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Storm & Seduction (Warriors of the Wind Book 2)

Page 6

by Anna Hackett

  Emotion welled up in Dante, pushing through the dark morass dragging him down.

  Samia moved, lightning fast. She threw her arms out and several knives slammed into Africus. The Tempest Wind howled and staggered backward. A knife was lodged in his thigh and another in his shoulder.

  She strode forward and cupped Dante’s face. She leaned into him, her slim body plastered against his.

  “What are you doing?” His voice was strained.

  “What I need to do. What I want to do. For you.”

  “I’m too far gone, Samia.” He exhaled, his hand shaking. “I can’t keep the pride in check any longer. Not long enough to kill him.”

  Her fingers tightened on his. “Let me help you.”

  He shuddered. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She pressed her mouth to his.

  The scent and taste of her hit him, breaking his fragile control. He wrapped his arms around her and yanked her off her feet.

  Africus gave a frustrated screech. “She is a seductress. She thinks her body is worth more than power. She is beneath you, Warrior.”

  Dante looked down into her face. “Samia. I need you.”

  She twined her hand with his. “I need you, too.”

  He trembled, focusing on the warmth in his chest, and not the ugly pride twisting in his gut. He stepped back, but kept his hand tightly wrapped around hers.

  They would face Africus. Together.

  The Tempest Wind laughed. “Pride will make you mine, Warrior.”

  Dante felt the pride recede and where it had been was a bright, fresh warmth. What he felt for Samia was a miracle. The haze across his eyes cleared.

  “Not today.” Dante released Samia and looked at her. “Ready?”

  She pulled out another knife and smiled. “Oh, yeah.”

  They charged together.

  Dante saw Africus’ eyes widen in shock just before Samia slashed him across his chest. As the man screamed, Dante clamped a hand around Africus’ throat.

  The blond man clutched at Dante’s wrist. He coughed, fighting for air. “You’re controlling the pride…that’s not possible. Only the—” His eyes widened even more and flicked toward Samia. His face twisted into a vile mask. “They were supposed to be dead. This was our chance to win and rule the world!”

  Samia frowned. “Who’s supposed to be dead? What’s he talking about?”

  Dante tightened his hold on Africus. “Have you heard of the Aurae?”

  Her frown deepened. “Aurae? Why does that word sound familiar?”

  “They were female warriors and keepers of the seasonal breezes,” he told her. “The Aurae can control the vices of the wind and aid the Warriors of the Wind.”

  Her mouth opened, closed. “You’re saying I’m Aurae?”

  Africus jerked. “You should be dead.”

  “I think you have some Aurae blood.” God, she was so beautiful and deadly, his assassin. “They were also potential mates for the Warriors.”


  “Legend says the Warriors could each find their perfect match among the Aurae. A woman created just for them, who holds their heart and soul in her hands.”

  Her eyes glowed. “Dante.”

  Africus gave a frustrated yell. A heavy gust of wind slammed into them, knocking all three of them off their feet.

  Dante struggled to hold onto the Tempest Wind and then heard Samia shout. He turned his head, and watched in horror as the wind picked her up, tumbling her over and over.

  “Let her go.” He tightened his hold on Africus’ neck.

  “Okay.” The man smiled.

  Samia slammed into a wall and dropped to the ground, motionless.

  “Samia!” Dante let Africus go and rushed to her. He turned her over, pulling her into his arms. Blood coated her hair.

  “I will not fail this time.” Africus rose, his body fading into the wind. “I don’t care if you have an Aurae. You will join me or die, Warrior!”

  Dante didn’t bother watching the wind escape. He kept his gaze on Samia, his heart was knocking hard in his chest. “Samia.”

  She groaned. “Ouch.”

  She was alive. He heaved out a breath and gently probed the wound at the back of her head.

  “Ow! Who needs an evil wind when I have you jabbing at my injuries.” Her eyes fluttered open.

  He held up his hand. “How many fingers?”


  “I think you’ll live.” He helped her sit up. Then he pressed a kiss to her lips. This one was slow and tender.

  Dio, he was falling in love with her. He hadn’t known her long, but he knew he was tipping over the edge.

  He’d never wanted love, thought it wasn’t possible for him. The duty of continuing the line of the Warriors of the Wind fell to the oldest. Luca would have the five sons to carry on the tradition. But Samia made Dante want things he’d never considered before.

  How could he convince her to stay? She’d been used by the brotherhood her entire life and deserved to spread her wings. She deserved to discover what she liked, what she wanted, who she wanted.

  “You okay?” Her hand curved around his jaw, worry in her bronze eyes. “How do you feel?”

  He pushed his thoughts away. That was for later. “Calm, in control. Thanks to you.” His hands framed her face. “You are the bravest, most generous woman I’ve ever met.”

  Heat crept into her cheeks. “You don’t know me that well.”

  “I know the important things. You’re tough, intelligent, courageous. You grieved and felt guilt for the death of a boy you thought was innocent. And just now, you fought for a man you don’t know that well.”

  She gave him a small smile. “I know the important things about you. You’re a man who’s suffered to control his power so he can protect everyone else. A man willing to sacrifice his life for others.”

  Her words sobered him. “Africus is still free.” If Dante didn’t stop him, he and Samia had no future. Hell, the world had no future. “I have to stop him.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Are you going to give me the macho speech about having to do this alone?”

  “No.” He stood and helped her up. “I’m going to say, ‘Samia, I would be honored to have you fight by my side. Let’s finish this.’”

  She grinned. “I like that much better.”


  “He hasn’t gone far.” Samia stared down the street.

  “I know. I sense his taint.” Dante lifted his head and looked at her. “Do you trust me?”

  She closer to him, returning his gaze steadily. “Yes.”

  He tugged her to his chest and she felt the warm rush of his power on her skin. The South Wind swirled around them.

  His body disintegrated, becoming the air. Samia’s did the same.

  Oh, God. She gasped. It was the strangest sensation. Soon they were flying through the air, tracking Africus. She looked down at the lights of Rome spread out beneath them.

  Being one with the wind, there was no sense of time or distance. They flowed and dipped on the air, hunting the Tempest Wind through the hidden places of the city. Past the ruined temples of old, past the modern buildings of the present.

  Dante rematerialized them in the Campo de’ Fiori. The usually busy piazza was eerily silent. A dark wind swirled past the statue of the monk ahead.

  “God.” Samia took a second to adjust to being solid again. Dante steadied her with one strong arm and she smiled at him. “That was exhilarating. We’re doing that again.”

  He smiled back. “I’ve forgotten the wonder of riding the wind for the first time. It’s nice to relive it with you.”

  She turned her face up to the statue. “Where’s Africus?”

  “Right here, assassin.” Africus stalked out of the shadows.

  Dante straightened. “It ends now.”

  Dante lunged fast, but Africus dodged, avoiding the blow.

  “You can still join me,” the Tempest Wind said
. “Let the pride make you strong.”

  “The pride’s gone, asshole.” Dante charged in. “You’re finished.”

  Samia circled the men, watching Dante’s hard, brutal fighting style. The men’s winds battled as well in hard, vicious gusts.

  Africus jabbed his knuckles into Dante’s side. As Dante doubled over, the Tempest Wind landed a hard chop to the back of his neck. Dante dropped down with a groan.

  Samia jumped in, landing on Africus’ back. She pressed her knife to his throat. Before she could cut him, he spun, slamming her into the base of the statue. Pain reverberated through her, but she tightened her hold, gripping him tight.

  He batted at her hand and her knife flew out, clattering on the ground.

  “I’ll kill you, Aurae. Make him watch the life bleed out of your eyes.”

  “You don’t scare me.” She got a fistful of his long hair and yanked his head back.

  Then Dante reared up in front of them. He punched Africus in the gut. As the Tempest Wind doubled over, Samia pushed with her weight. He slammed face first into the ground.

  Dante planted a knee in the man’s back beside hers, holding his struggling body down.

  Golden-brown eyes met hers and he held a hand out. “I’d appreciate your help to end this.”

  With a nod, she pressed her palm to his. His power rose up around them.

  Dante looked down at Africus. “My brothers will prevail. Soon the Tempest Winds will be defeated and back in their prison.”

  “I won’t go back!” Africus shook his head wildly. “I will not go back to the Keeper of the Winds.”

  Dante’s wind twirled around them. Samia felt a tug inside her, like a part of her was feeding Dante’s wind, magnifying the power.

  A great whirlwind built. It circled around them.

  “No!” Africus screamed.

  Dante sprang off Africus, pulling Samia with him. He jerked his arm and the vortex raced toward Africus.

  The Tempest Wind’s scream echoed across the square as the wind swallowed him. His body disintegrated.

  Dante’s wind rose into the air and then it streamed away, leaving the square in silence.

  “It’s over,” Samia murmured.

  “No.” Dante gripped her shoulders and pulled her to him. “It’s not over yet. My brothers still need to hunt the other Tempest Winds.” His face hardened. “They have to fight their own vices and beat their enemies.”

  “They’ll be okay,” she said. “We’ll help them however we can.”

  Such a generous soul inside her assassin’s body. He brushed some dark strands of hair off her face. “And it’s certainly not over for us. For us, my sweet assassin, it’s just beginning.”

  She glanced down at his chest. “I don’t have much to offer. I only know how to kill.”

  Dante shook his head, his finger sliding under her chin to force her gaze up. “You have a chance now to explore life. Don’t go back to the brotherhood, Samia. Experience life and all it has to offer.”

  “Where would I go?” she murmured.

  He tugged her closer. “Stay here. With me. I have no right to clip your wings, but I can show you wonderful things. I’ll show you my shipyards in Naples. I’ll take you out on my yacht on the weekends. We’ll learn to scuba dive.”

  She laughed. It sounded wonderful. A life in the sun.

  “I’d like to cook for you every day. Make love to you every day.” He pressed his forehead to hers. “Let me take care of you?”

  Her lips trembled. “No one’s ever taken care of me before.”

  “Let me love you.”

  Love? She hissed in a breath. “No one’s loved me before either.”

  “I will. If you’ll have me.”

  Chapter Eight

  Dante felt a rush of nerves as he waited for Samia’s answer. He’d just faced down evil, but waiting for her response had him more nervous.

  “I’ll have you, Dante Venti.”

  Joy exploded in him, and he picked her up and spun her around. She laughed and it was a beautiful sound.

  “Now, let me get started showing you how I’m going to take care of you.” He wrapped his power around them and carried them away on the breeze. Moments later, they materialized on the balcony of Luca’s apartment.

  Samia’s face was flushed, and excitement shone in her eyes. He promised he’d take her flying on the wind every day just to see that look on her face.

  He carried her inside, and in the bedroom, he set her down beside the bed.

  He wanted to rush, wanted to feast on her, but this time he tried to be gentle. He slipped her clothes off, baring her beautiful body. He ran his hand over her, cupping her breasts, sliding along her limbs.

  “Dante,” she whispered. Her hands slipped his shirt off, fingers running over his shoulders. Then she loosened his belt and soon they were both naked, hot skin pressed to hot skin.

  He kissed her, their tongues tangling. The taste of her seeped into him. Now he would love her with no pride beating in the back of his head. Now they weren’t Warrior and assassin, they were just man and woman.

  He’d wanted to keep things slow and easy, but the hungry noises she made, the way she rubbed her body against him had fire igniting in his veins. He quickly grabbed a condom, slid it on, and then he was lifting her and backing her against the wall. Her long legs wrapped around him and he watched the moonlight play over her face.

  “You’re so beautiful, bella.”

  “Hurry, Dante.” She arched against him. One of her hands delved between their bodies and cupped his cock.

  Merda. His hips thrust forward, pain and pleasure shooting through him.

  Then he grabbed her wrist and pulled it above her head, pinning it to the wall. “What do you want, Samia?”

  “You. You!”

  His cock nudged her slick folds and she cried out.

  “Are you ready?” he ground out.


  “Look at me.”

  Dark eyes coated with desire met his. He surged into her with a flex of his hips.

  She moaned, her hips moving to meet him. He drove into her with strong thrusts. “I’ll never let you go. I wanted to give you a choice, but please stay with me.”

  “Yes.” Her once-sad eyes now only showed pleasure.

  He thrust into her again. “Stay, fall in love with me, be my anchor, be my mate.”

  “Yes, Dante. I’m yours.” Her hands gripped his shoulders, then slid down his back, nails scoring his skin. “And you’re mine.”

  His woman. He’d spend a lifetime proving to her that she mattered to him. Feelings, bright and hot, rose inside him. He continued moving inside her, savoring her hot, tight body. He felt her body tensing, heard her husky cries getting sharper.

  “Come, Samia.”

  She arched into him, her nails digging in hard enough to hurt. He didn’t care. She cried out as she came, and he pressed his mouth to hers to swallow her screams.

  He moved with fast, brutal thrusts and then a torrent of sensation slammed into him. He lifted his head and roared his release.

  As Dante collapsed against her, pinning her to the wall, he felt all the pride inside him was gone. In its place, he was amazed to find the beginnings of love.


  Hot water poured over Samia as she collapsed against the tiles. She blinked, wondering if her blurry vision was from steam or the strength of her latest orgasm.

  Strong hands stroked over her, shaping her butt. Dante pressed a kiss to her shoulder. He’d carried her from the bed to the shower, and then ravished her again.

  She moaned. “We survived a storm, but if we have more sex, we’ll kill each other.”

  He nipped her shoulder now. “I’ll take care of you, bella.”

  She loved the feel of his big body against her. She was falling in love with him.

  Oh, God. How could she be falling in love so fast?

  Dante’s hands gripped her jaw, turning her head. She saw a storm of emotion in
his amber eyes and she smiled. He would stand by her, give her the closeness and love she craved. He would help her leave the Hashshasin behind and discover all the things life had to offer.

  “I think I’m falling for you.” The words tumbled out of her.

  His smile looked very satisfied. “Good, because I’m definitely falling in love with you, Samia Hassan. I hope you’ll let me.”

  Mesmerized by his eyes, her chest swelled. “I’ll do everything I can to make it a fast trip.”

  He pulled her closer. “For both of us.”

  He kissed her, his groan mixing with her moan.

  Suddenly, the shower door wrenched open. Samia gasped and Dante moved to shield her with his body.

  She stared over his shoulder at a man who looked very similar to Dante. A little leaner, and impossibly, a face that was even more handsome. His eyes were a deep green.

  “Antonio!” Dante yelled. “What the fuck?”

  “Luca thought you needed help.” Antonio averted his gaze. “I heard noises and thought you were…in trouble. We sensed when you banished Africus, but Luca couldn’t get in touch with you.”

  Dante cursed. “I’m sorry. I was so absorbed in…” He looked down at her with a wry smile.

  “Luca left me a message about you struggling with Africus, and that you had an assassin after you.”

  “That would be me,” Samia said.

  As Antonio started to turn back, Dante shoved at his brother. “Eyes forward, mio fratello. Give us a minute and we’ll be out.”

  “Don’t get dressed on my account,” Antonio said, a hint of amusement in his voice.

  “Out,” Dante ordered with a growl. He snatched up a towel and handed it to Samia.

  She tried not to laugh at the situation. Once they were dressed, they found Antonio standing in the living room, by the windows.

  Something about the set of his lean body made him look incredibly lonely. When he turned to look at them, Samia saw the lines bracketing his mouth. Her heart lurched. The strain was etched there and so easy to see.

  Dante moved forward and hugged his brother. “How are you doing?”

  “Hanging in there.”

  Antonio was dressed in a dark suit, his white shirt open at the throat. She remembered reading about Dante’s brothers. If she recalled correctly, Antonio Venti ran a museum in Florence. And loved art almost as much as he loved women.


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