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One Week in Paradise [Doms of Sybaris Cove Prequel] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Tara Rose

  Her gaze drifted toward his crotch, where an impressive bulge tented his khakis. Everyone at Phoebe’s Playthings dressed casually for work unless they were meeting with outsiders, and these two were no exception. But their casual clothes were well-tailored, and they still managed to pull off neat and trim, even with this look. Then again, it could be all those muscles the clothing couldn’t hide.

  Arizona laughed and held her gaze, challenging her with those unusual-colored eyes of his. “What do you say, Dallas? Should we see if Celina is all talk?”

  Dallas shot him a look she couldn’t interpret. “Let’s go inside so you can make us that dinner you promised. Can’t go skinny-dipping on an empty stomach.”

  She tried to catch Dallas’s eye but he’d already turned and was heading for Arizona’s house. Had she upset him? Was it possible she’d misinterpreted the lust in his eyes earlier? Then again, it had been Arizona who’d said that sex might happen regardless, not Dallas. Had she fucked this up already?

  Once inside Arizona’s house, she admired the Caribbean symbols he’d used in his decorating, as well as the bright, tropical colors. His kitchen was massive. Celina sipped a glass of white wine as she watched him prepare dinner. He looked at ease and hummed softly under his breath while he worked. “Do you cook a lot?”

  “Yes. I love it.”

  Dallas perched on the stool next to hers. “He’s the better cook.”

  “How long have you two been friends?”

  “All our lives. We grew up together, and worked for our families in the company by the time we were in high school.”

  Celina knew the story of Phoebe’s Playthings. Everyone who worked there did. Emilio Durante and Daniel Raleigh, Arizona’s and Dallas’s grandfathers, had started it in 1979 as a mail-order company specializing in adult toys. Since then, the company had grown to one of the top online stores in the world selling adult sex toys and bondage equipment. Most of the merchandise was still made on the island, and the rest they shipped from outside locations. Seventy percent of the island residents worked for the company.

  “Tell me what you two like to do when you’re not working.”

  “Don’t laugh,” said Dallas, “but I have a model train collection. Steam engines, mostly European.”

  “I think that’s awesome. Will you show them to me later?”

  His smile was so tender and thankful that her heart gave a strange lurch. Surely she couldn’t be the only woman who had ever asked? “I’d love to do that. You wouldn’t be bored?”

  “No. Not at all.” She glanced at Arizona. “How about you?”

  He tossed a salad while the lobsters boiled and the steaks sizzled on the grill. “I’m a jazz enthusiast. I love to listen to it and play it.”

  “What do you play?”

  “Tenor sax. And yes, I’ll play it for you later.”

  “I can’t wait to hear it.” Celina squirmed on the bench, hardly daring to believe she was here, in this beautiful home, about to have dinner with the objects of her unrelenting fantasies.

  “What about you?” asked Dallas. “What do you do when you’re not buried in legal research for Lucie?”

  “My hobbies are boring compared to you two. I read a lot, and I like to plant flowers.”

  “That’s not boring,” said Arizona. “Do you read anything other than trashy romance novels?”

  His grin told her he was only teasing, but it also sent a shiver up and down her spine. “I read everything, including biographies. I especially love reading about the nineteen twenties.”

  Dallas raised his brows. “Oh? Including Prohibition? You know our ancestors were rumored to be rumrunners.”

  “I know. Your family histories are fascinating. So are the rumors about the curse which keeps all the male descendants on the island.”

  Dallas frowned. “They’re not rumors. Be careful around that stuff. It’s real.”

  She shivered, but this time it wasn’t from lust.

  “Let’s not talk about that tonight,” said Arizona. “It’s time to eat.”

  They carried the wine and food out to the porch facing the pool. Celina tasted the lobster and then the steak. “This is amazing. You weren’t kidding about your cooking skills.”

  Arizona smiled at her with unmistakable lust in his eyes, and it was all Celina could do to keep eating. “Thank you. My pleasure.”

  This was making her crazy. She needed to know how far they’d take this. Both of them, not just Arizona. And the only way to know was to ask. “So, let’s talk about how this will work. You know Lucie is going to ask if we’ve had sex. What do I tell her?”

  “Tell her we did,” said Dallas.

  Celina nearly choked on the sip of wine she’d just taken. Did that mean he was interested in taking this that far, or was he merely suggesting she lie to Lucie? “Okay, but what if she asks for details? What do I say? I mean…have women talked about what you two are like in bed? Will she know if I’m just making something up? Are there quirks about either of you I should know?”

  Dallas and Arizona exchanged a glance that told Celina they hadn’t considered that aspect of it.

  “And it’s not only sex,” she said. The wine was going to her head, but she wasn’t drunk. Rather, she felt bold and sexy, and her eyes kept wandering toward the pool. The water was sparkling and clean, and she wondered how many staff members were lurking around. She hadn’t spotted anyone yet. “I don’t know anything about you two other than surface details. Lucie is sharp. She’s going to see through this in a heartbeat.”

  “I agree,” said Dallas, sighing out loud. “This is crazy.” He put down his fork and picked up his wine glass. “We’re all nuts. There is no fucking way we’re ever going to get away with this.”

  Celina didn’t want the evening to end this way. Every fantasy she’d ever had about these two flashed through her mind at lightning speed. There was only one clear solution, but would they agree to it? She already knew Arizona would, unless she’d misinterpreted what he’d said earlier. And they both liked her. She knew that. But was that enough?

  They were intelligent, wealthy men who were used to women coming on to them. But they’d avoided scandals or bullshit accusations by being careful. If she suggested this, would they think she was trying to trick them?

  She eyed her uneaten food. Arizona had worked hard on this meal and she wasn’t going to waste it. Plus, finishing dinner would give her time to learn more about them so when she asked, it would seem more natural. Hopefully.

  As they ate, she asked questions about everything in an attempt to learn more about each man, but the details they offered still weren’t enough. They only told her things that she’d either already known, or that anyone on the island could find out by asking around.

  Lucie wouldn’t be looking to trip her up over their favorite color, or which brand of shampoo each used. She’d be looking for intimate details that only someone who’d slept with them would know. The only way she’d be able to look her boss in the eye and tell her that she’d had sex with Arizona and Dallas was if it had actually happened.

  But were they both prepared to carry it that far? She still didn’t know.

  After they finished eating, Celina helped them carry everything back inside, and then they took their wine out on the porch again. She placed her glass on the wicker table and decided to take the initiative. Before she lost her nerve, she strolled toward the pool, slipped off her sandals, and sat at the edge, dangling her feet in the warm water.

  She had a brand-new pedicure and now she was glad she’d had it done. The dress she’d worn today showed off her curves, and before she’d left the house she’d changed her underwear from comfortable, plain, white cotton to red. It matched the flowers in the dress and looked a lot sexier.

  Two shadows finally fell on either side of her, but she didn’t glance up. She waited to see what they would do and say.

  “The water is warm, isn’t it?” asked Dallas.

  “Yes. Very. Just
curious, but how many others are in your homes right now?”

  “You mean staff?”

  She nodded.

  “We each have a small staff, but they won’t disturb us. They’re very discreet.”

  “But we might be seen out here.”

  “We might, but nothing will come of it, if that’s what you’re worried about. Then again, that would only help our ruse, wouldn’t it?”

  This time she did glance up, and was treated to an equally impressive bulge tenting the front of Dallas’s pants. “It would if your staff gossip in town.”

  Celina took a deep breath. What was the worst thing that could happen? They’d say “no” and take her home. That was it. The very worst thing. And then at least she’d have given it a shot. Sitting here toying with them or trying to second-guess every nuance in their words and glances wasn’t going to give her an answer, and it wouldn’t solve their dilemma. She was the one who’d offered to help them win their bet, after all. So in reality, she was only doing her part to help prove Lucie wrong.

  She stood, and even though her limbs trembled in anticipation, she pulled off her dress and tossed it on a lawn chair. She heard their soft groans and sharp intakes of breath, but didn’t dare look at either of them. Then she removed her bra and panties, and tossed them on top of the dress.

  “Jesus Christ,” whispered Dallas.

  “Oh fuck…” That was Arizona.

  Celina still didn’t glance at either of them. She climbed into the pool and swam out to a floating cushion, then climbed on top and lay on her stomach to wait.

  Chapter Three

  Celina counted two seconds of silence, and then she heard rustling as if they were undressing. Finally, she heard two splashes that could only mean they’d jumped into the pool. Her entire body shook, but not from fear. She’d waited so long for this, and was terrified that she’d fuck it up somehow.

  “Nice ass,” said Dallas.

  Celina smiled and turned her head toward them. “Thank you.” They were naked, in waist-deep water, and she couldn’t stop staring at their tanned, muscled bodies or the tats that decorated their torsos. “What are those designs?”

  “They’re Taino.”

  “Really? How interesting. They’re extinct, aren’t they? Why do you both have Taino designs as tats?” Oh, shut up! Why was she asking about their tats at a time like this?

  Dallas brushed a hand over her ass cheeks, and Celina couldn’t hold back her moan. “Do you really want to discuss their culture right now?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “I hate to ruin the momentum here, but we need to talk about a couple of things before this goes any further. Arizona and I have no social diseases.”

  “I don’t either. And I’m on the pill.”

  “Then are you all right with us not using condoms? We would for anal, of course.”

  “I’m all right with that.” She could hardly breathe. This was really going to happen! Now that the moment was finally here, every scenario she’d come up with in her fantasies of how she’d play this one day flashed through her mind at lightning speed, and she dismissed each one just as quickly. If she overthought this she’d ruin it. And there was no way she was going to let that happen.

  “You know we’re Doms, so tell us whether this is just sex, or if you want play to be part of it.”

  “I want play to be part of it. May I ask a question first?”

  “What is it?”

  She took a deep breath. “It’s not so much a question as a clarification. I wasn’t sure you wanted this until now, so if there are reservations for any reason, can we please get them out of the way before we keep going?”

  Dallas frowned slightly. “I just don’t want to see you hurt. Neither of us do.”

  “Thank you. But I made this choice. I want to do this.”

  “So do we,” said Arizona. “Both of us. I’m sorry if we gave you a reason to think any differently.”

  She smiled. “No apologies necessary. It’s behind us now. So…back to the play you asked about. May I tell you my hard limits?”

  “Please do,” said Dallas.

  “No cutting my skin, please be careful with your teeth, and please use plenty of lube for anal play or sex.”

  Arizona grinned. “That’s it?”

  “That’s it for now, but I should tell you I’m sure I don’t have as much experience as you both do, so there might be things I’m not aware of that I can’t handle.”

  “I’m sure we’ll figure them out together. As for safewords, we like to keep things simple. ‘Green’ means go, ‘yellow’ means something needs adjusted, and ‘red’ stops the scene.”

  “All right. What should I call you both?”

  “Call us by our names for now.”

  She felt more nervous now than she had earlier, but also so excited she could hardly stand it. “We took care of all that in short order, didn’t we?”

  Dallas’s gaze softened. “It’s cold and clinical but necessary. Celina…are you sure about this? We don’t want to lead you on or hurt you.”

  “I’m sure about it. And I appreciate you saying that. I really do. But I want this to happen. Not only to help you win the bet, but because of all the reasons I gave you earlier. I meant what I said. I’ve lusted after you two for years.”

  Arizona brushed a hand along her lower back, and Celina nearly came at his touch. “Why didn’t we know that?”

  His voice was soft and tender, and she hadn’t expected that. It sent shivers up and down her spine. “I work for your sister. You know how it is. People talk. You two have a reputation of not getting involved with anyone at work, so I kept my distance.”

  Arizona gave each ass cheek a gentle smack, and Celina had to grasp the cushion because it bobbled so much she thought it was going to overturn her into the water. They all laughed. “Well, so much for effect,” he said. “That was supposed to be sexy. Why don’t you climb off there and let us look at you, beautiful?”

  Oh my. How could she resist an invitation that included him calling her “beautiful”? Celina rolled off and then stood up. She was a bit shorter than they were, but the water still didn’t cover her breasts. She faced them, keeping her eyes locked on their expressions. Both went slack-jawed at the same time and she had to force back a laugh. She knew her tits were nice, but seeing them react this way still gave her a thrill beyond anything she could have imagined.

  “Come here.” Dallas’s voice was gruff. He pulled her close and devoured her mouth in a kiss so hot, she expected any second to hear the water hiss. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and moaned loudly as his tongue and teeth raked the inside of her mouth. His body was so warm, and when his dick brushed up against her, all she could think about was fucking him.

  When he released the kiss, he cupped her face and gazed at her with so much intensity, she was certain she’d stop breathing. “You are so fucking sexy. I have to tell you this. I’ve…we’ve both…had a thing for you for a long, long time.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Was it true, or was he simply saying it because she’d revealed her fantasies to them earlier? She hoped it was the former.

  “I realize you didn’t. But you do now.”

  When Dallas released the embrace, Arizona reached for her. He kissed her as well, and Celina actually grew dizzy as he brushed his hands up and down her back and across her ass. She tangled her fingers in his hair, loving the silky texture of it.

  When he released the kiss, he smiled at her in a sexy combination of lust and excitement, which made her want to squeal. He was just as thrilled about this as she was, and all her earlier trepidation melted away. He took her hand. “Let’s get out of this pool for now. We can come back later when it’s dark and swim under the stars.”

  “I love that idea.”

  As she started to wade toward the edge of the pool, Arizona scooped her up in his arms, forcing peals of laughter from her throat. “You’re walking too damn slow.”

/>   “It’s hard to walk fast in water.”

  “That’s still a lame excuse.”

  Dallas retrieved her clothes and followed them back into Arizona’s house. Arizona carried her up a flight of open stairs, and she marveled at his strength. When they reached the top, she swiveled her head around, trying to take in everything. They were in a loft, dominated by a large bed. Scattered throughout the room was bondage furniture, and she moaned softly as she eyed it.

  “Later,” he said, grinning at her in a way that made her pussy wet all over again. “Right now, I’m going to lick every square inch of your luscious body, and then I’m going to fuck you silly. Let’s see Lucie trip you up after that.”

  Celina could only stare into his eyes as he laid her gently on the bed, then climbed on top of her and covered her with the length of his body. She cried out as wave after wave of passion rocked her core. He kissed her neck then trailed his tongue between her breasts. He cupped them, squeezing them in strong hands, and then bent his head to lick and suck her nipples.

  Dallas crawled on the bed and kissed her, and then he spoke softly in her ear. “I’ve never made love to a girl at the same time as Arizona. This is new for us, but I like it so far. I’m going to lick you, too, and I’m going to wear us both out. Lucie won’t be able to find a chink in your story.”

  She gazed into his eyes and giggled as she imagined the look of frustration on Lucie’s face. Arizona let go of her nipples long enough to give Dallas an exasperated look. “Less talk. More licking and sucking.”

  “Fuck you. I like to talk during sex.”

  Arizona trailed his tongue down Celina’s abdomen, and softly wolf whistled when he realized her pussy was shaved. “Oh, I love that. Thank you.”

  “I didn’t know you did, but now I’m glad I do.” She sounded like an idiot, and that forced more giggles from her throat. She couldn’t even think right now. The realization of what was happening overwhelmed her, and brought every happy thought she’d ever had rushing to the surface at the same time.


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