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His Secret Virgin: A Forbidden Romance (The Sons of Sin Book 3)

Page 9

by Michelle Love

  I felt like my foot was caught in a bear trap, and I had no idea how to get it out. I probably shouldn’t have said anything about how great I thought she looked. But then again, the girl needed to know that she was a knockout. “I really think that.”

  She made a crooked smile. “I’ve never thought of myself as round in all the right places. I’ve thought of myself as plump. And to be honest, no one has ever told me otherwise.”

  “Well, that’s a damn shame, Emma.” I felt myself loosening up as I remembered the young lady sitting across the small table from me was still extremely innocent. She had been kept under her father’s wing for far too long, and she needed to know how beautiful she really was. “I happen to think that you’re remarkably beautiful.”

  Her face went beet red, and she ducked her head. “Oh, stop it!”

  The way she’d reacted did something to me. Testosterone flooded through me as I admired her shy blush. That wasn’t the kind of reaction a woman has when being told she was beautiful if she wasn’t attracted to the man. No, her reaction told me that she liked what I’d said. And that meant she might feel the attraction between us, too.

  But I didn’t want to push things with her. I eased off on the charm. “Okay, I’ll stop, Emma. I can see you’re not used to being complimented. I don’t want to embarrass you—but for the record, you deserve to be showered with compliments.”

  The waiter came back with the cheese plate, and he noticed that Emma hadn’t touched her drink. Nor had I for that matter, but he didn’t seem to see my full glass. “Would you like me to get you something else from the bar, Emma?”

  She looked up at him, shaking her head, “No, thank you.”

  He pointed at her glass. “It’s just that you haven’t touched your cocktail. The Forbidden Sour isn’t usually favored by our younger guests, and it’s not a problem to get you something more your style.”

  My skin began to feel prickly as the guy leaned in too close to her. “Hey there, buddy.” The waiter looked at me for once. “If she wants something else, I’ll let you know. Back up a bit. She’s here with me, not you.”

  His face fell a bit. “My apologies, sir. I didn’t realize, you were here…together?”

  Emma took the lead as she answered, “Yes, we are. This drink is fine with me. He wanted me to try it, and I want to try it. Besides, I’m a bit of an old soul. I like the tried and true things.”

  My cock jerked so hard I thought it might rip my slacks.

  Does this mean she’s into me?

  “Sorry,” he said, then walked away with his tail between his legs.

  “So am I,” I said, looking back to Emma. “I’ve overstepped my bounds, Emma. I shouldn’t have said anything.” I had my fingers crossed under the table, hoping that she’d put my fears at ease.

  She cocked her head to one side, looking puzzled. “Why?”

  Why? “Because you might have been interested in that kid.”

  Leaning forward to rest her face on her hand as she propped her elbow on the table, I swore I saw her eyes sparkle with flirtation.

  “I’m not usually interested in kids, Christopher. I’ve never met one single young man who made my heart thump hard in my chest, or who ignited a fire in my veins.” She picked up a piece of cheese then put it into her mouth.

  I sat back, wondering how to respond to that. Finally, I asked, “Have you ever met anyone at all who made you feel those things, Emma?”

  Her long, dark lashes closed as she averted her eyes, “I have now.”

  Holy shit!

  Chapter 14


  Not an ounce of liquid courage in me and I’d said more to Christopher than I’d ever planned to. With the moment of truth at hand, I held my breath, waiting to hear how he’d respond to my bold statement.

  I felt his fingertips graze over the top of my hand, which rested near the cocktail that had sparked this conversation in the first place. “Am I the one who’s sparked those things, Emma?”

  Like a volcanic eruption, heat filled me. My next words exploded out of my mouth on a raspy exhalation. “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

  He closed his hand over mine, and I could feel the intense heat coming off him. “I’ve got to admit the same thing to you, Emma.”

  Slowly, I opened my eyes and raised my head to look at him. “Is that true?” It was too hard to believe that he might share my desire. “I’m young. Inexperienced. It’s a little…taboo, isn’t it?”

  “I know you’re young and innocent.” Christopher bit his lower lip. “And I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I first laid my eyes on you.” He moved his hand around mine until our fingers were entwined. “Can I ask how long you’ve felt this way about me?”

  “The same,” I admitted. “Since I first saw you. But I honestly never imagined you’d be attracted to me as well.”

  “I’ve never been so attracted to anyone, Emma.” He looked me right in the eyes and I thought I saw his sincerity, but I still couldn’t make myself believe his words.

  “Don’t,” I whispered. “Don’t tell me anything that’s not true. You’ve been married, Christopher; you must’ve felt this kind of attraction before.” I didn’t want to think about his ex-wife, but I didn’t want him to lie to me either.

  With a huff, he tugged my hand, pulling it off the small table and placing it on his upper thigh, hidden by the tablecloth. I could feel his thick cock underneath the fabric of his slacks. I held my breath as heat flushed through me.

  “You do that to me, Emma. Only you. So many years have passed, and no one has stirred me the way you do. I’ve never felt like this for anyone, and I do mean anyone. Not even her. I know you must know about my ex.”

  With a nod, I tried to take sips of air as our eyes stayed locked. Feeling the length of his cock beneath my fingers, I was frozen, but I managed to say, “I do. She sounds like a real bitch. I don’t normally call anyone names, but she deserves it.”

  “Yes, she does.” He moved my hand up further until I felt the entire hot length of his erection. His head dipped close to mine, his breath in my ear making me shiver. “So, can you believe me when I say no one has ever done this to me before?”

  “I’m beginning to believe you, Christopher.” I nearly cried in disappointment as he moved our clasped hands back to the tabletop. I looked at my hand, the one that touched him in a way I’d never touched any man. “What does this mean?”

  “Whatever you want it to mean,” he replied with a sexy grin. “You’re in control, Emma. I don’t want to rush you into anything. I’m assuming, your father being the way he is, that you haven’t dated, much less had sex.”

  Embarrassed that he knew so much about my personal life, I looked down without saying a word. The waiter came back with two bowls of chowder that I didn’t even feel like eating anymore. “Here you go.” He didn’t even look at me as he placed the bowls in front of us. “I’ll be back shortly with your entrees.”

  Taking a deep breath, I looked into Christopher’s gorgeous eyes. “Your assumptions are right. I’ve never dated, never been kissed, never had sex.” Christopher released my hand, and again, I wanted to protest. My hand lingered on the table before I picked up the spoon to eat my soup. “This smells good,” I muttered robotically. My mind was everywhere but on the food.

  “To be honest, I can only smell you.” He winked at me. “And as long as I’m being honest, I can’t really think about anything else besides tasting you.”

  My panties soaked at his words. “Tasting me?”

  He nodded, his eyelids dropping a bit, seductively. “Yes, every last sweet inch of you.”

  My heart stopped. “Oh.”

  The slow grin that spread over his face made him look hot as sin. “Let’s get this dinner over with. I’ve rented the Governor’s Suite, and I’d like to show it to you after dinner. But only if you want me to.”

  I didn’t even have to think about it. “I want to see it.” We both knew I wa
sn’t talking about the hotel room.

  “Good.” He took his first drink from the cocktail. “I want to show it all to you.”

  I’d heard of hot flashes but had never experienced one. How else could explain what suddenly happened to my body? I felt like I was on fire. Tugging the top of my dress, I fanned myself. “Is this normal?”

  Shaking his head, he pulled the spoon up to his lips. “No, it’s not.”

  “That’s a relief.” I picked up my glass and found my hand shaking. “Oh, hell.”

  The way he smiled filled me with butterflies. “Oh hell, indeed.”

  Taking the glass in both hands, I took a drink. “I don’t know what’s going on with me.”

  “You’re excited,” he said smoothly. “So am I.”

  The rest of the meal went by quickly, and I honestly couldn’t remember how the food tasted. The only thing that held my attention was Christopher.

  He took my hand once we’d finished the meal, leading me out of the restaurant and up to his room. I was floating on air, and I’d never felt this way before. I’d always thought it was just some dumb expression—to find myself feeling that way made me wonder what other expressions might be true, too.

  Putting his key in the lock to his room, he wrapped one arm around my waist. “I’m going to kiss you, Emma.”

  My lips trembled and my body followed suit. I knew that as soon as we got into the room and he shut that door, his lips would be on mine. “Okay.”

  With one push, the door opened, and he moved me inside. I gulped as the door closed behind us. Then he slowly pulled me around to him, my body flush with his.

  Time stopped. My breath stopped. My heart stopped.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more.” He leaned in then, barely touching his lips to mine. I felt his warm breath move over me.

  Moving my hands slowly, I inched them up his thick arms until they wrapped around behind his throat. He took a couple of steps, moving me backward until my back pressed against the wall.

  My lips parted instinctively as he pushed his sculpted frame firmly against me, his tongue slipping into my mouth and playing with mine. Raw emotion moved through me—pure lust, but much more as he kissed me hard.

  His hands ran down my sides, then he cupped my ass in both of his palms, lifting me up and moving my legs to wrap around his waist. The bulge of his cock pulsed hotly against my sex, making me crazy for him.

  I moaned at this insanely pleasurable sensation, and his mouth left mine to kiss down my neck. The sounds of our panting breaths filled the air as desire took over. All I wanted was to feel him inside of me. It took me by surprise.

  “Please,” I begged as I arched my back to grind my pelvis against his cock.

  Soft bites traveled up my neck and then his hot breath tickled my ear again. “We’re going to go slow, baby. You’ve got so much to experience. I’m not going to rush that for you.”

  Oh, but I wanted to rush. “Please,” I begged him. “Just take me.”

  A low chuckle made his chest rumble against mine. “I will. But first, I’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before.”

  I wanted to cry with frustration at the thought of having to wait, but then he moved with me, leading me to the bed, laying me down gently across it. Struggling to catch my breath, I looked at him, watching him as he looked me over.

  His hands moved under my dress and he lifted it up, taking it off me in one smooth motion. Only a pink bra and matching panties covered my body, my flats having been abandoned at some point.

  His chest rose and fell as his breaths came hard and heavy. He pulled off his jacket, letting it fall to the floor He ripped the buttons off his shirt as he tore it off. His slacks were tented by his huge erection, and I couldn’t wait to see what they held. He undid his pants, then pushed them to the floor.

  My heart beat so hard I could hear it. “I want to see.”

  He smiled, then dropped his boxer briefs, letting me see his gorgeous cock for the first time. “There you go, baby.”

  My mouth watered at the sight. “Oh, God!”

  “I’m going to sink this cock so far into your sweet cunt you won’t know where you end and I begin.” He reached down, taking either side of my panties and ripping them right off me. With one hand, he did the same to my bra.

  Speechless, I just looked up at him. His handsome, usually friendly face had morphed into that of a sex-driven beast—a sexy as hell beast, but still a beast. He grabbed my ankles next, tugging them until my knees bent. Then he climbed onto the bed, moving between my legs.

  Unsure of what he was about to do, I closed my eyes. “Just do it, Christopher. I’ve waited so long…” I gasped as I felt his hot mouth on my sex. “God!”

  His hands gripped my ass as he lifted me up off the bed to bring me closer to his mouth, licking, sucking, and even biting me into a frenzied state. I couldn’t help myself as I screamed with desire; I was overwhelmed with feelings that I couldn’t put a name to.

  I’d never been so wet. I’d never felt so much at once. My mind didn’t know how to handle it all. When his tongue pushed into me, I felt something odd happening inside of me.

  Almost like a wave, a feeling started deep in my belly. It moved, flowing through me, tingling and pulsing up to my head and down to my toes that curled as I lost all control. I grabbed Christopher’s shoulders as I had my first orgasm, shouting his name as I burst apart. “Yes! God, yes! Christopher!”

  Slowly, he stopped what he’d been doing, kissing me lightly all over my pulsing sex before pulling his head up to look at me. “Did you like that, baby?”

  Nodding, panting, I fell back on the pillows, realizing for the first time that I’d been propped up on my elbows, watching him as he ate me out. “Very much.” Exhaustion took over, and I lay back, closing my eyes. “I’m going to need a break.”

  “Yeah, I thought as much.” He moved to lay next to me, propping his head on his hand as he looked down at me, his fingertips trailing gently over my breast. His lips pressed against my cheek as he murmured against my skin, “You know we’ve got to keep this a secret, right?”

  I opened my eyes, looking at him. “I do know that. My parents will want to kill you.”

  “And my daughters will want to do the same to you.” He kissed my lips so tenderly it made a tear slip from my eye. This was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. “But we can have this. No one needs to know.”

  Moving my hand up his muscular arm to rest on his bicep, I felt a pain in my heart. “How long can we have this for, Christopher?”

  “For as long as we both want it.” He kissed me again. “If you’re asking me how long I’ll want it, I know I’ll want it for a very long time.”

  Chewing my lip, I wondered how long we could have anything if we had to keep it a secret. And then doubt, as well as a good amount of despair, filled me. “I think I should go to my room now. This is…a lot. I don’t know if I can do this.”

  He tried to stop me. “Wait!”

  Jumping up, I grabbed my dress off the floor and flung it on, not bothering with my bra or panties. I scooped up my purse and ran out of his room, which was only a few doors down from mine, thankfully.

  I just can’t do this!

  Chapter 15


  As Emma left my room, I sat there shocked and speechless. I didn’t know what to do. All I knew was that I wanted her more than ever, and I knew she had to want me too.

  I knew it was the secrecy of it all that had stopped her from letting anything more happen between us. I didn’t know how to get around that, though. No matter what scenario I imagined to tell her parents about my feelings for Emma, nothing seemed like it would work.

  How was someone supposed to approach their friend with that kind of information? ‘Oh, hey, Sebastien, I really like your daughter, so she and I are going to start hitting it hard and heavy. Okay, ol’ buddy?”

  I could just imagine how that would end—with me on the floor
after a well-deserved punch to the face.

  Needless to say, the rest of the weekend passed with no contact between us. After trying to find Emma the next day with no luck—she must’ve been avoiding me—I decided to head home. And there was no second date at my lake house either.

  Two weeks after our explosive night together, Emma and I were at a standstill. Even though Emma and I would be polite to one another at the office, I could tell not one thing had changed for either of us. I could read it in her body language and her eyes when she looked at me—she still wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  Staring out the window one afternoon, I turned to look at the door as someone knocked. “Come in.”

  In came Sebastien, and he looked irritated. Alarm bells went off immediately. Did she tell him about Concord?

  “I need to talk to you, Christopher.” He slammed his fist into his palm. “There’s a son-of-a-bitch nosing around my little girl, and I want that to stop. Please tell me you can do something about it. It’s inappropriate in the workplace.”

  I didn’t want anyone nosing around his daughter either. “I can. Who is it that’s bothering Emma?”

  “Randy from accounting.” He took a seat, then tapped his foot relentlessly, his protective instincts apparently getting the better of him. “And he’s gone so far as to follow her back to her office to ask her out on a lunch date, the little weasel.”

  I took my seat behind my desk. “I see.” Jealousy started to build up in me, but I knew I had to try to be reasonable. “Did she tell you that he was bothering her? Or is it just you who has a problem with it, Sebastien?”

  He shook his head. “No, she told me about it and asked me how she could make him stop. I told her not to worry, that I would handle it. She pleaded with me not to embarrass her, and said I should come to you for help.”

  “Oh, she did?” I knew then for certain that she wanted me to stop it, and that made me very happy. “Well, I’ll have someone from HR tell the kid that his behavior is inappropriate, and if he pursues it further, it will be considered sexual harassment. If he values his job, which let’s hope he does, that should be deterrent enough.”


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