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The Mating Season (Lycan Romance)

Page 11

by Briers, M L

  “Not exactly sweetheart-“ He moved towards her, cupping her chin and bringing her eyes up to his- he held her gaze for a long moment before he took a long deep breath.

  “The wolf in our dream-“ He offered leaving the sentence right there, no more and no less- he wanted to see where she would go with it, if she felt the beast within him now she was opening up.

  “The wolf was you-“ She gasped, her eyes wide with amazement as she took a step closer to him, her hand reached up and her fingers wrapped around his wrist by her cheek- “Is he your dream guide?” she asked remembering a very long, drink filled conversation she had with Hope one night in their dorm room.

  Adam looked slightly pained by her assumption, although he was somewhat happy that she had accepted his wolf in some form being a part of him. “Not exactly. The wolf is me and I am the wolf- he’s a part of me-“ He offered as gently as he could, seeing the confusion in her- she didn’t get it- he was going to have to draw her a picture and he wasn’t sure how this was going to go.

  “Adam-?” She was seeking clarity- he could feel the confusion coming off her in waves. He wet his dry lips with his tongue before pulling her against his chest and breathing his words against her hair.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid. I won’t hurt you- ever-“ she pressed her palm against his chest and eased herself back from him to look up questioningly at his face.

  “What-?” Didn’t he know when you put something like that it stoked a fear in a person- damn- what was this?

  “I’m Lycan Fay- I can shift into the form of a wolf-“ she took a step back from him, a smile of disbelief on her lips and as her hand dropped away from his chest, she gave a slight shake of her head.

  “That’s not funny Adam-“

  “It’s not a joke.” He ran his thumb down her cheek and the look in his eyes told her all she needed to know. Either he was a damned good actor or he believed what he was telling her- or the third option- it was true.

  Fay swallowed the lump in her throat as her fingers loosened against his wrist and she dropped her hand to her side- he could see her struggling to weight what he was telling her with what she knew to be real- true- he didn’t move- didn’t speak- his eyes held hers for the longest moment of her life and she felt the cold chill of ice wash through her veins- her body shivering against the heat of the sun- she wanted to speak but the words wouldn’t come- there was another small shake of her head- but she couldn’t make a sound as she stared back at him.

  Adam stood stock still with his hand still against her cheek, he had noted the colour that had faded from her skin as his words started to sink in- the truth of what he was taking a firm root within her mind. If he moved she might bolt- if he spoke she might run for the hills or worse start to scream- he used his touch to try to sooth her but he didn’t think it would be enough.

  It wasn’t one of those conversations that was an everyday event- he had never had to give his secret to another person before and just hope against hope that they would accept that being a Lycan didn’t make him a monster- or someone who was now going to attack and kill them- that they could see past the relative absurdity of prejudice and just see him- now he was waiting for the one person in the world that he so desperately wanted to accept him for who he was and he found that his whole body was practically quivering with the need to take her in his arms and show her that there was nothing to fear.

  He saw the glazed look come over her eyes and for a moment he thought that she was going to pass out- but she seemed to be going within herself- withdrawing to the security of her own mind to sort through what he had told her and he took a long breath and waited some more- praying that when she came back to him she would be full of questions rather than-

  He saw her eyes snap back to the present- saw the flash of fear run across her face and his heart stilled within his chest- she feared him- he went to take a step towards her but she bolted- turning on her heels- he wondered at the loss of contact his hand had with her face as his mind whirled with the knowledge that she was once again running from him.

  His wolf growled within- it had been patiently waiting to claim their mate and now she was turning her back on them- running for the entrance to the alcove. His wolf roared- demanding to be listened to- demanding to be obeyed as Adam’s mind seemed to flood back to him and he made his body work- uncaring now of his hidden form he used his speed to close the distance to his mate, on her in seconds as he reached for her to pull her around.

  Fay felt his hands on her and tried to pull away- her feet sliding on the moisture of the grass she found herself falling- her mind spinning as her heart beat a thunderous roar in her ears as the ground came up to meet her- in an instant he had managed to roll them in the air, his body beneath hers as they impacted the ground, the force of the impact hitting him hard and reverberating through hers like an sonic echo that forced the air from her lungs as everything seemed so surreal.

  Time almost slowed down for her to take it all in- his hands- the sudden fall- his body beneath hers and then the feeling of not being able to catch a breath as his arms locked about her body, holding her against then length of him as she tried to push up with the intention of getting away from him- her palms splayed against the hard muscled wall of his chest as she lifted her head and saw only his eyes looking up at her- the wince of pain flashing across his face, just as the rush of air filled her lungs and she drank it in greedily.

  “I told you not to run from me-“ His words were deep and authoritarian- she could hear the underlying growl in his throat and fear struck her again as she tried and failed to push back away from him- his eyes flashed anger as he suddenly released his hands from her back and snagged her wrists- in one swift movement he had turned them together until her back was against the grass and his body was on hers- holding her in place- he pushed her hands down against the earth beside her head and she turned her face away from him closing her eyes to everything around her- especially him.

  “Why did you run from me?” he demanded, his breath hot against her cheek and she felt the need to laugh- and not in a good way.

  Was he insane? Why did she run?

  She breathed hard beneath him, unwilling to find the words to speak to him - unwilling to look at him.

  We made love- I made love to a –

  She squeezed her lids as tightly closed as she could get them- hoping to deny to herself that this was happening- praying that it was just another crazy dream and she was just losing her mind- that option better than reality.

  “Look at me Fay-“ He breathed the words against her ear- he felt her body shiver beneath his- wracking the length of her frame- he knew that no matter what else she was feeling, underlying it all there was still that undeniable bond between them- her Fae nature recognising her mate for who he was. He needed to reach that part of her- the part that wasn’t fearful- wasn’t shutting him out- denying him.

  “Look at me.” The growl in his throat had her eyes opening against her own minds counsel. Her head turning as her eyes found his as she caught her breath in her chest- her mind, body and spirit at odds with her fear.

  “I’m not going to hurt you- I don’t want to hold you down like this but I don’t want you running off-“ His words were at odds with his wolf- the wolf was scratching the earth beneath it claws- the need to dominate her- take her- claim her as theirs was overwhelming him- he needed to reach Fay before his wolf took over completely.

  “Talk to me please- “ he begged with his very soul- his eyes imploring her to comply with his request and she shivered beneath him again, “You fear me.” He breathed out forcing himself to let her go as he pushed back away from her and she scampered back away from him, the heels of her pumps putting divets into the earth as she put some distance between them- her eyes unblinking as she kept a watchful gaze on him to see what he would do next.

  Tears filled her eyes as she sat there shaking with fear- leaning back on her hands as if frozen in place.

��m not a monster- I’m still the man you were in bed with last night-“ He turned his eyes to the ground in front of him, his shoulders sagging, his whole body deflating with the anger he felt for what had happened between them- he should never have been with her in bed until she had known him- until she had accepted him- he should never have touched her- he knew Lycan’s who had lost their mate and now he was getting a taste of just how desperate they had felt- he had seen her slip away from him so quickly- so completely in such a short breath of time and he felt it eating away at him.

  Fay found herself unable to move- all she could do was look at the man who sat before her- her mind screaming at her to run while her body shook with the fear of knowing what he was- every instinct within her was at war- she felt the need to go to him, to sooth him, to wrap her arms around him and hold him within her arms- to tell him that she didn’t care what he was and then there was the rational part of her- the part that knew she could never do that- she could never look at him again in the same way.

  He was a monster- he was the stuff of nightmares and yet in her dreams he was not to be feared- he held no malice for her. How could she reconcile what she knew to be the man with the beast within?

  He turned to look at her then, his blue eyes on hers and she felt the heat flash beneath her skin, felt the need for him along with the disgust for what had taken place between them and she stared back at him with no outward emotion- it was now all raging within.

  “I would never hurt you- I want you to know that when you leave here- leave me-“ His wolf howled with disapproval within him- he couldn’t let her leave- his wolf would never allow it- but he had to let her go- he had seen it in her eyes – she would never accept him. “You’re my mate- I would rather die than ever hurt you.” He span away onto his knees, pulling himself up in an instant he sidestepped her and ran for the exit leaving her sitting on the grass staring at the empty space where he had been.

  By the time Fay had gathered herself together enough to start walking back to the house- night was starting to descend. She felt the chill to her very bones as she managed to put one foot in front of the other, her mind had been racing, but by the time that she stumbled from the woods onto the driveway near to the house her thoughts were all but stilled within her- she was numb.

  Hope sat out on the front steps of the house- the ice cold bottle of beer in between the palms of her hands as she chuckled loudly giving Abel a dig in the ribs with her elbow as she started to tip the bottle towards her painted lips, her eyes taking in the sight of Fay stumbling from the woods, her hair like a hedge witch around her shoulders, her head down and her eyes on the ground- arms wrapped tightly around herself as she placed one unsteady foot in front of the other- Hope gasped a breath and Abel turned immediately to see what she was looking at.

  Abel jumped to his feet at the same moment that Hope did, the bottle slipping from her hands and exploding onto the steps before her- when Abel set off running towards Fay, Hope took a shaky step of indecision backwards before panic had her heading for the open doorway and screaming for Faith to come.

  “Faith- something’s happened to Fay.” She knew at least two vampires would have heard her call even if Faith hadn’t and turned back on her heels as she headed towards where Abel was coming to stand in front of Fay- his hand outstretched.

  Hope kicked her heels off mid stride as she rushed towards them, she saw Fay come to a stop in front of Abel- like her mind had sensed a barrier to her moving forwards, but she didn’t look up- she didn’t speak to him and Hope’s heart was beating like thunder inside her chest as she saw Fay sway once and then collapse in on herself- Abel’s arms around her before she reached the floor and he scooped her up against his chest- turning quickly back towards the house just as Faith reached the front door with Jake, her hand flying to cover her gasp as she saw Fay crumble.

  “Oh God Jake-“

  Hope rushed to meet Abel as he carried her swiftly back towards the house- she saw the complete lack of awareness on her friends face and gasped in a breath. Fay looked like she had been drained of all emotion- of pure thought itself.

  “Fay- what happened?” She demanded hearing Faith panting to reach them as Abel stopped in his tracks and Jake stood by Faith’s side.

  “Fay- what’s wrong?” Faith demanded reaching out to take her hand- but Fay just stared down unseeing- her body painfully still and her mind not even recognising Faith’s touch. “Abel where’s Adam?” Faith demanded as the fear rushed through her and Abel shrugged his shoulders- concern had long since set in.

  “I haven’t seen him- Jake take Fay- I’ll go look for him-“ He handed her off to Jake and turned back towards the woods, disappearing at inhuman speed into the darkness within as Jake settled Fay against his chest.

  “Let’s get her inside.”


  “Adam, where are you? Something’s happened to Fay.”

  Abel felt the earth beneath his large paws but couldn’t revel in the feel of it as he normally would. His brother needed to know that his mate was in trouble and that was more important than anything else right now.

  “I happened to Fay. Abel go home.”

  Abel lifted his head and sniffed the early evening air for his brothers scent- it was faint, but it was there.

  “What does that mean bro? She needs you.” Abel started to track through the woods following the scent- he could hear the despondency in Adam’s voice and he didn’t much care for it. Something had obviously gone down between the mates but that wasn’t important now, what was important was finding Adam- he just didn’t sound right and that was just another cause for concern as Abel padded on in swift strides.

  “She fears me- the last thing she needs is me.”

  “Oh, you thought it was going to be a walk in the park- just come out and tell her what you are and all would be right with the world? Geez Adam, I credited you with more brains than that bro- she’s human-“

  “She’s fae-“ Adam growled back and Abel would take what he could get- as long as Adam kept talking this would be a breeze to find him- his scent along with the draw of the mental connection would have him located in no time and then he could set about doing what he did best- knocking some sense into Adam’s thick Alpha skull.

  “The Fae that doesn’t know she’s a Fae right- still- pretty much human in her response to you bro- what did you expect her to do? Go get a big stick and play fetch?”

  Abel chuckled to himself as he heard the low deep growl of his Alpha- his brother, his best friend- he wasn’t about to let Adam play the martyr- not when his mate needed him.

  “Don’t push me Abel-“

  “Don’t make me bro- get your butt back to the house and look after your mate.”

  How many buttons could Abel push he wondered, enough and he wouldn’t need to be tracking his brother, the Alpha in him would send him straight for Abel and sure he might get his arse whooped- but it was all in a good cause.

  “She has Faith and Hope-“

  “Hope? - Now I know you’re not seriously trying to pass that off as a plus- then Fay really is in trouble.”

  “Abel I’m warning you-“ The growl in Adam’s tone told Abel that he was putty in his paws. He could just sit back and let his big brother come to him- Adam would be mad enough to spit nails in no time and he could smell his scent- he was getting closer, or Adam was getting closer to him, either way- the fur was going to be flying soon.

  Faith kicked the bedroom door closed behind her as she rushed across to the bed where Jake had deposited Fay- before having the good sense to disappear and Hope was sitting beside her on the bed, holding her hand and rambling on about- Hope stuff.

  “She said anything yet?” Faith was clutching at straws- she saw the girl was practically as catatonic as she had been when she’d first seen her in Abel’s arms.

  “Do you think Adam-?” Hope jiggled her head about, “You know- did something?”

  Faith slipped up onto the bed and crawled to F
ay’s side across the covers as she shot Hope a look of disbelief, “Yeah I think he showed her his wolf.” Faith gave her a look of disbelief as she looked back to Fay- her mouth twitched slightly- her brow starting to show signs of creasing as she seemed more aware of where she was now.

  “Hello- signs that someone’s home-“ Hope bit out and Faith rolled her eyes as she reached for Fay’s cold hand.

  “You can be so- caring Hope.” Faith bit out between clenched teeth as Hope gasped in a shocked breath.

  “What’d I do? I’m just saying she’s pretty freaked out here Faith and if Adam only showed her his wolf-“ Faith felt Fay’s fingers move inside her hand and hissed at Hope to shut up as she leaned in with a smile of reassurance.

  “Hey kiddo- how you doing in there?” Faith tried to make her voice sound as happy and welcoming as possible and was rewarded with Fay actually blinking a couple of times- her eyes starting to become less glazed over as Hope prodded her from the other side of the bed and Faith shot her a look.

  “What the hell Hope?-“

  “Just encouraging a little movement is all-“ Hope gave her a look of pure innocence and Faith pouted.

  “Why don’t you go see if Abel found Adam-“ She offered and heard Fay take a deep long breath in.

  “Not a chance-“ Hope hissed back as Fay’s light frown became etched on her forehead.

  “Wolf.” She mumbled and Hope grinned wildly.

  “Red riding hood-“ Hope offered on a smirk and Faith lifted her hand and flicked her fingers in the air in her friends direction, the same sharp flick that Hope felt against her skin, even though Faith was on the other side of the bed, had her jumping in place with a little squeak.

  “Not funny Faith-“

  “A warning Hope.” Faith shot back as she squeezed Fay’s hand causing Fay to turn her head towards her, her eyes suddenly accusing.


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