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RHINO: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (With FREE Bonus Novel OFFSIDE!)

Page 33

by Abbey Foxx

  My vision is blurry for a moment. I have tears in my eyes, that could be for the waste of time I spent with Topher, the hundreds of moments of disappointment where my heart fell just that little bit further than I ever thought was possible or they could be for this moment and whatever might follow it.

  “I needed that.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Jasper smiles that broad smile down at me and I feel a million butterflies all flap their wings at once and flutter around my belly. This is how it starts. I know that. I knew that. I’m an idiot, probably. Jasper has a year here at the very most, and then he’s back home, out of my life, gone forever. What if this kiss makes me need him more than I can handle? What if after the first drop comes a thousand more and Jasper and I-? Fuck. I need to calm down. It was only a kiss after all.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t-.”

  “Of course we shouldn’t. You don’t go with players, and you are the boss’s daughter.”

  “I’ll give you a lift home, wave good bye, get back in the car-.”

  “Forget it happened.”


  I’m stepping away from him playfully.

  “Yeah, like that’s going to happen.”

  “One kiss.”

  “One kiss?”

  “Make you want me.”

  What am I doing? Am I really doing what I think I’m doing?

  “I already want you.”

  “Make you want me more.”

  Jasper shakes his head. “Uhuh, you can’t do that.”

  “Doing it.”

  “You don’t even want to do it.”

  “Told you you couldn’t resist me.”


  He pushes his way off the car and comes towards me.

  “Are you not tingling all over like I am? You don’t feel that? Look at your arms. I felt your body shudder when I kissed you. Imagine what it’ll feel like when we fuck.”

  My eyes go to his dick instinctively and then I shrug casually.

  “I thought you read the papers”, Jasper says.

  “People make shit up all the time.”

  “Incredible, amazing, best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “But what did the girls say?”

  The longer I resist, the better it will be. I’m torturing myself, and I don’t know if I’ll actually be able to go through with it and truly resist, but watching Jasper worry about the possibility of now not getting laid is so amusing it might be worth it.

  “Kiss me.”

  I shake my head theatrically.

  “Now you’re going to resist me?”

  I nod my head theatrically.

  “Ok, I’m going home.”

  Jasper spins on his heels, digs his hands into his hip pockets again and begins to stride away. I watch his perfect ass twitch from side to side for a while before I gallop across the concrete to catch up with him.


  I’m ahead, stepping backwards away from him.


  “The best player of the day won’t even treat himself to a taxi?”

  “I like walking, it gives me time to think.”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Oh, you know, this and that. Where to buy a car, which apartment to move into, one particular girl I like.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  “It could be. She might be playing me around though.”

  I stop quickly and let Jasper fold into me.

  “You can’t stay the night.”

  Jasper shakes his head.

  “We go home, we lie down, we have sex, we definitely don’t fall in love with each other.”

  “That a play?”

  “It’s the only one I’ve got.”

  “I don’t fall in love very easily.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Kiss me.”

  I shake my head again but this time Jasper doesn’t take no for an answer. This time he lifts me up completely off the ground and pulls me into him passionately. It’s even better than the first time, and when he finally puts me back down on the ground, I know my mind is made up and resistance to anything but taking him home, pressing myself against him and having him fuck me hard will be impossible. I wobble a little and Jasper has to hold me upright momentarily.

  “We good here?”

  I nod. “We can-. Fuck, let’s go before I regret it.”

  My heart racing, we turn. Jasper pulls me into him and I allow my hand to slide down towards his ass and give it the squeeze I’ve been wanting to since I first laid eyes on him. I can’t wait to get him home and do the same to that enormous swinging dick of his. I can be dirty in bed sometimes, not that Topher ever appreciated it, and Jasper, if he continues to play his cards right is about to find out by just how much. I’m super fucking horny right now, and I can’t wait to have Jasper slide that mammoth cock into my mouth, my pussy and anywhere else he feels like he wants to stuff it. It’s been so long since I’ve felt the warmth of a satisfying cock inside me and right now there’s nothing that’s going to stop me from getting it. That makes me gurgle inside with insane levels of happiness and nervous excitement. Nothing at all can stop us now.

  “What the absolute serious fuck?”

  No. My heart skips a whole octave of beats. It skips so many I feel like my heart’s never going to start again. I drop my hand away from Jasper’s ass like lighting. I step away but already I know it’s too late. I know that voice and I don’t need to look to know who it is storming quickly across the parking lot to get to us. Why the fuck now? How is this fucking fair?


  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What’s up, Harrison?”

  “Don’t you fucking what’s up me, Jasper. What the fuck do you think you are doing with my daughter?”

  “Dad. It isn’t what-.”

  “We’re just, you know, she’s giving me a lift home.”



  “You don’t think one asshole jock is enough. You’ve got to fuck the rest of the team as well?”

  “That’s way out of line.”

  “Button it, Jasper.”

  I know Dad wants to protect me but I’m so shocked by what he’s just said I don’t know how to respond to it myself. Jasper holds up his hands and steps slightly away to show him the respect he’s commanding.

  “We’re not fucking.” I manage to spit out in anger.

  “No? So what was that film fucking kiss I just saw?”

  Jasper and I look at each other and then back to Dad who’s shaking his head furiously. “Not again, not this time, Penny.”



  Dad jabs the air with his index finger. “You want to play, Jasper. You’ll stay away from my daughter.”

  “Are you fucking serious? Topher cheats on her and you keep him in the team. Penny and I kiss and you threaten to throw me out. Want to know who won that game today because it sure as shit wasn’t your prostitute fucking quarterback. You take me out you have no chance of winning.”

  “The team isn’t you, Jasper.”


  “Fuck no.”

  “Your a fucking idiot, Harrison. Pride is a dangerous thing. Step aside if you want Moxlin to do anything but drive themselves into the ground. I’ve been watching you, you’re past it, too old, too bitter, too fucking arrogant.”

  “Careful, Jasper.”

  “You think this team feel inspired by you? They hate playing here. You know that? You have every opportunity to change but you refuse to do so. It feels like you’ve given up already.”

  “Jasper, come on.”

  “No, Penny, he needs to hear it.”

  “I’m warning you, Jasper. Who do you think you are talking to me like that?”

  “The person that you need to listen to. The person that is going to change this team around, as much as that pisses you off. You’ve
seen today that Moxlin can win when we play right and the players feel inspired and then fight for their right to be out there doing what they love.”

  “Penny, get in the car, we are done here.”

  I look at Dad and then I look at Jasper. Jasper holds his hands up and takes two steps back.

  “Do whatever you’ve got to do.”

  “No”, I say.

  Dad looks shocked first and then the blood rushes to his face.

  “Don’t fucking do it, Penny.”

  I shake my head.

  “Just go”, Jasper says. “Do what he wants.”

  “No”, I say again. “Not this time.”

  Dad turns to me.

  “Last time I let you and look what happened. I should kill that piece of shit motherfucker for what he did.”

  “Jasper’s not Topher, Dad.”

  “No, this sorry excuse for a human being is even worse. I’ve seen the videos, all of them. Banned for a year for telling a journalist he was going to have him killed. This-”

  Dad jabs an open hand towards a smiling Jasper before he continues. “-This is the man you want to start a relationship with.”

  “It was just one kiss. It’s not like-.”

  Dad waves his hand in the air dismissively. “Don’t come crying to me when he fucks you over.”

  I shake my head. “I won’t.”

  Dad growls. “I thought you knew better.”

  “I thought I could trust you to support me.”

  “I am supporting you.”

  “That’s a funny way of showing it.”

  “Making sure you don’t make the same mistake twice?”

  “Telling me what to do isn’t supporting me Dad. Supporting me is helping me after something goes wrong.”

  Dad shakes his head. “Stay away from her, Jasper.”

  “I’ve heard that before.”

  “I mean it.”




  “You’ll regret it, Penny.”

  “Leave, now.”

  Dad growls, jabs the air with his fingers, threatens Jasper again and finally turns to storm back to his office or the field or wherever to take out his frustration. While he’s still in earshot, I turn to Jasper and with a voice that’s loud enough to carry across the parking lot and into half of the next state I say, “Take me home and fuck me now, hard and deep.”

  I can still hear Dad growl while I rush back home in the car, Jasper’s hands all over me aching to get inside.



  I know some girls can get a little crazy when they’re horny, other’s so determined when they make their mind up about something that nothing can get in the way of it, so this I knew was perfectly possible with Penny, at least at some point, I just didn’t expect it so early, nor to such an enthusiastic degree.

  I’m not complaining at all, not to myself nor to her, it’s just an observation as she practically mauls me on the way back to her house and then throws herself at me when we finally get inside it.

  Topher doesn’t live here anymore, but he’s still all over this place so much that I get a weird feeling he could pop out from around the corner at any moment and surprise us. It kind of makes me want to fuck Penny so hard her screams make his ears burn wherever he is. Fuck Topher Cole. What a fucking ass-hole. What he’s thrown away for a cheap drunk fuck is absolute insanity.

  Penny presses herself against my chest and we fall together briefly against the closed front door, before I pick her up and carry her towards her bedroom.

  “Hard and deep?”

  “Think you can manage that?”

  Penny has hungry determined eyes only matched in intensity by how quickly her hands are working at pulling me out of my clothes.

  “Think you can?”

  “I know what football players can do.”

  “Not this one.”

  “Not yet.”

  Off comes my top so she can spread her hands out across my chest, over the ridged muscles of my abdomen and down to my swollen cock. I’ve been harder for this chick than I have for anyone else in my life and that’s saying a lot. There’s something about Penny that I just can’t put my finger on, which should be an alarm bell for me to step away, but I just can’t resist her. From that moment I saw her striding confidently up to me in the airport, I just knew I had to get close to her. I’m not one to usually fall hard, but if I’m going to, this one has all the qualities to make it happen. I want to slide my rock hard cock up inside her. I want to suck her pussy and run my tongue along her slit. I want to pull her hair and watch her rub her clit, her legs spread wide open for me, and I want to hear her begging for more, the power of a multiple orgasm trembling through her skin.

  I push her to the bed, dropping to my knees in the process to slide my hands up underneath her dress and pull down her panties to get at her.

  She doesn’t complain or resist or tell me I’m going too fast or that I’m not doing it the way she wants to, all she does is let herself flop to the bed, her arms spread out wide and let me take what I want from her.

  “Last chance, Penny”, I say, my thumbs looped up under the waistband of her panties ready to pull them down.

  “My last chance is long gone.”

  Down they come. Across the smoothness of her upper thighs, past the ridges of her kneecaps, over her ankles, and into a ball of fabric I toss carelessly behind me.

  “Show me.”

  Penny props herself up to look at me. She gives me a coquettish side glance, bites her lower lip theatrically and then lets her legs drop open so I can see what it is I really want to concentrate on.

  “Most people remove the dress first.”

  Some women don’t see the beauty in them, but I love them so much I could stare at them all fucking day. Pussies. And Penny’s, as I hoped it would be, is as gorgeous as any I’ve ever seen.

  “Fuck that.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I’m big.”

  “Oh, I know.”

  “Maybe I should start with my tongue, work my way up, make sure you’re prepared for it.”

  Shaved, but not so she’s completely bald. Swollen lips, parted slightly. The hint of her clitoris drawing the skin at the top of her sweetness together, bunching up, hiding the sensitivity. I can already tell she’s a screamer. Just by looking at her, watching how her skin bobbles at my touch, the way she carries herself, the bounce in her step, I know she’s sexually liberal. I know that when she comes, it feels like heaven on earth. I’m blessed with a cock that’s big enough to get so deep I can make women have the most intense vaginal orgasm, but not so large I’m uncomfortable to fit inside. With Penny, I’m going to get so deep she can feel me in her chest.

  “Maybe you should stop talking and start working.”

  “Show me what you like.”

  I’m so hard I can feel my cock throbbing, desperate for me to release it. I don’t want to, not just yet anyway. I’m not going to spoil this, just in case it doesn’t happen again. Penny may be throwing herself at me right now, but I’m experienced enough to know the signs. However incredible this fuck is for her, and however much she needs it, after it’s done, she’s going to wonder whether she should have done it at all. That’s just natural and I get it, and what usually happens after that stage is the most dangerous stage of all, where two people keep fucking so much that feelings come into it and you run the risk of not being able to get out at all if you need to, but right now, I have no idea where this is going to end, so I’m going to make sure I enjoy it while I can.

  Penny’s only one week out of a long term relationship, and I’m happy to be there for her even if this is only a rebound fuck, because as rebound fucks go I can’t think of anyone I’d much rather do, but with the team connection, the fact I’m only here for a year and Topher on the edge looking in, this could get very dangerous indeed.

  Penny opens herself up with two fingers, drawing
the skin back around her pussy so I can see the fullness of her swollen clit. Her breathing is making tingles run up and down my spine, and that coupled with the moistness developing around her pussy hole is making me very horny indeed.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “I’m watching.”

  Penny slides her moistened finger along her slit, her breath shortening as she does so, a gasp as she finds her hole and let’s her finger dip momentarily inside.

  “You like that?”

  “Fuck yeah, I like that.”

  I can’t wait any longer. Some women like it gentle some of the time, others want to be the ones in control, every single women I’ve ever been with, even though they’ve often denied it afterwards, like men to be assertive. They like men to show their power, their dominance, their physicality. They like a huge cock slammed so hard into their tight little hole that the swinging balls against their pussy lips leave little patches of red sensitive skin. Penny looks no different. She’s a confident one too. Pulled hair, ass spanked, hips gripped so tightly the tips of my fingers go white. There’s time in a relationship to fuck gently, and fucking gently is one of the things I absolutely love to do, but right now, right this minute, while Penny’s on her back, her dress lifted over her hips, her legs spread wide and raised up enough I can see the knot of skin that marks out an ass-hole I will encourage her to let me fuck later on, I want hard and deep. I want quick and dirty. I want orgasms barked from the back of a hot mouth into the depths of my ear. I want words so dirty they make my great grandmother turn in her grave.


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