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Unforgettable (Family Justice Book 5)

Page 26

by Suzanne Halliday

  “And you can wait for the limo like the rest of us.” Her withering smirk was epic.

  Tori chomped down on her lower lip to prevent a hoot of laughter from escaping her mouth. Because she was Alex’s surrogate mom, Carmen Delgado was also a mother figure to her silver-spoon husband. The feisty woman brought a dry, mother-always-wins manner to everything she did and it was endlessly amusing to watch Draegyn handle her particular brand of shtick.

  Parker ambled across the room just in time to catch Carmen’s pithy remark. He dropped a hearty kiss on her cheek. She beamed at him.

  Playacting behind both their backs, Angie stuck her finger in her mouth like she was gagging.

  In his usual supremely righteous way, Parker drawled, “But you’ll tell me what you’re not telling him, right?”

  Tori could hear Draegyn’s jaw grind when Carmen responded by immediately launching into an oddly accent-free explosion.

  “They weren’t talking after the doctor. Ben says they look numb.”

  Dread lanced Tori’s heart and she thought, Well, shit. The room instantly filled with anxious tension.

  “Is Meghan alright?” Angie asked.

  “No sé. I do not know.”

  Carmen being in the dark felt like a starting gun firing. Tori’s nerves began to fray.

  Parker’s worry was palpable. He looked to Draegyn who rose from the sofa and crowded Carmen. Scrambling to her feet she took advantage of her tiny stature to squeeze in between both men.

  The precise no-nonsense tone of a lawyer asking questions demanded everyone’s attention. “Did Alex say anything?”

  Tori nodded at Parker to let him know it was a good question.

  “No sé.”

  As Tori watched, Angie blindly reached for Parker’s hand and the color left her face.

  “Fuck,” Draegyn murmured. Producing his phone, he swiped, tapped, and then held it to his ear. After a minute, he growled and disconnected. “Straight to voicemail.”

  She wasn’t sure what to say or do. “Maybe we should wait in the foyer.”

  Led by Carmen, a virtual stampede took place as they scrambled from the great room and made their way to the enormous formal foyer. Tori noticed Angie looking around wildly and her heart ached for Alex’s sister. There was so much history in this old house. The energy from generations of the Valleja-Marquez family was imbued in the home’s foundation. She could just imagine what she was thinking.

  An eruption of noise from the kitchen broke out, seconds before Calder appeared with Tori’s mother at his side, a pensive look on her face. Their eyes met. She gulped to clear the painful constriction growing in her throat and reached for the reassurance of Draegyn’s hand.

  “They’re pulling in right behind us. Would somebody like to tell me what the fuck is going on?”

  Nobody, not even Carmen, seemed willing to answer Calder’s question. Nodding to herself, Tori stepped up. This one was on her.

  “Why are you here Calder?” she asked and then quickly amended her question. “I mean, how did you come to be here. Did someone call?”

  She knew that from Alex’s standpoint, Calder was the sitting elder in their odd little family group. As his uncle and mentor, Calder Dane was a powerfully strong link in the Justice chain. His sudden appearance wasn’t an accident.

  “Ben called. Said Alex thought we should come to the house. We were down the back road at the cabin getting things ready for the permanent move.”

  Tori’s mind began ticking off facts. Ben alerted Carmen and Calder. If she had to guess the order of events, she’d assume it started with Ben’s call to Carmen announcing their imminent arrival. She would tell him who was at the house. Most likely what happened next was Ben shared whatever Carmen said and that led to Calder being given the heads up to join the group.

  Something cold and heavy dropped into her stomach. This had all the hallmarks of an announcement. Her eyes swung around the knot of gathered people. From the look of things everyone was worried.

  Zeus, the harbinger of all things Alex, trotted from the back of the house, woofed once and sat, staring expectantly at the front door. Rather like a staged pantomime, they all turned toward the door too.

  The norm at the Villa de Valleja-Marquez was for the massive front door to open with dramatic flair—usually accompanied by a loud bang. When it swung soundlessly and Alex’s hand appeared to hold it open, Tori squeezed her husband’s hand.

  Meghan swept through the door and stopped, waiting for Alex. He closed the door, took her hand and walked them unhurriedly straight for the main staircase.

  Outwardly, everything looked normal. Red was a woman who rocked her curves with no apologies. She wore an empire-waisted dress with a pair of modest kitten heels. Alex was in full business mode right down to a vest and tie.

  They walked right past them as if the seven of them were invisible. Calder cleared his throat preparing to speak, but Alex waved him off, muttered, “We need a minute,” and kept walking.

  Tori couldn’t be sure any of them were breathing as they watched Alex and Meghan ascend the big staircase in absolute silence. Even the dog seemed worried.

  Frozen, possibly in shock, nobody said anything or moved. Cameron came dashing from the kitchen and stumbled to a halt. Breathless he mumbled, “Ben called and said get up here. Came alone. Lacey’s got the kids. What’s wrong?”

  Calder finished clearing his throat. “We don’t know that anything’s wrong.” He said the words like a parent reassuring worried children. “They’re upstairs. Asked for a minute. I’m assuming they’ll be down when they’re ready to share.”

  “Holy shit.” Cameron said out loud what everyone was thinking.

  Carmen was wringing her hands. Her face almost ashen. “I’ll make coffee,” she muttered and then scurried into the kitchen with Zeus on her heels.

  Stephanie rubbed Calder’s shoulder and spoke quietly to all of them. “Maybe we should sit down.”

  A wide architectural niche anchoring one side of the foyer held a cluster of chairs and tables where they could sit and wait for whatever came next.

  It occurred to Tori that Draegyn had been totally silent, so she turned and barely managed to contain a pained gasp when she caught the mask of agony on her husband’s face. Anything that hurt Alex hurt him. Worry and crushing fear emanated off his body.

  She clutched at his arm and put her head on his shoulder.

  They marched through the front door, across the foyer and up the stairs like actors in a zombie movie. She was pretty sure if Alex hadn’t been holding her hand she would have been on her knees two seconds after their feet hit the familiar tile floor.

  Ever since Doctor Sterner said the words that turned her life upside down, she’d been in some sort of non-hysterical, unnaturally calm, fugue state. When would she start to feel normal again?

  She certainly hadn’t felt anywhere near normal during the rest of the medical visit and not on the walk from the medical building. Didn’t happen in the car during the long drive and not even walking through the front door of her home. So far, nothing cut through the cloud wrapped around her, but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe the wrapped cloud was all that was holding her together.

  In their room, Alex led her to the bed and lifted until she was sitting on the edge, her feet dangling off the side.

  Meghan blinked when she saw her hands lying limp, palms up, at her sides. She was in shock. That’s what this was. Had to be. After all, she walked into that medical office expecting to hear the sex of her baby and a firm due date. Instead, what she learned rocked her big time. And Alex too, judging by his rigid, silent manner.

  He stepped up to her knees and gathered Meghan’s numb hands into her lap. Keeping hold of one he rubbed it gently. In a voice choked with unspoken emotion he quietly asked, “Are you alright?”

  Was she? Oh my god. She didn’t know.


  Still nothing. She stared at her husband’s big strong hands massaging her
much smaller one. A tear formed in the corner of her eye. She’d dreamed about those gorgeous hands cradling their baby. In fact, the image was etched in her brain.


  The tension in his voice cut through the mist and sent the numb paralysis running. She looked up at him, answered his massaging hands with a squeeze and smiled.

  He smiled back. Then his smile grew into a wide grin. The dam broke and she started laughing hysterically.

  “Oh my god, Alex. Twins!”

  One of his big hands moved to her tummy. Now, when she thought of him cradling their baby, she’d have to imagine that there’d be two.

  Holy. Fucking. Shitballs.


  They laughed, hugged, kissed and laughed some more.


  She couldn’t help but tease him a little. Rattle his manly chains for the hell of it. Another precious memory to add to an already red-letter day.

  “Hmph,” she grunted. “The sperm is strong in your family.”

  “I know! Right?” He crowed with an adorably alpha chest thump.

  All of a sudden he dropped to his knees and pushed her dress up. “Hold this,” he told her. Amused and wondering what he was up to, she held the sides of her dress and exposed her modest bump.

  Alex put his big hands on either side of her belly and leaned in close.

  “Hey guys! It’s Dad. Wow. Mommy and I can’t believe there are two of you. We didn’t know until today so pardon me for not talking to both of you before now. Listen,” he joyfully said before kissing her belly, “in a little bit, there’s going to be a lot of noise. Mostly yelling. Probably some screaming. It’s cool, okay? That’s your family going crazy with happiness because we’re gonna’ tell them about the two of you.”

  Her heart melted. She ruffled her Major Beast’s hair and gave him a watery, wobbly smile.

  “But first, we’re going to call your grandparents and tell them and lucked out because you’re getting some kick ass grands.”

  Meghan put her hand under his chin and lifted till their eyes met. Mouthing I love you, she felt the tears overflow and run down her cheeks.

  “Mommy’s crying happy tears,” he told her belly. He rubbed her tummy and then placed a slow, reverent, heartfelt kiss in the middle of her stomach. “I love you guys,” he murmured huskily. “I’ll be round to tuck you in later.”

  He pulled her dress down and smoothed it over her stomach. Still kneeling he asked, “You know I’ll take care of you, don’t you? You’re not doing this massive thing alone.”

  “I’m too overwhelmed to go there right now, but I won’t pretend I’m not scared out of my mind.”

  He gave her a comforting smile. “I know, babe. I can feel it. One baby was scary enough but two? Still wrapping my mind around what it all means for you, Meghan,” he said in a somber, serious voice.

  Standing, he gathered her close. “You are my world, sweetheart. Our love is stronger than time. Endless, infinite. Everlasting. Somehow that spark of energy made two little lives. How perfect, you know? But I realize those two little lives are totally dependent on you to bring them safely into our arms. We’re doing this together Meghan Marquez. You and me. And roughly six months from now when those babies are s here, you have my solemn vow that I’ll be totally present as a father.”

  She stroked his stubbled chin. “I adore you.”

  He kissed her sweetly, tenderly. It was a special kiss. Full of love, wonder, hope and promise.

  “You ready to do this?”

  She half-giggled when he fumbled with his phone. “Are you?”

  A few seconds later she heard her father’s voice boom across the miles. “Alex! Perfect timing, son. You’ll never guess what…”

  “Um, excuse me, sir,” Alex cut in. The face he made let her know he was lightyears from his comfort zone. “Sorry to interrupt but Meghan is with me and we were hoping to speak with you and Mom.”

  A wide, goofy smile spread across her face hearing him say, ‘Mom.’

  Confused silence stretched across thousands of miles and her dad said nothing for the longest time. “Oh,” he finally mumbled. “Right. Hold on.” He pulled the phone away from his mouth and hollered, “Maggie love. Where are you?”

  She made a face and wrinkled her nose. Alex looked like he was counting back from one hundred.

  “Okay you two,” her dad announced. “Got your Ma right here, Meggie.”

  “Mo stoirín,” Maggie O’Brien murmured with a familiar Irish lilt. It took Meghan a moment to recover her composure after hearing the little darling endearment. Some day soon she’d be whispering the same thing to her babies. She grabbed onto Alex’s hand for dear life when a surge of emotions made it hard to speak.

  He cleared his throat like an orator beginning a major speech. “Mom. Dad,” he began gravely. “We wanted you to be the first to know. Earlier today we had our first ultrasound.”

  Her mother started laughing. “Do you know what you’re having? Paddy,” she shrieked happily. “I think they know.”

  Alex squeezed her fingers and grinned into her happy face.

  “Sorry guys,” Meghan managed to squeak out. “Have to wait a bit longer to find out their sex.”

  “Their? Their?” Her mother screamed.

  “It’s twins, Mom. We’re having twins.”

  She’d never heard her mother and father holler so loud in her whole life. Then her dad chuckled heartily and said, “See! This is how St. Patrick blesses us for welcoming a priest to the family.”

  The comment was so ridiculously funny that they all cracked up in unison.

  Following the emotional call with her folks they moved onto Alex’s parents after doing a quick calculation of the time difference. Since it was barely midnight, they took a chance and placed the call.

  To say Cristián and Ashleigh were overjoyed was the understatement of all time. Ashleigh sobbed and said “Oh my baby,” about a dozen times. Cristián had a hard time holding it together.

  For the thousandth time she was reminded of how close the Marquez family came to losing him. For Alex to be married and have a baby on the way was beyond their wildest hopes and dreams. To have that hope and those dreams multiplied by two was an inconceivable blessing.

  Both of their parents brought up to speed, now it was time to face the Justice Family gathering in the foyer below. Slipping her hand into her husband’s firm grasp, she kissed him tenderly and cupped the side of his handsome face.

  “I’ve never been happier or felt more blessed in all my life. Thank you.”

  “Did you hear that kids?” he chuckled. “Mommy is happy and feeling blessed. Cheers for Double M and our double the joy babies!”

  They walked hand-in-hand down the hallway. She winked at Abuelita’s portrait when they passed by. “Let’s have some fun, shall we?” she snickered.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “Just let me start. You can take it from there. And try to wipe that chest-thumping satisfaction off your face for the next few minutes.”

  Chuckling, he kissed her hand and growled, “Yes, ma’am.”

  When they came to the end of the long hall and stepped into the second floor landing area, all the eyes downstairs turned their way. She whispered, “Justice show time,” and they started down the steps.

  When they reached the bottom, they simply stopped and faced the group staring them down.

  Before she could speak, Alex muttered, “Thanks for being here, guys.”

  She almost… almost… burst out laughing at his somber, misleading tone.

  “So, here’s the thing,” she began with a deliberate lip bite. “The nursery we were starting? Yeah. We’re gonna have to re-think that.”

  Angie groaned, “Oh my god,” and turned her face into Parker’s shoulder.

  Carmen was strangling the fuck out of a dishtowel. Zeus by her side looked completely non-plussed.

  Stephanie was hanging onto Calder as if she thought he mig
ht fall.

  Cam and Drae had matching expressions. Shock.

  And Tori? Tori looked like she was going to cry.

  “What can we do?” Calder asked. His voice was tense, hushed.

  She squeezed Alex’s fingers.

  “Well, you can start by helping us figure out how to shove two cribs into one room while we renovate the family wing to handle the population increase.”

  Angie’s head popped up and stared at them through narrowed eyes. “What?”

  Cam chuckled.

  Drae said, “Say again?”

  “I think the room’s a bit small for two of everything but we’ll have to figure it out quick.”

  Nobody so much as breathed after she was finished. And then Tori started screaming.

  “Fuckin a,” she hollered. “Twins!”

  And just as he’d promised the babies, all manner of Justice frivolity broke out. Even Zeus got into the act, barking happily and running around them in a circle.

  It was Draegyn who brought the house down. Clapping his hands to get their attention like a stern headmaster he barked, “Pregnant ladies! Front and center.”

  Stephanie and she joined hands and stepped forward. When Tori joined them it was Meghan’s turn to scream like a little girl.

  Cam stepped up saying, “I’ll take Ponytail’s place. She caught D and D babysitting duty but she’ll want to hear this news from you.”

  Drae lined them up like recruits in basic training while Alex, Calder, Cam, Parker and Carmen stood by laughing. Angie had a strange odd-man-out expression that Meghan noted.

  “Announce your due date,” he commanded. “Gentlemen,” he barked with an arched brow shot in their direction. “I suggest you pay attention.”

  Cam went first. “March 31st and you can suck my dick before I call you sir.”

  Stephanie laughed heartily, took two steps forward, saluted and barked, “May 7th, sir.”

  Then it was her turn. High stepping smartly in her kitten heels, she came to attention and saluted. “June 6th, sir.” The little side smirk she gave Alex when calling Drae ‘sir’ was met by her husband’s wicked leer.


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