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The Chaos Saga

Page 28

by Samuel JT Pratley

  "I see you, bitch!" Lachlan said, running at him.

  Steven, Emily, Jareth and Mecha Rhynos faced the four Chaos Generals, three of which Steven and Emily knew.

  "Well, well, it seems that we were fortunate enough to face these marines again," the one with the book said.

  "Good. I was hoping I could crush some skulls today," the brute replied, clenching his fists.

  "I just want that girl all to myself," the one with the knives said.

  "Haha, you wish you could take me," Emily said, running at the one with the knives.

  "Nathan, can you handle the brute?" Steven asked.

  "Gladly," Nathan said, jumping at him.

  Steven ran at the one with the book while Jareth ran at the other Chaos General. Steven used his earth powers to launch himself up above the Chaos General. When the General looked up, Steven rammed him. Steven had created a construct that jumped above him, while Steven ran at the General when he was distracted.

  "What's your name, General?" Steven asked.

  "My name is Shaun. It will be the last name you'll ever hear, Marine."

  "Yeah … nah. I'm destined to win this fight. Good luck trying though," Steven said, running at Shaun with his Elemental Blade drawn.

  Mecha Rhynos rammed the brute and threw him into the library. He followed the brute and they began a fist fight, each one chipping away at the other's defences. Both of them had created armours out of earth.

  Mecha got a good left swing into the brute's stomach, causing him to stagger. Mecha brought his knee up and slammed it into the brute's head. He picked him up and threw him out the back wall and onto the tennis courts. Mecha created several boulders and threw them at the brute. They hit him square in the legs, causing him to fall over again.

  "You're a skilled Earth Elemental," the brute said, wiping some blood from his mouth.

  "Just die," Mecha said, slowly walking up to him. He brought his fist up and aimed it at the brute's head. The fist came down but was intercepted by a pillar of earth.

  "You're skilled, but I'm better," the brute said, creating more pillars and flinging Mecha away.

  The brute jumped at him but Mecha rammed him again, piercing the Earth Armour and the brute's stomach. Mecha grabbed him off his horn and threw him against a classroom wall.

  "I'm gonna kill you," the brute said, getting up and creating several constructs out of the ground at their feet. They were hulks made of earth. They ran at Mecha and began to attack him.

  "You made the wrong choice when you chose Chaos," Mecha said, throwing the constructs off of him.

  "Hah, you were once under Chaos' rule."

  "And I know that was a mistake. We're now helping to eradicate Chaos from this universe."

  "You're still under the influence and you can still feel it. Admit it, Nathan. You can still feel the Chaos coursing through your veins."

  Emily tried to dodge an attack from a knife but it grazed her cheek slightly, creating a small cut. She felt a chill run down her back, put a hand to the cut and felt ice forming on it. The ice began to spread around her face.

  "Kunais made of ice," the knife wielder said. "A chilling weapon indeed. Made to cut the victim and then freeze them. Yes, you're going to die a slow, cold, painful, death."

  "I guess I'll just have to kill you quickly then," Emily responded, running at him.

  A cloud of darkness erupted at his feet. When Emily swung her blade it went through the darkness, not hitting anything. She looked up and found that he was above her with several ice kunais in his hands. He threw them down at her and she crouched down to dodge them. When she opened her eyes she found a shadow standing over her. It was Jareth with his Chimera Shield raised to block the kunais from hitting her.

  "Thanks, Jareth." she said.

  "No prob. Do you need help with this guy?" Jareth asked.

  "I'd appreciate it, thanks," Emily said, standing back up.

  Jareth spread his wings and flew up at the Chaos General. He disappeared in another cloud of darkness and reappeared on the ground next to Emily.

  "Your face is nearly completely in ice. You're going to die soon," he said before going up in another puff of smoke.

  He was right. Emily's face was mostly covered in ice. Her breath was visible and she was starting to shake.

  "Earthen Chimera! Steven!" Jareth yelled, activating his beast Mode and flying down to Emily.

  He arrived along with Steven, who still had his Chaos General to fight. Emily was now on her knees, shivering and trying to keep warm.

  "Hold still," Steven said, putting his finger up to her face. The ice began to melt.

  Jareth looked over and saw that Steven's eyes had gone a deeper shade of yellow and red. He'd turned into a Fire Elemental and was melting the Ice.

  Ice kunais hit Jareth's side. He turned and saw the Chaos General facing him, just as Jareth's side began to encase in ice. Jareth, being the massive beast that he was, just shook off the ice and charged at the Chaos General.

  "Earthen Horn Smash!"

  Jareth's horns became encased in earth. As he neared the Chaos General, another cloud of darkness appeared. Jareth ran straight through the cloud.

  An explosion came from above Jareth and he looked up, expecting to see Steven fighting the Chaos General. What he saw was another silver armour that looked like Anubis and Horus.

  "Steven! Up!" Jareth said.

  Steven looked up and saw the silver armour fighting against the Chaos General. Jareth and Steven watched on as the armour punched the Chaos General in the stomach and then pulled something out of him. The Chaos General stopped fighting and fell to the ground. Jareth ran over to him and saw that his heart had been ripped out.

  The armour landed with a thud and faced Jareth and Steven, who both had their weapons ready to fight.

  "Holster your weapons, Marines. I am not an enemy. I am a friend who has come to aid you," the armour said.

  "Who are you?" Steven asked.

  "My name is Osiris."

  Lachlan kicked Riley several times in the stomach, causing him to fall over and onto his back. Lachlan made a spear of ice and walked over to him.

  "C'mon Lachie, we're mates right? You wouldn't kill me, would you?" Riley asked.

  "Even if I kill you now, you'll still come back eventually. But when you do, I'll be there to kill you again."

  Lachlan raised his spear. "Hopefully you stay dead," he said, slamming it down into Riley's heart. He twisted it, killing Riley. Lachlan fell backwards, exhausted.

  "Master, I sense something strange," Anubis said.

  "Oh, what is it, Anubis?"

  "I do not know, something that is not supposed to be … Osiris," Anubis said, forcing Lachlan to look up and see the silver armour fighting a Chaos General.

  "Who's Osiris?"

  "He is another God Armour like Horus and I. But he was not supposed to be here yet. Ra was supposed to come through before him. He has messed up the plan."

  "Anubis, I have no idea…"

  "Master, duck!"

  Anubis threw the both of them to the ground as a bolt of white lightning flew over their head.

  Lachlan got up just as Shaun ran at him. Lachlan created a spike ball at the end of his spear and smashed Shaun right in the stomach, flinging him upwards. Lachlan turned his weapon back into a spear and threw it at him. Shaun righted himself in the sky and created a column of fire just in time to melt the Ice spear that was heading for his head.

  "You're Lachlan wearing Anubis, aren't you?" Shaun asked.

  "Yeah. How would you know that?"

  "Up there is Osiris. And Sam's down there, fighting Chaos with Horus. I know everything."

  "How?" Anubis yelled. "How do you know all of this?"

  "Because, I'm from the same place you are. I was also sent back through time by Dialgus," Shaun said.

  Ice began to form around Anubis' arm, creating a long blade.

  "Anubis, what are you doing?" Lachlan asked.

  "I'm goi
ng to kill him, so no-one can know about what or who he is," Anubis replied. He lurched forward and detached from Lachlan. He flew towards Shaun and slashed with his blade. Lachlan blinked in front of Anubis and blocked the attack.

  "Get out of the way, Master."

  "No, I'm not going to let you kill him."

  "Master, I fear that if we leave him alive he may stop me and my brothers from completing our mission."

  Lachlan turned around but Shaun was gone.

  "We'll talk about this when we get back to base," Lachlan said, re-fusing with Anubis.

  19: The Final Battle (Part Two)

  As everyone ran at their respective opponents, Matthew ran at Zac with both blades extended, while Zac carried two chains swords in his hands.

  Matthew jumped at Zac, who ran underneath him. Matthew fired his cannon, which he'd swapped out mid-jump. The blast hit Zac dead on, knocking him down. Matthew went in for another jump. Zac put his legs up and hit Matthew's stomach. Zac pushed Matthew over him and sent him flying into a tree.

  Matthew sliced off the branches of the tree and threw them at Zac. Zac used his swords to saw through the branches as he slowly approached Matthew.

  Through the branches another blast hit Zac in the leg, causing him to fall. Matthew ran at him again and swiped his blade so that it should've sliced right through Zac's throat. Instead, Zac brought his sword up and the blades clashed. Matthew tried to bring his cannon around but Zac brought his other sword up and blocked Matthew's attack.

  Zac's swords were grinding away at Matthew's arms. Matthew thought Zac was going to keep grinding until he'd cut right though but instead Zac backflip-kicked Matthew in the stomach, causing him to stagger. Zac took this time to unholster his rifle from his side and emptied the magazine at Matthew. At that precise moment Matthew opened a portal and the bullets flew into it. Matthew dispersed the portal and found Zac jumping at him with his sword aimed at his heart.

  Matthew fired his cannon at the ground, launching him backwards away from Zac. Zac followed him, swinging his swords and hoping to hit Matthew. Zac stumbled when Matthew unexpectedly blocked one of Zac's swings. Matthew took the chance and brought his cannon up and blasted Zac's stomach, launching him away. Matthew brought his blade up and slashed at Zac's stomach, creating a deep incision in his armour but not piercing his skin.

  Zac jumped away and surveyed his armour, trying to see any damage, while Matthew fired his cannon at the distracted Zac. The blast hit him head on and shattered his armour. Zac was flung backwards. He was now defenceless.

  "This is what happens when you join the Chaos Marines," Matthew said, walking over to him.

  "Please, I beg for your forgiveness. I didn't know what I was doing. The Chaos Element made me do all of this crazy stuff. Please spare me," Zac pleaded.

  "Why would you think I'd believe that you did everything because of the Chaos Element? You've killed hundreds of marines, thousand of innocents, and caused families to turn on each other. I AM NOT SAD ABOUT KILLING SOMEONE LIKE YOU. In fact, you deserve to die, Zac, and I'm glad I'm the one that gets the pleasure of doing it!" Matthew brought up his cannon and fired it. Zac was killed instantly.

  Matthew turned around go pushed to the ground, when something was thrown at him.

  20: The Final Battle (Part Three)

  Sam faced down Chaos with Horus active.

  "Are you ready to finish this, Samuel?" Chaos asked.

  "Not really. I don't want to have to kill my friend," Sam said, looking down.

  "Master, I believe that he is trying to get you to not fight him," Horus said.

  "I know, but I'm still going to fight," Sam said, raising his head. His eyes had gone deep red under Horus' helmet.

  Sam ran at Chaos with his hands encased in fire. Chaos' hands began to shimmer in the Chaos Element. Sam swiped a left hook at Chaos' helmet but Chaos blocked by grabbing Sam's hand.

  "Is that the best you've got, Samuel?"

  "Hah, not by a long shot!"

  Sam switched Elements and sent lightning through Chaos' gauntlet, causing him to let go of Sam and stumble backwards. Sam jumped at Chaos and managed to hit him in the helmet a few times before Chaos created a portal and stepped through it. Sam stood still, trying to anticipate where Chaos was going to reappear.

  "Left," Horus said.

  Sam blocked a fist that appeared from a portal to his left.

  "Right and up," Horus said again. He could tell where the attacks were coming from and reported this to Sam.

  The next minute or so was filled with Horus warning Sam of where Chaos was going to attack from next and Sam blocking the attack. Not every attack was blocked so Sam got a few hits into his body.


  Horus spread his wings and flew backward to avoid a portal from opening beneath Sam. Chaos reached up from the portal and climbed out of it. He stood up and faced Sam. Something had changed within him but Sam couldn't figure out what.

  Sam switched back to the Fire Element and threw several fireballs at Chaos. Columns of water erupted out of the ground and put out the fireballs before they could hit Chaos. A thin layer of steam covered the stone tiled courtyard for only a few seconds, immediately consumed by a large body of water that rose from between the pavers. The school and surrounding areas were built up from a swamp so there was a high level of moisture in the ground below them. Chaos was able to use this to his advantage. The water rose above Chaos and held its position just above him. Chaos slowly walked towards Sam. The water followed.

  "Horus, what's going to happen?" Sam asked, beginning to back away in fear.

  "I am unsure, Master. This did not occur in my timeline."

  "Well, dammit, Horus, any ideas?"

  "I have one. If you would allow me to take control?"

  "Sure, go ahead," Sam said reluctantly.

  Sam suddenly felt a weird sensation go through his body. One of his eyes had gone a deep shade of orange and the other had changed to blue. Horus had shifted Sam's Elements and was now trying to use two at the same time. Sam thought controlling the entirety of one element had been hard enough.

  Horus began to move their arms as if trying to grab a hold of something around them. Sam thought he was failing until he saw some of the water above Chaos' head shiver. Horus tried to take control of the water but Chaos' grasp on it was too strong. He must have been a full Water Elemental, as opposed to an Unbound which would not have been that strong.

  The water began to move slightly from one side to the other as if being tugged in tug-of-war and neither side was willing to give up. Sam felt one of his elements shift and the water above Chaos' head became coated in ice. The ice ball dropped on Chaos. Sam felt another shift and the ice turned to water. Suddenly Sam was running forward with his fist crackling in lightning. He slammed his fist into Chaos' helmet, sending giga-volts through Chaos, through the water and into the ground. Horus jumped backwards as Chaos fell to his knees, and his armour sparked several times.

  "Master, I have relinquished control back to you," Horus said.

  "Thanks. Never use two elements again!"

  "Yes, Master. I apologise but it was the only way to take him down."

  "I'm not down," Chaos said, looking at them. "I'm just gathering the water underneath you."

  Sam, now back to his usual elements, felt a coldness around his feet followed by sharp pains and loud cracks. Water began to surge around his feet and with it came the lightning Sam had just used against Chaos. Sam collapsed onto one knee and felt the ground shake as Chaos began to run at him. Sam blinked behind him and shifted elements. He placed his hand in a puddle where Chaos had been standing and sent a chilling pulse through the water. The water began to freeze, followed the trail of water towards Chaos and began to freeze at his feet. The ice slowly crept up Chaos' legs. He pulled his feet out and began stomping the ice. When he turned to throw a blast of water at Sam, he was nowhere to be seen.

  A light above Chaos caught his eye, causing him to look up and
see Sam falling towards him with his Elemental Blade drawn. Chaos caught the blade just as it was about to pierce his armour. He held it in place with his hands and looked Horus in the eye - he knew Sam was in there somewhere.

  Chaos threw Sam in a random direction. Little did he know he'd just thrown Sam at Matthew.

  21: The Final Battle (Part Four)

  As Matthew turned around something struck him, causing him to fall over. When he came to, he found Sam lying on top of him. Chaos was walking towards them both.

  "Sam, get up! We can't win if you don't get off me!" Matthew yelled, trying to move Sam off of him.

  "Really? Oh and here I thought we could win by me taking a nap," Sam said sarcastically as he stood and helped Matthew up. Sam looked over Chaos' shoulder and saw something Chaos couldn't.

  "Stay here, Matt, and don't worry about what happens," Sam said, giving him at thumbs up without turning around. But the thumbs up wasn't for him.

  Sam flew directly at Chaos, hoping to distract him. Chaos grabbed him by the head and began to swing him around. In the middle of the swing, Chaos grabbed Lachlan's head, as Lachlan tried to sneak up on him, and swing them both around. Chaos opened two portals and flung both Sam and Lachlan through them.

  "No!" Matthew screamed.

  Chaos turned his attention on him and began to slowly walk towards him. A metal armour stepped in front. He was like Horus and Anubis but different.

  "Who are you? And where is everybody else?" Matthew asked.

  "My name is Osiris, and I have been tasked with your protection. Steven and Emily are helping out Nathan, and I am unsure where Jareth is."

  "Are you mine, then?"

  "No, I apologise but I am not meant to be yours. My Master is not here yet."

  "Haha. Oh, Osiris," a voice came from beside Chaos. It was Shaun's. "Do you honestly think that you can protect such a weakling?"

  "I am to protect him until my dying breath."


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