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Return of the Crimson Guard: A Novel of the Malazan Empire

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by Ian C. Esslemont



  Night of Knives

  Return of the Crimson Guard





  Ian C. Esslemont

  A Tom Doherty Associates Book

  New York

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and

  events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's

  imagination or are used fictitiously.


  Copyright © 2008 by Ian Cameron Esslemont

  Map by Neil Gower

  Previously published in the UK in 2008 in a limited edition by PS Publishing

  LLP and by Bantam Press, a division of Transworld Publishers.

  All rights reserved.

  A Tor Book

  Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

  175 Fifth Avenue

  New York, NY 10010

  Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Esslemont, Ian C. (Ian Cameron)

  Return of the Crimson Guard : a novel of the Malazan empire / Ian C.

  Esslemont.—1st Tor ed.

  p. cm.

  “A Tom Doherty Associates book.”

  ISBN 978-0-7653-2370-5 (hc)

  ISBN 978-0-7653-2372-9 (tpb)

  I. Title.

  PS3605.S684R48 2010



  First Tor Edition: April 2010

  Printed in the United States of America

  0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  This novel is dedicated to the first Winnipeg gang of the

  Treherne Room and the second of Rick's Place.

  For all those afternoons and evenings honing the trade.

  With gratitude I acknowledge Peter Crowther, who made this work possible; John Jarrold, who extended a great deal of faith; and Simon Taylor, whose encouragement and welcome meant, and continue to mean, more than he knows.

  Thanks also to Bill Hunter and Chris for their early readings.

  Gerri, Conor, Ross, and Callum: you give it meaning.



  Imperial High Command

  Laseen Empress

  High Fist Anand Commander 4th Malazan Army (Quon Tali)

  Havva Gulen New Imperial High Mage

  Korbolo Dom High Fist and Sword of the Empire

  Possum Master of the Claw (the Imperial assassins)

  Mallick Rel Councillor and Assembly Representative

  Unta Harbour Guard

  Atelen Tinsmith Sergeant of squad

  Rigit Hands Corporal of squad

  Nait Squad saboteur

  Heuk A cadre mage

  Honey Boy Soldier

  Least Half-Barghast soldier

  Others in Unta

  Coil A Clawleader

  Lady Batevari A Seeress / Fortuneteller from Darujhistan

  Oryan A Seven Cities mage, bodyguard to Mallick Rel

  Taya Radok A dancing girl / assassin from Darujhistan


  Malazan Army

  Harmin Els D'Shil A captain of the garrison

  Gujran A captain of the garrison

  Banath A sergeant of the garrison

  Fallow A healer of the garrison

  Storo Matash's Squad

  Storo Matash Captain of a saboteur company, 3rd veteran

  Shaky Ranking saboteur

  Hurl Saboteur

  Sunny Saboteur

  Silk Squad corporal and cadre mage

  Jalor A Seven Cities recruit

  Rell A Genabackan recruit

  Civilians in Li Heng

  Magistrate Ehrlann Member of the Ruling Council of Magistrates

  Jamaer Ehrlann's servant

  Magistrate Plengyllen Member of the Ruling Council of Magistrates

  Liss A city mage

  Ahl A city mage (with brothers Thai and Lar)


  Nevall Od'Orr Chief Factor of Cawn

  Groten NevalPs bodyguard


  Toc the Elder Seti Warlord and Malazan ‘Old Guard’

  Wildman Seti champion, also known as ‘the Boar’, Sweetgrass

  Imotan Shaman of the Jackal warrior society

  Hipal Shaman of the Ferret warrior society

  Captain Moss Malazan cavalry captain

  Redden Brokeleg Ataman (chieftain) of the Plains Lion Assembly

  Ortal Ataman (chieftain) of the Black Ferret Assembly


  Malazan Army

  Rillish Jal Keth Lieutenant of the Malazan 4th Army

  Chord Company sergeant

  Talia Malazan veteran


  Clearwater A Wickan shaman

  Nil A Wickan warlock and veteran of the Seven Cities campaigns

  Nether A Wickan witch and veteran of the Seven Cities campaigns

  Mane A young Wickan warrior

  Udep A Wickan hetman (chieftain)

  In the Pit

  Ho (Hothalar) A Li Heng mage

  Yathengar 'ul Amal A Seven Cities priest (‘Faladan’)

  Sessin Yathengar's bodyguard

  Grief A new prisoner

  Treat A new prisoner

  Devaleth A Korelan sea-witch and new prisoner

  Su A Wickan witch


  Ghelel Rhik Tayliin Duchess, and last surviving member of the Tayliin family line

  Amaron Malazan Old Guard’, once commander of the Talons

  Choss Malazan Old Guard’, once High Fist

  Marquis Jhardin Commander of the Marchland Sentries

  Prevost Razala A cavalry captain

  Molk An agent of Amaron's


  Surviving Named Avowed

  K'azz D'Avore Commander, known by various titles

  First Company

  Skinner Captain

  Mara Company mage

  Gwynn Company mage

  Petal Company mage

  Kalt Lieutenant




  Black the Lesser

  Second Company

  Shimmer Captain

  Cowl High Mage and Master of Assassins, ‘Veils’

  Stoop Siegemaster of the Guard

  Smoky Company mage

  Shellarr ‘Shell’, company mage

  Blues Company mage and swordmaster

  Fingers Company mage

  Opal Company mage

  Isha Company assassin, ‘Veil’

  Keitil Company assassin, ‘Veil’












  Third Company

  Tarkhan Captain and company assassin, ‘Veil’

  Lor-sinn Company mage

  Sour Company mage

  Toby Company mage

  Balkin Company mage

  Lacy Company assassin, ‘Veil’







  Fourth Company

  Cal-Brinn Captain and company mager />
  Iron Bars

  Jup Alat

  Among the First Induction (recruitment)

  Sergeant Trench





  Among the Second Induction

  Lurgman Parsell, Twisty’











  Among the Third Induction






  Urko Crust Commander of Falaran forces, ‘Old Guard’, also known as ‘Shatterer’

  V'thell Commander of Gold Moranth forces

  Choss Commander of Talian forces, ‘Old Guard’

  Toc the Elder Seti Warlord, ‘Old Guard’

  Amaron Chief of intelligence, ‘Old Guard’

  Ullen Khadeve Urko's lieutenant-commander and chief of staff, Old Guard’

  Bala Jesselt Cadre mage, ‘Old Guard’

  Eselen Tonley A captain of Falaran cavalry

  Orlat Kepten A captain of Talian forces, ‘Old Guard’


  Liossercal Ascendant, titled ‘Son of Light,’ also known as Osserc, Osric

  Anomandaris Ascendant, titled ‘Son of Darkness’

  Jhest Golanjar Jacuruku mage

  Shen A warlock

  Tayschrenn Imperial High Mage

  D'Ebbin Malazan commander 4th Army, ‘Fist’

  Braven Tooth Malazan Command Master Sergeant

  Temp Malazan Master Sergeant

  Blossom Moranth Gold officer

  Tourmaline Moranth Gold infantry sergeant

  Cartharon Crust Captain of the Ragstopper, rumoured ‘Old Guard’

  Denuth An Elder, among the Firstborn to Mother Earth

  Draconus An Elder God

  Ereko An ancient wanderer

  Greymane Once a Malazan Fist, now outlawed

  Lim Tal Ex-private guard of Untan noble

  Traveller A wanderer of mixed Dal Hon and Quon descent


  Tatterdemalion A wanderer of the Imperial Warren

  This, the first of wars, paroxysmed for time unmeasured. Ever Light thrust yet dissipated, and ever Night retreated yet smothered. Thus the two combatants locked in an ever-widening gyre of eternal creation and destruction. Countless champions of both Houses arose, scoured the face of creation in their potency, only to fall each in turn, their names now lost to memory.

  Then, in what some named the ten thousandth turn of the spreading whorl of the two hosts, there came to the shimmering curtain edge of battle one unknown to either House, and he did castigate the combatants.

  ‘Who are you to speak thusly?’ demanded he who would come to be known as Draconus.

  One who has moved upon the Void long enough to know this will never end.’

  ‘It is ordained,’ answered a champion of Light, Liossercal. ‘Ever must one rise, the other fall.’

  Disdainful, the newcomer thrust the opponents apart. ‘Then agree that this be so and name it done!’

  And so both Houses fell upon the stranger tearing him into countless fragments.

  Thus was Shadow born and the first great sundering ended.

  Myth Fragment

  Compendium Primal, Mantle


  The Elder Age,

  Time unmeasured

  THE ERUPTION HAD WOUNDED THE WORLD. DENUTH, A CHILD of the Earth, was first to penetrate the curtains of drifting cinders and so come upon the crater. Steaming water the colour of slate pooled at the centre of a basin leagues across. A slope of naked jagged rock led down to the silent shore. All was still, layered in a snow of ash. Yet a stirring of movement caught his attention and he picked his way to the water's edge to find an entity sembled in a shape akin to his own with two legs and arms, but slashed and gouged by ferocious wounds. Blood was a black crust upon the one and darkened the waters around him.

  Gently, Denuth turned the being over only to start, amazed. ‘Liossercal! Father's own first born! Who is it that set upon you?’

  A savage smile of blunt canine tusks. ‘None. Best ask whom I set upon. Are there no others?’

  ‘None I saw.’

  The smile crooked down to a feral scowl. ‘All consumed then. Taken by the blast.’

  ‘Blast?’ Denuth narrowed his gaze upon the alien power. Yes, alien – for who could possibly fathom the mind of one born with Light's first eruption? ‘What exactly has occurred here?’

  Wincing, Liossercal shrugged himself from Denuth's support. He sat hunched, arms clasped tight about himself as if to hold his body together. Thick dark blood welled fresh from his deeper lacerations. ‘An experiment. An attempt. An assault. Call it what you will.’

  ‘An assault? Upon what? There was naught here but.’ Denuth's voice died away into the stillness of the ash-choked water. ‘Mother Preserve us! An Azath!’ Glancing about, he took in the immense crater, attempted to grasp the scale of the calamity. It has pained us all! ‘You fool! Would you stop at nothing in your questing?’

  The pale head rose, amber eyes hot. ‘I do as I choose.’

  Denuth recoiled. Indeed. And here then was the quandary. Something must be done about these ancient powers before their antagonisms and limitless ambitions destroy all order once again. Draconus's solution horrifies, yet well now could I almost understand such … exigencies. After all, was not eternal imprisonment preferable to such potential for destruction?

  Liossercal struggled to his feet, stiff, hissing at his many wounds, and Denuth knew a terrible temptation. Never before had he heard an account of this entity so vulnerable, so weakened. Soletaken, Elient, what were such labels to this power who may have moved through Light before it knew Dark? Yet now he was obviously wounded almost unto expiration. Should he act now? Would ever such a chance come again to anyone?

  As if following the chain of the Child of Earth's thoughts, Liossercal smiled, upthrusting canines prominent. ‘Do not be tempted, Denuth. Draconus is a fool. His conclusions flawed. Rigidity is not the answer.’

  ‘And what is?’

  A pained grimace, fingers gently probed a deep laceration high on one cheek. ‘I was exploring alternatives.’

  ‘Explore elsewhere.’

  A flash of white rage, quelled. ‘Well taken, Child of Earth. He comes, does he not?’

  ‘He does. And he brings his answer with him.’

  ‘I had best go.’


  Liossercal threw his arms up, his outline blurring, sembling, but he gasped in mid-shift, roared his pain and collapsed to the shore. A dragon shape of silver and gold writhed over the brittle rocks before Denuth who hurriedly backed away. Boulders crashed into the lake as slashed wings laboured. Eventually, unsteady, the enormous bulk arose to snake heavily away. Its long tail hissed a cut through the steaming waters of the crater.

  Denuth remained, motionless. Wavelets crossed the limpid water, lapped silently. The snow of cinders limned the dull black basalt of his shoulders and arms. Then steps crunched over the broken rock and he felt a biting cold darkness at his side, as of the emptiness that was said to abide between the stars. Keeping his face averted, Denuth bowed. ‘Consort of Dark and Suzerain of Night. Draconus. Greetings.’

  ‘Consort no longer,’ came a dry rasping voice. ‘And that suzerainty long defied. But I thank you just the same.’

  Rigid, Denuth refused to turn to regard the ancient potent being, and the equally alarming darkness he carried at his side. How many had disappeared into that Void, and what horrifying shape would its final forging take? Such extreme measures yet revolted him.

  ‘So,’ Draconus breathed. ‘The Bastard of Light himself. And weakened. His essence will be a great addition.’

  That which Denuth thought of as hi
s soul shivered within him. ‘He is not for you.’

  A cold regard. Denuth urged himself not to look.

  After some time, ‘Is this a foretelling – from Her?’

  ‘My own small adeptness. I suspect he may one day find that which he seeks.’

  ‘And that is?’

  ‘That which we all seek. Union with the All.’

  Time passed. Denuth sensed careful consideration within the entity at his side. He heard rough scales that were not of metal catching and scraping as armoured arms crossed. A slow thoughtful exhalation. ‘Nonetheless. I will pursue. After all, I offer my own version of union … Is that not so?’

  Your perversion of it. But Denuth said nothing; he knew he walked a delicate line with this power that could take him should he wish. Only a reluctance to antagonize his parent, Mother to all who come from the Earth, stilled this ancient one's hand. ‘Perhaps Anomandaris—’ Denuth began.

  ‘Speak not to me of that upstart,’ Draconus grated. ‘I will bring him to heel soon enough.’

  And I hope to be nowhere near when that should come to pass …


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