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Between HeVan and Hell

Page 7

by Lucy Kelly

  Seeing the look on her granddaughter’s face, she added, “We’re having an adventure. Don’t worry. I’m not senile. I’ve got a few cards up my sleeve.”

  “Okay, Grandma,” said Marta as she ran upstairs.

  Just like that, our lives have been turned upside down, Marta thought. She was thinking of calling some of her friends and decided against it. She’d watched TV right along with her grandma—better safe than sorry.

  Downstairs, Baba Gilda used the new cell phone to call Jett back. She knew he was expecting her to call and she had an idea he and his brothers would make sure she was safe.

  They had just left the jewelry store. Grace was taking a turn driving the Escalade, sneaking admiring glances at her engagement ring every time she turned the steering wheel to the right, when she heard Jett’s cell phone go off. She listened in as best as she could and then said, “Ask her not to give the cops our names.”

  After he ended the call, Jett turned to Jalen and Grace. “I don’t like the sound of this. Grace, you say you feel as if you’ve been watched all day. Now this happens only a few minutes after we leave the store. I’m going to call Arjun.”

  Jett called Arjun and related the day’s events. They batted ideas around and finally came up with a plan that seemed workable with the resources at their disposal. As usual, it was Addie who came up with a solution.

  About an hour later, they were sitting in the living room of Grace’s condo. She’d gotten a large roomy two-bedroom condo on Lake Shore Drive with part of her inheritance. Hers had a view of the lake. She had hardwood floors put in with area rugs using bold geometric designs. She was too busy for pets, so she splurged on good fabrics for the couch and two chairs. The couch had a design in Faberge blue and gold; the club chairs were rich chocolate brown velvet. The coffee table was an old steamer trunk she’d found at a garage sale.

  She’d given them the nickel tour already of the kitchen, with its stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. The dinette had a 70’s era chrome and glass table with matching chrome and white leather chairs. The guest room was the blandest room in the house with her desk tucked into the corner. Addie was her most frequent overnight guest.

  She had skipped the master bedroom on the tour; she wasn’t ready to be near a bed with these two. Especially with the heated looks they kept giving her. They’d wait to see if Gilda called back. If she didn’t, they were going to call her, or go back to the store. They spent the time waiting, going through her photo albums. Jalen had mentioned a photo of her that Addie had shown them.

  “You were wearing something she called a bodysuit. It was blue, and you were holding a weapon and wearing your uniform hat…”

  “Oh, my God! She showed you that picture? I told her to throw those away. I was just fooling around because I was so happy to have graduated from the Police Academy,” said Grace.

  “Well, we all thought you looked sexy. Justyn took the photo because he couldn’t come here until late tonight or tomorrow. He’s keeping it with him,” said Jalen. They continued going through her photos and asking questions about her childhood, waiting for Gilda to call them back.

  They were about to give up and call her when the call came in from Gilda. Jalen picked it up on the first ring.

  “Hello?” said Jalen.

  “Hello. Jett, is that you, honey?” asked Gilda.

  When he heard Gilda’s voice, he nodded to Jett and Grace.

  “No, Gilda, this is Jalen. If you need help, we have a plan to get you to safety.”

  “Well, it looks like I may need that help after all. And I thought to myself that you’d know the best way to keep my granddaughter and me safe. Do you have one of those beamer things? Like they say in Star Trek? The evil man that came in the store and hit me was named Anton Kadyrov. The police seem to think I need to hide,” said Gilda.

  “How badly are you hurt? Do you need to see a medical?” asked Jalen. It was a measure of his state of mind that he forgot to say doctor.

  “Are you safe? We made arrangements after you called the first time. Just in case. If you hadn’t called in another fifteen minutes, we’d have called you,” said Jalen.

  “Well, the officers didn’t seem to think they’d be able to keep us safe here,” she said.

  “Someone will be there within two hours. Be ready to go. Just pack the essentials for now. We’ll take care of the rest but we won’t be beaming you, you’ll be picked up by a van,” he said. “You’ll be using another transport later in the evening, I won’t say on the phone but I think you’ll like it.”

  “Thank you, Jalen, we’re very grateful. We’ll be ready. Bye for now; we have to go back to our packing.”

  “Take care, Gilda. You won’t ever have to be afraid again. Good-bye," said Jalen.

  He hung up the phone and turned back to Grace and Jett. “It’s a good thing we called Arjun. Addie says that she’s spoken to Suzanna by cell. She asked Suzanna to get them in her car, she’s due to arrive back at the house with her mom any minute. She has government plates so even if they’re seen, they won’t be traceable. Suzanna said the car doesn’t officially exist, and the name and address will come up as owned by the White House.”

  “That’s totally cool,” said Grace, chuckling.

  Jett looked at Grace sitting in the corner of the couch and said, as he stood up to walk over to her, “Gilda and Marta will be safe. We don’t have to do anything about your case until this evening,”

  He stood in front of her and held out his hand. “Will you come and make love with us?”

  Jalen’s head turned at Jett’s question. He’d been standing in front of the window, trying to get his need for Grace under control when he heard Jett’s words. He, too, waited for her answer.

  Grace looked at them both, and knew what this step meant.

  “What about Justyn?”

  Jalen walked over to the couch to stand with Jett. He also held out a hand. “Justyn will be here by morning. He would not deny us this opportunity.”

  Grace reached up with both hands and let them pull her to her feet.

  Chapter Five

  “Follow me,” said Grace.

  Grace walked down the hall to her bedroom. Her bedroom had an Asian feel. The bed was on a low platform with just the mattress on a black frame. Behind a Shoji screen, there was a small sitting area with another window overlooking the side street with the lake in the distance to the right.

  Good thing I went with the king-sized bed, she thought.

  She opened the door, stepped through and turned around.

  “I’ve never been with two men at the same time before. How does that work, exactly?”

  Jett had already removed his shirt and tossed it on one of the chairs in the corner. Jalen was watching Grace, and he could see the hesitation in her eyes.

  “Did Addie have a chance to explain the physiological differences between human and Nephilim? Though you have many human traits, we’ve discovered that Nephilim DNA is dominant when it comes to parts of the body that are affected by arousal. The giving and receiving of pleasure in our culture is considered essential to good health. Our bodies are made to experience those pleasures,” Jalen explained.

  “No. She hinted at stuff, but there was so much to tell me that we never got down to the nitty-gritty,” she said, and they smiled with her.

  “The two biggest differences are that you can take both of us at the same time, one from the front and one from behind without discomfort or pain. As your arousal increases, your body will relax and secrete the necessary moisture to lubricate our entrance. You’ll find that during sex, all of your orifices are linked sexually and the intensity of orgasm increases when more than one is penetrated during sex.” He gave her a close look to see how she was taking the explanation and then continued.

  “The second biggest difference is that Nephilim have a skin tube or flap at the back of their throat, which is normally closed. With arousal, it opens and allows you to breathe through your
nose while at the same time taking one of us deep in your throat. When you approach orgasm, small ridges or bumps will appear along the flesh in your throat, which when rubbed against, gives pleasure to both.”

  “Wow! I wonder why our medical doctors never discovered that?”

  She gave a little shiver as Jett stepped up behind her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her back to lean against him.

  “The flap seals completely when not engaging in sex; it would be difficult to discover even during an autopsy, unless you knew it was there. And though the number of Nephilim on this planet is unknown, relative to the normal population, I’m sure it’s a small segment,” Jalen said, stepping closer.

  “Okay, that makes sense,” she said.

  If they get any closer, I’m not going to be able to concentrate on what he’s saying, she thought.

  “There are many places which heighten arousal and give pleasure. To make you feel more comfortable, Jett and I would be happy to give you a female pleasure massage. What we, in our language, call Kuan Haddis, which means opening the heavens joyfully. Will you let us do that?” he asked.

  “Alright. What’s a male pleasure massage called?”

  “Kalu Ki’, which directly translated means, hold the earth. Men are considered of the earth and women of the heavens. The Joining of the heavens and the earth is the Ankida, which is why once Joined, what you call married, you will refer to us as your Ankida.”

  “Okay, I may have more questions later but for now, I’m good,” she said.

  “First, Jett and I will remove our clothes so you don’t feel too exposed when we remove yours. Then Jett will bathe you while I prepare. Do you have any massage oils?”

  “I’m not sure, I might. If I do, they’re probably old. I know I have some bath oils; you’ll just have to look.”

  “Okay. From this point on, we’ll speak minimally so you can concentrate on feeling every touch as we go along.”

  Then Jalen leaned forward and gave her a brush of his lips before he stepped back and removed his clothing in front of her. She enjoyed looking over his tall frame, and when she saw that he was already semi-erect, she was happy that he had explained.

  I hope he’s right or that will never fit, she thought.

  Jalen finished undressing. He calmly put his clothing on the chair and then reached to hold Grace in his arms, turning her so she could watch Jett undress next. Once Jett was finished undressing, he picked up Grace in his arms and carried her into the bathroom. Grace had done the master bath in black and white. She had a heated floor of white and black marble; the marble tiles went up the walls halfway and then were topped by a row of glass tiles in a horizontal band. The fixtures were all white with old-fashioned black porcelain knobs. He sat on the edge of the tub with her in his lap. As he adjusted the water temperature, he slowly ran his other hand up and down her back from her nape to her hips. After he got the temperature right, he turned to her and began to run his other hand over her leg from knee to hip.

  When the tub had filled up enough, he lowered her in. Then he got a washcloth and some liquid bath soap and slowly started washing her body. He started at her feet, working his way up her legs to her hips. He didn’t touch her in any sexual way; this was all about relaxing her and preparing her for the massage. While he continued to bathe her, Jalen was walking around the condo preparing a place for the massage.

  First, he located the massage oils and was pleased with their scent. Next, he went into the kitchen to heat some water. He planned to put the oil container in a bowl of hot water to warm it. While the water was heating, he found some spare sheets and put down two large flat sheets folded over on the bedding to protect it from excess oil. Next, he dimmed the lights, leaving only a small lamp in the corner turned on. He looked over the area and seeing everything in place, went into the bathroom.

  “Is she ready?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Yes,” answered Jett.

  Together, they helped her out of the tub and then used soft towels to blot her dry. Jalen picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, laying her face down in the place he’d prepared on the bed.

  Jett and Jalen then poured generous amounts of oil into their hands. In concert, they each picked up one of her hands. The method of the massage took a particular form; each man’s movements were a mirror image of the other’s, so Grace’s attention wasn’t pulled more towards one sensation over another. Starting at the fingers, they slowly worked their way up her arms to her shoulders.

  Each stroke of the flesh was measured to relax and calm; just enough pressure to relieve tired and achy muscles and not enough to cause pain. When they reached her back, one hand would sweep over the ball of the shoulder and down the shoulder blade while the other went down the soft underside of the arm, down the torso, fingers brushing the side of her breasts as the thumb flowed over her ribcage, only to come up over her hip and sweep up on either side of the spine.

  Each type of stroke was repeated precisely eleven times before their hands moved on. They glided over her butt and moved down to her feet. They carefully picked up her feet and began using a little more pressure, testing the pleasure centers there. They were rewarded when she gave an involuntary moan as a slow orgasm rolled over her.

  Then they began working their way up her legs, widening them a little as they went. They could see that her first orgasm had nicely moistened her. They continued up her thighs, paying attention to her breaths and how her skin responded to their touch.

  Finally, they reached the top of her thighs, using one hand to massage up and down the inner thigh, while the other reached between to spread and rub the outer and inner lips around her vagina. Moving up, the upper hand parted her cheeks to massage and rim her rosette, which was leaking its own juices while the lower hand came up. Each of them then simultaneously inserted fingers in her anus and her pussy, moving in and out, brushing against her sweet spots.

  Grace could not believe the feelings pouring through her body. She thought she knew what turned her on. Now she realized there were sensitive places on and in her body she’d never before realized were there. The rhythm of the strokes took her to another plane of sensation. She’d just come down from that first rolling orgasm and was settling into a light doze when their fingers penetrated her all at once. And BAM! She was riding a series of orgasms one upon the other, stronger and stronger until she was crying and mewling, her hips bucking and her legs trying to slam together. Finally, when she thought she was going to pass out, they stopped.

  Still without saying a word, Jalen and Jett turned her over and picked up her hands. She looked over at each of them and saw that they were fully erect and ignoring their own needs to lavish more attention upon her.

  She was about to speak when they pressed down on her palms in a place that set her off on another orgasm. By the time she was coherent again, they were massaging her breasts and then working their way back down to her feet. Once again, they had skipped over her genitalia to go to her feet. The orgasm from the pressure points on the soles of her feet was much more powerful this time. They moved up her shins, over her knees and then her thighs, still making those slow, careful, and precise movements.

  By now, she couldn’t wait for them to get to the tops of her legs. She’d already canted her hips and was slowly pumping them up and down. Her nipples were high and tight, and she was rocking her head from side to side.

  “Please, please,” she said, not knowing whether she was asking them to stop or to go on.

  They chose to go on.

  They each let their upper hand move up to a breast, and the lower hand rested the heel of the palm on her mound, dipping a finger inside her, the other fingers squeezing and rubbing the labia. Then they each used a thumb to pull back the hood and expose her clitoris, rubbing small circles on either side while the fingers still pumped in and out, and her nipples were rolled and gently squeezed.

  Grace felt the next wave of orgasms hit, over and over
again, one right after the other, even harder than before. Once again, before she passed out, they stopped. They started to pull the sides of the sheet together, to keep her warm and snug, when she reached out with her hands and grabbed onto each penis.

  She had a heavy lidded glazed look in her eyes as she said, “We’re not done. I believe these belong to me. So, shall I take you one at a time or both at once?”

  Jalen looked over at Jett, and they seemed to be communicating without speaking.

  Jalen, after carefully removing his swollen member from her grasp, walked around to the end of the bed, grasped her legs under the knees and pulled her hips down. Then he moved over her, slowly coming down until their bodies touched, his forearms on either side as he nestled between her thighs.

  “Let us do all the work, Kasharra. Just lie back and enjoy,” he said as he drove up into her with one thrust and then held still.

  “I want to remember this moment,” he said, as he looked into her eyes. Then he began to move, thrusting in and out at a steady, measured pace. Her tissues were swollen from all the attention they’d given her, and he didn’t want to cause her pain. After a minute, he stopped again and then rolled them both so he was on the bottom and she lay over him.

  He held her down against his chest as he widened his legs, pulling hers apart with his own.

  Jett came up behind her and reached down to test the arousal around her rosette. She was leaking juices, and her muscles had relaxed enough to gain entry without pain and yet still hold him tightly. Slowly, he guided himself inside, and she let out a long moan.

  “Oh, that feels so good,” she said.

  Jalen was holding her still and Jett began his own thrusting, also keeping to a steady, slow pace. He was bent over the bed with his knees on the floor. His long legs combined with the low bed made the position possible. He braced himself and reached his arms around her, curling them under her arms and grasping her shoulders. This caused her back to arch and gave him leverage for his thrusts.


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