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Undercover Heat [Men of Iron Horse 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Morgan Fox

  “I could really get used to mornings, afternoons, and evenings like this. I’m pretty sure you might just be my fantasy come to kill me with orgasms.”

  She grinned, wondering how many other women he’d said those words to. Even if it had been a million, it still felt good to imagine it was just her. Then she realized what she’d done and shook away the need to feel anything more than satisfied by their sexual chemistry. She was treading on dangerous waters, spending more time with him than she planned. Now she had to keep from liking him, which was already more than she had.

  Lost in his brown eyes, she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move. A slow panty-dropping grin tugged at the corners of his mouth and she wasn’t sure she could take any more. He was so damn irresistible.

  “You have an entire bed to lie on,” she reminded him, casting a quick glance to the empty space beside them.

  When she looked back at him, his expression lost all semblance of humor. “If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to hold you like this.”

  The weight of his body was more obvious to her and so were the placement of his arms and hands. She was cocooned within his powerful embrace. Her heart raced.

  “Would you prefer that I moved?” he asked, his eyes searching.

  Swallowing the nervousness that rose up from her belly, she licked her dry lips. “No,” she whispered, shocked by her own admittance.

  “Good,” he said, lowering to kiss her lips ever so gently. “I like the way you feel. And I have a friendly wager to make with you.”

  She narrowed her gaze on him. “And what might that be.”

  “Should I win the bowling match tonight—”

  “Bowling has matches?”

  He smirked. “Just go with it for now, okay?”

  She smiled.

  “If I win, I get to have you any way I want you and you spend the night with me.”

  He had her interest piqued until he mentioned spending the night. She frowned. “I told you—”

  “Scared?” he questioned, arching a taunting brow.

  She struggled against him, suddenly irritated. He was playing games with her again. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

  The weight of his body wouldn’t budge. “Then you won’t mind accepting my wager.”

  He was as stubborn and relentless as she was. She clenched her jaw tight. “What if I win? What do I get?”

  The smile that graced his face was wickedly adorable. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re going to want me to win.”

  The way he looked, the way he spoke those words had her wanting to concede before she even tossed one ball down the aisle. But that wasn’t her. She wasn’t about to give up without a fight. She shook her head, pursing her lips together to keep from grinning. “You sound sure of yourself.”

  “Let’s get out of this bed and I’ll show just how much I want to win this wager.”

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you’re not in some kind of league?” Brynn asked, almost growling at him.

  Quinn smiled, loving the irritated scowl on her face. “I told you, I really want to win and I’m sure you do, too.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “No, I don’t want you to win.”

  He laughed. “Okay, then maybe you should try harder.”

  She gaped at him. “I am trying.”

  He furrowed his brow, glancing up at the points on the overhead screen. “Oh, well, in that case, you really suck at bowling.”

  She inhaled a horrified breath and moved to punch him in the shoulder. He blocked it, spinning her into the confines of his arms. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it,” he said, holding her tight. “I just can’t wait to collect my prize.”

  “Oh,” she growled, trying to get free of his hold. “Have you noticed how often you’re restraining me?”

  He chuckled. “I think you secretly like bondage.”

  She stopped moving and laughed. “Whatever,” she blurted out, her cheeks growing red. “I’ve never done that to know one way or the other.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Maybe it’s something we could try later. Role-playing, bondage … I’m game if you are.”

  She shook her head, playfully disregarding his flirtatious nature. “You’re a mess and it’s my turn to get a strike.”

  “Go ahead, beautiful. Show me what you got.”

  As luck would have it, she did get a strike. “Oh, shit,” she shouted, rounding to face him. “Did you see that?”

  He stiffened his spine, once again glancing up at their scores. He still had a good lead on her. He wasn’t worried. At least, not yet. “You only need three more of those.”

  Like that was ever going to happen.

  She bumped her chest into his, as if to start a fight with him. “Oh, I’ll get those strikes,” she warned him. “Just watch me.”

  By the end of the game, she’d managed to get those strikes and one more just to rub it in. Defeated, he sat down and took his shoes off. Once he finished, he followed her as she practically skipped up to the counter. He’d never seen her so happy and he liked it, even though he really wanted the outcome to swing in his favor.

  Wanting to spend time with her was one thing, but wanting it as badly as he did was out of his element. He should be focusing on his case, instead of finding ways to be with Brynn. And even though he knew that, he couldn’t make himself veer away from the desire to be with her.

  “So, as the winner, what would you like?”

  She tucked her arm in his as they walked to his motorcycle. “I did win, didn’t I?” She cheered, looking at him with a beaming sense of pride. “Let me think … there are so many things that sound amazing.”

  He groaned, his chest tight. “I’m so glad you win gracefully, or my poor ego might be a bit more bruised than it already is.”

  She stopped and placed her hand on her heart, frowning sympathetically. “Are you upset about losing, Quinn? I’m so sorry that I. Kicked. Your. Ass.” She jumped up and down like she had just become the new heavyweight champion of the world.

  “Nice,” he said, watching her and enjoying every bit of her teasing fun. “I’ve never been more humiliated.”

  She laughed and laughed and he loved it. Her happiness settled in his stomach like a warm cup of cocoa on a cold winter day. It felt good, real good.

  Once she calmed, her rosy cheeks only made her more beautiful and it hit him just how much he liked her. It wasn’t just about having sex and spending more time with her. His need was deeper than that. He wanted to get to know her. Really know her. But she fought him at every turn and he knew convincing her to open up more would be near impossible. Winning would’ve given him the edge, but he’d lost it.

  She closed the distance between them, staring up at him with a delightful smile on her face. “As the winner”—she brushed her fingers over the side of his face, cupping the back of his neck—“I want a night with you.”

  His brow sprung up in question. Had he just heard her correctly? “I’d give you that anyway.”

  “True, but I’m willing to go one step further. Tomorrow night, when I get off work I’ll come by and …” The long pause almost killed him. Stay the night with you.”

  “Are you serious?” He’d forgotten to sound cool and tough as nails as he asked her, realizing he must’ve sounded like an adolescent boy instead of a bad-ass biker dude.

  She pressed to her tiptoes and kissed him. “Yes, Quinn. I’m serious. But it’s one night and only one night. We’ll see how it goes and if I don’t like it … If I can’t handle it—”

  “You will. You can,” he countered before she could finish.

  Her grin had him smiling in return and completely amazed by her. “If I do, we’ll see where it goes. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he muttered, hugging her tight and kissing her again.

  Her green eyes gleamed as she teased. “Maybe I’ll even give you a rematch.”

  He chuckled. “I’d like that.”

  Pressing her cheek against his chest, she w
hispered, “Me, too.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning, Quinn worked up at the garage. Randy had a few more bikes lined up that needed routine maintenance. He found it odd that over the last several days that he’d been pitching in with Randy at the shop, all the bikes had needed the same repairs.


  There was something going on with the kid. He’d always sensed it. He just hadn’t thought much about it, since all the intel he’d received over the months had directed him toward Cappy. What if the information had been wrong? What if it wasn’t Cappy, but someone working right under his roof? Tank and Dozer were constantly glued to the club leader. Randy was the only one who seemed to spend an excess amount of time alone and at the shop after hours. And he was a new addition to the club.

  “Hey, Randy?” he asked, stepping up to see what new project he was working on. “Another oil change?”

  “Yep,” he said, keeping his eyes averted from him. “Need something?”

  “Nope. Just finished the bike I was working on and thought I come by to check on how you’re doing. Anything I can do to help you finish up?”

  “I’m good,” he said. “Just about through with this one myself. You should get out of here while you can. No need for you to stick around. I’ve got this covered.”

  “I don’t mind. I’m sure you’d like to get home to your lady friend,” he replied, gauging the reaction in Randy’s eyes at the mention of the woman he’d seen him with the other morning.

  Randy’s eyes narrowed, a scrutinizing gaze that left more questions than answers. “I said I was good. You don’t need to stick around.” His gruff tone was filled with warning and only sparked Quinn’s need to investigate further.

  Like after hours.

  Quinn raised his hands, sensing the need to give Randy space and not start an argument. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Have a great night.”

  Randy grumbled something under his breath, not bothering to look up at him. The kid really did have a big chip on his shoulder.

  Quinn, said goodnight to Cappy, Tank, and Dozer, and then headed out. He wasn’t going to join them up at Iron Horse tonight. He preferred to be surprised when Brynn slipped into his bed again, not following her home like a lovesick puppy, or leading her to his home, as it were.

  He also had to put some groceries in his refrigerator and pantry. After seeing her at the market the other night, he’d never bothered to go back for all the items he needed. Now, his list was a bit longer and instead of grumping all the way to the store, he hummed.

  I’m fucking humming.

  Shaking off the strange feelings that brought a smile to his face, he darted up and down each aisle, putting plenty of food in his cart. He purchased more fruit and fresh vegetables than he ever had, as well as coffee that wasn’t generic. He also grabbed milk, orange juice, regular coffee creamer and one hazelnut creamer, in case she liked flavored coffee. Then he stopped off at the deli to get fresh ham, cheese, and hoagie rolls.

  Before he headed up to the register, he stopped in the health and beauty aisle. He added a bottle of nice-smelling shampoo, conditioner, and feminine body wash to the cart. He hoped she liked what he’d chosen. She might already be bringing her own items over, but he liked the idea of having things for her should she stay with him for more than just one night. With that in mind, he picked up a toothbrush and hairbrush for her as well.

  Shoving the groceries into his saddlebags and backpack, he headed home. After unloading all the items he’d purchased, he took the time to clean up his place. He hadn’t realized just how unkempt it was until he took a moment to look around. From the piles of pizza boxes on the counter to the bulging trash can, he wasn’t sure how she hadn’t run away screaming for fear of the critters that could live in a mess like his.

  Chuckling, he dumped the trash, wiped down all the surfaces, cleaned up the bathroom and kitchen, and even vacuumed. Lord only knew when he’d last done that. Shit, he was surprised the contraption even worked.

  He yawned, making him take note of the time. It was late, but still too early for his liking. Brynn had a few more hours left in her shift before she headed his way. If she didn’t back out. Something made him dismiss the idea. Maybe it was that he felt a unique connection to her, one that went beyond sex and leaned more toward a building friendship. Liking her had been easier than he’d ever imagined. She was spunky and filled with so much fire he couldn’t get enough. But there was also the softer, playful side he’d finally witnessed as she charmingly won their game of bowling.

  Remembering how she’d teased him about her victory forced a budding smile on his face. He hadn’t felt this warmed by someone in a long time. Opening up wasn’t his thing. He’d focused on his job for years and hadn’t had much time for fun. Brynn was fun, and gorgeous, and a mystery that drove him crazy.

  He had no idea what would happen once his case was finished. Telling her that he’d been lying about everything didn’t sit right with him, a big part of the reason he never wanted to get close to her. Then again, he was the one who kept pulling her to spend time with him, which confused the shit out of him. He was such a contradiction.

  But it was too late to do anything about it. Brynn was in his life and he wanted her there. He’d figure out the rest when he needed to. Right now, he would enjoy the time they still had left and get all the evidence he needed to close his case. Only then would he concern himself with any kind of future they might have together.

  Or how to end it.

  * * * *

  Brynn was nervous as hell as she slipped into Quinn’s bed for the second time. But this time, when she wrapped her arm around him, he only covered her arm with his, and whispered a tender greeting. He held her this way, until she drifted off to sleep.

  When she woke, he was still there, lying next to her—reading.

  Her brow pinched tight. “You read?” she asked, rolling to her side to face him better.

  He chuckled. “Yes. Quinn can read,” he said, sounding like a caveman.

  She laughed. “Okay, so that’s not how I meant it to come out. What I meant to say was, do you read for pleasure?”

  “I do. I like mysteries and suspense novels. But mostly I like books about motorcycles.” He turned the book to show her the cover. It was a motorcycle reference book.

  “Of course it is,” she replied. “I’m not surprised.”

  “I bet you like them, too.”

  His soulful eyes gazed down at her and she realized that she wasn’t nervous anymore. Getting to know Quinn felt natural, like inhaling a fresh breath of air. It wasn’t the first time she’d noticed how easy it was to be with him. And that should’ve scared her to death, but it didn’t. He wasn’t anything like her ex had been. Even in the beginning, the connection she shared with him was nothing like the powerful one she felt with Quinn.

  Her ex never showed the kind of interest in her that Quinn had. Her ex never bothered to sexually satisfy her like Quinn had. Her ex wasn’t as sexy and mouthwateringly adorable as Quinn was. The two were polar opposites. At least, that’s how it seemed right now. There was still plenty of time for everything to come crashing down around her. But until that moment, she’d play nice and enjoy every minute with him.

  “I noticed you decontaminated your apartment. I also noticed you added perishables to your fridge.”

  He grinned crookedly. “First, I’m sorry I allowed you to see all of that nasty shit at all.” He eyed her hard. “It was gross. Second, I couldn’t let you come over without feeding you. After all, I figured we’d both need to keep up our energy.” He waggled his eyebrows and she laughed.

  “I was impressed. The air didn’t smell like funky pizza and dirty socks either. You did very well.” She shoved up to her elbows. “I did help myself to a sandwich. I was so happy you had food. I forgot to grab something before I left work.”

  He leaned toward her. “Were you that excited to see me?”

  “No. I was that tired.”<
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  “Ouch,” he said, rubbing his hand over his heart. “That hurt.”

  She smiled. “What’s the plan for today? Another chance for me to kick your ass at a game of bowling, maybe?”

  “Not a chance. I was thinking that maybe we could try our hand at amusement golf.”

  Sitting up beside him, she couldn’t help but feel a blossoming heat fill her chest. Her mind was drenched in the memories of her childhood. “I love goofy golf. I suck so badly at it, but it’s crazy fun. I used to go with my dad when I was a kid.” She was so excited about the idea of going that she didn’t care that she sounded like a kid again.

  “Then it’s settled,” he said with a smile. “As soon as you feel compelled to get up, that’s what we’re doing today.”

  She flung the comforter off her legs and sprung up from the bed. “I need to shower and then I’ll be ready.”

  He moved from the bed to join her. She put her hand up against his chest to stop him. She loved doing that. It gave her another reason to touch him. “What are you doing?”

  “Showering,” he answered simply.

  “I don’t need help.”

  “Good to know. Neither do I, but I need a shower, too. Would you prefer to bathe alone? Do you not trust that I can control myself around all the naked awesomeness you offer?”

  She frowned while feeling the heat of a smile burn at her cheeks. “Naked awesomeness?”

  He groaned, biting his knuckles. “You have no idea. But I’m sure I can handle myself. Bathing is all we’ll do.” He grinned and his voice dipped low as he said, “Naked. Together. In the shower.”

  She laughed. “Okay. Fine. You can shower with me. But I get most of the water.”


  “And when we’re finished golfing we must get ice cream, too.”

  His eyes sparkled with the humor and sweetness of her request. “Deal.”

  She hadn’t showered with a man since her ex. But showering with Quinn had been nothing like her past experience. When she handed him the washcloth, he merely took it from her hand and rubbed her body down with it and the body wash he’d so sweetly purchased for her. Then he’d washed her hair, rinsed it, and conditioned it. Rather than feeling like a routine bathing experience, she felt as if she’d take a trip to the spa.


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