kept as we moved down the highway. The Challenger wasn’t a classic unlike Cam’s sport car. Of course the Mustang wasn’t much roomier, but I’d never had a complaint even when Cam and I had been squashed, attempting to christen it. The thought tugged at my heartstrings, but I shoved the hurt away for the time being. If I survived this, I’d take the time to deliberate Cam’s place in my life going forward. For now, there were more important things—like escaping or, if I couldn’t, surviving Hell, which I barely had previously.

  With the way Shane drove, I wasn’t sure we’d make it to Hell. The car would probably end up in a ditch or wrapped around a pole. It was only a matter of time.

  “Where are we heading?” I sat beside the incubus with the Thor demon directly in front of him. The arrangement was done with the intent to keep me from fleeing. With how handsey the incubus had tried to get in the past that he could survive my touch, but the Thor demon had a hoodie pulled snuggly on and was leaning as far into the door as he could to get away from me. He’d mentioned before about not risking touching me. He was the weak link if I wanted to escape. But trying anything as the car raced down the highway was idiotic. We were a good distance away from Summery. My only hope would be to pick a phone off of one of the demons and hope to out run them long enough for the horsemen to find me. Problem was, all their numbers were stored in my cell. Only Charlie’s number did I have memorized.

  This was how most of the drive had gone. Come up with an escape plan, then poke holes in it until I realized the validity was lacking.

  Shane’s jaw clenched. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the wheel, then suddenly he relaxed a smirked. “You’ll see soon.” He glanced at me from the rearview mirror noticing my annoyance with his deflection. “Don’t worry, Evie. If killing you was my intent then I would have done it while you were unconscious.”

  “I’m only alive to serve your purpose. But after—” I mumbled staring straight out the window.

  He chuckled. “My preferred choice of killing wouldn’t work on you. I’d be forced to dirty my hands, which is something I don’t enjoy doing. So trust me, you’re safe. Now shut up and enjoy the ride,” he stated before pressing the gas petal to the floor. The car reeved, slamming me back into my seat as he swerved around the cars that occupied the road with us.

  “Or you’d just order one of your henchmen to do it,” I muttered causing the incubus to chuckle.

  It was almost two hours later that he turned off the main road onto a dirt one. My curiosity piqued as I glanced out the window to the passing scene. He pulled up to a small house and I couldn’t help but frown. Not only had he not taken me to the Hell Gate, but to somewhere that stirred my memories of a time I’d tried my best to repress.

  “The beach?” I asked eyeing the house suspiciously. I hadn’t been to one since I left my mother in Florida and even then, I’d avoided them since my father passed. They held too many bittersweet memories.

  He shrugged. “I know you don’t like crowded places. The seclusion will work best for us.”

  “Us?” I asked eyeing the other men.

  “You worry too much, Evie. I already told you you’re safe. I have no interest in you and the others know better than to cross me.”

  I tensed, but Shane seemed not to notice or was choosing to ignore it.

  “Come on,” he smirked stepping out of the car.r />
  No one grabbed me to steer me into the house. I suppose they knew there was nowhere for me to run. That had been Shane’s plan. I was isolated here with only the demons for company.

  Inside the house, I glanced around my new surrounding.

  “You’re room is through here,” Shane led me down the short hall to one of the few doors that graced the narrow passage. Inside was a simple room with simple amenities. What drew my attention were a set of French doors that opened out onto a small deck that over looked the beach. This stunned me more than no one escorting me inside. I wondered if Shane was purposefully baiting me to run.

  If Shane thought by granting the illusion of freedom that I would run, then he was a fool. First chance I got I’d try my hand. Getting lose in the wilderness was better than returning to hell.

  “Feel free to try it, Evie.” He replied as if he was reading my mind. “I’m curious as to how strong our wards are, and you wouldn’t be who you are if you didn’t attempt to escape.”


  He smirked. “Why do you think it’s taken me this long to come for you. I wanted to be prepared. All I need is the help you promised. After that, you’re free to go. I wouldn’t have gone to the measure if you’d stood by your word. Dinner will be ready here in an hour.” He stepped over the threshold with a knowing smirk. “I’ll leave you to get settled,” he stated before closing the doors behind me. When I didn’t hear the click of a lock, I twisted the knob and found it easy to turn. Next I check the French doors, which swung effortlessly, almost mockingly, allowing the breeze that danced across the waves to flutter it way inside.

  The past forty-eight hours had left me a bundle of anxiety and distress starting when Cam dropped his cheating bomb on me. I wasn’t sure which was worse, Cam or being kidnapped. One I could escape the other…

  For the moment I decided to play the part of model prisoner. If there were wards up, I’d be the one to test them. As Shane said, I wouldn’t be me unless I tried. Heading into the bathroom, I admired the small room. I like there was only one entrance unlike the one I shared with Cam at the house. It meant that for anyone to come in they’d have to enter my bedroom first.

  I started the shower so it’d have time to warm and began moving throughout my room examining my surroundings. I wasn’t surprised when I found clothes waiting for me in the dresser. I grabbed what I needed. My cheeks flamed at the assortment of panties and bras that awaited me. They weren’t the modest pieces I normally wore, but were closer to lingerie.

  I set the clothes on the bathroom counter then glanced around realizing I was missing a towel. Twisting the knob on the bedroom door, I cracked it but froze when the voices from the living room met my ears.

  “So she hasn’t agreed to help you yet? I told you, you should have let me have a go at her.” Dom asked.

  “You know she has to do it willingly.” The Thor demon reminded.

  “She would have been.”

  “Not if you enthrall her with your horny magic,” Chad muttered.

  “Horny magic?” The incubus laughed. “Maybe but at least I’d have gotten her to agree.”

  “She will,” Shane assured. “Trust me. The deal may bind her, but I’ll need her agreement in the moment.”

  “I suppose you have a plan.”

  “I’ve spun her a heart-wrenching tale. The girl is a gullible romantic. She’ll agree, if not we have the secret weapon, but I don’t think we’ll need it. After all, her own love story got a wrench thrown into it.” My brow furrowed as Shane’s words struck me.

  “Yeah,” Chad muttered. “By you. She doesn’t know he was innocent does she?”

  Shane scoffed. “Doesn’t matter. Of course I would have loved if he’d actually bedded the succubus. How he resisted her thrall…but no matter. The accusation is enough to taint Death’s heart.”

  My hand went to cover my mouth quickly to stifle a sob. I leaned against the doorframe feeling the weight of the demon’s words. Cam was innocent. He’d been unable to remember. He’d assumed it had happened because of who he was in his past and I’d diminished the changes he’d made for me by believing the worse.

  “So you didn’t tell her the real reason for heading to hell?” Dom question.

  “No,” Shane growled. “And don’t speak of it. We don’t know if the house is secure. I haven’t checked for bugs today.”

  “Does she know about the horsemen searching for her?”

  “Do you honestly think she’d be as compliant if she did? She’d use all her energy to rush back into Cam’s arms and I can’t have that. No, we’ll keep the wards intact and I’ll continue to play the heart broken guy that just wants his true love all the while we’ll continue to poison her against them. A few drops of Tinctus in her drinks, and by the time I’m done manipulating her, she’ll hate them just as much as I do.”

  Carefully I closed the door, leaning against it. I felt like an idiot. I’d been so quick to condemn Cam. His past behavior had tainted my impression of him that I had never considered his innocence. Shane had played his game quite cleverly. He used my own insecurities against me. I never felt deserving of Cam, that I’d never be enough to hold his attention. It didn’t matter that we were supposedly soul mates. Now that I knew the truth, I needed to do everything in my power to get back to him. That meant playing the game better than Shane.

  My stomach woke me bright and early begging for sustenance. It was too bad. I wasn’t trusting anything my kidnappers made. After what I heard the previous night, I’d proceed as if everything held Tinctus.

  A missed dinner and a late night had exhaustion creeping in. I had waited up until the house went quiet, deciding to test the wards Shane spoke of. For all I knew he was lying to keep me mentally compliant. I’d been wrong. I hadn’t been more than a few feet away from the ward before I felt the gentle hum of them like static threatening to zap me if I got too close. They were stronger than I thought Shane capable, but if the past was an indication, he had someone capable in his pocket. A dome covered the beach were the house sat. I’d tried wadding through the water hoping to swim out past the wards and come up on the other side of them, but even the beach held the prevention to keep me in.

  The sound of running water met me as I headed to the kitchen and found Dom filling the water tank on the coffee machine. I was grateful it was a Keurig so unless they planned on poisoning the communal water, which was doubtful as I watched Dom man the machine and coffee begin to pour into his awaiting mug, there was no other way for them to hurt me as long as I drank it black and washed my mug thoroughly first. I still closely examined the k-cup for signs of sabotage.

  “I think you’re safe,” the incubus teased.

  I shrugged popping the k-cup into the opening. “For all I know you all could sneak me some delayed poison that would keep me alive just long enough to get what you all wanted from me.”

  “Trust me, Evie, what I want from you I need you very much alive for.” The quiet breathy way he spoke over my shoulder made the hair on my neck stand. “Necrophilia isn’t really my thing.” I could feel a hint of his thrall whispering across my skin, but instead of feeling lustful, I felt panicked. He seemed to notice and withdrew straightening to his full height. “Needless to say, what I want is very different from Shane’s desire for you.”

  “I just assumed…”

  “You know what they say about assumption,” he chuckled. “No. I’m working with Shane because I owe him a debt and this squares us. Doesn’t mean that we want the same things.” He leaned in and whispered, “It’s why I didn’t tell him you were eavesdropping on our conversation last night.”

  “How…?” I spun to face him.

  He smirked. “I’m very…in tuned to females and their emotions. It’s part of the reason I’m here. I have a special interest in the woman able to resist my thrall. Makes for a more interesting game.”

  “This isn’t a game.”

  “Oh believe me, it very much is. We’re all just playing a
different one.”

  I cleared my throat and turned to fix my coffee almost forgetting that I couldn’t trust any of the items having been thrown by Dom’s comment. Instead, I tired for a change of subject. “How long are we here.”

  He chuckled as if aware I was being evasive. “That’s up to you, sweetheart.”

  I instantly cringed. Sweetheart was what Cam called me before we were together. It was always done as an anti-endearment. It didn’t matter. Hearing it now reminded me I needed to keep focused if I wanted to get back to him quickly. If Emily had delivered my message to the guys then they were headed to Hell hopefully to intercept me, which meant getting there was a top priority. I didn’t know how long they’d wait before coming to look for me. The demons had mentioned the horsemen were searching for me, but had that been before Emily had spoken to them?

  There were too many what ifs at the moment. I just had to cross my fingers and hope for the best. Cam had found me before, but never at this distance. I just had to trust the bond. If the wards blocked that connection, and I suspected it did otherwise I’d have discover the Horseman of War on the other side of the barrier the night before, my best bet was getting away from here. I didn’t know of a practitioner powerful enough to ward a moving vehicle where the occupants would constantly be crossing the threshold, breaking the barrier. It was a safe bet that the car, outside the wards of the house, would allow Cam to sense me.

  “On me?” I asked doing my best to pretend that going wasn’t what I wanted now.

  “Sure, the deal you made bound you to help Shane, but he can’t force you to. You can always say no. Not sure how breaking a deal with a demon goes over for a horseman, but no human would survive the rebound of it.”


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