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One Week in Paradise [Doms of Sybaris Cove Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Tara Rose

  The Doms of Sybaris Cove Prequel

  One Week in Paradise

  Doms and marketing executives Arizona Durante and Dallas Raleigh believe it’s unrealistic that two Doms can share a woman’s affections plus her submission. So Arizona’s sister, Lucie, challenges them to share her employee Celina Vallee for one week and not fall in love. They refuse citing cruelty and deceit, although in secret both men have had fantasies about Celina for years.

  When Celina overhears her name offered up as the challenge, she persuades Arizona and Dallas to allow her to help them win the bet, no strings attached, just to spite Lucie. Celina has always had a secret crush on both men, and doesn’t want to pass up her chance for one week with them both.

  But during that week, Celina is offered a job in New Orleans that includes the opportunity to pursue her career dreams. There’s just one catch. Arizona and Dallas are bound by an ancient curse that prevents them from ever leaving the island.

  Note: This for-sale version has been revised and expanded and is at 26,730 words. The original short version at 21,411 words is available for free only inside the BookStrand App.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 26,730 words


  The Doms of Sybaris Cove Prequel

  Tara Rose


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright ©2015 by Tara Rose

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-810-4

  First E-book Publication: February 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2015 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  This is Tara Rose’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Tara Rose’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Most of this book is a prequel, but it also contains a special scene at the end that I added for this extended version. This is for my readers. Thank you for supporting this series. I had so much fun writing it.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  About the Author


  The Doms of Sybaris Cove Prequel


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Each time Celina Vallee had occasion to pass the hall leading to the executive wing at Phoebe’s Playthings, where the objects of her unrelenting lust, Dallas Raleigh and Arizona Durante, worked, she couldn’t help the fantasies that raced through her mind. And since the legal department where she worked as a paralegal and research assistant was in the wing next to it, she had occasion to pass by quite often.

  But she wasn’t usually in the offices this late. She’d stayed past her usual quitting time today in order to do some additional work on a project she knew was near and dear to the guys’ hearts because it involved a new marketing campaign they had designed. Anytime she had the chance to work on something for them, she jumped at it.

  Her family had worked for the Durante family in their mansions atop one of the many hills on Sybaris Cove since cousins Agapito and Iago Durante had built it in 1945. They, along with former rum-running buddies and brothers William and Robert Raleigh, were the original settlers of this island in the Gulf of Mexico, southwest of Timbalier Island.

  And none of their direct male descendants had ever left it.

  Celina shivered as she entered the legal department wing. She didn’t mind thinking about Dallas or Arizona, but she didn’t like to dwell too long on the mystery surrounding this island and its original inhabitants. It gave her the creeps all day and invaded her dreams at night because of the curse surrounding it. She’d rather have erotic dreams about fucking Arizona and Dallas, preferably at the same time.

  But it wasn’t merely the curse itself. It was the fact that no one seemed to know where it came from, but it had certainly been proven to be real. Male ancestors of both Arizona and Dallas had tried to leave the island and died doing so. Celina didn’t want them to meet the same fate one day.

  The legal department was always quiet and smelled like old leather, and after hours that ambiance was enhanced. She found it soothing, although it did make her feel as if she should whisper every time she had to talk to someone. Her cubicle was in a corner, along with the other four paralegals, and to reach it she had to pass her boss’s office. Celina had long suspected that Lucie Durante, Arizona’s sister, had the wing designed this way on purpose so she could keep an eye on her employees.

  Lucie was an attorney but she also supervised the rest of the legal department employees. Celina had heard both Dallas and Arizona call Lucie a genius with co
ntracts, but a bitch when it came to being a boss. Lucie ran a tight ship but she’d always been fair with Celina, and had been instrumental in helping her score an upcoming interview at The Caldwell Law Firm in New Orleans.

  It wasn’t that Celina didn’t enjoy working for Phoebe’s Playthings, but her opportunities on the island were so limited. The only way she was going to see the world and experience all the things she wanted to do was to leave Sybaris Cove. She only wished she didn’t have to leave Arizona and Dallas behind without at least having had the chance to see if reality lived up to her fantasies.

  Then again, when did reality ever live up to fantasy? If she landed this job in The Big Easy, at least she could take those fantasies with her and they would remain perfect.

  As she neared Lucie’s door, she stopped when Arizona said her name. “I didn’t say it was Celina reading the book. I said the girl on the cover looked like her.”

  Celina smiled. Two of her coworkers, Trina Fuentes and Kim Merrick, were huge fans of trashy romance novels. They had Kindles, but also loved it when they were able to get their hands on a paperback, especially a ménage. Consequently, there were always a few books with scantily clad heroines and heroes on the covers floating around the department.

  “You two do have quite a thing for Celina,” said Lucie. “You probably think every damsel in distress on a book cover looks like her.”

  They had a thing for her? That was news to her. Celina moved closer to the door. Everyone else had gone home by now so she knew she wouldn’t be caught eavesdropping. Her pulse raced and she wiped her damp palms on her skirt, straining to hear their response.

  “Well this one sure looked like her,” said Arizona. “But it hardly matters. She’s still carrying a torch for what’s his name from research and development.”

  What? Was that what everyone thought? That she still wasn’t over the way Matt Winters had dumped her after humiliating her at the company Memorial Day picnic? Shit. She’d have to do something about that. She’d assumed that by now everyone knew she was way, way over Matt and his bullshit. It had been close to a month since the picnic.

  “She is not,” said Lucie. “She hates his guts. And that doesn’t change the fact that these books are ridiculous. There’s no way two Doms would share a sub. Not a chance.”

  Dallas laughed. “Oh really? Millions of readers would disagree with you. Ménage books with a BDSM theme are very popular.”

  “It’s fantasy,” said Lucie. “It would never happen.”

  “I disagree,” said Arizona. “I think two Doms can share a sub.”

  Now that he’d said that, Celina’s mind went straight to fantasies of those two sharing her in bed. Her clit throbbed at the idea of being spanked or flogged by both of them.

  “Is that so? Are you two telling me that if you had a chance to share a submissive woman…Celina, for example…in bed, or in one of those play scene things you do, that you would do it?”

  Celina nearly came. Her pussy was soaking wet now. Lucie wasn’t in the BDSM lifestyle, unlike most of the people who worked at Phoebe’s Playthings, but she knew Arizona and Dallas were. And, she knew that neither one currently had a sub.

  But they didn’t know her secret fantasies involved them and BDSM play, did they? No. There was no way they could know that. They knew she was submissive, but surely they didn’t know that she’d lusted after them for years now.

  “I don’t think we should answer that,” said Dallas. “You might use it against us one day.”

  A shiver ran up and down Celina’s spine. He hadn’t exactly said “no.”

  Lucie laughed again. “This is strictly off the record. It’s not like this is the first time you’ve heard me put down romance novels.”

  “We get it,” said Dallas. “You don’t believe two Doms can share a sub. Not the way it’s portrayed in the books, at least. Topping her in one scene, maybe. But living with her…having a relationship with her…especially a sexual one, no way.”

  “You think there would be too much jealousy, right?” Arizona’s voice was filled with humor.

  “Too much dominance,” said Lucie. “Who is the alpha Dom? It’s pack law. One of them would be the alpha and one would be the beta. No way would they each allow the other to be an alpha, and share the sub equally.”

  “What would you know about it?” asked Dallas. “How many Doms do you know intimately who have discussed this with you? Try none.”

  Lucie’s laugh was loud and bitchy, just as it usually was when she was about to go in for the kill. Celina strained to listen. “All right. Let’s make this interesting then. How about a wager?”

  “What are you suggesting?” Dallas’s voice was filled with suspicion. Celina moved closer to the door because this had just become so intriguing, it was worth the risk of getting caught.

  “I’m suggesting you two put your money where your mouths are. I’m challenging you both to share a sub for one week, in and out of bed, without killing each other in the process.”

  “That’s not ethical,” said Arizona. “In fact, it sounds a bit like the plot for Dangerous Liaisons.”

  “I’m not talking about making someone fall in love with you. I’m talking about you two sharing a woman for one week. And at the end of that week, you’re still best friends and haven’t hurt each other. If you make it that long. Which you won’t.”

  “And what do you get out of it?”

  “The knowledge I was right about yet one more thing.”

  “Lucie, you’re a class A bitch. You know that?”

  She laughed again, but there was no humor in it. “I know it. And you’re changing the subject.”

  “Who would go along with such a thing?” asked Dallas.

  “We can make it someone you like. That’ll make it easier for you.”

  “You’re suggesting we use Celina that way? She’s one of your employees.” Arizona’s voice was filled with disgust, and Celina resisted the urge to pump her fist in the air. At least she knew they weren’t lowlife scumbags in disguise, like Matt had been.

  “I didn’t mention any names.” Lucie’s voice was filled with triumph. “But since you brought her up, she’s the perfect choice. Don’t you agree?”

  “No,” said Dallas “It’s not ethical. You’re asking us to pretend to care for her.”

  “I’m not suggesting you pretend anything. I’m challenging you both to have a weeklong fling with her and prove me wrong. I say two macho, alpha Doms and one woman can’t happen. You’ll kill each other. I give it twenty-four hours, max.”

  “Even if we took you up on your absurd challenge, what makes you think she’d go along with it?”

  Celina heard movement, as if Lucie had been perched on her desk as she often sat, and now slid off. She scooted away from the door. “You’re big, strong, seductive men. You mean to tell me you can’t get a woman to go out with you?”

  “One date doesn’t mean it’ll turn into anything else.”

  “Seduce her, then.”

  Celina held her breath, wishing she could see their faces right now.

  “You’ve said some cold things, but this is harsh, even for you.” Arizona sounded uncomfortable, and Celina could imagine Lucie’s face right now. Her eyes blazed and her lips curled in a predatory snarl. When she donned that expression during a negotiation, everyone in the room knew she was about to make an airtight and irrefutable argument.

  “She’s one of your best paralegals,” said Dallas. “Why would you want to see her used this way, just to prove a point?”

  “She’s got a job interview next week in New Orleans. Did you two know that? With The Caldwell Law Firm. I have no reason to believe she won’t land it. She’s smart and talented. So you won’t see her again once she leaves the island, because we both know you two can’t leave. So there’s nothing to lose.”

  “Except our integrity,” said Arizona.

  “Afraid you’ll lose the bet?”

  “No,” said Dallas. “Afraid we�
�ll hurt Celina.”

  Celina could feel Lucie’s shrug. “Suit yourself.”

  She heard movement again, and decided it was no longer safe to stay and listen. She squared her shoulders and walked past Lucie’s door, not glancing inside the office, as if she’d just come into the department and was strolling toward her cubicle. Her breathing came in short gasps, and she fully expected to hear footsteps behind her, but no one followed her. She didn’t know if Dallas or Arizona would confront her if they thought she’d heard the conversation, but she knew Lucie would.

  Once she’d done what she had gone back to her cubicle to do in the first place, she turned off her computer for the weekend, locked her desk, and went back into the hallway. She was more than ready to leave the building and go home. She tried not to think about the conversation she’d just heard, but it was impossible not to. Lucie had helped her get the interview, and for that Celina would always be grateful, but she hadn’t expected her to suggest Dallas and Arizona use her just to win a bet.

  Then again, they had refused to do it. Her fantasies could now include them truly being knights in shining armor. If only circumstances were different, she might have found out if they lived up to those noble words in everyday life. But now…she’d be lucky if she could look them in the eyes again. And as for Lucie, it would take every ounce of willpower Celina had not to tip her hand. It didn’t surprise Celina that Lucie would suggest such a thing. She had ice in her veins. What surprised her was the way she’d completely dismissed her, as if her feelings meant nothing.

  She’d been a valuable employee for years, and that was the thanks she got from Lucie? Offered up as a way for Lucie to win a meaningless bet? Cold-hearted was one thing. Having no regard for another human being was quite another. Celina would never understand Lucie, and right now she didn’t want to. Playing with people’s lives this way wasn’t right.


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