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The Mating Season (Lycan Romance)

Page 14

by Briers, M L

  “Ok Fay- where are you?” Hope slapped Abel and motioned for him to get Adam- he shook his head.

  “I’m- I’m- crap I don’t know- but I’m coming to you- I need your help Hope. I need to get him to stop so I can sleep-“ Fay pressed harder on the accelerator- weaving from one lane to the next- her eyes rimmed red from the lack of sleep that she hadn’t allowed herself- in some vain hope of protection from the wolf.

  “I’m not at home Fay- I’m in Redwood-“

  “Redwood- Redwood-“ Fay tried to clear her mind- she had seen a sign for that hadn’t she? Wasn’t she near to Redwood? It damn well rang a bell. Just like magic the sign for the Redwood turn off flashed in front of her and she gripped the wheel. “I see the sign for Redwood- I need to-“ she pulled on the wheel and careered across all three lanes, two wheels practically lifted from the road as he car tittered back and forth in a desperate attempt to stabilise it’s weight- her mind uncaring- she knew she needed to get to Hope- she needed to make it stop- all of it.

  Hope’s breath caught in her chest as she heard the honks of the other traffic and in her mind’s eye she tested the connection with her friend- a rush of heat sweeping through her body as she jolted in place and grasped the fuzzy picture in her mind’s eye- tuning in like she had a bad TV signal, until finally seeing with such clarity everything that was going on.

  When Fay’s eyes caught sight of her red rimmed eyes in the rear view mirror Hope gasped in shock at the sight of Fay looking like a half crazy woman on the verge of a psychotic break- this wasn’t the woman she knew- she had said she was being haunted and damn if she didn’t look like it. Hope reached blindly for Abel at her side as Fay’s emotions battered her all at once- the barrage of intensity swimming through her mind was almost too much.

  “What’s going on babe?” He asked his fingers closing around her arm giving her the support she needed- smelling the fear that rolled off Hope had him growling low in his chest with his wolf’s need to protect rising to the surface- he just didn’t have a damn clue who or what he was protecting.

  Joshua got to his feet on the other side of the room- torn somewhere between tearing Abel’s hands from Hope and the need to protect her from whatever she had opened herself up to- he was a mass of indecision and hesitated in place, unable to decide on a course of action, just as Adam came off the bottom stair- his senses went into overdrive with the amount of emotions that flowed from his friends and hit him like a brick wall.

  “What the hell?” He demanded on an angry growl as Abel held up a hand to warn him off.

  “Listen to me Fay-“ Hope gushed out trying to focus her mind on Fay and only Fay- the amount of testosterone on overdrive in the room wasn’t helping her any.

  Adam took a step forwards- his wolf howling within him with the need to do something- there was no doubt from the tension that surrounded him- in Hope and the other’s, that Fay was the one in trouble- but what kind and how quickly could he get to her?

  “I need you to pull over when you get off the damn road- do you hear me Fay?” Hope demanded and Adam was across the room in an instant- he wanted to rip the phone from her hand- to shake the information he needed from her body- her eyes locked with Adam’s and she saw her fear mirrored there.

  “I can’t- I’ll sleep- I can’t sleep- I’ll dream of him- always him- I need to stay awake- I need you Hope.” Fay sounded so desperate that Adam physically felt the pain within him- his gut gripped tightly with a vengeance that wanted to make him throw up and roar in frustration at the same time.

  Fay swerved down the back road- the woods either side seemed to come alive in front of her- trees seemed to move back and forth as her head swam and her eyes blurred- Hope gripped Abel’s arm- her nails practically embedded within his skin as she watched through Fay’s eyes- felt what Fay felt.

  “Damn it Fay pull the car over before you kill yourself-“ Hope screamed into the phone as she saw the sign on the side of the road blur in and out of Fay’s vision.

  “I know where she is-“ Hope hissed in the same instant that she kicked off her high heels, turned a one eighty and headed back out of the door- Abel, Adam and Joshua in hot pursuit.

  Abel yanked his keys from his pocket as they dashed across the driveway. Apart from Hope’s car, Abel’s was the only one not being blocked in- he jumped into the driver’s seat as Adam wrenched open the passenger side- Hope and Joshua piling into the back of the cab as Abel kicked the engine to life and tore backwards down the driveway.

  “Where am I going Hope?” He demanded urgently yanking on the wheel at the bottom of the drive and spinning the tyres over flying dirt until he was facing forwards on the road.

  “Three pines-“ Hope spat out into the silence of the cab- “Fay pull over I know where you are- I’m coming to you-“ Hope demanded and she saw Fay hesitate- her blurry vision dropping to the speedo as she fought indecision.

  “To me?-“ Fay echoed the tiredness rolling over her in waves.

  “I’m coming now- pull over.”

  “You’re coming?-“ Fay locked on that thought. Hope was coming to help her- she could stop- she needed to stop-

  “Just hit the damn brake Fay please!” Hope shouted into the handset in pure frustration as Adam growled from the front seat- his mind in turmoil as his hands clenched into white knuckled fists at his knees.

  “We’ll get her brother- hold on.” Abel offered from beside him- his own wolf howling with the need to do something within him for his brother and mate.


  Fay took her foot off the accelerator and let the car roll ahead down the back road- her knuckles loosening on the steering wheel as the fatigue rolled through her like a wave she couldn’t surface from- her lashes trying to close over her eyes as she steered what looked like a drunken path with the car rolling to a stop.

  “Put it in park Fay- that’s all you have to do sweetie.” Hope’s voice was calmer now, softer but her heart still hammered in her chest as she saw Fay look at the gearstick- flick it into park- her fingers reaching for the keys in the ignition as she rested her head against the steering wheel- her fingers slipping from the keys as everything went black.

  “Shit!” Hope spat out and Adam’s head snapped round to look at her as she swallowed hard. “She stopped. But she must have passed out everything went black Adam.”

  Abel didn’t need telling once let alone twice- he hit the accelerator with a vengeance as the truck protested the speed they were suddenly going.

  “Abel!” Adam growled low in his chest as Fay’s car came into view- parked with its front end off the road and on the scrub beside the verge- and from Adam’s vantage point he could see Fay slumped against the steering wheel unmoving.

  “Got it brother-“ Abel grimaced as he raced towards the stationary vehicle- only breaking at the last possible moment to ensure that they reached her as quickly as possible- before the truck even came to a total stop Adam had pushed his door open and was out of the cab running towards the driver’s door- he practically tore from its mouldings in order to get to Fay, the metal hinges creaking out in the silence of the woods.

  He reached for her with shaking hands- his hands gentle as he eased her back against the seat- reaching over her to undo the seatbelt that held her in place- her scent calling to him making his heart beat even more frantically within his own chest and echo within his head- he growled out his pain at seeing his mate like this as his hands went to her face cupping her pale cheeks as he turned her towards him- her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow as the others came up behind him.

  “What the fuck is wrong with her Hope?” Adam growled out and Hope shook her head as she fought back the tears in her eyes- finally at her friends side she couldn’t hold back the emotions that had gripped her- her own and Fay’s.

  “I don’t know Adam.” Her voice was so uncharacteristically small as she starred at Fay- helplessness washing through her.

  Adam reached for Fay- lifting her out of the c
ar and against his chest as she whimpered slightly against the feelings that were battering her fatigued body- just being in his arms felt like a battering ram to her already shot nerves as wave after wave of emotion rolled through her.

  “Joshua drive her car home- Hope go with him-“ Abel wasn’t in the mood for arguments as he set off with his brother for the truck- Hope needed calming as much as Adam did right now and he wouldn’t put the two of them in the same truck again- he didn’t need fireworks- not now- Fay was what was important at this moment in time and getting her back home was his main task- then they could try to figure out this shit.

  Adam slid her onto the back seat, she looked so small and fragile lying against the long seat and that knot tightened in his guts- climbing in with her he lifted her onto his lap and she instinctively nestled against his chest- almost as though she knew he was there- knew it was him holding her and her body automatically responding to his proximity.

  Abel climbed in and started the engine- catching sight of his brothers taunt features in the rear view mirror he knew that whatever had happened to Fay his brother was now blaming himself- the wolf in him- the Alpha in him, telling him that he should have protected her- should have been with her- when this was over one thing that Abel knew was a damned certainty- Adam would never let her go again.

  Adam sat down next to Fay on the bed and tucked the blanket up around her shoulders- his eyes taking in every inch of her face with minute detail as Hope put her hand on his shoulder and sighed.

  “You can’t read her dreams?” Adam asked reaching out to brush the stray curl from her forehead.

  “I can’t- like this she’s just blank to me- god Adam she looks so pale-“ Hope caught the sob that was in her throat and bit down hard against the pain that washed through her- unshed tears straining to be released as she looked down in helpless frustration at her friend lying there so deathly still.

  “I should never have let her leave-“ Adam growled out and Hope squeezed his shoulder wishing she had some strength to give her friend- some words to make him feel better- ease his guilt- but she knew his wolf was punishing him- knew his Alpha code that wound around every strand of his DNA was screaming at him that he had failed his mate.

  “Wait. Sleep. You need to sleep- she might pull you into her dream Adam the way she did before-“ Hope grasped at straws- she’d done it before- pulled her mate to her.

  “That’s my wolf-“ Adam shook his head in despondency.

  “It doesn’t matter- the dream- she said he was haunting her dreams- you might get to see what she’s dreaming- even in wolf form.” Hope gripped his shoulder with renewed certainty- if something was haunting her dreams and Adam could see it maybe- just maybe she could help. Adam turned to look up at Hope and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Even if it would help Babe- there’s no way in hell I can fall asleep right now- not with her like this.” Adam looked back to Fay and Hope breathed a sigh of relief- at long last something she could control.

  “Leave that to me wolf boy.”

  Adam saw the entrance to the waterfall and knew what he would find- his giant paws scratched up the earth as he powered through the alcove and inside to find Fay lying beside the water- her fingers dipped into the cool stream as she met his eyes and pulled herself up.

  “Why are you tormenting me?” He saw the pain in her face- the frustration in her voice as he padded slowly towards her not wanting to scare her- she already looked flighty as though she may jump up and run away at any moment.

  He whined low in his chest as he dropped to his belly on the ground and dragged himself closer towards her.

  “You can’t keep coming to me night after night- every time I close my eyes Adam it’s not fair to punish me like this-“ She rubbed her hands over her face and sighed heavy in her chest as he watched her- she looked so despondent that he just wanted to shift back to human form and wrap his arms around her fragile body, but this was a damned dream- he would need to take control of it.

  He watched her put her elbows on her knees and drop her face into her hands- she looked so lost and her words made no sense to him- he hadn’t been in her dreams- the bond between them was strong but the distance they had been apart guaranteed that he could not reach her- nor could she pull him into her dream- so why was she dreaming of him?

  He whined again- willing himself to be able to reach her and she got to her feet turning towards the waterfall and wrapping her arms around her chest as though hugging the pain away from her own body. Adam felt the desperation within him to reach out to her- to hold her and take her pain from her.

  His wolf growled within him and he growled back in warning- the ground shifted around him and he shook his head in confusion- no- it wasn’t the ground that had shifted it was him- He was lying on the ground in human form- his wolf having relinquished its hold for him and Adam scrambled to his feet- his hand reaching for her shoulder and she physically jumped in place as she turned towards him- her eyes brightening as she saw his human face.

  Without thinking her hands cupped his face and she looked up at him in disbelief mixed with happiness- a gasp leaving her parted lips as Adam felt his heart soar within him and then as her happiness turned to accusation he felt it break again.

  “Why Adam? Because I left? Because I ran from you? Is this how you punish me?” Fay’s hands dropped from his face and she went to turn away in despair but he reached for her, his hands on her waist stopping her from leaving- he couldn’t let her leave him again- he had to protect her.

  “I’m not punishing you Fay. I would never punish you my love- I don’t understand-“

  “Every time I close my eyes you’re there- but you send your damn wolf to me Adam- you’re haunting me-“ He saw the tears in her eyes well up and wanted to move heaven and earth to take away her pain.

  “No- I haven’t been in your dreams since you left- you can’t pull me in Fay- it’s not possible-“

  “Stop lying-“ Fay pulled away from him but he reached for her wrist pulling her back to his chest- holding her against him with his other hand against the small of her back as she struggled for release.

  “Fay- this is me beside you- feel me- reach out and feel me- I’m right there on the bed beside you- please love.” Adam cupped her face with his hand but she knocked it away- her eyes defiantly dropping to the grass beside them.

  “You hate me that much-“ She tried to pull out of his arms again but he wouldn’t let her go.

  “I don’t hate you woman I love you.” He growled down at her- the need to make her understand a primal instinct within him.

  “You don’t know me to love me Adam- let me go.” She hit out with clenched fists at his chest and once she started she couldn’t seem to stop, every bit of pent up resentment for what he was doing to her rushing to the surface – she pounded on his chest until he caught her wrists, holding her in place against him as she thrashed about- trying to get away from him- he saw the tears on her cheeks- saw the frustration as she weakened and his heart broke within him.

  “Stop Fay- please- stop-“ Adam felt his wolf rise to the surface within him- felt the need to reach her. “Fay enough.” He growled down at her cutting through her despair until she stilled against him. Done. A futile whimper escaped her trembling lips. “Look at me-“ Fay’s eyes came to his as she stifled a sob. “I’m lying beside you on the bed-“

  “No-“ she shook her head adamant and he growled down at her.

  “I’m here beside you Fay- your body can feel me sweetheart- reach out for me with your mind- feel me beside you- you’re safe and you’re with me-“

  “But your wolf-“

  “I’m here now- I have you now-“

  “I’m so tired Adam-“ Her voice was so small he wanted to share his strength with her- see the fire return to her eyes that had been there before.

  He let go of her wrists and lifted her into his arms in one swift movement, an arm at her back and one under her knees as he walked with her towards the wa
ter- sitting down with his back against the rocks, cradling her in his lap she rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes- she was done- she had no more will left to fight and she had missed the feel of his heart beating in his chest- how insane was that- the steady beat that matched her own felt like home to her- felt like strength and safety and everything she had been without for so long in her life but had found with this man- even if it was just fleetingly.

  “Sleep Fay- I won’t leave you while you sleep my love.”

  “Adam?” Fay croaked out, sensing it was his arms around her the moment she stirred from sleep- he came awake in an instant- searching her face in the half light from the hallway as she tried to focus her eyes on him- her body moving back away from him on the bed and he allowed her the space- the room to move- if only so he could see her better.

  “What happened Fay?” His voice was a whisper and she almost had to pinch herself to make sure that this was real- he had come to her in her sleep- not his wolf, but him and now- was this a dream or was this real?

  “Where am I?” Fay tried to sit up, but he still had a heavy arm across her waist- reluctant to put too much distance between them.

  “My home- we found you and brought you here.”

  Fay pushed against his arm, “Please let me up-“ he let her go- even though it was the last thing he ever wanted to do and she pulled herself up in his bed- her body felt heavy and numb- she might just have taken on a steamroller without knowing and it had ended very badly for her.

  Her eyes flicked around the room trying to take it all in- still unsure if this was actually reality- pulling her knees up to her chest and hugging them to her she jumped slightly when he moved beside her- pulling himself up to sit a slight distance apart from her- he turned his body towards her as he watched her with an intensity that she could feel warm her skin.


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