Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 29

by Frank David

  “You were smart. How did you know he was planning to change his mind? I am sure he did not share that information with you,” Daniella asked.

  “It was Braynard. He came and told me it was time to end the old man’s life. He told me he was confessing his concerns to his butler, Carl. I had to kill them both to protect the title.” Luke was unaffected as he recounted the story.

  “He worries me,” Daniella confessed. “Braynard seems to be involved in everything surrounding us and Stelaphina, as well as the other Imperials. I have to wonder his end goal.”


  Edmund sat across from his sister-in-law. They quietly ate their dinner. Few words had been spoken since the appearance of Victor. Braynard assured Edmund that Megdalina had no recollection but never had they gone so long without speaking.

  “Lena, are you okay?” Edmund finally asked, breaking the silence.

  “I am fine, Edmund,” she responded, looking up for only a moment. “I do wish you would reconsider going to war with Hulsteria.”

  “You know I cannot do that. Stela has become uncontrollable. She will only be stopped when her life is ended. I fear if we do not do something, all of Saaveth will suffer.” Edmund spoke as he filled his mouth with dinner. “I know you worry about your family, but you have my word, I will not harm your mother or father. All you need to be concerned with is making sure my nephew is born strong like all Brandt men.”

  “He is starting to move about. If that is any indication, he will be strong.” Megdalina managed a smile. “I am not only worried about my family. I worry about everyone. We are bringing the first war between realms. I worry how the other realms will see us. What if they side with Stelaphina? We cannot win a battle against the three realms.”

  “Do not worry. The other realms are aware of Stela’s crimes against me. They will support my campaign.” Edmund looked up. Lena was in mid bite. She did not move.

  “You cannot continue to lie to her. She will discover the truth.” Braynard entered the room and sat next to Edmund.

  “What am I to do? I cannot allow her to worry. The other realms will not get involved.” Edmund continued to eat.

  “They are already involved. Savien has sent the Empress Consort and her two oldest children to Hulsteria to offer support. Emperor Imaz of Trokha has sent his daughter Astrid. The other realms questioned the claims against Stela and needed to know for themselves if there was any truth in your lies.” Braynard reached for a piece of bread.

  “Let them send their people. They will suffer the same fate as those who call Hulsteria home if they choose to raise arms against me or my army.” Edmund was not concerned.

  “You need to send representatives to Savien and Trokha. Send them under the guise of a diplomatic mission to unify the realms. They must be Imperials who have come into their powers. You must kill Emperor Lyons and Emperor Imaz.” Braynard issued the orders with little emotion. “Their deaths will be the foundations on which the four realms will be united.”

  Edmund looked at Megdalina. She was still frozen.

  “She cannot hear us. You must not delay, send the two immediately.” Braynard was stern.

  “Who do I send? I know Imperials are discovering powers, but it seems I am not a favorite among the elite. I am not privy to who has and has not received their powers.” Edmund struggled to have the people of Xasha unite under his regency.

  “I would suggest Imperial Grand Archduke Kirsch of Binzen and Imperial Archduchess Lillian Pfister of Oberbern.” It did not take Braynard long to make his recommendations. “Kirsch has the power to move things with his mind. It would be easy for him to crush the skull with some object, keeping his hands clean. Pfister, she is able to inflict pain with a touch. She could easily stop a man’s heart with only a simple touch.”

  “How do I get them to comply?” Edmund was unmoved by the thought of killing two Emperors.

  “They both have families who are very dear to them. If you have their families, you have their loyalty. The sword I gave you can be used for more than facing Stela.” Braynard’s stare was cold.

  “You said to use the sword against anyone else would be unfair.” Edmund reminded Braynard.

  “You will not kill them with it. Simply scare them to get their compliance.” Braynard held to his command that the sword should not be used to kill another but used to threaten, that was different.

  “After their deaths, am I to take their thrones?” Edmund asked, his voice becoming elated with excitement.

  “No! You will not attempt to make a move for either throne. You are simply removing the old, allowing the younger rulers to take their place, prematurely.” Braynard stood. “Do not sit around waiting. Summon the families of Kirsch and Pfister immediately. The deaths must be done within the next week. I will be releasing you on Hulsteria soon, Edmund. This is the first step.”

  Edmund looked up, and the man was gone. Megdalina had started eating once again. She just looked at him. “Do not worry, please, I promise everything will be fine.” Edmund tried to reassure her, but he was starting to wonder himself. “I must send word to Grand Archduke Kirsch and Archduchess Pfister. I need them to appear before me. I have heard whispers they do not approve of my regency and seek to have me removed. I cannot allow treason.” He stood and left Megdalina. He summoned the court scribe to send the messages to the Imperials along with coaches to bring the families back to Southerly Palace.


  Stela sat at the window, staring out toward the cliffs. She wondered what the days ahead held for her. She worried about her friends and family that would soon be putting themselves at risk to protect her and Hulsteria. She prayed that none would come to harm but knew in war lives were lost.

  “Majesty,” the guard brought her back to the room. “Harris Morrison would like to speak with you.”

  “Please show him in,” Stela replied as she stood to greet him.

  “Stela,” Harris greeted her as he entered. “Your announcement of our future marriage was not met with the excitement we may have anticipated,” Harris laughed as he moved across the room.

  “I did not expect them to take to the idea. It is all new, you are new. They are just now getting to know you. They need time to see the man you are. Many saw how you fought in the rings. I am sure that has raised some concern for them.” Stela reached out her hand, which Harris gladly took. She led him to the window seat.

  “Frostmoor was always our winter home. I am filled with such fond memories of my time here as a child. I fear my memories of this place will change if I am to face Edmund here.” Stela again stared out the window, now looking toward the graveyard. “I suppose I never realized how much death actually existed here.”

  “You must try to maintain the good memories and fight against allowing the bad to replace them. It should bring you some peace knowing that Braynard saw a future where we were married. That must be an indication that you will defeat Edmund.” Harris held her hand, sensing her insecurities.

  “He saw two futures. He saw the one where I defeated Edmund and we married. He saw another where Edmund defeated me and the future of Hulsteria was bleak. He never indicated which he believed would be realized.” Stela’s fears were fading. A sudden peace came over her. If Braynard saw two futures, she needed to make sure that hers was the one that would be realized. “I cannot sit here worrying about who will be the victor. I need to make sure that I am the one who is still standing at the end of all of this.” She stood, not wishing to wallow in the memories of the past or the uncertainties of the future. She need only worry about this moment. She took Harris’ hand and coaxed him to his feet.

  “I am not one who is normally so forward but our past is set, our future is unknown. All that is certain is this moment.” She leaned in and kissed him. “I ached for so long when Edmund’s infidelity was exposed. I am done wasting energy and emotion on him. I am ready for the next chapter, whatever that might be. If I am to live, then I see no reason to not start our relations
hip now.” She kissed him again. He stood silent.

  “Stela, I am flattered, but I do not think we should be doing this. I do not believe you are doing this out of want or desire but for a way to avoid what lies ahead.” Harris stepped back knowing this might offend the Empress.

  “Does the reason matter?” Stela asked. “Are you truly so virtuous that you would deny my advances?”

  “I have not had many experiences with passion. Felicia was my first. I do not want to disappoint you, and I do not want to be used simply as an escape.” Harris turned, now looking out the window. “Felicia used me as an escape. It meant nothing to her, but to me it was everything.”

  “Perhaps I am simply using you to forget that I have to kill a man I once loved. I do know that my feelings for you are true. I will admit the feelings are not yet as strong as I once felt for my former husband but I believe in time that could be remedied.” Stela came behind him looking out of the window.

  “I do not want anything happening between us until you are sure that your feelings for me are real. After all of this is over and you stand victorious, I will be waiting.” Harris leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “I will leave you. Tomorrow you face the straw men.”

  “Good night, Harris.” Stela watched as he left her alone. The darkness was moving in as the sun disappeared from the sky. Betsy and the hearth maid entered. The maid quickly lit the fire and the candles to bathe the room in light. Once finished she quickly left the two women.

  “Are you ready to change for the evening, Majesty?” Betsy asked.

  “Yes, thank you, Betsy.” Stela turned so Betsy could begin undressing her. “Betsy, are you aware of what is going on? I never know how much you hear.”

  “I am Majesty. The palace is filled with the stories of the man who appears and disappears. The staff talks about what he has shared with you and the other Imperials. Do not think them rude. Sound travels within these walls.” Betsy worried she may get some of the staff in trouble with her words.

  “I am sure you have all overheard many conversations. You know that I am to face Edmund?” Stela wondered what she thought of it all.

  “Yes, Majesty,” Betsy answered, untying her corset.

  “Do you think I can do it, Betsy?” Of all the staff, Betsy knew Stela the best.

  “Had you asked me this before all that has happened I would have said no. You did not have the strength to do what you must. Now, you have changed, Majesty. You are stronger than you were when you first ascended the throne. You have stood up for what you believe in regardless of what the other Imperials thought.” Betsy tried to determine if Stela was offended by her words. It would appear she was not and appeared interested in what Betsy had to say. “You even stood up to the Imperial Archduke Stratton. Emperor Frederick would not have even done that. I believe you are destined to take Hulsteria to a new era if you do not mind me saying.”

  “Thank you, Betsy. Your words bring me comfort. Do you think I am too far removed from the people to know what they really need? Do you think the Imperials have lost touch with the people?” Stela said as she stepped out of her petty coat.

  “I do not think it is necessary for the Imperials to understand the people. The Imperials are meant to protect the people and ensure that their needs are met, to the best of the Imperials’ ability.” Betsy said as she picked up the petty coat and put it away. “If you protect the people, you have done all that anyone can ask.”

  “Do you not wish for more? Do you ever think we are too extravagant?” Stela raised her arms as Betsy placed the sleeping gown over her head.

  “I am handmaid to the Empress, I have more than I could ever hope,” Betsy said as she lowered the gown over Stela. “I do not think you are extravagant at all. You have parties which are customary. You do not flaunt your wealth in front of those who starve in the streets. You have shown compassion for those who call Hulsteria home. You have provided roofs to families who had none. You have provided those with nothing food and skills so they might better provide for their families.” Betsy tied the front of the sleeping gown.

  “Do not worry about how you are faring. When you legalized homosexuality, many hated you, but the air in Hulsteria is changing. Every day you gain more supporters. You should be proud of what you have accomplished. Now, you should get some sleep.” She walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers so Stela could lie down.


  The guard entered Edmund’s room. The sun was barely over the horizon and Edmund was still sleeping. “Emperor Regent,” the guard called out to wake Edmund. “The Grand Archduke and Archduchess and their families have arrived.”

  Edmund turned in the bed not wishing to hear the announcement. His valet entered and opened the drapes, allowing the morning light to flood the room. Edmund tried to shield his eyes from the light. He sat, unhappy with being woken.

  “I will be down shortly,” he said as he stood. The valet walked over and began the task of preparing him for the day. The guard left Edmund to dress. “Why have they arrived so early?” Edmund asked his valet.

  “Imperial Highness, they arrived in the early morning, but all agreed it was too early to wake you,” the valet answered. “I have heard the families are worried about why they have been called to the palace.”

  “As long as Kirsch and Pfister agree to what I ask of them, their families will be safe, though I cannot promise Adolf and Lillian will return to them.” Edmund lowered himself so the boy could place the shirt over his head.

  “Might I ask what you are to ask of them, Highness?” The valet worried that the question might insight Edmund’s rage.

  “It is Imperial business. You need not concern yourself with such details.” Edmund looked at the boy. “You are young. If you wish to grow old, do not ask questions to which you are not entitled to the answer.” Edmund sat so the boy could put on his boots. “I should not keep my esteemed guests waiting.”


  The ship docked. Malcolm and the children stood on deck waiting for the sailors to signal they could leave the ship. Malcolm held his children close. Knowing Daniella had murdered his mother, he now worried what she had in store for him and his children. He did not care what she planned to do to him, but he needed to protect his children. The sailor made the gesture for the passengers to leave the ship. The three made their way down the plank.

  He led the children to the waiting carriages. He hired one of the men to transport him and the children to Rothmar. “Stay here,” he told the children. “I must go and arrange your trunks to be delivered to the palace.” He put the children in the carriage and returned to the docks to request the shipment of their things to Rothmar. Once arranged, he returned to the carriage and gave the command for the driver to take them to Rothmar.

  The ride was quiet. He could sense the children’s confusion and fear. “Everything will be fine, children. Your cousin, Sofia, will love having you and she will take very good care of you until I can return.” His statement was as much to ease his fears and uncertainty as well as theirs.

  “Why did we have to leave Tarmlan, father? I thought we were going to our old home?” Albert asked.

  “The Empress needs my help. There is a great war heading for our homeland. I need to help her protect everyone.” He did not want the children to know the truth. They had only lost their mother a year ago. They had grown to love Daniella, and he did not want them knowing her true motives.

  The carriage came to a stop at the gates of the palace wall. There was a knock at the door. Malcolm opened the curtain that hung loosely over the opening.

  “My lord, we are not permitting any entry to the palace,” the guard stated.

  “I am Duke Malcolm D’Vay of Culia, cousin to the Imperial family. I have come to leave my children with Imperial Princess Sofia so that I might offer my assistance to Empress Stelaphina.” Malcolm opened the carriage door to allow the guard to see it was only the three of them inside. “I am sure if you ask the Princess, sh
e will allow my children entrance.”

  “How old are the children?” the guard asked, eyeing the three.

  “The boy is almost five, the girl almost four.” Malcolm found the question odd.

  “The children can come with me but you must wait here.” The guard helped the children from the carriage.

  “Why am I not allowed to accompany my children?” Malcolm asked. He feared leaving his children with anyone but Sofia.

  “Those of Imperial blood are discovering certain gifts. Your children are too young to yet have any such gifts. You, however, might possess such powers, and we cannot risk the safety of the Imperial family.” The guard led the children through the gates.

  Malcolm watched the guard carefully as he led the two children into the palace. He paced in front of the gate waiting for someone to return and advise him of his children’s fate.

  Presently, he saw Sofia walking toward him. He knew it was only Stela who had come to appreciate him. The others of the family still distrusted him. She seemed relaxed considering all that has been happening.

  “Malcolm,” Sofia greeted him.

  “Imperial Princess,” he bowed greeting his cousin.

  “Your children are welcome to remain at the palace, but I cannot allow you to know Stela’s location.” Sofia tried to be diplomatic.

  “She is at Frostmoor. A man named Braynard requested I join Stelaphina.” Malcolm hoped the name meant something to her.

  “Braynard instructed you to be with Stela?” Sofia’s voice raised.

  “Yes, are you familiar with this man?” Malcolm had never met the man before, but it seemed the Princess knew him.

  “He has been helping us with all that has been happening.” Sofia paused unsure what she should do. “Very well, continue on to Frostmoor. I will send word to Stela that you are coming.”

  “Thank you, Princess,” Malcolm bowed.

  “Do not worry about your children. They will be safe with the others. I will care for them and protect them while you are away.” Sofia knew the children would be well protected in the palace. She suddenly heard his thoughts. “Why are you worried about Daniella harming them?”


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