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The Infected [Books 1-6]

Page 147

by P. S. Power

  Brian nodded and sat on the far side of her, pushing against the arm of the sofa with his back so he could see them both.

  "Yeah. Any night without dreams is a good one. But Team One is pretty safe that way, for now at least. We should all get together and have a chat sometime soon. All the teams. Things are heating up a bit and... Well, no need to bug the new guy with it. Maybe we could set up a movie night soon? Denis loves the original Star Wars." Doug did too, even owning it on every format it came on. That was saying a lot since he'd actually had to scrimp and save for a long time, just to have multiple copies of something he already owned.

  "I like it. Let's do that soon." Doug seemed genuinely pleased by the idea at least.

  After that the conversation started to die a little, and tried to turn to the current Hooper matter, which nothing new had been happening with for hours. That really wasn't surprising, but it wasn't a fun thing for Brian either. The second it was brought up he started to worry about Nadia Fields and the Hooper girl. He mentioned that softly, not knowing if anyone else would care much about it, but Penny moved towards him and gave him a hug.

  "I know. I hope they'll be fine too. How long do you think they'll keep you under arrest here?"

  Brian shrugged.

  "Honestly? They can't really keep me here at all. I don't have anywhere else to go or I'd have taken off already, just because they're being pricks about it. It's why I'm really still with the IPB anyway. I don't really like it much, but... Yeah, not much choice." It was more dismal sounding than he really felt about it, but there was truth to the statement.

  No one commented on it, not then at any rate. They both just found excuses to leave shortly after that. Doug needed to get with Scott for some media handling lessons and Penny wanting to check on her brother, who was scheduled to leave the next day. It made sense to him that they had things to do, but he didn't really. Not for an hour or so, when he could get changed for his date. Or meeting, depending on what it was. He decided to start that early, so that he wouldn't be stuck if they didn't want to let Mary in or something.

  To that end he found Marcia, since she was in charge when the Director was gone and asked, rather politely, if she'd call the front gate and make sure they knew to let Mary in without hassling her too much. It would make him look bad if they did, and if the government had passed some law saying he couldn't have friends over, he was leaving. As it was he'd reached the bottom of what he was taking from them, and if they tried even one more thing, he was taking off. Even if it meant fighting his way out.

  Marcia made a face at him when he said it and then called like he'd asked, no one seeming to have a problem with it at all. He didn't know how the woman was intending to get there, but it had to go as smoothly as possible. Or at least he wanted that to happen. It would probably be some kind of fiasco, or her telling him all about her new life with the perfect man. That was fair, of course, but for him they'd basically been a couple less than a week before. Days really. It was an interesting situation, but not one he really looked forward to.

  He was tempted to go and wait at the gate for her, but decided on the front of the building instead. There was no snow on the ground, but it was cold out and again, he didn't know how she was going to be coming in. She could move through space after all, so she might just appear. It occurred to him that he really needed to learn to ask about things like that in advance when he could. It would have made the waiting easier, if he had a some kind of clue. If he were smart he would have just called her up at the store and asked what she had planned, but it was too late now. It was nearly seven after all, as he poked his head through the front door, feeling a little nervous about the whole thing.

  She wasn't there yet. He paced a bit, worried that he'd messed up the day, or the time. Or even that the guards at the gate had turned her away. It was also just possible that she'd gotten busy, or decided not to waste her time with him. Brian paced for several more minutes before she walked in, wearing a very modern looking black dress that had thin straps and a loose woven shawl draped over her shoulders for warmth.

  Walking to her he smiled, holding out his hands, not knowing what to do. The answer there was apparently to give her a hug, because that's what happened, with her doing it automatically. She had make-up on, which was a thing he'd never seen before on her face, not at this level at least. She looked good. He smiled and held her hand for a few seconds looking into her eyes as he did, not speaking.

  "Glad you could make it. I wasn't certain they'd really let you in, we have some things going on here."

  "Oh? They gave me no problems at all. You know, I've never been here before. This looks new." She smiled observing her surroundings openly for a minute. "Very fresh and open. A very nice use of glass. I also enjoy the trees in here. Is this Hobbs' work?" Gesturing to the pool with a large planter in the middle with a wonderfully large oak in it, pulled his attention that way.

  He wasn't sure who'd done it of course.

  "I don't know. I never even noticed the fish before. I don't go this way very often, when I leave." The renovations were still pretty new and had gone up fast, which meant that the tree hadn't been there for years or anything. It probably did mean Hobbs had a hand in it. As far as Brian knew he was the only person on the base with a plant based power.

  "You look wonderful by the way." Brian remembered to speak out loud, smiling as he did. It was true, but she looked away and blushed a little.

  "Why thank you." She seemed pleased at least, if her smile could be trusted.

  Still holding her hand he got her down one floor, taking the elevator so they could go off to the restaurant there without tromping down a flight of stairs. It didn't have a name, but the whole thing looked rich and sensuous, like a place that the very wealthy might have gone to in the early part of the last century. He worried when they got inside the door, because the place was a lot busier than he would have expected it to be. Like a complete moron he hadn't thought to ask for a reservation either. Brian didn't even know if that was a thing they did here. Apparently it was though, since the hostess smiled and looked at a list in front of her, nodding.

  "Mr. Yi, so good to see you again. We have your table waiting. This way please." She was nicely dressed, in a sea green gown that had sparkles at the collar and down the left arm, along with nice high heeled shoes that would be killing her feet no doubt. She walked smoothly enough though, leading them to a small table towards the back of the room.

  It was set away from the walls and even the other diners, just a bit, making it seem somehow special. Like they were being selected out as important people. Remembering something he'd seen on an old television show, he pulled out a chair for Mary and then carefully helped her move in, helping but not smashing the thing into her legs. Seating himself smoothly as the hostess watched, smiling, but not judging him too harshly yet. He'd mess things up, no doubt, because his life hadn't really prepared him for fine dining. Normally they stuck him back in the corner when he came here. Of course most of those times he'd been wearing sweats or his work clothes and they were literally hiding him from any errant press people that might walk in.

  Instead of bringing a menu the woman left them sitting, Mary smiling warmly and glancing around, a slightly wary thing over all.

  "This is a very nice place. Do you bring all your dates here?" Her eyes twinkled but the question was actually a hard one, even though she didn't mean it that way. He felt a little trapped by it though, not wanting to lie to her, but also not wanting to tell her that Karen and he had been there many times together.

  Because that wasn't exactly attractive was it? He nearly froze, but then decided to go with a joke instead. After all, that was better than awkward silence.

  "Um... All my dates? Noooo..." He took a sip of cold water, trying to work up a punch line. "Of course most of my 'dates' are trying to kill me at the time, and you know, I have a strict policy, if you try to murder me, don't expect more than McDonalds. There have to be limits, righ
t? Otherwise people will walk all over you."

  It got a soft smile and a nod from her though, instead of a laugh.

  "I agree. However I can't complain, since this is much finer than the McDonalds in town. I took the others there a few weeks ago, since we'd seen the advertisements on the television. It looked more interesting on the screen. The clown wasn't in attendance on us, and when we enquired about his arrival, we were mocked. Nor were the staff either friendly, or overly helpful. The colors were bright, I'll give them that, but I was expecting them to sing for us. No one did at all. Most unsatisfactory." She looked off to her right then and lit up a bit, which made sense, given that Warren was walking up, dressed in a white chef's uniform.

  He didn't offer to shake hands, but he smiled hugely and waved at them both.

  "Brian, how good to see you. Finally come to dinner then? Let me make some recommendations and we'll see what you want?" He sounded pretty enthused about the idea, so Brian nodded, making himself smile back. He was doing better, but he didn't know where things might go with Mary. It was like a first date. Literally, since they'd never gone anywhere together before.

  The recommendations all sounded a little strange to him, but he'd eaten bugs, more than once, so could handle almost anything that was thrown at him. The hard part wasn't choosing for himself, but he had a strong sense that Mary wanted him to pick for her, most of the food terms being unfamiliar to her. They were to him as well though. He just hoped it was all good and ordered a fish dish for himself and then, looking at Mary, tried to remember what she liked to eat. It had mainly been vegetables, at least at the time. Some meat, but it never too heavy on it.

  He glanced at Warren and tilted his head.

  "I think that Mary would enjoy the pasta."

  Nothing got written down, but Brian had no doubt that it would be perfect. He also realized that Warren, or at least someone, was looking out for him, bringing a nice white wine with the meal instead of asking him to pick something. It came fast and was all very good, which had almost been assured. There was just the tiniest amount of chicken in the pasta dish, which, thankfully Mary actually liked. It was nerve wracking having to guess for other people like that. She seemed pleased that he'd done it though, which he figured was a cultural thing.

  Half way through the meal she surprised him, leaping into a conversation that he'd been planning to gently ease in to after the meal.

  "Brian... I was wondering, are you engaged with anyone?" The phrasing was different, but he got that she meant "sleeping with" rather than getting ready to marry or even dating. The answer was the same regardless, so he jumped in too, shaking his head.

  "No. Are you?" His voice managed to stay light this time and he took a small bite of fish, which would, he hoped, make it seem like he was interested, but not desperate.

  "I'm alone and have been for some time. After, you know, with us, I married for a time. He's gone now." She sounded sad about it. A little like a person that didn't quite know what to do with themselves might.

  "Oh, I'm... sorry for your loss." It would be hard to deal with that. It was also difficult to remember how old she had to be, since she still looked the same, which was a little younger than he did.

  She shook her head, hiding a smile behind her right hand.

  "I said that wrong. He left me. He aged and I didn't, being of my family, I tried to explain it all to him, but eventually he couldn't handle it and decided we should go our separate ways. I was hurt by that, but it was a long time ago."

  He could see it being hard.

  "OK, so... not to be too forward, but do you want to go out with me then? Or... Well, it's been a while for you, hasn't it? Much easier for me, because it was nearly yesterday from my perspective. It's all right if you don't want to, of course." He felt fine while he said it, but the potential for disaster landed with an almost crushing weight a second later, when she didn't speak at all. He couldn't take it back, it was far too late and the words had already been said.

  Finally she spoke, her voice warm.

  "I'd love to. I assumed that would be the case and hadn't thought otherwise, so it took me by surprise that you'd allow me a way out so gently. Not that I need it, but that was most kind Brian. Should we go to your space here or... I can take you back to mine?"

  He took another bite of fish and smiled while he chewed, mouth firmly closed.

  "Here I think, for now. Technically I'm stuck here for a time. I mean, I could leave, but the government has asked me not to. So far I'm working on that idea. The one where, even if they are being jerks, they actually mean well underneath."

  It was funny but the look on her face was nearly scary as she spoke the next words, even though the tone was sweet.

  "I can see that you might frighten some individuals, especially those that intend harm to others. I'd not want to be them. These people are fools if they think they can contain one such as yourself however. Even if you were without power it would be difficult for them to do for long. No resourceful person of will is easily captured or held if they do not wish it. Especially one with friends..."

  The rest of the meal was smooth, the food coming perfectly, without any long waits or hitches in service. Only the one glass of wine had come for him and he didn't really do more than sip at it twice, since he might have to fight at any moment. He had to keep a clear head all the time for that reason. He did splurge a little and eat dessert, a nice piece of cake that was glazed and topped with cherries. It wasn't too big, thankfully. Mary was brought a small dish of ice cream, without anyone asking.

  She grinned and gestured at it.

  "Exactly what I wanted." Her smile was infectious and he couldn't help but do it himself in return.

  Brian had exactly what he wanted too. It had just come from a very different place than he'd ever thought it would, but it was a good thing. Mary was...


  Odd, of course, with her strange clothes and different cooking, but that was just a part of her charm. Still, as the meal ended, he walked her back to her car and kissed her soundly for a while, but didn't take her back to his room. Something was about to happen and he didn't want her around for it. He could feel it in the air, surrounding him. Something important was nearing him in time. A thing bigger than even a night with Mary.

  So pretty freaking huge.

  Plus, he really needed to pick up some birth control if he was going to be having sex with her again. Scott was great, but he didn't want twenty-seven kids running around at different points in time. The fact that he might already have them freaked him out a bit.

  Still, he wasn't giving her up, if she didn't want to go.

  As she drove off into the night he watched her, missing her a little already, even before she got to the front gate, feeling lonely by the time he walked inside. Mary would be around though, he hoped. It had sounded like that was her intent at least.

  It took about five minutes for him to ride down the elevator to his room and get into his work clothes, making sure to put on a holstered weapon and hiding it under his shirt. He didn't know why he'd need it, but if he did, that meant he wasn't going anywhere off base. The trouble was coming to him it seemed. Then he walked to the elevator and decided to go down to the thirteenth floor, which wasn't as easy as it sounded. You had to have special clearance to get there most days and know how it was done. The regular methods just wouldn't get you there. He went to the second floor and found the direct elevator that went to the prison level, tapping the single button once.

  A male voice answered about three seconds later.

  "Thirteen. Please state your name, rank and identification number as well as your reason for requesting entry."

  It was more than he'd needed to know the last time he went down, but that had been scheduled for him.

  "Brian Yi, Team Three member, Proxy and... honestly I don't know why I need to go there at all. I just do. Do you even have a prisoner?"

  The voice that came back sounded pretty unpleasant
, but familiar. It was Lancaster.

  "Brian? Get the hell down here. We have your friend Carla. She is not being cooperative. Not that I blame her, I wouldn't be either in her shoes. Maybe you can calm her down?" The man didn't sound certain of that at all.

  Which meant they almost had to have the right person.

  "Sure. On my way, as soon as the elevator opens." That still took about fifteen seconds, but once inside the ugly orange carpeted box he was slowly lowered to the right place. It wasn't an express elevator like the others were anymore. That was so any prisoners escaping would take longer to get to the upper floors, making them easier to catch. It was a new system put into place in the last weeks, though no one had told him why exactly that was.

  It took a while for all the doors to open, and there was no one in the prisoners' area at all. The guards were all well away, behind the shielded glass booth at the far back of the room. It didn't look like a huge space, but it would have taken a while to actually walk to the booth itself. A voice boomed out almost instantly, loud and clear.

  Agent Lancaster sounded almost relieved for him to be there.

  "Brian, we can't close with her... the regular people can't, she Infected two agents when they apprehended her. One killed himself immediately, so probably a severe depression as first mode. The other is... not happy. Hyper-aggressive now. It's definitely her. They were alone at the time."

  "OK, where is she?" He'd expected screaming and cursing, but there was nothing of the sort. Of course she could Infect a person for just getting too close to her, which had to be the real problem. Not him, being already Infected, but Lancaster and the other guards? Probably.

  "In cell two. Behind you. She seems to Infect people when she gets scared. Pretty normal activation." The door behind him made a loud clanking sound and slid open. He turned quickly ready to fight if he had to, but she didn't come out at all. Instead she sat on her hard plain cot, wearing an ugly button up plaid shirt that had probably been from a thrift store and jeans that were highly faded but still in one piece.


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