The Billionaire From Cleveland: A BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 14)
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“Oh, no, today we’re just browsing,” Sasha said.
“That’s fine, it’s always fun to try things on,” Amanda reassured them.
“No, really,” Sasha said, feeling the air get thick and her chest tighten.
“Oh Sasha, you really should! That would be so magical! Please Sasha!” Samantha begged, and Sasha was unable to stomach the idea of letting her down on the spot.
“Okay, sure,” she reluctantly told Amanda.
“Great, I’ll get you a fitting room started.
The baby was still barely growing, and through her curvy figure, you couldn’t tell she was pregnant. Still, she feared what her body might look like in some of the dresses. Amanda had stuffed at least four dresses into the fitting room, many of them pretty close to what Sasha would have actually picked out for herself. She was thrilled to be able to wear such gorgeous pieces, but at the same time, she wanted to shout the truth to just get all that pressure off her chest. She slipped the first dress on, a strapless mermaid gown that was fairly simple other than a crystal belt. It didn’t look too old, but the tag said that it was designed in 1960. Sasha felt like a model as she walked out of the fitting room and onto the pedestal in front of a wall of mirrors.
“Sasha! You look like a princess,” Samantha cried as Sasha made her way into the main area of the bridal salon.
“I feel like a princess,” Sasha said, legitimately wanting to cry.
“Hold on, let me get a veil,” Amanda said, returning with a long train to place on top of Sasha’s wild curly hair.
When she looked in the mirror, she was stunned with what she saw. She looked and felt like a real bride—and desperately wanted for this fantasy to be the real thing. She pictured herself walking down the aisle, entering a massive church filled with everyone she knew. Ian’s side would likely be twice the size of hers, so maybe they would have random seating to even things out.
What would he say if he saw her in that dress? Would he be the type that would cry on his wedding day? Would he keep it cool the whole time and not let anyone see him shed a tear? The more Sasha got to know Samantha and spend time with the person that made Ian who he is, the more she realized she knew very little about the father of the child growing inside of her.
The next dress was backless, revealing a large dove tattoo on her back. It was a halter top and cut deep in the front. Sasha walked out, not feeling as beautiful as she did in the first dress, but still like she was a glowing bride.
“Oh, you have tattoos?” his mother asked as soon as Sasha stepped in front of the mirror.
“Just the one on my back. My sister and I got them when our mother died,” she explained. She wasn’t as close to Tiana as she used to be, but the tattoo reminded her that the three women, Sasha, Tiana, and their mother, were eternally connected by blood. There used to be doves that would sit on the windowsill at their last apartment, a symbol of the time that they all shared together.
“Oh, I see. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you didn’t have a mother,” Samantha said.
“I have a mother, she just died,” Sasha corrected her, a little annoyed that she would repeat the truth back to Sasha in such a harsh way. Even though she apologized, Sasha still knew she was trying to take a dig at her tattoo.
“Right of course,” Samantha said awkwardly. “I like this dress but it’s just a bit revealing, don’t you think?”
It was clear through her facial expressions and tone of voice that she was a bit critical. Samantha definitely seemed like the type of person that always had something to complain about, or rather, always needed to find something to complain about. It just seemed like she was never happy.
She had everything she could ever want in the world, so the only reason a person is still as deeply unhappy as Samantha was likely because she hated herself. For that reason, Sasha realized she shouldn’t take her critical comments so seriously. If she was that harsh to other people, people she barely knew like Sasha, how mean was she to herself?
That must be why Ian was so afraid of his mother. Whenever she said something a little rude or controversial at dinner, he would just change the subject instead of correcting her or calling her out. It was so important to him to impress his mother. She had clearly been critical of him and his sister throughout their childhood and into their adult lives, likely setting high standards and making her children feel insecure.
Samantha was probably the only one who was still honest with him and he had trouble with that. A lot of people in Ian’s life treated him differently because of his wealth and status. People were afraid to be too harsh, letting him do embarrassing things or make questionable fashion choices all for the sake of sparing his feelings. Having a person to still be honest with him was definitely important, and Ian looked to her opinions and what she thought about certain things likely because he wanted to find some form of truth or base to know what was still real and what lies were being fed to him to try and spare his ego.
Samantha was critical about the last two dresses, and Sasha decided she wasn’t going to try on any more with his mom around. Who knows, she might never try on a wedding dress again in her life. If that was her last chance to wear the white gown, however, she was fine with cutting it short as she didn’t want to hear any more of Samantha’s criticisms.
She thought about telling her right there that she was, in fact, already pregnant with his baby. Whenever Samantha made a snarky comment about her appearance, Sasha just wanted to whip around and let her know that her grandchild was living in her body, put there by Ian on a night he paid to be with Sasha. She would have loved to watch Samantha’s facial expression as she explained that Ian wasn’t just her client, but her second client. Samantha would likely have a hard time stomaching that.
She didn’t want to do that to Ian, however. Maybe it was true that the truth being exposed could affect the election, but at the same time, she knew that part of his worry stemmed from how his mother might react to it all. Ian just wanted approval, and this fake engagement was just his way of trying to achieve that. She knew what it felt like to need approval. It was a worry of her own, an intense need to always make sure that those around her approved of what she did. Having so many social media accounts made that need and search for approval worse, but Sasha still felt rewarded when her looks were validated.
No matter what his mother said, Sasha knew that she was beautiful. She hadn’t said anything too mean, nothing that would be hard to repeat, but her judgmental glares, hesitations, and grossed-out facial expressions had made Sasha feel pretty self-conscious when she had been trying on wedding dresses. She reminded herself to not let the looks get to her too much, but it was hard not to when the wife of a well-known politician and mother of the father of her baby kept giving her such harsh glares.
Sasha knew that as time went on, depending on how often she would see Samantha, it’d get easier to ignore her rude comments. She could handle her for the rest of the drive home, but Sasha couldn’t wait to run right upstairs to her bedroom, ignoring Samantha as much as possible the rest of the day. It had been nice to fantasize about her and Ian having a real life and wedding together, but if that were the case, it meant Samantha would also come as her mother-in-law. It certainly made it easier for her to focus on not falling for Ian again. At the same time, she couldn’t get the image of her in the first dress out of her head. She wished she would have taken a picture, but the memory would be all she had.
Sasha poked her head out of the bedroom door, cautiously looking around to see who might be there. The house was huge but still quiet enough that you could hear most of what was going on. It had been three days since Sasha moved into Ian’s mansion, and she was still adjusting to life around the massive house. There were different cleaning ladies for different days, and the chefs rotated as well, leaving plenty of prepared food on their days off. It was clear Ian didn’t know how to boil water, but Sasha didn’t mind, as she wasn’t the greatest chef herself.
Spending the weekend with Samantha hadn’t been as hard as she’d expected, but it certainly wasn’t easy. After a while, she got used to her snide comments, making a game in her head to count how many times she gave a compliment with a hidden insult. It was also a bit entertaining to watch Ian get uncomfortable with some of her comments.
It always amazed Sasha to see such a large grown man so afraid of this small old woman. She also realized that they might have an extremely large child, making her hope that she would give birth to a slightly normal-sized baby.
Ian had been so sweet and caring since she had moved in. Without him there half the time, there was no way that she would have been able to survive the weekend with his mother. Sasha wondered how Ian and his sister had gone eighteen years under the same roof as Samantha. She was so relieved now that Samantha had left.
Among other things, Sasha was relieved that she didn’t have to pretend to drink alcohol anymore. It was getting dangerous throwing glasses of wine into bushes when they were outside, or over the edge if they were enjoying the sights from one of Ian’s many balconies. In addition to the stress of Samantha’s visit, Sasha was having some other issues at Ian’s house.
Each night, it was harder to not sleep next to him. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to last the next few months. She would lay awake, staring at his breathing figure after she heard he had fallen asleep. The times that they had been together before, they didn’t get the chance to sleep next to each other. Sasha had no idea what Ian would be like once the lights went off and his eyelids shut. She loved watching him sleep, though that might have been totally creepy had he caught Sasha staring at him in the middle of the night. He usually woke up first, however, and there were plenty of times he would watch Sasha in her last few hours of sleep.
“She’s gone!” Ian said as he shut the front door. “A body guard, two personal drivers each, and enough money to buy all the cabs in Cleveland, and my mother still got offended when I didn’t offer to drive her to the airport right away.”
“I’m sorry! But at least she’s gone. Well, I mean, I like your mom, it’s just…” Sasha started saying as she walked down the stairs toward Ian. She didn’t mean to insult his mom, scared about how he might react.
“It’s fine, I know exactly what you’re trying to say,” he told her. “She can certainly be a lot to handle. But Sasha, I don’t think there’s anyone in the world that could have handled her better!”
“I like her, but she was definitely a little critical,” she said. “That was just what I meant. She always likes to make sure everyone knows what she’s thinking about a certain situation,” Sasha explained.
“You’re exactly right about that. My sister got that trait from my mom, but there’s a good chance you’ll never have to meet her,” Ian explained.
“Well, I mean, we’ll still be sharing a child. I’m sure I’ll run into a lot of your family members at some point.”
“Right, I guess I haven’t thought that far ahead,” Ian explained. Sasha felt strange, wondering if Ian was ready to get her out of the house or not. She hadn’t thought much about the future of their co-parenting either. Maybe she wouldn’t have to meet any of his family. Maybe he’d get a nanny to help take the child to and from visitation times. Sasha felt a little cold thinking that could be a possibility.
“Really though, in the car, she had nothing but nice things to say about you,” he told her. “She’s really impressed.”
“Well, I tried to stand up for myself at least a little bit when she was getting a little too feisty,” she laughed, Ian laughing along with her.
“I know we have an agreement, but I really don’t know how I could thank you,” Ian said. Sasha just shrugged her shoulders, still feeling like Ian was giving her too much.
“So, when are we going to tell your parents?” Sasha asked, curious what the next step of the plan was.
“Well, they’ll be back here next week for a campaign fundraising dinner,” he explained. “So, you’ll have to meet my dad.”
“I think I can handle that. So, we’ll tell them before the dinner?” she asked.
“Well, I was thinking that we should wait until after the dinner when they’re back in Columbus, because then you probably won’t have to see them in person, and I can spare you any backlash that might come from them,” he explained.
“All right, sounds like a plan to me,” she explained. “Just remember, you only have seven more months max until you have another person to explain.”
She and Ian laughed at each other, both realizing they were still just standing by the front door talking. Sasha’s cheeks were sore from smiling, and she worried she was a little too in her feelings.
“You’re incredible, Sasha. I mean that. I’ve never met anyone like you,” he told her.
“Aw, I’m not that great,” she said, looking right into his eyes. He moved his eyebrows a bit, showing he was really concentrating on looking into her eyes. “You’re not so bad yourself!”
He leaned in for a hug, lingering there for a moment. When he pulled away, he leaned down and kissed her, sending chills all the way to her toes. He started to pull his head away, but Sasha reached out to keep the kiss going longer. This signaled to him that he should keep doing what he was doing, wrapping his arms tighter around her, kissing her smooth lips once again.
Sasha felt all warm and fuzzy once Ian had his arms wrapped around her after so many months of them being apart. Everything felt right to her again. She had so many concerns and anxieties over their relationship, but when their lips met, she knew she had to do whatever she needed to do to make sure that she would end up with Ian.
Ian lifted her up, Sasha wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her up the stairs with ease, tripping on the final step but never dropping her. She could feel his hard penis barely touching her butt as they walked into the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed. He untied her bathrobe to reveal her dewy breasts. Sasha could smell herself as Ian moved around her body, always loving the way her hair smelled after a shower. He moved down and kissed her thighs, sending tickles all the way through her toes. He slid her underwear off, kissing slowly around her waist.
He wrapped his entire mouth around her clit, sucking hard just as she had done to him the first time they were together. He had large hands just like the rest of his body and one palm could hold one of her butt cheeks. He squeezed her entire backside hard, pushing her into his mouth more. He worked his hands from around her backside and slipped a finger into her vagina. She started moaning, unable to control the noises coming from her body. He knew exactly what she was doing, and she could have climaxed if he went just a few minutes longer. Instead, he pulled his head up and worked his way toward her breasts again.
She sat up and kissed him, letting him know she wasn’t going to be able to take much more. He stood up and she moved to the edge of the bed, her head just a little higher than his waist. She looked straight up into his eyes, feeling his gaze keep her frozen to the bed.
She parted her lips and moved forward, feeling the hard head of his penis against her lips. She felt his head hit the back of her throat, but she kept sucking as she felt him grow bigger and bigger inside of her mouth. She had forgotten how large he was and began getting a little nervous about potentially hurting the baby or being sore afterwards.
“Lay down,” she told him in a deep whisper, wanting to feel him beneath her like they had at the Indians game. He sat on the bed, half lying down and half propping himself up. Sasha climbed on top and took everything she could inside of her. She couldn’t sit all the way down on his lap without feeling her insides stretch a bit. It was the first time in her life she thought she might have run into a man whose cock was a little too big for her. She slowly worked her way up and down, going as deep as she could. He was moaning as he lay down, not bothered that she wasn’t able to take him all in at once.
She was certainly nervous, as it was still only the third time they’d been to
gether, but with each motion, things were getting easier for them. The more she moved up and down on him, the wetter she got, allowing her to take more in with each motion. Before she knew it, she could feel his waist below hers, his penis hitting her g-spot perfectly. For a moment, she forgot who she was. She came hard, letting her warm juices run down his member. She didn’t stop and was ready for another orgasm.
She was riding him hard and thought she was about to cum yet again. She hadn’t experienced a multiple orgasm with a partner before, only with herself. She had been close in the past, but this time, she really thought she would be able to go again. He seemed like he was close too, but they had been doing the same thing for a while and he was still going strong. She thought she was about to climax once again before him.
Before she could, he lifted her off with a mystical ease. Her insides were still throbbing from the orgasm and she needed to keep going if she was going to do it again. He turned her around and pushed her head down gently into the pillow. With each hand, he grabbed her waist and entered her from behind, going as deep as possible. She didn’t think it would be possible, but this position felt even better than when she had taken him on top. In one, two, three, pumps, she came again, her body getting loose. As she dropped her waist toward the bed, her body only elevated by his grip, he came as well.
“I can’t believe we made a person last time we did that,” he said, lying next to Sasha. She crawled into his chest and closed her eyes, feeling his heart pound fast against the side of her head.
“I can’t believe we just did it again,” she said between her heavy breathing. Deep down, Sasha certainly knew that they would be hooking up again. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, as she feared getting hurt again more than anything. Still, she and Ian were getting closer every day, a life they created together growing in her body. Who was she kidding by believing she wouldn’t fall for Ian again?