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Making of a Warrior

Page 13

by Frank David

  “As you wish, Your Imperial Royal Highness,” the guard disappeared.

  “You have no issue using your title when it suits you,” he laughed as she turned to face him.

  “If you prefer, we could just sleep in the market?” She gave him a stern look. “My birth gives me some advantage.”

  The gates opened. The guard greeted them. “The Imperial Royal Prince will see you, Imperial Royal Highness. Please follow me,” he turned and walked toward the home.

  Harris took in the sights as they walked through the courtyard. He had never been this close to an Imperial home. He had only ever spied over the walls when he was a boy. The courtyard could fit at least ten of his own home, he thought to himself. The house was grand. It was made of dark stone with a light gray mortar. The windows facing the gates were all colored glass. The front doors had to be ten feet tall. Two guards opened the doors as they approached. A man greeted them as they entered. The guard bowed before them and returned to his post.

  “Imperial Royal Highness, welcome to Cranston Manor. We are honored,” the man turned and led them through the hall.

  “Is that the Duke?” Harris whispered to Felicia.

  “No, dukes do not answer their own doors,” she whispered back, trying to hide her laughter.

  “I am Drake. I am a butler to the Imperial Royal Prince, sir,” the man answered Harris’ inquiry. Obviously, Harris had not been as quiet as he had hoped. “The Imperial Grand Duke is in the library,” Drake stopped and opened the door. Stepping inside, he announced Felicia, not mentioning Harris.

  Caleb stood as the two entered the room. He bowed as he addressed his visitors. “Lady Felicia. I have not seen you since you were a child. Have you come to Jascaessau to join in the celebration of the naming of the young Imperial prince?” He moved to greet his guests. He was taken back by his cousin’s appearance. He had not seen her in many years, but it appeared she was the same tomboy she had been when she was younger. She was wearing a weathered dark tanned leather vest, with pants to match. A stained shirt hid behind the vest. He could only assume it was white at one time. “Where is your luggage? I will have Drake bring it in for you.”

  “I have come to compete in the tournaments, cousin,” she returned the bow. “I have brought a friend with me. Imperial Grand Duke Daniels this is Harris Morrison of Raamsfeld. We have no luggage, only what we wear.”

  Harris bowed, he was a bit nervous. This was the first time she had been so formal. “It is an honor your Imperial Grace.”

  “I am not familiar with your family, Harris. Where are you from in Raamsfeld and what position does your family hold?” Caleb looked at the man. It was obvious from his appearance he was not an Imperial, though his cousin was not dressed the part either.

  “My family holds no position, your grace. My father is a simple farmer in Moffat in county Keith,” he nervously responded.

  “Cousin, you are traveling with a commoner. The stories I have heard are true. I had heard you deny your position and do everything possible to bring shame to your poor father,” he gave Felicia a disapproving glance. “No offense sir,” he gave his guest a welcoming smile.

  “Remember your place, cousin. I may deny my birthright, but I am still of higher rank,” she returned the disapproving look. “Who I choose to travel with is of no concern to you or my father. I have come looking for a room for the night. I would appreciate it if you could provide accommodations for myself and my friend.”

  “I would be honored to have you stay with me. Also, I meant no disrespect. I will have a room prepared for you at once. Your friend can stay out in the barracks with the guards.”

  “My friend will be provided a room in the main house. He will not be sent to stay with the guards,” she was stern in her response.

  “Felicia, it is fine, I will stay in the barracks,” Harris interjected.

  “Sir, you will not address Her Imperial Royal Highness so informally,” Caleb scolded Harris.

  “He will address me as he pleases. Cousin, I have come here not as an Imperial but as your kin. Formality has no place with family,” she smiled letting Caleb know she was trying to be polite.

  “My apologies, Felicia. If you wish him to stay in the manor, I will honor your request,” Caleb nodded to his manservant. The man hurried off to have the maids prepare the guest rooms. “I am sure you are famished after your journey. I will have the cooks prepare something for you both. Please sit, I will have the food brought here.” Caleb left the two.

  “Felicia, you should not have made him prepare a room in the house for me. I do not need an Imperial Grand Duke angry with me,” Harris took a seat opposite Felicia. He worried that he was making enemies before anyone even knew who he was.

  “I would say it is better to have a Grand Duke upset when the alternative is the anger of an Imperial Grand Archduchess,” she laughed. “The Imperials are all about title and position. He would do whatever I asked just to ensure he would not face my father’s wrath.”

  “Speaking of your father, do you think he is worried about you?” Felicia had made it clear she left without her parents’ permission.

  “I am sure they are fine. They should be arriving in Jascaessau any time. They would not dream of missing such an event, even if their daughter did go missing,” she paused. She wondered if her parents were worried or even gave her disappearance any thought. It was so common for her to just leave without a word. She knew she was not the easiest of children to deal with, but she hoped they held at least a bit of worry.

  “What will you do when they recognize you at the tournaments? Do you worry they will put a stop to your participation?” Harris could not believe her parents would sit quietly while she risked her life just to serve the Empress.

  “I have thought about that. I will need your help later. I am sure if they see me take to the arena they will approach Stelaphina to disqualify me,” Felicia was not one to leave things to chance.

  The two continued to discuss the events to take place tomorrow. Harris noted his concern once again should they be forced to face one another. Felicia reassured him if they were to face each other neither should take a defeat personally. Harris agreed.

  “Felicia,” Caleb returned followed by many servants carrying various foods and drink for the two to enjoy. “I hope what the kitchen was able to prepare will meet your needs.”

  “Thank you, Caleb. I appreciate your hospitality,” Felicia stood and approached the food the kitchen staff had provided. “Our last meal was a rabbit, so I am sure whatever your staff has prepared will be delicious.”

  Harris hesitated to join his companion, not sure if it was expected that he was to wait until she had returned to her seat.

  “Harris, get your ass up here, I know you are hungry,” she gestured for him to join her.

  Harris’ mouth watered looking over the feast before him. Being a simple man, he was not use to having such fine foods to choose from. He was accustomed to simple, tasteless stews. The staff presented a very impressive buffet for the two. He wondered how they were able to prepare it all in such a short time. The main dish was a cured ham. Several root vegetables were offered, including beets and carrots. A fine decanter of wine was also available. He felt like a king and was glad he met Felicia on his journey. He thought if he did not eat again for a week, he would be fine.

  “Caleb, how was your staff able to prepare this on such short notice. Our staff takes hours to offer up such a feast,” Felicia asked as she continued to fill her plate.

  “They were preparing this for tomorrow. We are having many of the royals of the duchy over after the festivities, as most will not be attending the Imperial feast,” Caleb sounded almost upset that he had to offer his royal buffet to his cousin.

  “Oh, I am sorry. They could have simply offered a less fancy meal. I do not think either of us would have been offended.” She tried to curb any anger that may have been festering within Caleb.

  “I would not allow such a thing, Felicia
,” Caleb turned to the staff, releasing them. “They will just have to prepare another feast for my guests. If it takes them all night, they will be happy to comply.”

  “No, Caleb. Please have them just serve us something less grand,” Felicia put her plate down. “I do not want them working all night because I showed up unannounced.”

  “They have other offerings. Do not be concerned. I did not offer you the pheasant,” he laughed as he joined them at the food. “Ham is a simple meat. I do not think my guests will notice it missing.”

  Caleb sat watching the two gather their plates. He watched how Felicia moved, she was not as graceful as other women of her position. She appeared almost masculine in her gestures, not feminine as he had expected. He noticed how Harris watched her. He was sure the man had some romantic feelings for her. From what Caleb knew, the poor man was wasting his time. It was believed that Felicia would never take a husband, much less one without a title. Rumors circulated among the Imperials that she may prefer women to men. Caleb did not care about her preferences. He only cared that she was at Cranston and he needed to ensure she was happy during her visit.

  His guests sat and began eating. He watched as the commoner attacked his food. It was obvious this man had few manners. He spoke with his mouth full, allowing Caleb to watch the carnage taking place in his mouth as he ate and spoke. It turned the Duke’s stomach. Felicia was not much better, though she did have more appropriate manners. She covered her mouth as she spoke while her mouth was full.

  Felicia noticed her cousin watching them closely. “Caleb, my parents will be at the tournaments. Please do not let them know I stayed with you. I want to compete, but I know if they are aware of my plans they will put a stop to my wishes.” She watched him. His face gave away his thoughts. It was clear to her he believed the two were beneath him.

  “Do not worry, cousin, I will not speak with your parents. Besides, I doubt we will even be in the same areas. I am but a grand duke, I am not on the same level as your parents.” Caleb tried to change his face, realizing she was watching.

  “Thank you. I have no desire for Imperial life, my title is my curse. I only want to serve the Empress, I want to protect her and the people of Hulsteria. The rumors of war are growing and I want to stand by her side should anyone be foolish enough to attack our lands.” Felicia looked at Harris. She saw what bothered Caleb. “Harris, you are in the presence of a grand duke. Please try to eat with your mouth closed,” she gave him a wink and a laugh.

  “Sorry, Your Grace. I am not used to dining with the aristocracy,” he responded as he covered his mouth. “Do you think war is coming, Duke? There are also rumors that the Emperor Consort died at sea. If he is dead, what fear do we have of war?”

  “The Emperor Consort was a brother to the Emperor of Xasha. Stories have spread that Edmund was murdered at sea. His countrymen would not allow this to go unpunished. However, with Emperor Victor’s death, I cannot see the Empress Lena waging war against her homeland. Her parents are the Imperial Archduke and Duchess of Aylesbury in Jascaessau.” Caleb was concerned about war reaching the shores of his home. He was not a fighter like his cousin. He was raised to be a noble, not a warrior.

  “I do not believe Edmund is dead. The rumors say he took Princess Sofia with him when he fled Jascaessau but she lives. I cannot see how she would have survived, but Edmund would have perished. I think there is more at play in the rumors then we have been told. I have to wonder why he took the princess with him. She had a newborn daughter. This fact alone would have slowed their escape.” She returned to the plate in front of her.

  “Perhaps the child is his,” Harris laughed.

  Caleb gave Harris a stern glance. “You are a friend of Her Imperial Royal Highness, but you are not of a station to make such an accusation against the Imperial Princess Royal.”

  “Maybe he is right, Caleb. Why would Edmund leave Jascaessau so quickly with Sofia? We have all heard the rumors of his wandering eye. I heard he had several mistresses. Is it so hard to believe the princess fell victim to his charms?” Felicia did not normally care much for romantic rumors, but she felt the need to defend Harris.

  “Many whispers have come from the palace lately. I have heard the Empress Mother has been imprisoned, but the charges have been kept secret.” Caleb became caught up in the gossip. “People are also talking about the magic that is taking place within the palace walls.”

  “Magic?” Felicia asked.

  “The man who murdered Rupert, the Imperial Archduke of Carlisle, was supposedly burned to death in the dungeons of the palace. Many who attended court speak of a wall of fire which protected Stelaphina from a would-be attacker. Those who were present claim it was Rupert’s lover, Calvin, who created the wall and killed the murderer. He was hanged for the crime,” Caleb shared the gossip with his guests.

  “It would seem the palace holds many secrets. I am more adamant about serving the Empress now,” Felicia replied. “I would love to sit and share ghost stories from the palace all night, but I am afraid I need my rest if I am to compete tomorrow.” She stood waiting for Caleb to have her shown to her room. Harris stood, stuffing one last bite in his mouth.

  Caleb rang the small bell on the side table. Drake appeared in the doorway. “Drake, please show our guests to their rooms. Please find something suitable for Her Imperial Royal Highness to wear for bed. I cannot allow her to sleep in her traveling clothes.”

  Drake walked down the hall, closely followed by Felicia and Harris. He ascended the great staircase at the far end of the hall. It wrapped around the wall of the hall. At the top of the stairs, they were shown their rooms. Drake was wise to place them close to one another.

  “Harris, please join me in my room. I need your help if I am to be undetected tomorrow,” Felicia entered the room leaving the door open for her friend to enter.

  “I will return shortly with something fitting for you to wear for the evening, Imperial Highness,” Drake left the two alone.

  Felicia walked over to the vanity that sat opposite the oak bed that seemed to take up most of the room. She stood in front of the large mirror and pulled a knife from the waist of her pants. “I need to be sure my parents do not recognize me,” she raised the blade. She grabbed a handful of hair and began to cut through the strands.

  “Felicia, stop,” Harris called out, too late, as the hair fell from her hand.

  “I need you to cut the hair I cannot reach,” she handed him the blade.

  Harris reluctantly took the blade and carved away at Felicia’s locks. He felt guilty. He found her hair too beautiful to violate in such a manner. “Cutting your hair will not hide the beauty of your face, Felicia. Your parents will still recognize you.”

  “I have thought of that as well, Harris. You will find I do not leave things to chance,” she laughed as she grabbed the blade and returned it to her waistband.

  Harris moved in closer, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You are truly beautiful, Highness.”

  His touch sent an electric charge through her body. Never had she experienced this feeling. Men were objects she detested, but this man was different. She allowed her mind to wander but a minute before returning to herself and moving from his grip. “Harris, remember your place. I would hate to have to use the blade to remove anything other than hair.”

  “I meant no disrespect, Felicia. I think you do not see the beauty within yourself. You are a woman, and as such, there is an innate beauty that naturally lives within you. As a man, I am designed to notice that beauty. It is something I cannot ignore. I fear for you tomorrow. I worry that you may not be as skilled with the sword as you believe. You will be facing many competitors, who will only seek to eliminate those who stand between them and the prizes offered. I am sorry that I have a desire to protect you,” he said as he stepped forward. She did not move. He kissed her gently on the back of her neck, just below her new hairline. He watched her face in the glass as his lips caressed her neck.

  She close
d her eyes and allowed her body to give in to his attention. She stepped back, into him. His arms came around her, pulling her closer to him as he continued to kiss her about the neck. She removed the leather vest that prevented his kisses from moving further. His hand reached up and found the laces that held her blouse up. He slowly untied the last barrier between his lips and her flesh. The fabric slipped away as he removed the lace from the last eyelet. He stared at her naked chest in the mirror. Her face betrayed her, allowing him to know she was his for the taking. He moved his kisses down to her exposed shoulders as his hands made their way up her stomach. He had never felt skin so smooth. Quivers were the reward for his touch.

  The knock on the door interrupted their tryst. Drake entered as Felicia covered herself. “My apologies, Imperial Highness,” he handed her a simple shirt, his face red with embarrassment. “Good night,” he closed the door.

  Harris was surprised as she began to undress in front of him. She removed the shirt that only moments ago was hanging low over her shoulders. She removed the dirty boots that covered her feet, then the leather pants. She stood naked before him. She felt no shame allowing him to see her like this, she desired it. “Why am I the only one in this condition? Is this not what you wanted?” She asked as she passed him and laid on the bed.

  Harris quickly removed his clothes, struggling to make his way over to the bed.

  Felicia had seen him naked from behind before, but she had never seen a man naked from the front. She was not sure what she expected to see, but she could not take her eyes off him as he moved toward her. His chest had a fine covering of dark hair. The hair made a trail down to it. She watched as it moved with each step he took. It scared her. She knew the mechanics of lovemaking, but she wondered how something so large would fit inside her. Her fear was starting to get the better of her as he joined her on the bed.

  Harris propped himself on his elbow as he stroked her body. This was his first time exploring a woman, he believed himself blessed that she would be his first.

  Felicia raised her hand, it was shaking as it touched his chest. The hairs were soft, she had expected them to be coarser. She allowed her hand to explore beyond just his chest. His stomach was firm, rippled with muscle. Her hand continued lower, finding the hair that surrounded his member. This hair was different from that on his chest. It was curlier and less pleasing to the touch. His eyes watched her face as her hand found him. A strange smile spread across her face as she held him. It was strangely soft yet rigid. She looked upon it. It was pale pink, but the color seemed to darken as she held it tight. She moved the skin away from the tip and was surprised at the dark purple hue that was exposed. He left out a moan.


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