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Fighting for Chloe

Page 8

by Eva Jones

  My phone starts to buzz, but I ignore it. Everyone I care about is here already. The nurse in charge leads us to my nan’s room. Looking through the window my heart drops, Chloe is clutching Nan’s hand in her own, and the tears are streaming down her face. My nan looks grey. Like all the colour has been sapped from her face. I can’t move my feet for a second. My eyes meet Chloe’s as’ I walk through the door.

  ‘Oh, thank God, Dom.’ Chloe exhales in relief. ‘They haven’t told me anything yet. They just did a bunch of tests and said they need to take her for a scan soon.’

  ‘I’ll go and find a nurse.’ I tell them both.

  ‘No, Dom you should stay with her, I’ll go and find someone,’ Chloe says.

  I nod and as she walks towards me, she sobs again. ‘She just went down Dom.’

  ‘Hey, hey it’s okay, she’s gonna be fine.’ I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. As she pulls back and looks at me, I give her a chaste kiss on the lips. ‘Thank you, for getting her here.’ I take her seat as Chloe leaves to find a nurse while Zoe takes the space to Nan’s other side. We don’t speak, we just sit listening to the sounds of the machine beeping.

  ‘She’s going to be okay, Dom,’ Zoe tells me with a sad smile. I nod because in that moment looking over my nan laid in the bed looking even more frail than usual all I can think about is what I’d do without her. And how selfish that is. My phone starts to vibrate continuously, so I take it out and answer it aggressively. ‘What?’

  ‘You ducked out on our agreement, Dominic, that doesn’t bode well for you and your little family, where the fuck are you?’

  ‘Listen, I had an emergency, I’ll be there tomorrow.’

  He laughs menacingly through the phone. ‘You have one priority, Dom. I made that clear, you broke your word, now you pay the consequences.’ I look over at Zoe, but decide to say it anyway.

  ‘Listen I’ll be there tomorrow, I’ll throw the fight, I’ll do whatever you need me to do,’ I plead with the motherfucker like a bitch, when all I want to do is put his greasy ass face through the nearest wall. Zoe looks at me like I have two heads, as she realises I haven’t been truthful with her.

  ‘Oh I know you will, Dom, I own you now.’ He hangs up the phone before I get a chance to react. I grip the phone so hard in my hand that the case cracks. Chloe walks in with a nurse and I stand offering my hand. Chloe comes over and takes hold of my other hand.

  ‘Mrs Colton is very lucky to be with us right now,’ the nurse starts. ‘It was touch and go while the EMT’s were dealing with her initially.’ My legs wobble like jelly and I stumble back into the chair. ‘They believe she’s had a heart attack. And the ECG’s show that it wasn’t a small one.’ I scrub my face with my hands. I can’t fucking believe this. ‘But she is stable right now and they’re trying to make sure it doesn’t happen again.’ Chloe rubs my shoulders trying to reassure me, as the nurse clears her throat. ‘The doctor will be along soon to speak to you in more detail, and he also wants to talk to you about a DNR.’

  I’m in shock I think, so I just nod my head and agree, not realising the seriousness of it until I look at the girls and find their faces dropped in shock. As the nurse leaves us, I turn to them both.

  ‘What’s a DNR?’ My mind isn’t firing on all cylinders right now, and my brain can’t make a connection to the words the nurse said. I turn to Chloe who looks like she’s going to burst into tears again, so standing I look to Zoe instead. She looks at her feet as she answers.

  ‘It means do not resuscitate, Dom.’

  ‘Jesus Fucking Christ.’ I grip the end of Nan’s bed as my feet no longer feel like they can bear my weight. It’s that bad. I might still lose her.



  It’s been two days since Nan had her heart attack and we’ve been at the hospital nonstop. Zoe and I went home to shower and bring some things up here, but Dom hasn’t left her side the entire time. The look on his face when the seriousness of her condition hit him, broke my heart to pieces. I wrapped my arms around him, trying to comfort him as much as possible.

  The doctor came in this morning and gave us her test results. A sigh of relief passed through all of us as he told us that it wasn’t as bad as they first assumed. Just a daily regimen of new medicines to go along with her current meds and a new diet. He said that they’re going to start reducing her sedatives so she will begin to wake and then they will see how that goes. They want to keep her here for at least another week to monitor her and see if any of her current daily meds interact negatively with the new ones. Which I definitely think is smart, because you never know how a person may respond to combining medicines.

  ‘Dom, I think you should go home to shower, charge your phone, and maybe get a little bit of sleep,’ Zoe says as she stands behind him and rubs his shoulders. ‘It’s been a long couple of days.’

  ‘But what if she wakes? I don’t want to leave her.’ His hands reach out to entwine with his nans.

  ‘Zoe and I aren’t going anywhere, Dom. You’ll be our first call if she wakes and we’ll be by her side the entire time. I promise.’ I can’t help but to try to put him at ease.

  ‘You know what, Chloe? I’ll be fine here by myself, why don’t you go with him?’

  ‘You sure, Zoe? I don’t mind staying with you.’

  ‘Yeah totally sure. When you guys get back, I’ll head home for some R and R myself and catch some Zees.’ She practically pulls Dom out of his chair and takes his place. ‘You two get some rest.’ Zoe gives Dom’s ass a whack as I manage to guide him from the room.

  My hand finds his and I can feel his hesitance. ‘She’ll be ok honey, we’ll make it quick.’

  The taxi ride back to the house is quiet and tension crackles in the air. I have no clue what to say to console him, so I just say nothing at all. We pull up to the house and he practically throws the money at the driver and hops out. I thank him and follow Dom in.

  ‘I’m going to put my phone on charge and jump in the shower.’ He grunts like this is the last place he wants to be and I don’t blame him.

  ‘I’ll put you a sandwich together for when you’re done.’ I start to head to the kitchen but his hand on my arm stops me.

  ‘Don’t worry about it, Chloe, I’m not very hungry.’

  ‘Okay.’ And with that he heads up the steps, the bathroom door closing a moment later. I want to go to him, be there for him, but what if it’s time alone that he needs? I push that thought aside and fix myself a glass of iced tea. Moments pass, oh forget this, I’m going to him.

  I undress and slip into the shower behind him as he washes his body. Taking the shower sponge from him, I continue where he left off. I can’t help but admire how the suds trail down his back as the water rinses them away. His body is truly remarkable. There’s so much that has happened to this caring genuine man and I can’t help but feel guilty for some of it. My head comes to rest on his back, my arms wrapping around him. Sensing him sag into my embrace, makes me feel a little better that he finds comfort in my presence.

  Dom turns and I have to unclasp my hands for him to make it all the way around to face me. There’s sadness in his gaze but also unmistakable need. Before my mind can even wrap around that thought, his lips are on mine, his tongue begging to be let in.

  My arms instinctively go around his neck and pull him closer. Our tongues rage war in one another’s mouths. In one quick swoop, he pulls me up and my legs wrap around his waist. Shower forgotten, he carries me across the hall to my room and gently lays my naked, dripping wet body on the bed and just looks down at me. The hunger in his eyes sends tingles down my spine and caused wetness to pool between my legs. I spread my legs open so he can see just what he’s doing to me and he lets out the sexiest growl I’ve ever heard. Hands trailing up my thighs, his lips and tongue follow. I lose all control over my body and my hips buck as he gets closer to my pussy. And thank God he doesn’t keep me waiting. His tongue caresses my folds as he goes from bottom to
top slowly. I needed him badly, I weave my hands through his hair and pull him right where I want him. I’m pretty sure I hear him let out a soft laugh, but I’m way too turned on to even care. One last caress up my folds and he sucks my clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue back and forth at a quick pace.

  Moaning out his name, I can’t help but just let go. I feel like I’ve wanted this, wanted him, for so long that it’s just been pent up inside me. As the trembling in my body calms, he reaches over into the night stand and pulls a condom out of the drawer. Sheathing himself with it, he climbs up my body, taking my mouth in one of the most breath-taking kisses. Running the head of his cock back and forth to wet himself, he slowly starts to push inside me, but he unexpectedly comes across a barrier.

  ‘Chloe?’ He stills, his brow quirked in question.

  ‘I’m a virgin,’ I whisper, barely audible.

  ‘Shit are you sure you want to do this?’ His face has morphed into mask of concern.

  ‘I’m sure, Dominic yes!’


  I HOLD MY weight up on my elbows and just look into her eyes, they’re telling me she’s sure, and so is her body. I’ve only ever done this once before and I felt it with my fingers, but I was a school boy then. This time around, I had no clue. The thought of her not having any contraception pleased me, but this little bit of info has me fucking elated. No one, not one single man has been inside her like this. Fuck if that doesn’t turn me on more.

  ‘Chloe, it will hurt.’

  ‘Dom I don’t care, I just want to be with you.’ I take a deep breath and pull back a little giving myself some room and I slide in slow and firm. As I break through, I take her mouth and swallow a little gasp from her, I move so damn slowly it almost kills me, but I want this to be as painless as possible. I find myself seated all the way inside her, quicker and easier than I expected, resting my head on her shoulder I groan.

  ‘Jesus, you’re tight.’ I pull back and slide back in taking it easy, her hands find my ass and she grabs it pulling me in that little bit harder. I laugh as she lifts herself up to meet my thrust too.

  ‘Any pain?’ I ask her not letting her take charge, biting her lip she shakes her head.

  ‘Good, now let me take care of you.’ I lick up the column of her neck as I thrust again picking up my pace. Her hands find my hair and she grips it hard. I thought she was tight to start with but now, as her walls contract around me, it’ll be a miracle if I don’t come in seconds. Jesus she feels good. I pull out and she looks like she wants to smack me in the face. I pull her quickly so she’s on top of me. With her straddling me, I line myself up and pull her down onto my dick. Like a natural, she starts to move. And my balls tighten as my head hits the headboard. Fuck she’s good at this. A few more strokes and I feel that tingling. Fuck, I lift her up and off me.

  ‘I’m sorry baby, but you are just a little too good at that and I need to take my time with you.’ I lay her back below me—her eyes full of need. Lifting her knee to her chest, I push inside and the moan I get in response is so damn hot. I push in harder now and pick up my pace. This time I’m going to blow. But I know she’s come twice already, so I need to get her ready to go with me. I push my hand up in between us feeling for her clit, putting pressure on it is all it takes.

  ‘Oh… Oh… Oh, my God.’ She pants in my ear as I take her with me over edge.

  I kiss her lips as we both come down from our release. I hold my weight above her not wanting to pull out but knowing I have too. There is a little blood on the sheet from switching positions and as I pull out she notices it. Her eyes widen and she starts to apologise. I hold her face between my fingers and thumb and kiss her lips.

  ‘Don’t worry about it.’ I kiss her again.


  ‘Chloe.’ I look her in the eyes and smile as she stops protesting and bites her lip. ‘It only happens the first time and I intend to do that again and again and again.’

  ‘Oh really?’ She giggles.

  ‘Oh definitely.’ I lift her from the bed and take her back to the shower which is still running and steaming up the bathroom. I take the sponge and wash her gently between her legs which she giggles at.

  ‘Dom, I can do that.’ She tries to take the sponge from me.

  ‘But I want to.’ I keep a firm hold of it and bring the sponge up and around both breasts, making my point. ‘I’m going to take care of you and you’re going to let me.’ I capture her mouth to end any protesting.


  We get back to the hospital refreshed and much happier than when we left. I’ve yet to turn my phone back on. Zoe would have called the house phone if she needed me. I just want to bury all the other shit for the time being. I know that when I do turn it on, the shit will hit the fan. I guess I’m burying my head in the sand. As we arrive at the room I find a police officer outside. My heart races and Chloe stiffens beside me.

  I run down the corridor and look for my nan who is still in bed in the same state she was when I left, then I see Zoe being tended to by a nurse. Her face swollen and cut. The officer at the door stops me, putting his hands on my shoulders not letting me enter the room.

  ‘Sir, calm down you need to step aside.’

  ‘That’s my nan in there. What happened?’ I struggle with him to get in the room and Chloe’s hands wrap around my wrist.

  ‘Dom, stop please, it’s not helping.’ I stop struggling and look at her as she takes charge of the situation.

  ‘Officer, that’s our family in there and we only left a couple of hours ago, what happened?’

  ‘Miss, I can’t tell you anything just yet, I need to question the lady first.’

  ‘But surely you can tell us something?’

  ‘My colleague is with the nurse who walked in, we will know more then.’ He nods toward the other officer inside the room.

  ‘Walked in on what?’ I shout, but no one is listening. ‘Fucking tell me what happened?’

  ‘Sir, I need you to go take a seat in the family room. When I’m done questioning I will come find you.’

  ‘Not a fucking chance before I know what happened to Zoe and if my nan is alright.’

  ‘There has been an assault but I can’t elaborate at this time. If you don’t calm down and go where I’ve asked you to go, I won’t be able to get any more information for you.’

  ‘Thank you, officer,’ I hear Chloe say as she moves me away. She pulls me by the hand and I go reluctantly.

  ‘What do you think happened?’ she asks me, looking terrified.

  ‘Looks like she’s been socked in the face.’

  ‘You don’t think..?’ I know what she’s thinking and I’m pretty fucking sure that’s all it could be. I must look worried because she comes to me putting her hands on my chest. ‘Dom, what aren’t you telling me?’

  I look away knowing this is my fucking fault. I should have kept my phone on.

  ‘Fuuuuuuck.’ I growl out. ‘They were in her room, Chloe, it was them. Of fucking course it was them.’ I punch the wall in frustration.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Dom. I never wanted this to happen, I never wanted any of this for you.’

  I turn to look at her. ‘Hey… this isn’t on you, it’s my fault.’

  Confusion spreads across her face. ‘How?’

  ‘Chloe, I didn’t tell you everything, I didn’t want to worry you anymore.’

  With a deep sigh rubbing my hand down my face I tell her the whole story. When I’m done she sits down shocked.

  ‘So all this time they’ve known where I was and have been using you.’ Her voice is monotone and tears stream down her face.

  ‘But why come here. I don’t understand why they’ve come here?’

  ‘I didn’t fight, Chloe. I was there when I got the call and I’ve been here since. The deal I made was to fight every night. And I’ve not had my phone on, I just buried my fucking head in the sand. This is their lesson, I play the game their way or I take the consequences.’

om, I need to leave. What if they come back? What if they hurt you next time?’

  ‘Stop it, Chloe, you can’t leave.’ I shake my head. ‘It’s not an option, Chloe, not anymore, not now. We’ll get through it I swear I’ll fix it.’

  ‘Dominic, you shouldn’t have to fix this, it isn’t your mess.’

  ‘And it’s not yours either, but we’re in it together and I’m fucked if I’m letting you go, Chloe.’ I press my forehead against hers. ‘You aren’t going anywhere, okay?’ She nods against my head and my eyes close in relief. I feel like a weight has been lifted now everything is out in the open, but I hate that she’s on fucking edge again. The door opens and Zoe walks in, with a police officer behind her. Chloe rushes to her and throws her arms around her.

  ‘What happened?’

  Zoe’s face is grim. ‘You should sit down, Dom.’



  ‘Just tell me what happened, Zo. My patience is wearing fucking thin.’ The look of worry on his face is enough to break the strongest man. We know he’s not angry with her, but it seems as if he could break any moment.

  ‘Alright, Dom.’ She takes a seat across from where he’s standing, the stress of the day taking its toll on her. ‘Nan had just woken up. I was talking to her while waiting for the nurse to get to the room after I pushed the call button.’ She inhales sharply, her hand coming up to gently touch the fast-developing bruise on her eye. ‘Nan seemed perfectly fine, just like her normal self. Then two beastly looking men came into the room.’ She shudders a breath.

  ‘I thought they had the wrong room so I stood and made my way to the door to point them in the right direction, when one of the fuckers hit me, I never saw it coming.’ Her face screws up in anger. ‘I was out like a light, Dom. When I came to, they were both hovering over Nan’s bed and one was holding a pillow over her face. I screamed out at him and pulled myself up off the floor. Just as I charged towards them, the nurse came in, they pushed past her and ran out the door.’ Tears are now streaming down Zoe’s face, Dom is pacing back and forth, clenching and unclenching his fists. I taste the salty flavour of my own tears as I gasp. My lungs just can’t pull in enough air. ‘I thought she was dead Dom. Her body looked so lifeless. The doctors rushed in and immediately started working on her…’ Before she can finish, Dom charges down the hall towards the elevator. The sound of his shoes pounding on the floor echoes through the hospital halls.


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