Broken Promises (Burning Mistakes Book 1)

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Broken Promises (Burning Mistakes Book 1) Page 6

by Aimee Noalane

  I knew all that. She told me the whole story on one of our many nights we’ve spent playing video games together.

  “I have no idea what brought her back here, but it’s been months now and she’s finally happy. So yeah, Micah. Fuck me. Fuck me for wanting to protect her, and fuck me for wanting to protect our friendship.”

  “You just don’t get it, do you? The only reason why I’m staying away from her is because I don’t want to hurt her. It’s hard as hell. She’s around us every damn day, and when she isn’t, I miss the shit out of her so much I just want to text her and tell her to come over. No matter how hard I try, no matter the fact that I know staying away is what’s best for her... she’s on my mind. All. The. Time.”

  “You think I don’t know?” A sarcastic snicker escapes the back of his throat. “Don’t you think I see it when you check her out? That I don’t notice the way she watches you while I’m pretending not to pay attention? Dude, I’ve known for months. And as much as I commend you for being loyal to our friendship: stop using me for your inability to—son of a bitch.”

  Rage blurs Vince’s next words. Wondering what has got him so worked up, I shift my focus to follow his. And that’s when I see her. Leaning against the brick wall closest to the bar, Aubrey is sipping on her fruity drink and manbun is so close to her, he’s practically rubbing his hard-on on her thigh. He reaches for the strand of hair hiding her face, and I snap. It’s not the first time a guy has hit on her, it’s not the first time she’s flirted back. It is, however, the first time Vince and I have allowed her to take it this far.

  “Fuck it. I’ve had enough of this.” I don’t miss Vincent’s upper lip curling when I dart past him. “And wipe that smirk off your face before I fucking punch you, Bankes.”

  I walk through the glass door with a plan—or at least I think I do. For the first time in my life, I have something good going on for myself, and as ironic as it might seem, the last thing I want is to screw it up. So, instead of drawing any attention to myself and causing chaos, I take my cell out from the front pocket of my hoodie and hide in the shadows.

  Me: Tell him to leave.

  Aubrey pulls her phone out from the back pocket of her tight jeans, and a cute frown forms in between her eyebrows when she reads my message. The speed at which her eyes dart to the window is surprisingly unexpected. Unfortunately for her, the only person staring back is her scowling brother.

  Pursing her lips, she gives the overcrowded bar a quick scan and when she can’t find me, her teal-eyes narrow to slits.

  Firefly: No

  I was expecting her response. I’m actually glad she reacted this way, it makes the game far more entertaining.

  Me: Did you know that in the early stages of its life, firefly larvae glow to warn their predators to stay away? It’s a way for them to caution their hunters of their toxic chemical components.

  Firefly: As a matter of fact, I did. But did YOU know that as an adult, the bioluminescence of a firefly is solely made for sexual selection? The male attracts the female with steady glows or flashing lights, searching for a suitable mate, and to show him she’s interested, the female mimics his irregular sparks to attract him. While he is stupid enough to think it’s love, she has obtained an effective way to tame her hunger.

  A smug smirk curls on her lips when her eyes find mine, fuming.

  Firefly: So you see, Micah, contrary to the common knowledge, the female firefly is the predator. She mates and then she kills her prey.

  Me: Someone has done her research.

  Firefly: I have. Which still leaves me wondering... why do you call me firefly?

  Awaiting my next reply, she looks up from her screen. To her disappointment, I’ve disappeared in the mass again. Standing in a nearby corner, I grab a chair and sit with a couple of guys from my medics class.

  Me: A smart firefly must learn to stay away from temptation.

  Firefly: And while he does, she dances in the meadow attracting the males who are stupid enough to fall for her charm. Thank you for your concern, Lambert, but as you can see, I am more than capable of taking care of myself.

  My jaw clenches tight.

  Over my dead fucking body.

  Me: You might be right about how things work in the dark woods, Firefly, but remember that there will always be one predator the beetles can’t escape. I’m warning you right now, don’t test me, Aubrey. Because you will soon find out that as opposed to anyone else in here, I don’t give a fuck about this place. I don’t give a fuck about getting kicked out of the academy, and being locked up in a caged six-by-eight cell doesn’t scare me. I will not ask you a third time: tell him to leave or I will make his lips suck on his own dick.

  Aub runs her teeth over her lower lip, trying to conceal her victorious smile, and stuffs her phone back in her jeans.

  She doesn’t tell manbun to leave, she sits there sipping on her damn drink and pretends like she actually gives a fuck about him; playing the game better than I could have ever given her credit for.

  I send her another text message, and she ignores it with the cutest yet most infuriating mouth twitch I’ve ever seen. She cornered me exactly where she wants me to be. Well played Bankes!

  Five minutes is how long it takes me to figure out my next move, and by the time I close the distance separating us to a mere three feet apart, she has scoped the bar at least three times.

  The second our eyes lock, her confidence fades.

  I stay mute. She watches me with wary.

  Contrary to the bullshit he’s trying to feed Aubrey about his aspiration in law-enforcement, manbun would make a lousy detective. Stick a pretty girl in his face and he loses all his senses. I mean, I’m right behind him practically breathing down his neck and he doesn’t even realize I’m there. But then again, I guess that’s what happens when you’re too self-involved and engrossed by the sound of your own voice.

  Unluckily for him, vanity is a huge turnoff for Aubrey.

  “So what do you say?” he repeats.

  Fucking pathetic. How many times can a girl avoid responding to an invitation before the guy gets a clue that sex is off the table?

  When his hand moves to take hers, I do my best to contain the urge to smash his head against the wooden counter. What I can’t stop is the animalistic sound snarling out of me, and when she hears it, Aubrey’s eyes grow wide.

  Manbun straightens his spine and spins in his chair to face me. Finally, I have Mr. Douchebag’s attention. “The lady and I are having a conversation.”

  I don’t give him the satisfaction of giving him an answer. I’ve wasted too much time paying attention to this idiot already.

  Ignoring him, I sway to the side. Aubrey matches my side-step and presses herself against the wall behind her.

  “Not to be the bearer of bad news, here, but the lady has been using you to fuck with his head since she walked in,” Vince informs. I’ll be honest, I hadn’t even realized he was standing so close to his sister and me.

  I study Aubrey’s reaction with an arched brow.

  “And if you want to save yourself from any kind of humiliation,” he continues. “I suggest you leave.”

  Aubrey glares at her twin. “Don’t listen to—”

  “Are you really going to stand there and call me a liar?” Vince arches a brow. “’Cause I’d be more than happy to tell these two what you and I talked about during our half-hour drive from Mom and Dad’s house tonight.”

  The urge to ask Vince what he’s talking about gnaws at me, but there will be more time for that later. After I’ve staked my claim on what was mine.

  I give Aubrey a predatory once over.

  “You guys are assholes,” Aubrey snaps furiously at me.

  I shouldn’t have chuckled, it only fueled her anger more, but I always get a good kick out of her sassiness and this time doesn’t disappoint. Chaperoning her was nothing new, Aubrey should have known something like this would happen sooner or later. And now that she’s had her fun, it�
��s my turn to have mine.

  I cage her in, putting my hands up against the wall. In a matter of seconds, the fury in her eye thunders into the lust I’m used to seeing when we’re alone. Contemplating my next move, I try to tame the rage she has managed to stir up. Jealousy is a new emotion for me and I’d be lying if I said I don’t like it.

  “You got this, Lambert?” Vincent calls out.

  “Yeah,” I respond, taunting the little firefly with my evil smile. “I got this.”

  His chortle gets lost in the boisterous distance and I lick my lips preparing for what’s about to happen next.

  “I hate you,” she bites back. “The both of you.”

  I chuckle. Aubrey is used to being in control of everything. Her life, her school, her friends, her feelings…but the one thing she protects above all is her heart. I understood that a long time ago. Aubrey’s heart is a vault. She’s sweet and kind to everyone but allows very few people in because it comes at a price she can’t afford to lose.

  Aubrey Bankes loves fiercely and unconditionally, but anyone she lets in also has the ability to destroy her.

  The fight in her eyes right now is a fucking turn on. She is consumed by lust and fear, wondering how she will be able to balance what she wants and what she needs. She won’t. For the first time in her life, the little firefly will be losing all her bearings. The ruthless monster inside of me will make sure of it.

  I press my hand against her throat and her pupils flare. The fury unveiled by her glare fuels the fervor inside me. Smirking, I lean close to her ear. “Lying is so beneath you, Firefly.”

  “You’re an ass—”

  My lips brush the delicate skin of her jawline and her frustrated growl dies down, converting into a soft whimper.

  “I will not claim you as mine, but I expect you to act like you belong to me. As of today, nobody but me buys you a drink, nobody but me takes you out on a date and nobody but me touches your hair or your body. Make sure you understand that I will snarl at any guy who glances at your ass and I will beat the fuck out of anyone who attempts to kiss your lips.

  “I can’t commit to you, Aubrey. I’ll never be able to take care of you the way you want me to, and for that reason, you are free to walk away from me at any time. But if you do choose to try and make this work, you will promise me two things. First, you will never show up at a fire scene I’ve been assigned to—ever.”

  She blinks.

  “Second, no matter what happens on the day I fuck up—and yes, it will happen because I am that bad of a person—you will walk away from me, and never look back.”

  Her throat moves against my fingers as she swallows. “I’m not scared of you,” she whispers, staring at my lips.

  “You should be.” My words are filled with a crippling ache. I close my eyes and breathe in before meeting her dilated orbs again. “I’m not a good person, Aub. I’ve hurt the very few people I’ve ever loved. I’m a selfish asshole who’s done unforgivable things. I’m fucked up and although I have been able to tame my anger for a long time, there will be a day where I will fuck up again and make a mistake. You need to understand that on that day, if you don’t walk away from me, I will. No matter what you say or how hard you beg, the last thing you will see is my back riding away, putting as much distance between us as possible, and you won’t ever see me again.”

  The warmth of her exhale touches my lips.

  “If I was a good man, I’d walk away from you, but I’m not. I tried and I can’t. Not anymore. I’m done fighting with myself.” I release my hold on her neck, and staring into her blueish-green eyes, I tenderly cup her face with both hands. “Promise me, Aubrey. Promise me you’ll never let me hurt you.”

  “I promise.” I can’t hear it, but I can read it on her lips, and for me, that’s all I need.

  I tilt her head up toward mine and crash my mouth on hers. Pushing past the small opening of her lips, I feast on her sweet strawberry tasting tongue, and devour her. Aubrey wraps her arms around my neck and digs her nails in the back of my scalp like she’s desperately begging for more. Every stroke of her tongue matches mine.

  She’s an addiction I am unable to tame.

  A drug I never want to quit.

  Gripping the back of her thighs, I lift her up to my waist and pin her against the wall. A needy moan escapes the back of her throat when her pelvis connects with my bulge.

  I’m hard.

  I need more.

  I palm her lower back and thrust my hips against hers. Nowhere to go, and if it weren’t for the assholes hoping to catch a glimpse of her, I’d find a way to bury my dick inside her right now.

  Kissing Aubrey is a collision of deprivation, desire, and anger. I want to lavish her with love and hurt her with a profound pain just because I know I can.

  I’m rough, I’m greedy, and so is she.

  She is perfect.

  She is mine.


  As usual when it comes to hearing the fire alarm, I have a mixture of emotions coursing through my veins. As much as I love my job, there’s always this gnawing feeling in the back of my head called fear. It creeps up on me in a cunning way. But as I glimpse back at my future wife watching me sprint toward the open door, my jitters feel different in a way I can’t explain.

  “Are you okay?” Chief pries as I walk in.

  I take one last look at my future bride and notice a dozen little fireflies bouncing in the air behind her. It’s like they’re calling me back to her.

  “Any chance this might be a bogus call?” I ask Jackson.

  Aubrey turns her head to see what I’m squinting at, and when she catches sight of the little lightbulbs flying around her, her wet happy eyes meet mine.

  “I’m afraid not, kid.” He peers up at Aubrey still sitting on the grass, watching us. “You’re one lucky man, Lambert, she’s beautiful.”

  I grin. “Nah man, she’s perfect.”

  Jackson ushers me toward the house, mocking the pussy-whipped look I have on my face right now. “Hurry and suit up, lover-boy, you’re in truck three with Bankes. The emergency operator already sent the coordinates to your GPS system. I’ll see you both when you get there.”

  “Thanks, Chief.”

  “Oh, and Lambert?”

  I lift my head.


  Vince is already half dressed when I enter the hall, and as soon as he sees me, he grins.

  “Fifty-five minutes on the dot, and you haven’t eaten dinner, yet. I guess you’ll be dying of starvation by the time we come back from our call,” I tease, grabbing my stuff and throwing it on as fast as I can.

  “First off, you’ve been out there for at least two hours. Second, my stomach is full. While you were out there, we were all in the kitchen eating the homemade mac-and-cheese Ellie cooked for us this afternoon, which was delicious by the way.” He slips his arms through the sleeves of his coat and grabs his mask. “The entire crew was watching you two like we were at the movies.”

  “You had mac-and-cheese and didn’t bring any of it out for me? What kind of brother-in-law are you?”

  “One that lost his appetite when he had to witness that pathetic thing you call a demonstration of affection.”

  By the time Vince and I climb inside the truck, the garage doors are open. One of the trucks, I assume Jackson’s, is already rolling out of the bay.

  “Couldn’t have been that bad if you lost your appetite over it.” I had a feeling he’d be watching, but to be fair, he’s the one who submitted himself to the torture. He has no idea how much self-control it took for me to stop her from going down on me. “Besides, you should be thankful I kept it clean because your sister was a real tease tonight. And just so we’re clear, you need to get used to it, bro, your sister and I will be making sweet magical love for the rest of our lives.”

  “Magical love?” He raises a brow and I chuckle.

  “Well, I figured if I said I’d be fucking her pretty little ass every night for
the rest of our lives you might want to throat punch me.”

  “You’re right.” His fist connects with my shoulder. “Shit head.”

  “Don’t blame me, it’s your own damn fault for asking,” I reply, laughing. I glance at the GPS in order to know which direction I’m supposed to be heading, but as soon as I see the address, the blood running through my veins turns ice cold.

  “Dude, just because I—” Vince’s voice dies down. I guess he just noticed the stoned expression on my face. “Shit, that’s two streets down from my sister’s apartment complex,” he exclaims while my eyes are still riveted on the screen.

  “I know.”

  I can feel my heart thumping faster than normal. It’s like it’s trying to pump the frozen oxygen feeding my lungs so I can breathe freely, but each inhale staggers and each exhale falters, causing a constricting ache in my chest.

  She wouldn’t.

  She promised you she wouldn’t.

  “Think she’ll show up?” he asks, taking me out of my trance.

  I roll out from the fire station’s driveway neglecting to follow the outlined route and take the shortcut to Aubrey’s place.

  I meet my best friend’s eyes before stepping on the gas. “If Aubrey knows what’s best for her, she’ll be staying the fuck away from that house.”




  “Attention. This is Lambert from Engine Three calling in to let you know we’re rolling onto Moore’s drive, heading toward twenty-six-thirteen. We’re two houses away. Over.”

  “Ten-four, Engine Three. This is Chief Jackson from Engine One, command, can you describe the scene for me, please. Over.” There’s an edge to his tone. Our boss is going to shit on our heads for not taking the route outlined by the GPS.


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