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The Infected [Books 1-6]

Page 194

by P. S. Power

  Tobin nodded, then sat for a long time, his inner greed warring with common sense. It wasn't fair, but then, life never was. Not for people like him.

  "Thank you. This means so much to me." He handed the folder back without hesitating, as much as it pained him. "But I can't accept it."

  That created a bit of a stir.

  Chapter eight

  "I beg your pardon? It sounds like you just tried to refuse half a billion dollars. With a 'B'. That cannot be right." The man spoke to him from across the open briefcase, and then smiled. "Ah, I see, a negotiation? Well, I'm willing to go as high as one point two billion. If you need more than that, I suggest you figure out how to earn it. That should be a good help in doing so. It's much easier to make a lot of money once you have it." Richard leaned forward, his face looking for something in Tobin that was hard to define.

  Probably greed.

  It wasn't like it didn't exist. He really liked the sound of that. All the money, all for him. He could buy... Anything he wanted to keep in his room on base. That part was still less than perfect, but what existed right then might not last forever and having tons of money might help, later.

  Except that he couldn't take it.

  It was hard to explain, but after a bit Christian, with tears welling in her eyes, explained what he was thinking. It was easier for her than for him, in the moment.

  "It's that woman, Devorah Timberland. Since it was she that got me to give Tobin up in the first place, odds are that she has a complex plan ready to go. One possibility would be using the death of an attractive heiress to start a greater conflict. Given that this kind of transaction has to be on record, it's possible that many would be able to figure out that Nikki is Infected. If she were attacked she wouldn't be able to protect herself, and that could lead to some very bad things. It's a long shot, but Tobin believes that not taking the offer, which is a thing that is highly tempting to him, he might be able to defeat her plan, at least in part."

  That really was it, and it sounded so much more noble and less fear laden coming from her too. It also led to a very long discussion about how likely that was, other ways to see to his care, and a few things that he wouldn't have considered at all, like his portion of the estate, in the will.

  Finally, shaking his head, Tobin sighed.

  "I... don't you see? I can't have any of it. Not now. Maybe never. Even if this isn't about Nikki, just having a grandson that was given up for adoption by your daughter would taint your reputations. Having me be... me, would ruin you. Or, well, at least make you targets for certain people. Being an ugly isn't the same as being like Chris." He looked at the woman, but she nodded, getting it.

  Her power probably had her bombarded by the idea daily after all. Poor woman. Right now though, she looked from one parent to another.

  "There is truth to that. It was hard for you before. This... Tobin is right. It isn't fair, but I can't see another course of action. Worse, given the woman's powers, all this might be for nothing. It could simply be a set up to distract us from something else going on. It's been a problem for us for a while."

  Lenore didn't complain however, and actually seemed pleased with him, like he'd just passed some kind of test. A secret one that meant more to her than she was willing to say.

  "You're really turning down a half billion dollars to protect a woman you've never met?" It sounded a bit strangled really. She wasn't choking up though.

  "One point two billion, dear. I raised it, if you recall."

  Tobin nodded.

  "The offer is enough. Thank you." He ended up saying it several more times before Christian could get him out of there. It was getting hard to take the strain of the new people and they kept trying to give him things. If they stayed much longer it seemed like they'd be handing him vases from the side tables or maybe calling for the servants to bring the silver.

  He still had to shake Richard's hand on the way out, near the front door.

  "Well..." The man shook his head and then smiled, looking a bit like he'd been sucking on a lemon. "I think you may be one of the best people I've ever met, Tobin Peterson. If you ever need anything and think I can help, please let me know." His hand was dry, but soft.

  He just ducked his head, as Lenore moved in to hug him. It was a bit tight and she smelled like perfume and had used just a bit too much for this range.

  "I enjoyed meeting you. I don't know when we can do it again, but I hope that happens."

  Then, mercifully, they were allowed to leave. Christian didn't speak until they were in the back of the car and had driven about halfway back to their little trailers. When she did the words were soft, and seemed very heartfelt.

  "We need to speak to Brian. If you could work out that bit about my sister, then Braid knows too. Just hiding our relationship won't be enough to stop her from simply putting up a billboard, let's say."

  "Except that that can't start a war. Oh, it could have her killed, but a lot of Infected with low level abilities get killed every year. Yes, she's rich, but that wouldn't make much difference really. People would blame whoever outted her. If it were done in secret though... That might work. Then again... Now that we're away from there, I can't really see any good reason not to have taken the money." He really didn't either. It wasn't a pleasant thought.

  That got a blink from the woman and a pat on the shoulder.

  "Nor can I. It's almost as if something were influencing us back there... My bet would be Brian. Not on purpose of course, but I've noted what seems to be his power doing that several times before. Causing people to act in ways that were outside their nature. Well, not to fear. I can assure you that my parents are working at this very moment to figure out an untraceable way for you to receive care. They are many things, but stingy or bigoted are not among them."

  It was nice to hear, even if he never would see anything from it. That they were bothering to try, just for him... was a big deal. After all, how would he have responded if a little frog had come into his house and claimed to be his grandchild? That they hadn't been mean to him was amazing.

  Chris cleared her throat.

  "Well... Mother was being pretty catty about Kerry, you know. That was mainly about her success however, for all she compared her to a troll doll. Mother never managed much, outside of her connection to father. She's done some charity work, using his money, but that's about all. I managed more, with the few movies and television shows that I did." She looked at him a bit sideways and then let her eyebrows raise. "And the sex tapes."

  Tobin knew about those of course. He'd never watched them, and was now very glad that was the case. A lot of the other guys on Team Two had, since they were about sex and a person they sort of knew. He'd always figured that it would just bombard her mind with his thoughts if he did it, so hadn't.

  "Which was very polite of you. It really works out well now, too. You might want to avoid Googling me also. Though there is a rather troubling animation with you and Karen." She sighed. "Troubling now."

  He didn't respond. There wasn't a lot of use to it really. Instead he just sat back and felt a bit sleepy. It was after dark, but not that late. Before midnight sometime. He'd be glad to get home where he could get more rest, really. The life of a television star didn't seem to fit with him very well.

  The rest of the trip was uneventful enough, and they were dropped off at the party, the old driver getting them all the way to the door and hopping out spryly to help Chris again. Then, after he drove away, she patted his shoulder.

  There were no words, but it was nice, in a way. Except that Kerry came out and saw it, and looked a little hurt. It wasn't a big thing, just a fleeting glance, but he was certain it had been there. She walked over and gave them both a troubled smile. Chris didn't move her hand, and the girl stared at it and then sighed.

  "It's a good party. I was looking for you Tobin."

  To his surprise, Chris answered.

  "I took him to meet my mother. She's actually a huge fan of his work,
which is amazing. He did a few songs for her and father. Don't be shocked if you get an invitation to both go and stay with them. She adored him." It was a lie, but Tobin understood the idea. Anyone hearing them would think that was what had happened, and Kerry had something to think about rather than the Team Three leader seducing her boyfriend.

  Which wouldn't have happened anyway, since she was too old for him. It probably wasn't true, but Tobin decided to cling to that one. Even if he didn't know, nothing could have ever happened. Yep, that worked for him. He smiled and nodded.

  "She's nice. Mainly. It was all a little hard for me, you know. First mode." That was practically a code phrase at the IPB. You said it, and everyone just nodded knowingly and forgave a lot of mistakes.

  From the look on her face and the fact that she relaxed a lot, it seemed to be working now too. The very fact that it was needed kind of shocked him. He was pretty certain that Kerry wouldn't care if he had sex with someone else. It wasn't like they were supposed to be in love, just dating, so that people would know she wasn't doing her own brother.

  Still he moved in and took her hand. It would look funny, but she leaned in and kissed him, on the lips. Then she explained, whispering in his ear.

  "Wayne Burgess keeps hitting on me. I mentioned that I had a boyfriend, but Proxy walked by and said that it wasn't exclusive, which, I mean, yeah, but you would have thought that he'd have gotten that I was avoiding the man. He's so drunk that he can barely stand, already."

  Tobin nodded. It wasn't that the man wasn't good-looking then, just that she didn't trust him at the moment. That part of things was probably really big in her world, being able to trust a guy.

  They all walked in and Chris patted his shoulder again, and then did the same with Kerry before heading off to find Mark. Wayne didn't come back around, currently being involved with trying to remove Tara Strong from her panties, if Tobin was a judge of such things. Which he wasn't, but it was still a good guess. Not everyone was doing something like that, but people mingled and were passing cards and contact information, so he decided to hide in a corner and not become involved in that himself.

  It would have worked too, if his camouflage was better. Instead he stood out, his black and brown patterned skin standing out in the light colored room. For the most part it was the show people, though a few of the crew stopped by as well, to shake his hand or chat for a bit. They didn't want anything, but most seemed happy enough to have him there. No one working on the show was that bigoted, he guessed. Or if they were, it would show when they cut his face from the entire special, replacing him with a CGI version of himself as a regular person. That would be...

  Remarkably funny. Cute even, if they had to cover his big head. In flesh tones that would make him look like a giant baby. It would still explain Tiny Tim's malady too. No one had said anything to that end at least, which meant he was nice to them all, as hard as it was. Kerry did a lot of the talking for him. Her first mode, whatever it was, didn't actually stand out a lot. It wasn't a question that you asked, but the fact was, if she had to, Kerry could have passed in polite society without it being an issue. Possibly even now that she was a bit famous.

  If she cut her hair, and maybe used some skin dye, like Penny did? Or went from blonde to brown hair, something like that? It would work really well. It was what he was thinking about, but he realized after a bit that he was staring at her. She noticed too, and seemed pleased by it.

  She looked at the door, and then him, which he took to mean they should leave. It was an idea and no matter what they did, it would have fewer people involved. It took a bit to get out the door, since Alan Brown stopped to talk to them both, Penny right next to him. She had a drink, and wasn't old enough to have one legally, but Tobin didn't mention it. After they got away from them, and they were wily and hard to avoid, they had to deal with Haley, the girl country singer. She at least was mollified with a card so that they could get in touch to discuss that duet thing. He got one from her too. Like grownups and everything.

  "We should each start trying to come up with songs. I'll be thinking about it." Tobin actually did, a little tune popping into his head. It was a little happy if they were going country with it however. Not that all of that genre was really about tragedy, but there was a bit of darkness to it, if you paid attention. A depression that he could relate to.

  Outside, beside the building, Kerry stopped him.

  "So... We should do it right here."

  It was aggressive enough for her that it took him a second to understand what she really meant. Then, smiling, he agreed. How often was he going to be able to have sex in a place like this? It wasn't the base at all, and there was a chance they could be caught. He didn't want to be, but it was thrilling anyway. It still took him a while to finish, and they had to work out how to do it, which required a packing crate and the use of the buildings wall, but it was primal enough that it worked, for all it lacked in technique or style.

  It was just perfect. He had a whole girl that wanted to do things like that with him, and even if he couldn't admit it to anyone, a family. He felt really happy, for several minutes, as they walked slowly back toward the party.

  When the explosions started he and Kerry were still outside, her face a bit flushed from the exertion. Almost instantly, Mark was there, in front of them.

  "There are about a thousand people coming. The explosions weren't an attack, being too far away. My guess is that they're about an eighth of a mile from here right now." Then he vanished again, it took a bit, but Tobin ran into the building, only to find that things there were being handled pretty well already.

  By Proxy. That wasn't a huge surprise, since Brian did that in emergencies.

  "Karen, get with Tobin and Denis, as soon as anyone gets close, subdue them. Mark, if you could stay near me, and run a recon every minute or so?" He didn't wait for an answer, his gaze looking at the shocked people in the room. "Charlot, you and Prime stay here. Bridget and Rachel you two stand guard outside. Don't let anyone get hurt. Alan, if you and Glen would keep everyone calm and call in the police? For all the good that will do. They won't risk acting with a thousand plus people trying to attack. How could we have missed this?" He looked at Chris, who shook her head.

  "I've been focused on other things... Which may have been the point. Let me see what I can find out now?"

  Kerry looked at him hard, but followed him outside, her white and pink dress too bright for this kind of work. After a bit Mark showed up again.

  "They're blocked on two sides, so we only need to have heavy coverage on the front and west portion. The fence is there, but won't hold anyone long."

  Tobin tried to pretend to be brave. After all, panic wouldn't help them at all.

  "Lady Glory and I will take the front, Denis, can you handle the west side? Take Rachel with you. Impulse needs to be here to guard the building." He dreaded the next words, but there was a hard truth they needed to face. "If they make it that far in numbers greater than a handful... Kill them."

  The girl froze, for a whole second, maybe even two and then looked ready to do it, as if it was always the plan.

  "Got it."

  It was tense, waiting, but the crowd, thankfully was on foot. Armed, but mainly with bats and sticks. He saw at least one sword being waved around however. They also were packed in nearly shoulder to shoulder. It was scary, but he moved to the fence and hoped that no one had a sniper's position set up. His head felt vulnerable suddenly, like a watermelon on a stick. If they started shooting no one would aim for anything else, would they?

  Karen seemed ready, and was glowing bright electric blue already. It made her look unrecognizable, but did provide light for the entire area, if in a funny shade.

  "When they reach the fence, go!" She barked the words like an order, which had to be hard for her, but he echoed them. After all it was a good plan. Then she dropped back a good bit, leaving him alone in the front. She had to be far enough away that his song wouldn't influence her
too much, which was about a hundred feet, unless he had augmentation.

  At riots he normally got a bullhorn, but here, well, for some reason no one had expected a giant crowd to suddenly show up at midnight. How it had been put together he didn't know at all. Something like a flash mob? Why though? They had weapons, but no firearms...

  Bigots carried guns.

  They were, as a group, the ones most likely to own them and insist that they be allowed to carry them everywhere. Something was wrong here. He could feel it. There was no chanting about dirty Infected for instance. In fact the people weren't even stopping when they saw him standing there. He was kind of distinctive and even if they weren't afraid of him, it meant that there were other people with powers around. The IPB rarely sent out solo Operatives.

  In the back there were people with signs, but in the dark, that far away, they were a bit hard to read. After a bit he got it. They said, "Save the Rainforest."

  Blinking he actually smiled.

  "They're just protestors. Regular ones. Environmentalists!" Calling it out got Mark to come, even as the people marched forward. Tobin didn't wait to explain. "It's why we missed it. They aren't a hate group, just people that want to get on the news with their cause."

  The man turned and looked, then blinked out coming back about five feet to the left.

  "I see the signs, but most of them are armed. Why? Beating Wayne Burgess can't actually help anything, can it? Though I get why. After all, what kind of man buys three thousand acres of rainforest just to burn it down?"

  It was a rhetorical question, apparently, since the man vanished again. The people weren't running at them, but kept closing on the fence. Hate motivated or not, they couldn't let them in. Not in those numbers.

  There was also no way to really talk to them at all and explain what reaching the fence was going to cause. Not that they'd be hurt, except for some bruising when they fell down. If one of them had a cell phone on the other person could be hurt, if they were in his section of things, but he didn't notice anything like that. So he tried something that probably wouldn't work.


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