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Because I Love You

Page 29

by Amy Brent

  I’d have to be more careful and make sure that Halle didn’t find out about my habits. I’d thought I’d done a pretty good job so far, but maybe she didn’t know anything and I was being paranoid. I’d go to this appointment and hope that she finds a therapist that wasn’t a quack or worse, someone she was dating. The last thing I needed was some asshole analyzing me to get in my daughter’s pants.

  The thought that there were men out there like me with twisted fixations who she might fall prey to, had always scared me.

  I placed the phone on my bed and scrubbed my face with my hands again. I’d dried enough to slip into some joggers and a clean t-shirt and with any luck I’d get to sleep without any more worry about my daughters concerns for me.

  I buried my face into my pillow and reached my hand over to my wife’s side of the bed. I still did it knowing I’d never touch her again, but somehow the gesture made me feel close to her. Before the pain could take me, I took a deep breath, pulled my hand away and thought about Katie being right next door. I wondered if she’d stepped in front of that window since hoping to catch a peek. Somehow the idea of that piqued my interest.

  Chapter 6: Katie

  “Thanks again, Ms. Collins. I’ll try what you told me.” My last client of the day walked out the door and down the narrow path beside my home to where his car was parked and I waved from the door until Halle approached from her dad’s.

  “Hey you, are you keeping a secret romance I should know about?” She gestured to the car as it slowly drove away.

  I gave her a scolding glance. “That’s my client.”

  “No wonder you wanted to host your sessions from home. He’s a total hottie. Nice car too.” She walked past me and into the foyer stopping just outside my office door.

  “I don’t date clients.” I swept my arm and waved her to the kitchen. “Would you like to have a drink?” I entered the room behind her and she took a seat at the large island in my kitchen.

  “Yes please.” She waited as I poured two glasses of bourbon.

  I didn’t waste time throwing mine back and she gave me a wide-eyed look as I shrugged. “I needed that. Long day.”

  “You know, I might need to talk to you in your office.” She tapped her long fingernail against the rim of the glass.

  “Is everything all right? I figured you came to remind me about dinner, but if things have changed I can always order out.” I searched her eyes which met my own.

  “No, dinner’s on. It’s just well, I hate to mention this before we go over. The last thing I want is for dinner to be awkward, but I told him I’d try to make arrangements.” I didn’t understand what she was saying and shrugged to show it. “I’d like you to counsel my dad.”

  I hadn’t expected that and my eyes widened as it sank in. “Are you sure you’d want me to do that? I can always recommend someone else. What’s the problem?”

  “He hasn’t sought out any type of counseling since mom died, and I really think he could use someone to talk to. With Dad’s reputation and wealth, it’s best he use someone we could trust. I was hoping that you could help.” Her brows curled in a worrisome arch. “He said if I made the arrangements he’d attend.”

  “Does he want counseling or is he only doing this for you? I ask because most of my clients make their own arrangements and of course I’m sure you’ve heard that admitting you have a problem and need help is a first step.”

  “I thought that was for addicts.”

  “Well, it helps if anyone admits that they have a problem before seeking help, no matter if it’s an addiction or not.” I wondered if the display I’d seen was part of his issues and how much of that taste for healing his daughter knew about.

  “I’ve been hearing things, Katie. Talk about his preferences and how he’s coping with my mother’s death.” Her face blanched white and she averted her eyes. “I don’t want my father getting a bad reputation any more than he’d want the same for me. I’d like you to find out if what I’m hearing is true.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and felt the need to set her straight immediately. “I wouldn’t be able to tell you anything about the sessions with him. Not even if what you’re hearing is true.”

  She lifted her hand in a halting motion. “Oh, I know that. But I’m hoping if he talks about with someone he’ll realize that it’s not good for him and maybe he’ll change.”

  “What makes you so sure I can help with such a request? It’s your father, Halle.”

  She reached across the counter and placed her hand on mine. “If anyone could help me, it’s you. You’re the only counselor I know and the only one I trust with this. And, well, you’ve never let me down, Katie.”

  I shook my head and released a long breath. “I’m not sure.” I thought of the scene on the veranda. I was certainly interested in seeing more of him, but not like this. Guilt burdened me as I looked up into her eyes and remembered the way I’d pleasured myself to what I saw.

  “Please, Katie.” I looked into her big blue eyes and nodded.

  “I’ll do it. But please promise you won’t ask me anything specific about the sessions and that you won’t be angry with me for not answering when you do.” I had a feeling she was going to be asking me plenty and I already regretted taking on the task especially when I remembered I was about to go meet him for dinner. It was too late to raincheck.

  “Thank you. I’ll be good, I promise.” She crossed her heart and held up the finger to give her solemnest vow. “He’ll be so surprised, but don’t say anything over dinner. I want us to have a nice evening and then I’ll tell him when you leave. I don’t want anything to be awkward.”

  “I think that’s a good idea.” I did feel a bit better that it wouldn’t be a topic of any heated discussion at the dinner table and hoped for a nice quiet evening.

  “I can’t wait for you to see him again. He’s been through so much and I’m hoping you’ll be a great blast from the past. You remember that time you went to the island with us, that was so much fun.” She released a sigh of relief and finished her drink.

  “I do, but I’m sure he barely remembers me. He was so busy with your mom and we were chasing after those guys that were from the other side of the island.” She had particularly been busy with one of them and I had only been the consolation prize for her guy’s best friend.

  “Yeah, don’t remind me. You know, my dad saw that hickey that guy gave me. He came unglued. My mother had to talk him down from going out to drown that poor kid. He’s always so overprotective when it comes to that sort of thing.”

  “So now the roles are reversed?”

  “Maybe a little. He’s all I’ve got. I don’t want him stuck with some skank who gets herself knocked up so my dad will have to marry her. I want him with someone nice.” She glanced down at her phone which she’d taken out of her handbag and her eyes widened. “We should get to the house. Dad’s chef gets so ticked off when I’m late.” She giggled like pissing off the chef was something she did often.

  “I’m ready when you are.” I took a deep as she dragged me around the counter and led me out the back door toward her dad’s veranda.

  We walked into the house and she called out to announce us.

  “Daddy we’re home.” She giggled and locked arms with me. “Look who I brought.” We entered the formal dining room and she smiled and stepped back from me, sweeping her arm out like I was the showroom prize and her father’s eyes widened as his jaw dropped. For a moment, our eyes locked and then he froze as if he’d lost his words.

  “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Roberts.” I gave him a shy smile and then Halle pointed to the chair she wanted me in and I took a seat beside him.

  “Very nice to see you again, Katie. Or is it Katherine these days? You’ve certainly grown into a lovely young woman worthy of such a strong name.” His eyes stayed fixed on mine, but I couldn’t help but think he’d already drank in enough of me to be thinking dirty thoughts, and there was a certain glimmer i
n his eyes that lent to strengthen my beliefs.

  “Thank you, but Katie or Katherine is fine.” I wasn’t opposed to whichever name he chose, but something in me wanted him to speak my full name, to regard me as a woman and not someone closer to his daughter’s age than his own.

  “So how do you like the new place, Katherine?” My cheeks burned as I smiled. He smirked and the curl of his lip was so mischievous that I couldn’t help wonder if he was thinking of catching me watching him.

  “I love it. The neighbors are especially nice.” We shared a laugh between us and I glanced over to Halle wondering if she could sense the way her father was looking at me. The air in the room felt thick between us and I tugged at the collar of my blouse to let in a little air. It was certainly getting hot in there.

  Chapter 7: Grant

  Looking into the eyes of this beautiful woman beside me, I couldn’t help but think about having her six ways to Sunday. The young girl I remembered from our trip to the island, the one who had glanced up at me with her wide, innocent, and frightened eyes, had grown into a knock out.

  “So how do you like the place, Katherine?” I had chosen to use her full name deliberately and I felt like such a bastard doing it. I wanted to see her as more than a woman my daughter’s age and seeing the way she carried herself, with that mature posture and stare, the way she lifted her chin almost defiantly as he answered my questions as if to let me know she wasn’t at all intimidated about what she saw.

  “I love it. The neighbors are especially nice.” We shared a laugh, but she met my eyes directly and tugged at her blouse. My cock responded as the blood flowed to it. Bad idea big guy.

  “Well, she did have the best realtor in the whole entire world.” Halle lifted her chin with confidence and grabbed my hand. “Well, the second-best.” She leaned over and gave me a kiss that brought me back down to earth. This was her best friend and I had to stick to my rules, especially where Katie was concerned. The childish version of her name didn’t suit her a bit.

  “So tell me a bit about what you do? Halle says you’ll be working from home as a therapist.” I suddenly had a thought, but no, Halle wouldn’t set me up with someone so personal. If anything, she’d use the connection to find me someone else more suitable.

  “Yes, there was some issues at my old location, but so far it’s working out. Of course, it’s only been a day, so maybe I’m being optimistic.” She laughed again and the sound was soft and seductive giving my balls the one-two punch again. Down boy.

  Halle’s phone rang and I glanced at her waiting for her to turn it off. We had a rule about cellphones at dinner, but she gave me a pleading a look and I nodded.

  “I’ll just be a moment, I need to take this.” She excused herself and hurried into the other room.

  Katherine glanced around the large room. “You have a beautiful home. I can’t believe I’ve never been here before.”

  “I only bought the place a year before my wife passed. We spent the last days of her life here, and though it was supposed to be nothing more than a sick house, I’ve decided to stay. It’s everything I need.”

  Her face fell. “I’m sorry. I know that was a hard time. She was an amazing woman.”

  “Yes, I suppose you knew her a tad better than you knew me?”

  She nodded. “Yes, she used to come by the apartment when we were in college and get onto us for living in such a pig sty because we hadn’t caught up our laundry or made our beds.”

  She smiled fondly and before the mood got too dampened by talk of my late wife, dinner was served and Halle joined us.

  After we finished dinner Halle asked if we could have our drinks out on the veranda, and even though I saw Katherine’s cheeks redden, she agreed it was a good idea.

  I followed them out and Halle pulled out a chair and took a seat at the table, while I chose to hover with our guest. She met my eyes and lifted her chin. Then she took the glass of wine to her lips and took a sip. She motioned to the window and my heart stopped for a moment until she spoke. “Did Halle mention to you that I’d like to do some planting between our houses?”

  “No, she didn’t.” I glanced to my daughter who sipped from her own glass before giving me an apologetic look.

  “I meant to mention it. I think it would add value to both your properties and give a tad more privacy.” I wondered what brought the conversation on and if maybe Katie had told my daughter what she saw.

  “I think it would help cut down the noise level as well.” Katherine’s eyes burned on mine and I couldn’t believe how bold she could be.

  “Has Daddy been noisy? Please tell me you’re not playing that awful music again.” My daughter hated my taste in music and had walked in on me once blaring it so loud it shook the chandelier in the front room.

  “Oh, no. It’s nothing like that. I only wanted to make sure that I’m not a bother to him.” She met my eyes and smiled and I realized she hadn’t told my daughter anything. I wondered what was going on in her head and stepped up to the table where I’d stood on that night and when I met her eyes again she was tugging at her blouse again and fidgeting with her hair.

  “Well, if you ever have a problem, feel welcome to come on over and tell me about it. I’m always here when you need me.” I rocked forward on my feet and back and her mouth fell open as she looked away. What the hell was I doing? I couldn’t help myself and I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  Halle’s phone went off again and this time she jumped up and ran in the house like her ass was on fire. I turned to her friend. “Do you know what’s gotten into her this evening? Is she seeing someone?”

  Katherine shook her head. “I haven’t the slightest. I don’t really get too involved with my friend’s personal relationships.”

  “Well, you certainly seem mature for your years. I’ve never met anyone my daughter’s age that had your poise.”

  “She’s hardly a child, Mr. Roberts and I’m not exactly her age.” She took another sip of her wine.

  “Call me Grant if you like. I mean, we are both adults.”

  “Certainly, Grant.” My name was uttered like a purr from her lips and I found myself wanting to hear it at the top of her lungs, preferably while I bent her over the table in front of us.

  “How old are you?” I had to know and hoped like hell she wasn’t going to have me wanting to break two of my rules.

  She smiled and then pulled her lips in tight before answering. “I’m two years older than your daughter. I started college the same year because I had to wait until my inheritance came through to go to a better college. Halle never minded that I was a bit older.”

  “Two years older isn’t that much.” I had hoped she was at least five away from Halle. Then I wouldn’t feel like such a letch for imagining her naked beneath me. The blood flowed again and this time it hardened my length considerably. I adjusted and kept close to the table. She didn’t seem to notice it punching at my pants.

  “I’ve always been the more mature between us.” She lifted her shoulder and cut me a sideways glance.

  “I can see that. You’ve definitely grown into quite the woman. I bet your making some young man quite happy.” It was a dirty suggestion, but I needed to find out if she was in a relationship.

  “I’m not seeing anyone. My last relationship ended over a year ago.” She met my eyes directly again and I couldn’t help but wonder if that was part of her line of work, to look people in the eye. My ego wanted me to believe she wanted me as much as I wanted her, but that was a ridiculous thought. What would she want with me when she could land any man she’d want?

  “Well, if you ever want any company come on over.” Her eyes widened and she giggled as the blush hit her cheeks and I found myself clarifying. “You know, to visit. Hang out. Maybe watch a movie? I have a home theater.”

  “Oh of course.” She nodded like she hadn’t made any assumptions but the two of us shared another laugh as Halle entered the room.

  “I’m afraid I have to
go, Daddy.” She turned to Katherine and apologized. “I’m so sorry I have to bail. But it’s a personal issue. One of my friends is having a meltdown and she needs me.” She kissed us both and hurried out leaving us alone.

  “So you started college late? You sure crammed in studies to be in your field.” She glanced up at the sky and then toward her window and back.

  “Actually I started college at eighteen, but changed schools when I moved in with your daughter. I haven’t been in practice but for a year now. I finished up my internship with the office I recently left and they offered me a job.” She seemed so confident, nothing like the young girl that had refused to go on the zip line. I wondered if she remembered that, but she yawned before I could bring it up.


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