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Blind Date With the Billionaire Part 3: Back to You

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by Cordelia Baxter

  Blind Date with the Billionaire 3: Back to You (Billionaire BBW Erotic Romance)

  Cordelia Baxter

  Copyright 2012 Cordelia Baxter

  All Rights Reserved


  "Monica...Earth to Monica..."

  Monica's head snapped up at the sound of her name.

  "Oh sorry, Claudette," Monica replied with a shake of her head. "I didn't hear you."

  "I'll bet you didn't," Claudette said. "You looked a million miles away. What's wrong, girl?"

  "Oh nothing," Monica lied.

  "You sure?" Claudette asked.

  "Yeah, just tired. I haven't gotten much sleep lately," Monica answered.

  "Mmm hmm," Claudette replied knowingly.

  "Uh...yeah...just been pretty hectic around here, with the layoffs and everything." Monica was becoming uncomfortable under Claudette's scrutiny.

  "You've been wearing that sad look on your face for 3 weeks. Now something happened to you. You don't have to tell me what it is, if you don't want to, but I think it would help to get it out. And I'm here for you if you need someone to listen," Claudette said.

  She eyed Monica with concern. They had worked at Edison Electric together for eight years. Though they were friendly, they weren't particularly close. Monica was surprised Claudette cared enough to offer her a friendly ear. She never really had any close girlfriends. The same insecurities that kept her from forming lasting meaningful relationships with men also kept her from forming friendships with women as well. Monica really did want to talk to someone about her problems. It would make it seem more real rather than just a fantasy she made up in her mind.

  She had broken up with her boyfriend, Gabe Stark, almost a month ago. They were only together for one week, but she had enjoyed that blissful time in the arms and bed of a dashing, handsome billionaire. Gabe had made her feel beautiful, desirable and loved. Even though it was such a short time, she seriously thought he was "the one". Monica had started to envision her future with him--marriage, kids, the whole nine yards, but it had all been snatched away in an instant. She caught him in the arms of his gorgeous ex-wife at a charity ball.

  The truth of the matter was Monica didn't even know if she and Gabe were officially broken up. Things had been left up in the air, unresolved. After she stormed off on him, he hadn't bothered to contact her, and she assumed it was over.

  All Gabe's friends seemed to think it was a foregone conclusion that he and his ex would reconcile. They said he was just using Monica as a hook-up. Not quite a booty call, but definitely not girlfriend material either. And why would he? Monica thought bitterly. She had nothing to offer any guy, especially someone like Gabe. He could have his pick of women, and she was just plain old Monica. She felt like a fool. Her days stretched before her, endless and alone, without any glimmer of hope.

  "Thank you, Claudette," Monica finally replied. "I really appreciate it. The truth is, I just...well...I met someone,'s kind of complicated."

  Monica was interrupted by a phone call before she could continue her story.

  "I'm sorry," Monica mouthed, while on the phone. "I have to take this."

  "Listen, how about we go out to dinner after work. You can tell me all about it then," Claudette whispered.

  Monica nodded her head and gave a thumbs up in agreement, feeling a small glimmer of cheer.


  "So tell me what happened," Claudette began once they had found seats and placed their orders with the waiter. They had gone to Monica's favorite restaurant after work. It was only a few blocks from the office, so they made it before the dinner rush, and were able to get a quiet table by the back of the restaurant.

  "I don't even know where to start," Monica said. "It's pretty crazy."

  "Well, start at the beginning," Claudette said as she smiled sympathetically.

  Monica took a deep breath and dove in.

  "About a month or so ago, I met a guy online," Monica began. "We went on a date and really hit it off. It was like we'd known each other for years instead of having just met. He was the sweetest guy, so thoughtful and so generous. He always knew what to say to make me feel...special."

  "Sounds perfect," Claudette commented.

  "Oh he was...or at least I thought he was," Monica said. "Turns out I got played."

  "What happened?" Claudette asked.

  "I caught him kissing his ex-wife."

  Claudette's eyebrows shot up, and she waited for Monica to continue.

  "Yeah, I know," Monica said. "I couldn't believe it either. We'd spent the previous week practically glued at the hip. He told me how wonderful I was, and how I was so different from all the other women he'd met before. He really had me believing we had something special."

  "What did you do when you caught him?" Claudette asked.

  "I just stood there and stared. I was so shocked," Monica answered. "But then I came to my senses and left."

  "Did he see you?"

  "Yeah. He came after me once he saw me."

  "What happened next? What did he say?" Claudette asked.

  "Oh he just tried to make excuses, like it wasn't what it seemed. That she kissed him, and how he didn't want to do it. As if I'm that stupid," Monica scoffed.

  "You didn't believe him?" Claudette asked.

  Monica was surprised by the question. It didn't occur to her that Gabe could be telling her the truth. While he did look sincerely miserable after she left, she disregarded it. After everything she heard about Gabe and his ex at the ball, she was certain all the rumors were true--that Gabe never got over his ex-wife and was just using Monica as a way to make her jealous.

  "No. I mean, it didn't make any sense," Monica explained. "I'd heard from countless people how Gabe was pining for his ex-wife Carla ever since she walked out on him. When I saw them kissing, it just confirmed everything I was hearing."

  "And you think he set everything up? Meeting with you, spending all that time with you, all the kind words--you think that was all an act to win his ex back?" Claudette asked, incredulously.

  Now that Claudette had put it like that, the seeds of doubt were planted and Monica was starting to regret jumping to conclusions so quickly.

  "Uh...yeah, that's what it looked like," Monica answered uncertainly.

  "Did he say anything else? Offer any other kind of explanation?" Claudette questioned.

  "No, I didn't really let him. I was so angry and upset, I just wanted to get out of there," Monica explained. "I didn't give him a chance to hear his side of it."

  "Sounds like there's more to this story than you think," Claudette said. "Have you thought about calling him?"

  "Oh no way!" Monica blurted. "I'm sure he's moved on by now anyways."

  "Now why would you say that?" Claudette asked.

  "Cause he's Gabe Stark," Monica stated, as if that explained everything. Claudette stared at her blankly, waiting for her to continue.

  "You know the billionaire Gabe Stark. He's the one who's investing in that solar project at work," Monica explained.

  "Ohhh," Claudette said, once she had registered the name. "You were dating the Gabe Stark?" she added incredulously.

  "I know," Monica replied. "It's hard to believe, but it's true."

  "Oh honey, I hope you're not offended by my reaction. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just surprising to hear about anyone I know dating Gabe Stark. He's like one of the most eligible bachelors in the country," Claudette said.

  "It's all right. I don't mind really. I can't believe it myself sometimes," she said. "It's just so crazy that someone like him was into someone like me. I mean w
hen you compare his ex-wife to me, I almost can't blame him for wanting to get back with her. She's so gorgeous."

  "You’ve got to stop that," Claudette admonished. "You're just as gorgeous and kind; you shouldn't be so hard on yourself."

  Monica knew Claudette was right, and she should have a little more self esteem. It was something Gabe was always telling her too; it was just a hard pattern to break. All her life, she'd been told how undesirable she was, and how much better she'd look if she lost some weight. She started to believe it for herself. It was hard to change her thought pattern.

  "Besides," Claudette continued, "I'm sure Gabe saw something special in you too. I really think you should call him."

  "Oh I couldn't do that," Monica said.

  "And why not? You should at least hear what he has to say for himself."

  "Cause it's been over 3 weeks and I haven't heard a peep from him. He hasn't called, texted, or messaged me. I don't think he wants to hear from me after all this time. Like I said he's probably moved on," Monica answered glumly.

  "The way you described him earlier makes that hard to believe. He sounded like he was really into you. Maybe he's waiting for you to contact him? Maybe he thinks you don't want anything to do with him, and that's why he's keeping his distance," Claudette suggested.

  "You really think so?" Monica asked, cheered by the thought. He did look miserable when she left. Maybe she did act too hastily walking out on Gabe, and she should give him a call to hear his side of things. She did owe him that much, she reasoned.

  "I do," Claudette answered. "Besides it never hurts to try. That way you'll know for sure, instead of wondering if you've made a mistake."

  Monica was grateful to Claudette for her advice and friendly ear. She was starting to feel the first inkling of optimism in three long weeks.

  "Thank you so much for listening to my problems," Monica said to Claudette as they were finishing their meals. "I can't tell you how much better I feel just to talk about it."

  "Don't worry about it," Claudette said. "I'm here anytime you need someone to talk to."

  As they were calling for the check, Monica turned toward an approaching waiter and her eyes were arrested by the sight of Gabe Stark standing 20 feet away from her. He was walking behind a waiter towards an open table and Monica continued to follow him with her eyes. She had forgotten how handsome he was in person. Her memories did not do him justice. She drank in the sight of him and admired the way his black suit fit his tall muscular form like a glove. His thick hair was styled back from his face, and he wore that familiar grin that Monica loved so well. It showed off the dimples in his cheeks and gave him a young carefree appearance. It ached just to look at him.

  Once he reached the table, Gabe pulled out a chair and that's when Monica noticed he was with a woman. She was tall, beautiful and blonde, and Monica hated her guts. The woman smiled up at Gabe as she took the seat he pulled out for her. She must've said something funny because Monica heard Gabe's deep laughter across the restaurant. Monica's heart sank at the scene. He's obviously on a date, she thought sadly.

  "Are you all right, Monica?" Claudette asked, eyeing her with concern.

  "I'm fine," Monica replied, pasting on a shaky smile. "Let's get out of here, shall we?"

  "Sure. Are you sure you're all right? I could swear you look like you've seen a ghost," Claudette added.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. It's been a long day," Monica lied. Even though Claudette was the closest thing to a girlfriend she had, she wasn't ready to be that vulnerable in front of her just yet. She wanted to run away and go home where she could cry her heart out in peace.

  They got up from the table and Monica squared her shoulders, looking straight ahead, though she couldn’t disguise the pain and longing in her eyes. She didn't want to look in Gabe's direction, but at the last minute, her resolve faltered, and she turned around. Her eyes met Gabe's startled face staring right back at her. He looked shocked to see her and was halfway out of his seat when she turned back around and walked out the door.

  "You should really give him a call," Claudette said, squeezing Monica's hand sympathetically once they were both outside.

  Monica gave her a weak smile, trying her hardest to hold back the flood of tears she knew would come once she was alone.

  "I'll get going now. Give me a call anytime you need to talk," she said, sensing Monica’s need to be alone.

  "Thanks for everything," Monica said. "I really appreciate it."

  "Don't mention it. Remember I'm here if you need me," she said before crossing the street to her car.

  Monica took a deep breath once she was alone. Even though she promised Claudette she'd hear his side of the story, she had no intention of calling him now, after what she just witnessed. Monica hailed a passing cab and was just about to step in when she stopped in her tracks.

  "Monica, wait!"

  She turned her head to the sound of the voice and saw Gabe standing just outside the doors of the restaurant looking flustered. She stood still, shocked that he had come after her.

  "Are you getting in or not, lady?" the cab driver asked impatiently, as Monica stared at Gabe.

  "Oh I'm so sorry," she said, snapping back to attention. She was half tempted to run into Gabe's arms and beg him to take her back but then remembered the blonde woman in the restaurant, and caught herself. She gave Gabe one last look before stepping into the cab and shutting the door.


  Monica shut the door to her apartment and crumpled on the floor. So it really was over. He's moved on, she thought. Deep down she knew that it was a possibility, but it still hurt to witness it firsthand. It also hurt that he was able to get over her so easily. She couldn't go 10 minutes without thinking about him, but he was already dating again. It made her feel like she meant nothing to him. She had been lied to and cheated on before, but it never hurt as bad as it did now. She just couldn't catch a break.

  Monica picked herself off the floor and slumped out of her jacket. She left it on the floor along with her purse and keys and plodded towards the kitchen. She opened the freezer pulling out a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. It was a familiar ritual. Whenever she was hurt or upset, she would turn to food for comfort. Each bite filled the emptiness she felt inside.

  As she sat and stuffed herself, she replayed the scenes of happier times spent with Gabe over again in her mind--how he looked standing at the bar holding that red rose in his hand, or how his smile crinkled the corners of his eyes and the dimple would peek out when he looked at her. She thought of their love making too--the way he could make her wet with one simple word, the way his touch made her skin tingle, and how his kisses ignited a fiery passion in her. But she would never get to feel that way again, Monica realized. Deep down she knew it was too good to be true. That was why she tried so hard not to fall in love, but despite her best efforts, she had fallen. Hard. Now she was worse off than before she met him. Here she was at 36 years old with nothing to show for it. As Monica sat and contemplated the way her life had turned out, she drifted off to sleep.

  The doorbell rang later jolting her awake. She had fallen asleep on the couch, still wearing the same clothes from two days ago.

  "Hello?" Monica rasped into her intercom, still groggy from sleep.

  "Monica! You finally answered."

  "Huh? Who is this?"

  "It's Claudette. Can you buzz me in?"

  "Uh...yeah sure," Monica replied. She didn't really want Claudette to come up and see her, but felt it was rude to turn her away. She made a mad dash and grabbed the empty wrappers and leftovers on the coffee table and dumped them in the trash. Monica tied a quick ponytail, hoping to look somewhat presentable even though she knew she looked frightful. She threw on a robe over her clothes so Claudette couldn't see she was still wearing the same outfit from the last time she saw her.

  Claudette rapt loudly on the door and startled Monica out of her frantic scurrying. Smoothing her hair one last time, she opened the door and plaste
red on a pleasant smile.

  "You look horrible," Claudette said without preamble.

  "Gee thanks," Monica replied, the smile falling from her face.

  "Don't give me that sad look," Claudette scolded. "I've been trying to call you for two days now. What's going on?"

  "Nothing. I've just been a little busy that's all."

  "So busy you're still wearing your robe?" Claudette asked.

  "Oh, I uh...just woke up," Monica replied, nervously retying the sash on her robe.

  "It's 3pm. What do you mean you just woke up?"

  "I was taking a nap," Monica lied.

  "I see," Claudette responded, unconvinced.

  "So what's up?" Monica asked, trying to turn the conversation.

  "I just came by to see how you're doing."

  "That's sweet of you," Monica said, "but I'm fine. Really."

  "You're obviously not fine, so stop saying that," Claudette shot back. "Look, I know I probably have no right to tell you how to live your life, but you really need to get it together."

  "What are you talking about?" Monica asked with an edge to her voice. She was getting annoyed by Claudette prying into her life. Sure, she had been a great friend the other night and had listened to her problems, but that didn't give her the right to just come barging over and criticizing her.

  "Look at you. You don't pick up the phone, you look like you haven't left the house or showered in two days, and you're still wearing the same clothes from the last time I saw you," Claudette pointed out.

  "I don't see what business it is of yours," Monica replied hurt and embarrassed. "It's my life. Besides, it's not like I have to be at work or anything."

  "I'm sorry, that came out harsher than I intended," Claudette apologized.

  "That's ok," Monica said slightly mollified. "I guess I'm a little sensitive today."

  "I just hate to see you like this," Claudette continued. "You act like you've already given up."

  "I don't know what to tell you Claudette. It's been a difficult month for me," Monica responded warily

  Monica was tired of trying to be strong. Tired of hiding her vulnerability and fears from others. It was true. Claudette hit the nail on the head; she had given up. She didn't know what to do about it and it scared her. She finally broke down and confessed it all to Claudette.


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