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The Mating Season (Lycan Romance)

Page 17

by Briers, M L

  “I thought you would be pissed-“ He offered and she raised her brows at him.

  “ I am.”

  “And I thought there would have recriminations-“ she huffed at him as she stared up at the ceiling again.

  “And I thought you might just not want to have a baby right now-“ She took a long breath and sighed. “Or my baby at all.” She closed her eyes and let all the oxygen out of her lungs on a slow sigh before slowly dragging it in again, calming her nerves before she turned under his arm and opened her eyes to look at him. He dropped his elbow down and rested his head in line with hers on the mattress.

  “It’s not like that-“ He saw the tears well in her eyes and he gently lifted his hand to brush her curls away from her face- soothing her as she struggled with the emotions raging inside her.

  “Do you want to tell me or do you need time to sort it out in your own head?”

  She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again- unsure of herself and he gave her a half smile of encouragement- bringing the tips of his fingers gently down over her cheek.

  “I never had a real family- foster parents- but not a family I could count would be there from one week to the next- Faith and Hope kind of took me under their wing- they were like sister’s I guess- but wild one’s- I always had to be quiet and good and perfect for my foster families so I didn’t get shoved back into the system over and over- but it didn’t work- I always ended up leaving for somewhere else- that was the only certainty that I had- that was the only constant in my life-“ She became quiet then- lost in her memories as he gave her the time she needed to grieve for her lost childhood- he couldn’t imagine a life without family- he had always been part of a pack and now he was the Alpha, head of the family- he could feel her anguish and he wanted to sooth her- drag her into his arms and make it go away.

  “I’ve been alone most of my life- I don’t know what a real family is Adam- and then there’s you- your life- your pack- this baby is going to be a wolf- that’s going to be hard enough for the poor little mite but what if something happened to us-?” She scrubbed at the silent tear that escaped her lashes and ran down her cheek- she started to turn away from him but he wasn’t about to let her go.

  “Hey- listen to me- you are my mate- this is now your pack too- your family and if one of our pack children lost their parents- the pack would step in- no child would be left alone- ever- not here- and I’m not just your mate- I’m your Alpha so it’s like double my job to protect you and to protect our baby-“ he brushed the pad of his thumb against the next tear that fell as she nodded her head understanding what he was telling her, sniffing in a breath as he cupped her face with his hand and captured her eyes with his.

  “And it didn’t go unnoticed that you still referred to our baby in the present and future sense- you are going to have it aren’t you?”

  “Well I did always want a puppy-“ She snorted a chuckle as mischief filled her eyes and he couldn’t help the flash of pride that ran through him at the thought of being a father- along with the need to show her how much both she and the baby would be loved.

  He tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her to him, a growl escaping his lips- his mouth coming down on hers with a kiss that was both all consuming and mind blowing, so much so it took a long moment to clear her head when he relinquished her lips.

  “Why does this feel like home? Why do you feel like I’ve know you forever? Why did it hurt so much to be away from you? Yesterday I wanted nothing more to do with you and now I want nothing more than to never leave your side- it’s so- surreal.” She saw the lop sided grin spread over his face and his eyes held her gaze as he brushed fingertips against her cheek.

  “Mates sweetheart- soul mates- we were made to be together- it was in the stars- and Fay you will be loved-“ He breathed against her neck, his lips brushing over the delicate skin- “I would die to protect you-“ He nuzzled into the sensitive mark against her neck and she mewed. “I will never hurt you.” His sharp teeth grazed her neck and she dug her nails into his shoulder.

  “What about the sex thing?”

  “The sex thing?” He ran fingertips over her hips and she arch towards his touch.

  “The need I feel for you?” He raised his head to grin down at her- a devilish grin on his face as he ran those fingertips down her outer thigh before doubling back up her inner thigh until he found her heat- her lips parted and her lashes fluttered against her cheek as he eased his fingers into her.

  “That never goes away- it’s all part of being mated- bonded- the need to be close- the fact we can never be close enough-“ And then he was between her thighs- she felt his breath against her sex and her lashes flew open as she looked down her body at the man who looked up at her with a hunger in his eyes- a need to taste her- touch her- love her.

  “You’re too fast-“ She chuckled and he tipped his head and regarded her with that dark sexy look.

  “Oh I’ll go real slow-“ she went to answer him but he was already tasting her and her words died on a gasp in her throat.

  Adam poured the coffee into Fay’s cup and threw the dishcloth he was holding at Abel, easily caught Abel chuckled to himself against the slur he had aimed at his brother, with a pointed finger and a good natured smile Adam warned his brother off his latest need to get a butt whooping from the older sibling.

  Fay chuckled quietly from the other side of the counter as the two brothers eyed each other, both resting back against the counter tops in the kitchen as Fay’s eyes turned to the man mountain nestling with her friend on the sofa.

  Hope looked happy, in fact she looked happier than Fay had ever seen her before and Joshua seemed to be the perfect mate for Hope- both of them larger than life- but Hope louder than her mate- although his constant attention had seemed to calm her a little over the last week.

  Fay was happy too- happier than she thought she would ever be and for the first time in her life she felt settled- even back in her own apartment she had never felt at home- more it was just a temporary stop on the way to somewhere else, which of course it had been- she was now here with Adam and part of the pack- it was going to take a little getting used to, but she loved it.

  With the sound of a car drawing up in the driveway Fay didn’t pay it much attention- as Alpha, Adam could have people coming and going all day- it wasn’t until the door was thrown open- landing with a thud and a crack back against the unit that all eyes turned towards the intruders- the men in the room suddenly alert and ready.

  Adam was in front of Fay in a heartbeat with Abel and Joshua already on their feet when Fay heard the venom in the voice as it boomed out an accusation, “You got her pregnant the first night- are you totally irresponsible or what- you big dog?”

  Fay saw Adam’s shoulders sag a little under Faith’s withering stare as something between a groan and a growl emanated from him, “Oh come on Faith-“ he sounded less like an Alpha and more like a whipping boy as she placed her hands on her hips and glared back at him, her chin raised with annoyance.

  “Don’t you come on me- you nearly got her killed-“ Faiths eyes flashed with a warning as Adam took a step towards her and hesitated. Abel sniggering into his hand as Joshua just shook his head in despair.

  “Technically-“ He started and Faith’s eyes flashed fire as she wagged a long finger at him.

  “Oh don’t you technically me-“ She snapped back as Jake leant against the doorframe with crossed arms and a smile plastered onto his handsome face while he admired his wife’s wrath, she looked so hot when she was this angry and he loved it.

  “Jake please come in and control your mate-“ Adam couldn’t keep the mischief from his eyes or the smirk from his lips as Faith practically erupted on the spot.

  “Control your mate? Seriously? This is what my best friend –“ Hope jumped to her feet.

  “One of your best friends.” She put in and Faith snorted.

  “One of my best friends has to look forward too?” Faith demanded as
her eyes bore holes into Adam. Jake took a slow walk towards Faith with a nodded acknowledgement that the Alpha had invited into his home.

  Adam turned around as quick as a flash and scooped Fay from her perch on the stool where she had been watching the exchange and lifted her to his side pressing her hip for hip against him, his arm circled around her waist protectively.

  “Do you feel controlled honey?” He smirked down at Fay who shrugged her shoulders with an innocent sigh.

  “Very out of control around you actually.”

  Faith pointed her finger at Fay as she pouted her lips, “And you- oh don’t think I have forgotten you- little miss run off and miss my wedding-“

  “Now honey you’ve said your piece look how happy Fay looks.” Jake soothed and went to reach out to touch her arm and she sidestepped him turning her annoyance on her new husband.

  “Don’t even think about soothing me- there are lots of bedrooms in that house of yours-“

  “Ours-“ Jake breathed out slowly taking another step towards her as she took a step back away from him.

  “Ours and you’ll be sleeping in one by yourself.” She snapped out before spinning her attention back to Adam who was also making slow progress towards Faith.

  “Now Faith- where’s the harm?” Adam enquired with all the mock innocence he possessed whilst backing her towards Jake.

  “And you need to back off before I give you an injury that ensures this will be your last litter of pups-“ Faith announced narrowing her eyes on him as a gasp went up from Fay.

  “Litter?” It was almost a shriek and by the time Adam had turned around her eyes were wild like a startled deer- her hands had automatically reached to cover her womb.

  “No- No Fay-“ Adam started for her immediately as everyone started to speak at once. Fay stood there looking like the floor had just dropped out from beneath her.

  “God Faith really?” Abel groaned.

  “Jesus Faith scare the crap out of her why don’t you?” Hope threw her hands up in the air in defeat as Joshua shook his head in dismay.

  “Geez Faith.”

  “What the hell?” Faith demanded putting her hands on her hips in defiance of all the negative feedback in the room as Jake slipped his hand onto her shoulder coming to stand behind her.

  “Whoops.” He breathed against her ear as Adam pulled Fay into his arms and breathed into her ear.

  “I can’t one hundred per cent guarantee you’re not having twins or such but trust me sweetheart- there’s not a litter in there- not unless you were on some fertility drugs I don’t know about.” He cupped her face and saw the look of wide eyed terror leave her and she nodded.

  “Better not be- I’m gonna give birth not shuck peas from a bloody pod-“ She mumbled against his lips as he grinned down at her.

  “Look at that- you didn’t run away- progress.” Adam teased- Fay wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her into his embrace- nuzzling her neck.

  “Er, hello?” Faith felt Jakes around come around her waist as he pulled her back against his chest.

  “Easy love- she’s happy- it’s all good.”

  “He still needs a smack upside his head in my opinion-“ Faith mumbled but she couldn’t help the small smile that touched her lips, if Fay was happy- she was happy. “- And now we just need to find Abel’s mate-“ She teased as Abel rounded on her.

  “Bite your tongue woman-“ He growled at her from across the way as Hope chuckled her approval.

  “Perhaps a little spell-“ He rounded on Hope an outstretched finger warning her off along with the scowl on his face.

  “I’ve had enough drama in my life to last me a decade after the last couple of weeks- you two little Pixies-“ He grumbled as Faith and Hope gasped in unison.

  “Pixies!” They blurted out together, both rounding on him.

  “-Even try to bring my well ordered life into chaos and so help me I will-“ He carried on regardless of the glares he was getting from the two women.

  “Well Faith- I think we can come up with something that might just draw Abel’s mate to him what do you say?” Hope’s eyes flashed with defiance and mischief at the same time.

  “I think you’re right and with Fay’s help- the power of three should bring the little minx right to his doorstep.” Faith raised her brows and gave him a look of triumph.

  Abel went from scowling to grovelling in a heartbeat. “Come on ladies- you wouldn’t do that to me-“

  “Oh we would- right Faith?”

  Faith considered it for a long moment leaving Abel hopeful, “Yeah we kind of would.”

  “What the hell did I do?” Abel was deflated, dropping down onto to sofa as Jake chuckled against Faith’s ear.

  “That’s just mean-“

  “That’s why you love me- my evil streak.”Faith couldn’t hold back the celebratory chuckle at seeing Abel so worried.

  Joshua strolled over and slapped his friend on the shoulder as he dropped down beside him, the sofa groaning a protest. “Buck up old friend- how bad can it be?”

  “Bad.” Abel growled with a shake of his head.

  Hope wiggled into the small space between the two men as they shifted as best they could to allow her some room, “Oh for goodness sake Abel- finding your mate is what every Lycan dreams about.” She admonished and he shrugged.

  “I’m not finished sowing my wild oats yet- thank you very much.” He didn’t look at her but the scowl was definitely back firmly in place.

  “You, little brother was the one telling me to go get Fay and drag her back here-“ Adam reminded him and Fay gasped, turning towards him and placing her hands on her hips.

  “Seriously Abel? Well in that case- I would be happy to help Faith and Hope find your mate for you.” Abel groaned with his wide shoulders slouching in defeat.

  “No good deed goes unpunished.” He growled causing Hope to reach out and ruffle the already wayward hair on his head.

  “Cheerful little soul isn’t he- perhaps his mate would be better off without him.”Joshua crowed from the other side of Hope and Abel nodded with enthusiasm.

  “See- Joshua’s right- how could three women like yourselves subject another poor unsuspecting woman to- well- me?” He beamed at all three women in turn and all three shook their heads back at him.

  Abel sighed, resigning himself to his fate. These three were going to call his mate- it would just be a matter of when. He supposed it wasn’t the end of the world, after all- his brother was happy- sickeningly so at times- Faith was happy and even Hope was happy and already settled with Joshua, but knowing his luck he would have a screaming banshee for a mate. Only time would tell and only Fate held the answer.

  The End.




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