Making of a Warrior

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Making of a Warrior Page 30

by Frank David

  “How do you know I fear Daniella?” Malcolm was unnerved by the revelation.

  “It is my gift. I can hear the thoughts of others,” Sofia explained.

  “You cannot repeat that to anyone, not even Stela,” Malcolm pleaded. “She killed my mother, and Braynard said she was going to kill Albert and Olivia. He told me to bring them here to keep them safe.”

  “That is not possible. Daniella is a healer, not a killer.” Sofia looked at him. “She is an Imperial?”

  “Please, stop,” Malcolm tried to change his thoughts to keep her from learning more. “Braynard said no one was to know.” He reached for her through the openings in the gate. “Please, repeat this to no one.”

  A great fear came over Sofia. Her heart raced at the thought of Daniella. “You truly fear her, do you not, Malcolm?”

  “He does, and he should, as should you.” Braynard joined the two.

  “Braynard,” Sofia greeted the man. “Daniella is an Imperial?”

  “She is Sofia, but you will not tell anyone of this,” Braynard stared at her, taking the memories from her.

  “Malcolm, you must leave now for Frostmoor,” Braynard commanded. “Sofia, you should return to the children.” Both did as he instructed without another word.


  Edmund entered the hall, the families waiting. He could sense how nervous those gathered were. He took his place on the throne as he looked at the families. The children seemed the most frightened. He sat back, watching them fidget in their seats.

  “Imperial Grand Archduke Kirsch, please approach your Emperor Regent,” Edmund commanded.

  Adolf walked toward his liege. He bowed before Edmund.

  “Are you loyal to Xasha and your Emperor Regent?” Edmund asked, looking at the man cowering before him.

  “I am, your Imperial Majesty,” Adolf responded, keeping his head and eyes down.

  “Your Emperor Regent has a task to ask of you. I wish you to travel to Savien to meet with Emperor Lyon.” Edmund watched as the man raised his head to face him.

  “Your Imperial Majesty?” Adolf asked.

  “You will go to Savien and request an audience with the Emperor. You will present yourself as a representative of Hulsteria.” Edmund explained.

  “Why would I present myself as being from Hulsteria? Surely my accent would give me away.” Adolf was confused.

  “There are many in Hulsteria who were born and raised in Xasha but married into families in Hulsteria. When you are before the Emperor, you will use your new gift to kill him.” Edmund gave the order with little emotion. “You will probably not make it out of the palace, but you would be doing Xasha a great service.”

  “You want me to kill the Emperor of Savien?” Adolf looked back at his family.

  “If you are successful, your family will be safe and rewarded handsomely for your efforts. If you do not succeed, I fear it is their lives that will be lost for your failure.” Edmund smiled at the man.

  “Is there not another you could send? I am not a warrior, Imperial Majesty.” Adolf worried about his family if he did not do as Edmund commanded. He looked over at Archduchess Pfister. He could see the look of unease on her face knowing she would be tasked with some similar objective.

  “You are an Imperial; the Emperor would not deny you an audience. His wife and two daughters are with Empress Stelaphina, coming as a representative of Hulsteria will get you in front of him.” Edmund was becoming impatient.

  “When do I leave, Majesty?” Adolf knew if he refused, Edmund would have them all killed.

  “I have a ship waiting to take you to Savien immediately. Say good bye to your family. The guards will escort you to the ship.” Edmund watched as the man stood, his body shaking. His family was in tears as he hugged them. The guards pulled the man from his wife’s arms and lead him out of the hall.

  “Imperial Archduchess Pfister come forward,” Edmund commanded. The woman sat crying. She stood and walked toward him, curtsying as she approached. “You will travel to Trokha. You will present yourself to Emperor Imaz. You are young and attractive. You will use these qualities to get close to the Emperor. I understand you can kill with a touch; that is how you will end the Emperor’s life.”

  Lillian looked back at her young children. She feared for them. She had no choice but to do as he asked. “As you command, Majesty.” She returned to her family to say her good byes. The guards approached and removed her from the room.

  “You will be guests of the Emperor Regent until your loved ones have completed their tasks. If they are successful, you will return to your homes with full pockets. If they fail, you will be executed for treason.” He raised his hand. Additional guards appeared and led the families to their quarters.


  Stela entered the dining hall. She saw all were in attendance except Harris. She took her place at the table. Everyone was silent.

  “Where is Harris?” she asked.

  “He came early, said he needed to prepare the straw men for your training,” Roderick answered. “I told him he should wait for you, but he seemed to be indifferent to sharing a meal. Could this be an indication that your marriage is in trouble before it even occurred?” Roderick laughed.

  “Harris is simply concerned about my training and seeing that I succeed against Edmund.” Stela knew he was not pleased with her, but she was not about to share that with them.

  “I heard he visited your chambers last evening,” Astrid was quick to add.

  “Stelaphina, you should not let men into your chambers without another present,” Renee scolded Stela.

  “I am a divorced woman; my virtue is not in question. He knows I am not pure,” Stela addressed Renee’s accusations.

  “Still, you are currently unmarried. It would be scandalous to have a man in your chambers, even if the man is destined to be your husband,” Renee added.

  “I have not joined you to defend my honor. Harris came to my chambers to check on me. It was nothing more than a conversation, one I fear upset him.” Stela wished to calm their imaginations.

  “I know Stela would not do anything that would bring her any shame. She is too careful about that.” Roderick defended his sister.

  “So careful that she would kiss her brother when they were children?” Astrid quickly pointed out the poor judgment both had used.

  “We were children, and we did not know we were brother and sister. Have you never kissed a man that you should not?” Roderick looked at Astrid.

  “I would never allow my virtue to be questioned.” Astrid looked at Kyle. “If I had ever kissed a man, I would be smart enough to do it where it would not be observed.” Her cheeks blushed, knowing she and Kyle had shared a kiss in secret.

  “I have lost my appetite. I believe I will go and join Harris in the yard.” Stela stood to leave those sitting in judgment.

  “Stela,” Malcolm greeted her as she stood.

  Roderick stood and pulled his sword from its sheath as Malcolm approached Stela.

  “Put the sword away. Malcolm has proved his allegiance.” Stela motioned to Roderick, who immediately put his sword away.

  “Braynard has sent me to you. He believes I can be of some assistance,” Malcolm announced as he bowed before Stela.

  “How can you help?” Roderick asked with a tone of disapproval.

  “It would seem those of Imperial blood have been granted gifts. While I am not Imperial, the blood flows through my veins. I have the power to feel the emotions of others, as well as impact those feelings.” Malcolm looked at Roderick aware the man still did not trust him. He reached out and touched Roderick, who tried to pull away but was unable. He could feel Roderick’s hatred for him.

  “Release me at once,” Roderick ordered, but Malcolm ignored the command. He changed Roderick’s feelings for him. Roderick now believed Malcolm to be the man that Stela saw him to be. “Yes, I think Malcolm should be here. We are able to trust him. He means no harm and is here on behalf of Braynard.” Roder
ick was surprised by the words leaving his mouth.

  “Your gift is similar to Felicia’s, Malcolm. She is able to control others, make them do as she wishes,” Stela commented.

  “No, Stela,” Malcolm answered. “I cannot make them do anything. I can simply impact what they feel. I have changed Roderick’s hate for me to admiration.” Malcolm smiled looking at Roderick, who seemed confused.

  “I am not sure how that power will help, but I welcome you. I was just headed out to begin my training. Please help yourself to some breakfast.” Stela hugged Malcolm as she passed him to join Harris in the yard.

  Malcolm took a seat at the table. Those seated around him stared at him. He only knew Roderick and Kyle; the others were unfamiliar to him.

  “If you are not Imperial, what are you?” Astrid asked, watching the man closely.

  “I am Duke of Culia in Uhl. I am a distant cousin of the Imperial family,” Malcolm responded, returning Astrid’s stare.

  “How are you of Imperial blood then?” Astrid pushed.

  “Declan’s wife was Beverly D’Vay, my line was started by her brother.” Malcolm did not like being interrogated. “I believe we are all related as well. If memory serves me correctly, Empress Renee, we are cousins.” He looked at the woman, though the two had never met, he was aware of who she was.

  “You are correct, Duke. I am descended from one of Beverly and Declan’s children.” Renee looked at the man oddly. “Are you obsessed with Imperials, Duke? I do not know many that are so aware of their connections?”

  “You have no idea, Empress. Malcolm has been trying for years to have his station raised believing his family has been overlooked. He has made it his life’s work to increase his title but to date has been unsuccessful. He will get his increase when he weds the Imperial Archduchess of Red Hill, Daniella Gallagher.” Roderick’s feelings for Malcolm had been manipulated, but he still remembered the man’s desires.

  “I do not believe I will be marrying Daniella,” Malcolm responded. He knew it was a mistake to bring it up, but he wanted to distance himself from her. He knew what was coming and wanted no part of her plans; though he was sure he was not in her plans.

  “Daniella Gallagher,” Renee said. “I am not familiar with her? Where is she from? What line?”

  “She is from Norland. Her father had a fleet of merchant ships. Her line is new. She saved Edmund’s life and was rewarded with the title.” Roderick provided the explanation.

  “Someone of common birth raised in station before you, Duke? That must be quite humiliating for you,” Renee commented.

  “There is more to Daniella than is known. I cannot say more, Braynard has refused me…” Malcolm stopped short knowing he was just inviting more questions.

  “What do you mean, Duke?” Astrid asked. She loved scandal and was sure it was what the Duke was getting at.

  “It is nothing.” Malcolm tried to begin eating again.

  “It must be something if Braynard has forbidden you to speak of it.” Astrid wanted to know the dirty details. “We could command you to tell us. After all, we are Imperials. You are a simple royal.”

  “You could, but I would not comply. I fear Braynard more than I fear any of you.” Malcolm watched to see if the interrogation was complete. The others returned to eating.


  Stela found Harris in the courtyard setting up the dummies she would use as practice. She walked over. He was not aware of her presence.

  “Harris,” she said, placing her hand on his shoulder, his back to her.

  “Empress,” he responded with a bow.

  “We have gone back to formalities?” Stela asked. “Do not let what happened last night change what is building between us.”

  “I do not like being a pawn in anyone’s plan. It seems I cannot stop from being a pawn in Braynard’s scheme, but I will not play your game.” Harris refused to look at her, keeping to his task. “You need to practice.”

  “You are not a pawn. I am sorry for my inappropriateness last evening, please forgive me. I see now you are a man of virtue and I will not put you in such a situation again.” Stela was not accustomed to apologizing but knew it was warranted.

  “Stela, I want to be with you, but I believe we both still ache from our previous lovers. When you give yourself to me, I want it to be because you desire me, not to help me erase the memories of your former husband. When I give myself to you, I want to be sure it is not done out of revenge against Felicia. I hope you can understand. I am beginning to develop feelings for you, but those feelings are not as strong as I would like them to be. Until I am certain that the feelings are love and not simply desire, I will not take that next step with you.” Harris wanted her to know he did care for her.

  “I understand. Please can we forget the events in my chambers? I do not want to damage what may be growing between us,” Stela pleaded.

  “Of course. Let us begin your training. It is important for you to know how the blade feels when it slices through another.” Harris pointed to the straw men lined up in front of them. “A man does not feel the same as the dummies, but it will give you an idea, prepare you should you make contact with Edmund.”

  Stela raised her sword, the talons attached and the eye opened. She swung the blade toward the first dummy. She was surprised. She had sliced the dummy in two but felt no resistance. “I felt nothing, Harris. It was as if the blade did not even touch the straw man.”

  “You should have felt the straw against the blade. Try another,” Harris instructed.

  Stela repeated the gesture. Again, it was as if the blade was slicing through the air and not a straw figure. “Nothing.”

  The straw man was visibly ripped in two. Harris could not understand why she did not feel the resistance. “I guess Braynard was right. This sword can cut through anything. I have an idea, follow me.” Harris led her from the courtyard, toward the graveyard. He approached the wall enclosing the final resting place of the Imperial family. “Use the blade to cut through the stone in the wall, that should give you resistance.”

  Stela looked at him. She was not sure it was appropriate to attack the wall that encircled her ancestor’s bodies. She raised the sword and swung toward the stone. The blade went straight through as though the stone was not there. The slice clear in the block. “I felt nothing.”

  “The stone was struck. There is the slice,” Harris pointed to the line running through the stone. “It would seem you can slice through anything without knowing it. This blade could be quite dangerous. Please be careful when you face Edmund. I do not think there is anything else I can teach you. It seems the sword is doing everything for you. Perhaps we should focus on our strategy for defeating Edmund and his troops.”

  “I agree, this blade is amazing. I am confident it will protect me. Let us return to the others and begin planning what to do with Edmund and his troops.” Stela started to walk back to the palace. Harris followed closely behind.

  Stela and Harris entered the dining hall to find the others still gathered, eating.

  “Stela, what is wrong? Why have you stopped training so soon?” Roderick asked.

  “The sword seems to be in control. Harris and I agree my training is complete. We think it wise that we begin to plan for Edmund’s attack,” Stela said as she sat at the table. Harris took the seat next to her. “Renee, can you find Thomasine and bring her to us?”

  “Of course, Stela. I will be back in a moment,” Renee said and was gone.

  “I think it is smart to start thinking about how to deal with Edmund’s troops,” Charity said. She reached over and grabbed Tripp’s hand. “Perhaps we can stop his ships from reaching Jascaessau using Tripp and Astrid’s powers. They could command the sea creatures to stop the ships, sink them perhaps.”

  “I like that idea,” Astrid said. “If they never make it to Jascaessau there is no fear.”

  “Braynard has said Edmund’s troops will reach Jascaessau. We cannot stop that, but we could slow them down,
” Stela said. “We need to think how we are going to deal with the soldiers once on Jascaessau. Edmund has been given orders by Braynard to not attack anyone but me. We only need to address his men.”

  “With all the power on your side, it should be easy, Stela,” Roderick added. “You could use Tripp and Astrid to have the troops attacked by animals or birds once on land.”

  “Felicia could have some of them turn on each other,” Kyle said, adding to the plan.

  “Sofia said she could read the thoughts of others. This will give you some insight into what they have planned. However, with her at Rothmar, it might be difficult for her to tell you their plans,” Malcolm offered the suggestion, then realized the weakness.

  “Sofia can tell me the plans, and I will convey them to you, Stela,” Amanda said. “I can communicate with others, using my mind,” she explained to Malcolm. “Do you know if Edmund will have any Magisters with him? If he does, this could make everything far more difficult.”

  “These are all wonderful ideas. I do not know who Edmund has enlisted. We will have the full support of the Scientia of Hulsteria. Braynard is having them all converge upon Jascaessau to prepare. We should bring Daniella to Jascaessau, we may need her healing powers.” Stela looked at Malcolm. “Perhaps you can send word to her, asking her to join you here?”

  “You do not want Daniella here, Stela,” Malcolm said, looking down not wanting to look at her. He knew if she knew the truth about Daniella, she would blame him for bringing her to court.

  “Why would I not want Daniella here?” Stela asked surprised by his response.

  “Braynard has sworn me to secrecy, Stela. I am sorry, but I fear him more than I fear you,” Malcolm said again not looking at her.

  “Braynard and his secrets,” Stela’s trust in the man, was once again waning. “Malcolm, tell me what you know about Daniella, please.”

  “Daniella is not who we believe, Stela. She is not just the daughter of a merchant. She is a descendant of Emperor Edward.” Malcolm looked up at her to see her reaction.


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