Book Read Free

The Warrior Elf

Page 51

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  Rhianna shook her head. “I live in Milhaven. I was already here when we found out about Eryn. The only reason we did was while I was out at the stable one day, Marshall said my eyes looked like his grandfather’s. When he said that, I asked a few questions, and Myron took it from there.”

  “So you aren’t here in an official capacity?”

  Rhianna shook her head again.

  “You want to be here? Among these humans?”

  “Yes,” Rhianna said. “Same as you, in Farragon.”

  Dougan gave a slow nod and asked when he’d be allowed to see his grandson.

  “I’ll take you down to the stable as soon as his parents are ready to go,” Rhianna said. “And before you ask, it was Marshall’s idea to meet you there. He prefers the outdoors, as I’m sure you can understand.”

  Ten minutes later, Rhianna led Marshall’s parents and Dougan out of the castle and down to the stable.

  Kevin watched from one of the windows in the reception area and shook his head. “I’m going to owe her so much for dealing with him this weekend. But I have to admit, I’d gladly pay whatever she wants as long as I can stay out of it.”

  “Pay her?” Ariel asked.

  Kevin shook his head. “Figure of speech. It means she’s doing me a big favor. She’s not expecting anything in return, but if you happen to know of something she’d like to have, don’t keep it to yourself. I’d love to give her something as a show of appreciation.”

  Ariel nodded and turned back to his work.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  As far as Kevin could tell, things went smoothly Friday evening. He and Rhianna had dinner with their guests, and afterwards she suggested Dougan join her for a walk while Marshall showed his parents where he lived and introduced them to Neiven. While they were gone, Kevin took Nikki for a quick walk and retreated to his room.

  Rhianna thought it would be best to keep their guests away from the castle Saturday, so before everyone headed to bed Friday evening, she suggested that Marshall saddle some horses Saturday morning and show his family around the area. After an early breakfast, Rhianna picked up the picnic basket Miranda had prepared for them, and the five of them left for the day.

  Kevin had only been in his office a few minutes when Hayley knocked on his door. “Have you got a minute?”

  “Sure, come on in.” Kevin wasn’t sure, but he thought this might be the first time she’d ever come to see him on her own. “What can I do for you?”

  “Do you have time to take me to Bridgeport this morning?”

  “Just you?”

  Hayley nodded. “Marcus said you’ve got some guests this weekend so he needs to stay here, but I’ve got patients up there I need to see. It’s been weeks since I’ve checked on them, and there’s no other sister around for miles. I want to be sure everyone’s all right, and I need to check on the babies...”

  Kevin held his hand up for her to stop. “Take a breath, Hayley. It’s fine. You don’t have to justify it. You’re a sister. All you need to do is say you want to go.”

  “You don’t think I’m being silly for wanting to check on them?”

  “Of course not. What gave you that idea?”

  Hayley shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess it’s because I’m not their sister. I haven’t been assigned to that area, but I still feel responsible.”

  “Let me ask you something,” Kevin said. “Is there another sister working out of Bridgeport whose feelings will get hurt if the people turn to you?”

  “There’s no sister up there at all.”

  “So, for all practical purposes, you are their sister.”

  Hayley sat up a little straighter.

  “What time do you want to go?”

  “As soon as you can take me. I brought everything I’ll need,” Hayley said. “At least I think I did. I hope I did.”

  Kevin laughed. “Well, if you get there and realize you need something you don’t have, when we pick you up, you can get it and we’ll take you back. No problem.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Kevin nodded. “So, do you want to go now?”

  Hayley jumped up. “If you have time.”

  “I’ve got time.” Kevin stood up. “And Hayley, if you want to go every week, we can arrange that. We may not always be able to take you on a Saturday, but we’ll get you there.”

  A few minutes later, Kevin and Hayley were in Marcie’s front yard with a large bag of herbs, bandages, and other supplies. “What time do you want me to pick you up?” Kevin asked.

  “Would it be too much trouble if I stayed until tomorrow?”

  “No trouble at all, but it’ll have to be around lunch. Right now my morning’s pretty full.”

  Hayley nodded. “I’ll be back here by lunch tomorrow. Any time after that will be fine.”

  “See you tomorrow,” Kevin said. Right as he started to turn the key, Marcie’s front door opened and Caleb ran down the steps.

  “Hi, Myron,” Caleb yelled as he picked up Hayley’s bag. “It’s all right. I’ve got it.”

  As Caleb lugged Hayley’s bag up the steps, Kevin grinned and left for home.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sunday dawned clear and bright, the type of day that begged for people to get out and enjoy it. Unfortunately, Kevin would be lucky if he found time to enjoy five minutes of it.

  It started with a quick trip to Rainbow Valley. Warren and Torrey had been at the cave for a little over a month, and even though Torrey had already gone home for a visit, she was ready to go again. She wanted to take a few more things back home, pick up some others, visit some friends, and go by the dry goods store.

  Warren hadn’t been back since the day they’d left and he wanted to talk to Colin and Ryan to be sure things were going smoothly. The fact that Myron checked in with them once a week and gave him a full report wasn’t enough. He wanted to hear how things were going for himself.

  When Kevin got to the cave, they were both pacing, eager to be on their way. He picked up the bag Torrey had packed, held out his arms, and a few moments later, they were in Torrey’s kitchen in Walnut Springs.

  “What time do you want me to pick you up?” Kevin asked as he got ready to head back.

  “Wait a minute.” Torrey started digging through the bag she’d packed. She pulled a couple of cheesecloths out and handed them to Kevin. “The one in your right hand is for Chris. The one in your left is for Laryn and Steve. And tell Chris I said if Marcus is anywhere around, he needs to share.”

  Kevin grinned. “I will. Now what time do you want to go back?”

  “Later this evening would be fine with us,” Warren said.

  Kevin paused. He had a meeting with Robyn at seven and he had no idea how long it might last. “I’ve got a meeting tonight. I have no problem dropping by afterwards to take you back, but it’ll be nine or later before I can get here.”

  Warren glanced at Torrey, who nodded. “Nine’s fine with us, or later if need be. We could stay until tomorrow morning if that would help.”

  “It’s up to you. Either way works for me,” Kevin said.

  Torrey glanced around her kitchen. “I’d rather go back tonight, no matter how late it is. Everything I need for breakfast is there.”

  “What about dinner this evening?” Kevin asked.

  Torrey shook her head. “I imagine we’ll have a few invitations for dinner before the day’s out, but if we don’t, we can eat at the tavern. Dinner’s no problem. But my favorite coffee pot’s at the cave, and I’d like to be there for breakfast.”

  Kevin nodded. “I’ll see you this evening.” And with a twist of the key, he was gone.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  When Kevin left Walnut Springs, he headed for the canyon lands to spar with Glendymere. When they were done, Glendymere asked how things were going in Milhaven.

  “Fine as far as I know. Rhianna’s playing hostess to a warrior elf who’s visiting this weekend.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what I would have done without her. He was not please
d to find out his grandson works at the castle.”

  “Thought he was a slave?”

  Kevin nodded.

  “Is the boy an elf?”

  “Not legally, but more than I am. He’s really good with animals, so I guess that’s where his talents lie. I want Rhianna to teach him some self-defense, but I don’t think he’ll ever be much of a fighter.”

  “Speaking of fighters, have Rolan’s men left North Amden yet?”

  “If they have, no one’s told me. I hope they’ll start pulling out by the end of the summer though.”

  “As long as it’s before someone gets killed.” Glendymere stood up and stretched his wings. “Landis is doing well. I’ll start backing out in a couple of weeks and let her spend more and more time with Warren.”

  “When do you think she’ll be ready to leave Willow Canyon?”

  “She could leave now, but she’ll do better if I work with her for another month or two. After that, I’ll just be there to help when she runs into a problem.”

  “Then I need to think about moving her.”

  “I’ve told you that’s not necessary. She can stay at Wildcat Mountain or move down to the caves. She’ll be perfectly safe either place.”

  “I know, and I may take you up on it for a while.”

  “But you still plan to move her. Any idea where?”

  “Remember the island I took her to when she talked to her brother?”

  Glendymere nodded.

  “I’m thinking about using that one.”

  “She should be safe there.”

  Kevin nodded. “I may need to ask you to do something for me before I move her, but I don’t know yet.”

  Glendymere did a quick scan of Kevin’s thoughts. “I’ll check those men out before you take them to the island if you want me to. And you’re right. Having her own guard will be good when she comes back, and she’ll have to one day. She can’t stay there forever.”

  “When she does, he’ll come after her.”

  “We’ll deal with that later. For now, let’s let her learn how to be a sorcerer.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin barely had time to wash up and change into fresh clothes before it was time to take Dougan, Eryn, and Murphy back to Farragon. When he got to his office, he asked Chris where they were.

  “At the stable, telling Marshall goodbye. I think he’d appreciate it if you went out there to pick them up.”

  “How do you know?”

  “He sent Neiven in here to be sure you knew where they were so you could come get them.”

  Kevin laughed.

  “You need to head on out there and rescue that poor boy. I imagine Rhianna’s about ready to be rescued, too. She hasn’t left Dougan’s side except to sleep since he got here.”

  “We owe her,” Kevin said as he started towards the door.

  “Oh, yeah,” Chris said. “You owe her big time.”

  When Kevin reached the stable area, he heard voices coming from inside, angry voices. As he rounded the corner and stepped into the stable, the conversation abruptly stopped. Rhianna was standing off to the side with her lips pressed tightly against each other. Marshall looked like he was ready to take a swing at something, Eryn was wringing her hands, Murphy was staring at the ground, and Dougan was glaring, first at Marshall, then at Kevin.

  “Good morning,” Kevin said as if he hadn’t noticed a thing. He looked primarily at Dougan. “You said you wanted to leave before noon. Do you have your bags with you? Or do we need to go back to the castle to get them?”

  “I’m afraid we’ll be a little late going home.” Dougan glared at Marshall. “My grandson has yet to start packing.”

  Kevin looked at Marshall. “Were you planning to go somewhere?”

  Marshall shook his head and returned his grandfather’s glare.

  “He needs to come home with us and live with his family,” Dougan said.

  “Why?” Kevin asked.


  Kevin shook his head. “You’ll have to do better than that if you want me to intervene. Convince me it’s better for him to go with you than to stay here.”

  “We’re his family!”

  “And you’re welcome to visit him anytime you wish, but young men seldom stay with their families. Did you stay with yours? Are your parents living in Farragon?”

  Dougan’s mouth opened, closed, opened, and closed again

  “You chose your path. He needs to have the chance to choose his.”

  “Working in a stable? That’s no life for a soldier!”

  “I’m not a soldier!” Marshall burst out. “And I don’t want to be one! I hate fighting!” Marshall took a deep breath. “I like animals, especially horses and dogs. I like working with them and taking care of them. I don’t want the life of a soldier. Why can’t you let me be who I am?”

  Dougan shook his head. “I’m a soldier. Your father’s a soldier. Of course you’re going to be a soldier.”

  Marshall shook his head. “No, I’m not. Not now. Not ever.”

  Dougan continued glaring at Marshall. “Since you feel so strongly, we’ll leave it for now. But this discussion is not over.” Then he turned to Kevin. “Our bags are on the patio. We’re ready to go anytime you are.”

  Rhianna nodded and headed out of the stable towards the patio with Dougan following close behind. Eryn and Murphy stayed back to speak to their son for a moment, so Kevin stepped out to give them a little privacy.

  As soon as all three of them were ready to go, Kevin stepped in the middle, took out his key, and left for Farragon.

  Rhianna collapsed in one of the chairs on the patio as soon as their guests were gone. She’d enjoyed most of the weekend, but the last few hours had been worse than tense. Until then, Dougan had been pleasant. He spoke fondly of Farragon and was proud of the work he was doing there. He was also proud of his daughter and how she’d handled being captured. But the man was not accustomed to being told no, and he didn’t take it well when someone did. No wonder Marshall hadn’t wanted to risk going home for a visit. If her father was anything like Dougan, she wouldn’t go home either.

  Meanwhile, Marshall went into the smithy as soon as his parents left and fell into Neiven’s chair. He watched him work for a good five minutes without saying a word, and when he did speak, all he said was, “Thank goodness that’s over.”

  Neiven laughed. “Why don’t you take Watson and Nikki out for a run? I imagine both of them are ready for a little fun, too.”

  Marshall hoisted himself up out of the chair and nodded. “If anyone’s looking for us, we’ll be back later.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  On his way back from Farragon, Kevin stopped by Marcie’s to pick up Hayley. No one was out front when he got there, so he knocked on the door. Caleb opened it, called out, “It’s Myron,” and held the door open for Kevin to come in.

  Marcie stepped out of the kitchen wiping her hands on a towel. “Hayley wasn’t expecting you until a little later. She’s next door checking on Evan, but she’ll be back in a bit. Why don’t you have a seat? You look like you could use a break.”

  “Thank you.” Kevin sat down at the kitchen table. “I’ve been on the go all morning.”

  Marcie picked up a mug and tilted her head towards the stove. “Coffee or tea? I have both.”

  “Coffee, please.”

  Caleb pulled out a chair and sat down beside him. “Why didn’t Uncle Marcus come with Hayley this weekend?”

  Marcie shook her head as she handed Kevin his coffee. “Caleb! That’s none of your business.”

  “No, it’s all right,” Kevin said. “We had company at the castle this weekend and your uncle thought we might need him, so he stayed home. But our company’s gone now. If it’s all right with your mother, you could come with me when I take Hayley back and you could visit with him for a little while this afternoon.”

  Caleb looked at his mother and pleaded, “Can I? Please? Can I?”

  Marcie looked at Kevin with r
aised eyebrows.

  “It’s all right. Marcus is at the castle right now, and he’ll be there until after lunch. He doesn’t have anything planned for this afternoon, so it would be a good time. You can come too if you like.”

  Marcie looked back and forth between Kevin and her son and finally nodded to Caleb. Then she looked at Kevin. “As much as I’d like to see where my brother lives, I can’t. Lance and Rayne are in Bridgeport and won’t be back for another hour. I need to be here when they get here. But I’d love to take you up on that offer some other time.”

  “I’ll tell Marcus to figure out when he has a clear weekend and all of you can come for a visit.”

  Marcie nodded. “That would be nice. I’ll hold you to that, Myron.”

  Hayley walked through the back door in time to hear Marcie’s comment. “What are you going to hold him to?”

  Marcie explained about Kevin’s invitation. “And this afternoon he’s invited Caleb to go back with you and spend the afternoon with Marcus.”

  “I guess we need to get going then, don’t we?” Hayley asked Caleb. He nodded so hard his head seemed to bounce. Hayley laughed. “I’ll get my stuff.”

  Kevin finished his coffee. “Do you need to take anything with you, Caleb?”

  Caleb shook his head, but his mother handed him his jacket. When he started to argue, Marcie shook her head. “Do you want to go?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Caleb put the jacket on. “But you know I’ll probably forget to bring it back.”

  “Not if you leave it on,” his mother quipped. “And you behave. You do whatever Myron tells you to do, or Sister Hayley, or your uncle. You better not let me hear you gave anyone any trouble. I mean that.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Caleb agreed.

  Kevin put his hand on Caleb’s shoulder as Hayley walked back into the kitchen. She stepped beside Kevin and put a hand on his arm. Before he turned the key, Kevin said, “Caleb, when we get there, you’ll feel dizzy and sick on your stomach. That’s normal. Everyone does the first few times they do this, but if you’ll stand still for a minute, you’ll be fine.” He glanced at Marcie. “Around five all right?”

  Marcie nodded and said, “Have fun,” as the air shimmered and they were gone.


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