Making of a Warrior
Page 20
“Very well, sir.” Carl left to do as Luke requested.
“Your Grace, the King has asked me to visit the duchies and advise of the events that took place during the celebrations in Jascaessau,” the messenger addressed Thomas.
“The king has returned already? I thought the events were to last a week. Did he not enjoy himself?” The Duke laughed.
“Your Grace, there was an assassination attempt on the Empress’ life. It would seem the Emperor Consort ordered her death. Fortunately, the Empress was unharmed, but she ordered all kingdoms to be on alert. She fears her husband may attack the kingdoms before taking the Imperial Capital.” The messenger stood to wait for the duke to dismiss him.
“It would seem our plans are changing, Gallagher. I cannot present you to the king with the kingdom and realm on high alert.” Thomas could see the anger in the boy’s eyes. “Thank you, messenger, you may leave.” He motioned the messenger to leave.
“This might be the perfect time to present me to the king, Your Grace,” Luke quickly noted. “If I am to rule your duchy, I will need to know how to respond in times of war.”
“Perhaps you are right. I will not be joining you, but I will provide you with a letter introducing you as my heir.” Thomas could see the boy’s face change upon hearing the offer.
“Thank you, Your Grace. I will go prepare to leave at once!” Luke ran out of the room.
“Carl!” Thomas called out to his butler.
“Yes, Your Grace,” Carl appeared.
“Prepare my carriage. Our young guest will be traveling to the palace.” Thomas turned his attention to writing the letter, naming Luke as his heir and marking it with his seal.
Luke returned to the Duke. “I am ready to leave, Your Grace.” Luke reached out for the letter the old man had promised.
The old man’s hand reached out, shaking. “Remember, you are representing Wardry South in the king’s court. Do not embarrass me, boy.” The Duke reminded him again to be on his best behavior. “This letter will get you an audience with the king.” He handed him a letter with the Duke's wax seal. “This one names you my heir. The king will hopefully honor my request.” The second letter had the same seal but was on a different paper.
“Thank you, Your Grace. I will represent you and the duchy well before His Majesty.” Luke took the letters from the old man. He could barely contain his excitement. The hell of living with the Duke would soon be over. Once he had the king’s blessing as Thomas’ heir, the Duke would meet his end and Luke would take command of the duchy’s armies.
“Master Luke, the carriage has been prepared and is waiting for you in the courtyard,” Carl informed the anxious boy who rushed past him without so much as a thank you.
Luke did not waste a minute entering the carriage, calling out his orders to the driver, “To the royal palace and quickly.” He settled in for the ride, which would be rather quick since the Duke's manor was in the same city as the palace.
Soon he would be Duke. Daniella would be pleased. Their plan would then begin.
Stela and Astrid watched as Roderick and Harris unloaded the carriages. The group had waited until nightfall to make the trip to Frostmoor, believing the darkness would make the journey safer. They arrived in the early morning. Stela was still shaken by the events of the previous day. She had secretly wished the assassins would have killed her. It would have spared Hulsteria the war that was surely headed to her shores. She had survived, so now it was time to learn to fight. Once the carriages were lightened of the trunks, Stela and Astrid joined the others inside the palace.
“I want to thank you all for coming with me. You put yourselves at great risk, but I will be forever grateful.” Stela gave a warm smile, hiding her fears.
“Stela, you know I will protect you until my last,” Roderick added quickly.
“Stelaphina, we may not agree with how our realms are ruled but we are family and I will stand by your side, as will Trokha should the need arise.” Astrid gave Stela a smile in return.
“Harris, are you ready to serve your Empress?” Stela questioned the young man. “I am sure you did not expect to be thrown into the middle of an assassination attempt on your first day as an Imperial Guard.”
“I will serve you faithfully, Majesty,” he bowed. “I will admit this was more than I expected for my first day but I look forward to serving and protecting Your Imperial Majesty.”
“Since you are now an Imperial, please call me Stela. This is not a time for formality. You will be teaching me to fight. You must not view me as your sovereign,” Stela quickly added.
“As you wish…Stela,” Harris agreed, stopping himself mid bow. He looked at Roderick to make sure he approved. Roderick gave him a nod.
“Stela, I had this made for you. I thought you would be the first, but it seems our cousin Felicia revealed the fashion before you.” Roderick handed her a box.
Stela opened it to find a pair of trousers, a blouse, and vest. “Roderick, I cannot wear this. It is not proper for women to wear such attire.”
“Stela, if you plan to fight, you will not be very effective in your current clothing. You need something that will allow you to move freely. I fear your dresses would be only a hindrance.” Roderick knew Stela would fight the outfit, but he knew it was what she needed if she were to be a successful warrior.
“I suppose if it is for the good of Hulsteria, I will give it a try. I must admit, Felicia wore the outfit well.” Stela gave a nervous laugh. She was uneasy wearing an outfit that would show her form so completely. “Let us find something to eat and get settled. We should try to get a couple of hours rest before beginning.” She led the others into the dining hall. The staff had only prepared a basic meal since there was no warning of their coming.
Edmund was observing the troops. He had hoped they would not be needed, but if they were he wanted them prepared. He could not lose to Stela. He needed to take the throne but much preferred to take it by murder over war. He heard the cries of the raven and he turned to see the bird approaching. He watched as the bird circled about him. It seemed as if the bird was watching him. Finally, the bird descended and perched itself upon the back of Edmund’s seat. He turned and noticed the paper tied to the bird’s talon. He retrieved the note.
It would seem your attempts on my life have failed, Edmund. Your men have been disposed of, including my captain, Jordan. I am aware of your betrayal and am prepared should you decide to bring Xasha’s armies to the shore of Hulsteria.
Edmund crumbled the note. The bird stared at him. Again, it appeared to be watching him. “Are you waiting for a reply, little one. You are not going to get one. I will not respond with words. My response will be the taking of the throne of Hulsteria.” He laughed as the bird took flight. It was as if the bird understood his words. The bird rose high above the Emperor Regent, who had lost interest in the creature.
The bird began the descent, its speed increasing as the distance between itself and Edmund lessened. Its talons were outstretched as it approached the unsuspecting man. It enclosed its talons about the man’s hair and began poking at Edmund’s skull. Edmund let out a scream as the bird began its attack. Edmund tried to free the bird from his hair, but he could not. The men who were training turned to see their leader being attacked by the bird. They stood watching, not moving, knowing the raven was a sign of death. Superstition was heavy in Xasha. The raven had always been associated with death or evil.
The bird released its grip and took to the air once more. Edmund removed the sword from its sheath as the bird once again came in to attack. Edmund swung, missing the bird. The raven’s talons found his face, leaving deep gashes on both cheeks.
The bird stopped in midair, “You have been marked. All will see you and know that death is coming for you, cousin.” The voice coming from the bird was not immediately familiar, but the accent was unmistakably Trokhan. Edmund began to rise in the air, meeting th
e bird. The bird rose, followed closely by Edmund. He swung his sword once again, this time hitting his mark, severing the bird’s head from its body. He watched as the bird fell to the ground. He saw the men staring at him in horror, only now noticing he was floating in the air. He slowly lowered to the ground, unsure of what had just occurred.
The men stared as the blood from Edmund’s wounds slowly flowed down his face.
“He is a demon. He has been marked. God has shown his disdain. He is cursed!” one of the men shouted out.
“He will lead us all to our deaths!” the soldiers called out.
“Silence!” Edmund commanded. The men went silent. “This was not God, you fools. It was a witch, my wife, Empress Stelaphina. She is trying to stop us from taking Hulsteria. She has made another attempt on your Imperial Prince Royal’s life. I am Emperor Regent to your Empress Consort’s unborn child, my brother’s child. You will follow me into any battle I command and fight for the honor of Xasha.” Edmund smiled knowing this attack further cemented his claims of Stela’s betrayal. The men quickly lowered to one knee, not wishing to anger Edmund further.
“It would seem, you have discovered your birthright, Edmund.” The voice whispered in his ear. He turned to find no one near. “Learn to control your power. It will come in handy when you face Stela.” Suddenly the voice was familiar. It was the Master Scientia, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Where are you, mystic? Show yourself,” he called out as his men stared strangely at him.
“I am not foolish enough to stand before you, Edmund. You have become unhinged. I know you will not stop your pursuit of the throne but know this, your present course spells your death. Your wife is compiling an army of mystics as you call them. Your men will be unprepared for what is in store for them. They will be no match for Stela and her allies.” The voice continued, “They easily dispatched your assassins and I ended your lover’s life. Jordan was given a glimpse into what is coming. He bowed before Stela and me before I took his life.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Edmund noticed his men staring at him. They thought him crazy speaking to no one. “What am I to do? I cannot stop my campaign now.”
“I do not want you to stop, but you will wait to attack Hulsteria. I will advise you when your troops will leave. If you obey me, you might just be successful, but you will need more than just your soldiers to defeat Stela. If you decide to not heed my instruction, your ships will not make it out of port. You have experienced first-hand my power against ships.” The voice laughed in Edmund’s ear.
“Very well, I will obey. But will this guarantee my success?” Edmund was curious about the Scientia’s intentions.
“I cannot promise victory, Edmund. I can only promise if you follow my instructions, your chances of success increase.” The voice trailed off.
Edmund turned his attention back to his men, who still strangely stared at him, each still on one knee. “Continue your drills. We need to be properly prepared for Hulsteria.”
Edmund turned to the Captain of the guard. “Keep them training, all night if necessary. It would seem our enemy is more prepared for our arrival than I had expected. I must return to the palace and speak with the Empress Consort.” Edmund took his leave and headed back to the palace from the troop training grounds.
He entered the palace, panicked. He rushed about looking for his sister-in-law. He found her in the library. She seemed relaxed, unmoved by the impending war with her homeland. She heard him enter and stood to greet him.
“Edmund, have you finished with the troops for the day? I think you work them too hard. I know you want them properly prepared, but they need time to relax also.” Lena did not want to anger her brother-in-law, but she also did not want her troops being so exhausted they were useless. She noticed the mark on his face. “What happened to your face, Edmund?”
“My face is fine. A raven decided it was ready to die,” he felt the marks on his face. “The men will work as long as I deem necessary. Please, sister, leave the troops to me. You need to only worry yourself with the child growing inside of you.” He approached her and gave her a gentle hug. “How is my nephew faring today? He seems to be growing well,” he observed as he patted her belly.
“He is well. I still wish you and Stelaphina could work things out. I do not like that you have forbidden her ambassadors from attending our court. I know that Stelaphina is reasonable. Whatever may have transpired between you, I am sure can be resolved. Is war really the only course of action available to us?” Lena thought of her unborn child. She did not want him entering a world of war. There had never been a recorded conflict between the realms. Each allowed the others to exist with little strife. Edmund was about to change all of that. He was about to alter the political landscape of Saaveth, and with this, she was not comfortable.
“Lena, sometimes war is the only answer. Stela is not the woman you remember. She has become obsessed with her power. She believes Xasha is weak and prime for the taking. We must preserve the realm’s independence if only for the future Emperor you carry. I must see my brother’s legacy to fruition.” He tried to ease her fears. He moved in to hug her once again.
He saw the horror sweep across her face as he touched her. “What is it Lena? Is something wrong with the baby?” he questioned, concerned.
As he touched her the visions appeared. She saw him order her husband’s poisoning. She saw him manipulate the young footman with promises of title for helping to poison her husband. The image was so vivid it was like she was present in the room as the conversation unfolded. She saw him then turn against the footman and kill him to cover his tracks. She was there when Sofia met him in the hall the day of Emperor Frederick’s funeral, his sweet words turning the girl from the vows to her husband and leading her to his bed chamber where their daughter was conceived. She saw his plans for Stelaphina – bringing war against Hulsteria under the guise of lies.
“It is nothing brother, I think I am simply tired. I think I will retire to my room if you do not mind,” she said as she turned to leave. He grabbed her arm. Again, the visions appeared. She saw the raven which delivered the note from Stelaphina, confirmation of his orders to assassinate her. She also saw his plans for her and her unborn child. He would coordinate an accident that would cause her to lose the child she loved so dearly to cement his claim to the throne of Xasha.
“My dear, do not be afraid. You see the truth. It is a gift of your high birth,” Braynard appeared before the two. “You now know the truth of Edmund’s heart.” He turned to look at the Emperor Regent. “She has the gift of visions, Edmund. Your touch showed her your hand in your brother’s death and your lies.”
“You!” Edmund yelled as his hand went for his sword. “Do not listen to his lies, sister. He is a demon from Hell. He means to separate us to protect his beloved Hulsteria.” He reached for Lena again but this time she pulled away from his touch. He tried to remove his sword from its sheath to strike the Magister, but the sword would not budge.
“Your sword would do you no good, Edmund. I would end you before it left your side. She knows the truth, Edmund. She knows her life is in danger. You will not allow her to give birth to your brother’s son. She knows your heart wishes to rule both realms and her son is a barrier to your goal,” Braynard said, staring at the man.
“You know nothing, Scientia. I loved my brother. I love his unborn child even more and will serve him well as my Emperor upon his birth.” He could see the confusion and fear on Lena’s face who stood motionless and silent as the men talked.
“You loved your brother’s position and title. You were envious. You were jealous that he was Emperor and you had to answer to a woman, your superior.” Braynard pushed Edmund.
“You have no idea what it does to a man. I had to bow before my wife because of her title. I am an Imperial Prince Royal! I should be her equal. She does not deserve the position to which she was born and neither did my brother. He had no ambition. He was happy to rule Xas
ha. He had no desire to see his empire expand. I want to see the throne of Xasha rule all Saaveth. He could not or would not see my vision. He left me no choice. He forced my hand. If he had been open to taking the throne of Hulsteria, he would be here with us today.” Edmund paused, momentarily moved by his actions against his brother. He pushed the emotion away, not wishing to acknowledge his crime. “Stela wishes to weaken the position of Imperials. She believes all people should be equal. Equality would lead to our demise as rulers.”
Lena could feel the anger rising within her. She had trusted him, loved him as if he were her own brother. He had betrayed her. Worse, he had betrayed his brother, all to become Emperor. Her beloved Victor! She wished he was there. He would know what to do but she was alone and had to figure out how to protect her child. The tears flowed down her cheek.
“Meggie, do not cry.” The voice was immediately familiar. “I will not let my brother harm you or our son. I will protect you, even from beyond the grave.”
She turned and saw him, Victor. Edmund stood there motionless as his brother appeared before the three.
“Is this one of your tricks, mystic?” Edmund demanded an answer.
“It is not me. Lena has discovered another gift of her birth. Edmund, it would seem you have your brother to answer to now.” Braynard stepped back, not wishing to be in the middle of the confrontation that was about to take place.
“Edmund, why?” Victor turned his attention from his wife, now addressing his brother. “I loved you above all others, even my own wife. Why would you take my life? Was your life so intolerable that you needed to take mine?” Victor walked toward Edmund.
Edmund stepped back as his brother approached. This could not be! He was dead! He knew he was dead. “This is a trick, you are not here, it is not possible!” Edmund screamed at the wraith before him. “Scientia, let my sword free so that I might strike this illusion and prove your trickery.” He pulled the sword, which released freely. He raised the sword toward his brother. He then turned quickly and grabbed Lena, placing the sword on her belly. “I will cut her open, killing her and your son before you could stop me.”