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Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1)

Page 5

by Victoria C. Johnson

  Julian coughs with amusement. “So, um, I guess her being attracted to you isn’t a problem.”

  “That’s for damn sure,” Addy says, reaching for another shot. “It was kind of embarrassing to hear about. I mean, surely she doesn’t think that’s crazy adventurous of you. You’re a royal dragon! All she’s talking about is licking chocolate off you. Can anyone say that’s totally been done before?”

  Eve smacks her hand away with a glare. “I think you’ve had quite enough to drink, Addy.”

  All I can bother thinking about right now is that damn maraschino cherry.

  “The goddesses would let me have whatever I want.” She pouts at Eve.

  I ignore Eve and hand Addy a glass of wine, hoping for more information. I try to say delicately, “Has she said why she hasn’t approached me?”

  “You mean screwed you? She thinks you wouldn’t be happy with a nice bang and would get all clingy and shit. Peitho has learned from experience that relationships aren’t really good for her. At least, where the other person is, like … in love with her. I mean, let’s be real, like they could ever keep up with someone like that?” Addy grins, swallowing the wine in two gulps.

  Keep up with her sexually? Well, damn if she couldn’t persuade a guy to give it a good try. Besides, dragons have high sex drives. That wouldn’t be a problem, hopefully. Not that I’m looking to be in a relationship with her. Though one nice greeting with her may not be enough. Maybe until the end of the convention? Just until I get tired of her and start obsessing over something else. Maybe a nice emerald. I do need a new ancient crown for the collection.

  “Thanks for telling me all that, Addy, but how do you know all this?” I ask, feeling a bit suspicious.

  Addy waves it away, almost slapping me across the face in the process. “She was plastered, and I was trying to tell her not to flaunt other guys in your face. Peitho just started talking about how hot you are or something. It’s all a bit fuzzy now.”

  “You pointed out the steam?” I cringe.

  “Yeah, she was pretty pissed about it too. Didn’t understand why you got ‘all caveman’ on her,” Addy says helpfully.

  I can’t help but grin. Even then she wasn’t afraid, she was mad at me. Not for getting upset or for almost breathing fire, but for being possessive. Damn if she isn’t something special. And really sparkly.

  “Then Apate told her when she starts hitting on a guy or making out with him, that sort of thing, she should do it in private so you can’t see it and get mad,” Addy continues.

  Eve starts moaning before the implications of Addy’s words reach me.

  “You mean, instead of innocently kissing a guy in a room full of other people, she’s going to take him up to her room? Where God only knows what will happen? Without me knowing? So I can’t get mad? This is what you’re saying?” I ask her.

  Julian shakes his head violently “no,” but Addy says, “Oh yeah, that’s exactly what she meant. Don’t take anyone on the dance floor. Keep it away from your prying, dragon eyes.”

  Oh, fuck no. At least this way I know what she’s doing, with whom, and how far that “doing” is actually going. If Peitho and some guy are up in her room, then I’m damn sure it won’t stop at a kiss.

  I look with horror up at the stage, where all eight of them have recently taken over. Peitho shakes her ass to the beat, shimmying to the crowd and making me simultaneously hard and enraged that it’s not just for me.

  “Damn, her voice is pure sex. I’ve never been into chicks, but I’d sure be willing to give that a try,” Addy says in a wistful voice.

  The three of us all turn to her.

  “I’d even stick around for breakfast in the morning,” she continues.

  “I knew she didn’t drink for a reason. I thought that AA business was human bullshit. Looks like she’ll be going to more meetings.” Eve shakes her head.

  Julian shrugs. “To be fair, Peitho has this effect on a lot of people, even when they’re sober.”

  “Hell yeah, anyone else want a shot?” Addy asks, making a move as if to go get some.

  The end of the song comes all too soon. Before she gets off the stage, she blows a kiss at that prick she had her lips all over earlier. Strutting off the stage, probably to let his gross mouth invade hers again! I can’t let that happen, just can’t.

  When I try to stop her, to tell her she’s mine right now until we’re done with one another, she totally blows me off. She gives me some shit about how she “doesn’t belong to me” and what not. I’m not sure whom she thinks she’s dealing with, but those are the exact words that send me over the edge.

  Peitho is prey. She’s shiny and glittery. She’s my treasure. That woman is going to know she’s mine until I’m through with her, until we’re done with each other. I’m going to get my chance, dammit. I may be a bit impulsive, but by goddess, I’m sure as hell going to get what I want. No matter what it takes.

  Chapter 4

  Waking up moaning with a massive headache, head in a vomit-filled toilet, always seems like it will be worth it. I suppose there’s no way to tell if it was or not, since I don’t really remember what happened. Sure, I recall having a great time and dancing with the girls, but other than that? Not a whole lot going on up there.

  I close my mouth, and wonder to myself, When did I have chocolate? Then I spit, rinse, and repeat.

  “Whew, think you’ll be out of there any time soon? I need to shower,” Aergia asks, opening the door to the bathroom and furiously fanning the scent away from her nose.

  She may be the goddess of laziness, but that doesn’t mean uncleanliness.

  “What are you doing up so early?” I ask.

  “Nemesis just woke me up about thirty minutes ago. It should be about one now. I’m so glad I was voted the sober one last night. The memories of what you bitches did!” Aergia laughs. “Even Nemesis let her hair down! Dysnomia did this great rock number before launching herself at the people to crowd surf. Fell right on her ass and stayed down. Guess she did learn something from last time, after all.”

  I hear a groan from behind me. “Stop fucking yelling,” Apate says, voice raspy, as she sits up in the tub.

  “I wondered where you were. Anyway, I’ll go use another bathroom. Obviously, you two need this one more than I do.” Aergia smiles at us before she leaves.

  “Remember anything from last night? I know it must have been good, going by this killer headache I have. I hope Nemesis brought her hangover concoction,” Apate says, rubbing her eyes. It’s a great remedy she got from one of the Muses.

  “Of course I don’t remember,” I say, and then look down.

  Everything seems to be in order. Bra on, shirt gone, panties around my ankles, but I still have my skirt on. Shoes are gone, and there’s a definite telling crick in my neck. Other than that, everything seems quite normal.

  “There you are, honey. I have the coffee on.” Hunter, who walks into the bathroom, seems to be talking to me.

  “Eh?” I ask with puzzlement.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t remember.” He smiles at me much too familiarly.

  “What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Do?” I ask Apate.

  There’s a horrible, cold, sinking feeling where my stomach used to be.

  We look at each other for a few moments, both with the blank expressions of those who just plain old don’t know. Finally, we look at Hunter, who just smiles, points at himself, and says, “That would be me. You did me last night.”

  “Doubtful.” I snort before I can stop myself. Stupid ambrosia-clouded mind. Why did I take those concentrated ambrosia shots?

  Hunter just grins, as if my denial is to be expected. Then he points down, down, and, ah, there it is—a condom. Not just any condom, but my special gold, monogrammed ones. This one happens to be quite used.

  “We only used one?” I frown before I can stop myself.

  Hunter looks a little unbalanced for a moment before his face clears. “I threw away the others already
. That was, um, just from this morning. I must have missed it.”

  “Oh,” I say dumbly, “well, how many did we use?”

  “I didn’t keep count.”

  “You didn’t keep count? You don’t remember how many times we screwed?” I can’t help but blast.

  He frowns at me. “It’s not like you remember either. We both had a little too much to drink, inhibitions were lowered, and we wound up in bed together.”

  The man does have a point. I’m usually more memorable than that. Maybe the ambrosia made me clumsy. Quite possible, since I was drunk and easy. Still, how could I not remember? How could I have let myself get so out of control? My lust must have gotten the best of me.

  Then it hits me, clear as day.


  “You’re drinking too much,” Hunter whispers from behind me as I down another shot of ambrosia.

  I can’t suppress the little shiver at the back of my neck, where I feel his breath caress my sensitive skin. An awareness of his strong, large body just inches away from my own, searing me with heat, makes me ache with new awareness. My breasts feel heavy, the tips of my nipples rubbing against my shirt tantalizingly.

  I let out a slow breath. “It’s none of your business.”

  Suddenly, we’re in the conference room we were in earlier. Hunter’s hands grip my waist as he pulls my back against his chest, his erection rubbing against my ass. I arch into his hold, moving his hands up to cup my breasts. He rolls my nipples with his index finger and thumb through my thin T-shirt. Slowly, decadently Hunter leans forward to kiss where my shoulder meets my neck, sucking and biting. The sensation is too strong.

  “We need to get you back to your room. You’re not feeling well,” Hunter groans out.

  I reach back to grip him through his jeans, giving a firm stroke to his hard length.

  “What have you done to me?” It’s just a hoarse whisper in my ear, the sweet sound of surrender.

  I manage to break away from him, barely tearing my body from his. I walk forward a few steps to the tall mahogany table. I let my hand trail along it lovingly before pulling up my short skirt and jumping atop it. I spread my legs and let Hunter’s hungry green eyes watch as I yank my panties down.

  Slowly, I drag my hand up my thigh. With one hand I bare myself to him, and with the other, I carefully circle my clit with one finger. I can’t help but shudder at the combination of stroking myself and knowing he’s watching. I dip a finger lower, to where he will soon be.

  “Wet for you,” I tempt him, hoping to seduce him into giving us both relief.

  With a growl, he stalks toward me, face blank in concentration, completely entranced. He lowers his zipper, pulling out his straining length. It’s so large and hard, with a sweetly puckered head. I can’t help but moan as I imagine him filling me completely. I want him so deep and hard in me, with one powerful thrust. I want to be so utterly his that I won’t be able to tell where my pleasure begins and his ends.

  Hunter positions himself at my opening, teasingly stroking up and down against it, catching my clit in the process. I can feel the rough material of his jeans rub against my legs in the most thrilling way. I let my head fall forward to his shoulder. In my head, I chant, “Yes, yes, yes.”

  “Are you ready to be mine?”

  “Claim me.” I buck my hips toward his, and with one stinging, earth-shattering thrust, he forces all of himself inside me like the most exquisite piece of a puzzle. Finally, complete.


  “Peitho?” Hunter asks, and my eyes snap open.

  I try to keep the heat from filling my face at the hazy replay of events.

  “I’m sure it was more than just a few times, if you can’t remember,” I allow after a moment.

  “Oh, yeah, we had a blast.” He nods emphatically.

  “Sweet goddess, I woke up with the taste of chocolate in my mouth,” I moan aloud in panic, distinctly remembering saying I wanted to lick a chocolate drizzle off of his naked body. “I didn’t … ?”

  “Complete with the maraschino cherry.” He smirks slightly. “Don’t worry, we were in my hotel room. You demanded to come here afterward, so your friends wouldn’t worry about you.”

  “Good thing we cleared that up. I’m just so glad you decided to come and stop by, and I’m sure we totally rocked each other’s worlds. If you could leave now, that would be great,” I suggest.

  His eyes finally widen. “You really don’t know anything about dragons, do you?”

  “Um . . .”

  “We are handfasting. Any person a dragon mates with has to be with them for six months to see if they can procreate. If the couple is successful, they become married. If not, they continue searching,” Hunter explains slowly.

  “What you’re saying is you tricked me into a six-month mini marriage?” I ask slowly, almost calmly.

  “I wouldn’t say tricked.”

  “I had no idea that sleeping with you once would mean we’re practically married. What would you call it, you big bastard?” I screech. “Why do you guys force yourselves into monogamy for so long, anyway?”

  “So long? It’s only six months,” he says with a frown, all judgey. “Dragons believe in soul mates. We can only mate with those individuals.”

  “It’s sure as hell not me. So good-fucking-bye.”

  He sighs, his sinfully kissable lips turning down. “I can see this will take some time to get used to. I’m going to give you some space. I’ll be down at lunch. If you could meet me down there when you’re … cleaned up?”

  It’s then that I realize I’m lying with my face half-covered in yesterday’s food: the sequel, my hair half-soaked from toilet water, makeup down my face, and yesterday’s clothes on. Whereas he has on fresh clothing, damp hair from a recent shower, and a new day’s smug smile. As he walks out of the room, I turn to Apate.

  “Hey, I’m with you, girl. If we don’t remember the dumb shit we do when we’re wasted, other people shouldn’t remember either!” She nods in solidarity.

  Aergia pops her head in. “He was just being honest.”

  “There’s being honest, then there’s just being a dick,” Apate tells her.

  I glare at Aergia myself. “Didn’t you want to go clean up?”

  “Eh, sounded like more fun over here.” She winks. “Besides, you and Hunter were so cute to watch last night. Both of you tipsy and arguing, before you grabbed him and shoved your tongue in his mouth. Convenient of you to forget that you were the one who practically seduced the poor boy.”

  Aergia quickly walks away after dropping that bomb.

  “Fucking dragons,” I moan into my hands.

  “I don’t mean to be a killjoy, but that’s what got you into this mess to begin with,” Apate points out. I throw a mini shampoo bottle at her head.

  In exactly half an hour we make our debut to lunch. We’re in basic hangover wear: low-rise stretch pants, in case we’re bloated, and loose T-shirts. Then there’s the big sunglasses and still-damp hair, pulled back.

  Ana walks over to us with obvious annoyance. “Where have you two been? They announced our group is supposed to meet in the foyer for a guided tour, like, five minutes ago.”

  “Gross, that doesn’t sound like fun. Do we have to?” Apate whines to me.

  “You say that like it’s up to me. Of course we have to,” I tell her, while wondering if I can get out of it myself.

  I scour the room, looking for a big, hulking dragon, but he’s nowhere to be found. Hopefully he decided to skip out on me and go to whatever group activity he has without being late. Thank Zeus for itty bitty favors.

  “I mean, what would we do instead?”

  “Um, anything?” Ana says like it’s obvious.

  Apate points out, “I think that Harold guy said something about a lake or pond near here. We could go swimming! They’d find us at the pool here, but I doubt anyone will find us at the pond.”

  “All of this time and all this stuff they’ve told us, this is the
one thing you’ve decided to remember?” I ask in dismay.

  “I know how to prioritize.”

  “Let’s do it. Sounds like way more fun than looking at the dusty old antiques. Don’t they realize that at our age, we are the antiques?” Ana asks with an eye roll.

  “Plus, you know who will be at the tour. Are you really ready to face him?” Apate asks me.

  I like to think that the real selling point of their arguments is the fresh air and scenery, but I’m not the daimon of dishonesty. So, I’ll admit it. I don’t wanna see Mr. Scaly just so he can kneel down and hand me a ring that will self-destruct in six months, minus one day.

  “Fine, fine, lead the way. When Nemesis finds out? This so wasn’t my idea. No mentioning Hunter, either.” I narrow my eyes at Apate.

  Our bit of espionage includes making ourselves unnoticeable. From there it’s just a nice brisk walk through the woods. Well, actually a mile or so. Once we get through that little slice of hell, we reach a large pond full of clear blue water. It is rather lovely.

  Ana is the first one in the water. I watch her for a moment, just enjoying the scenery. She swims around, quickly up to her chin in water, then under the surface. Apate takes a bit longer getting used to the water, only going in up to her knees and complaining all the while.

  “Oh, we are so screwed,” Ana tells us with a groan when she surfaces farther out in the water.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a body, fresh too. If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it’s only a few days old,” Ana shouts out.

  “What are we supposed to do? This isn’t our territory.”

  “Okay, how about we drag the body up on the bank and see what we’re working with,” Ana finally suggests.


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