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Unforgettable (Family Justice Book 5)

Page 35

by Suzanne Halliday

  Amusement flickered in the eyes that locked on hers. She arched a brow and gave him a look. The kid was only six and already she was being corrupted by his geek-skills. The two of them concocted a crazy gadget designed to drive her poor dog nuts. It was a remote controlled Frisbee that once tossed and landed, could suddenly take flight again at the push of a button.

  Doggie torment. Justice style.

  “Bella, sweetie,” Meghan began in a soft, reassuring tone. “This is my dad. You can call him Paddy. He’s come to visit with me and Finn.”

  Manners were something young Bella had down pat. During the initial weeks when she struggled to make sense of all the changes in her life, she’d relied on the manners Brody and Heather taught her as a confidence boost. Now the gracious, old school behavior was part of who she was.

  Stepping forward, she still clung to Meghan’s hand but offered hers in welcome. “Hi Paddy. Thank you for coming to my party.”

  She saw her Da’s eyebrows go up. It’s not every day that you encounter a six-year-old with the same confidence and presence of mind as a princess-in-training.

  It was a good thing the gruff Irish cop knew a thing or two about little girls. “Miss Jensen,” he replied gravely with a tiny bow as he shook her small hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you young lady. My son tells me you made improvements to his grilled cheese recipe. Care to share your secret?”

  Bella laughed. “Did Finn really say that?”

  “He sure did.”

  “Will you tell him it’s okay to be mad?”

  “Er, uh, say what?”

  Meghan looked at Alex who looked at Paddy who was staring at Bella.

  “He got mad at Aunt Meghan but my daddy says it’s okay to be mad. Sometimes you just have to.”

  “Oh, sweetie,” Meghan blurted out. “He’s not mad at me. We had a misunderstanding. That’s all. Brothers and sisters fight sometimes but it’s nothing.”

  Bella leaned closer to her and whispered, “He doesn’t know how to say sorry.”

  “How do you know all this, hon?” Alex asked.

  “He told me when we were in his kitchen. Did you know there’s a picture of you and your mom? Hanging on the wall. Finn says one of you can cook and the other can’t.”

  Her dad snickered-coughed and cleared his throat as her husband fought to keep a straight face.

  “You should ask him to teach you how, Aunt Meghan. Finn is the bestest. If you’re nice maybe he’ll show you how to make my cheese sandwich.”

  Oh, snap. Put in her place by the birthday girl.

  Her dad handed Bella a small, wrapped box. “For you, little lady. Add it to the pile of gifts and unwrap it later.”

  “For me? Oh, Paddy!” she exclaimed. The way she handled the pretty box choked Meghan up. In the eyes of a child it didn’t matter one bit what was inside. It truly was the thought that mattered to Miss Bella Mia.

  “Thank you so much!” And then she dashed off to show Heather and Brody.

  “My goodness,” her dad muttered as they watched the child dash away. “That girl’s got some serious super powers.”

  “She’s the best,” Alex nodded his agreement.

  Lacey was at the edge of the patio, waving at her to walk over. Real quickly, she grabbed her father’s hand and gave a gentle squeeze. “Clear the air?”

  Alex’s face registered his tension.

  “We’ll get there, daughter. Got a lot of talking we still need to do. Bella’s right though. He was a shit to you and doesn’t know how to apologize.”

  “Oh Jesus, Da. We’re way beyond little sibling snarls. He had things to say. I understand. It’s all good now. Truly.”

  “He might be a handful that boy, but we raised all our kids right. He knows he went too far and it’s not enough to just get past something. It’s not your mom and me telling him to get his act together, Meghan. He’s grown up since we sent him here. Instead of living for the moment and finding all the trouble he could to get into, Finn sees the future. Let him make amends.”

  She didn’t know quite what to say. She and her brother were fine with the polite détente they hobbled together after their spat. Alex’s hand swept across her bottom. It was a gentle caress followed by a tender pat. What her father said was important; he wanted her to pay attention. Meghan leaned into him. It was illuminating on so many levels to be in the presence of these two, strong, loving men.

  “And you should know—both of you,” he said with a meaningful look at Alex, “that’s he’s over-the-moon about the babies. Says he figures he’s here because now that kids are in the works, it’s up to him to bring some of the Irish to Major Zorro’s spawn.”

  “Did that little shit refer to my children as spawn?” She hissed. Her eyes searched the room for her brother and narrowed dangerously when she found him.

  It took her a minute to realize Alex and her dad were having a good laugh at her and Finn’s expense.

  “Sometimes you’re too easy to mess with,” Alex murmured when he kissed her cheek.

  Angie kept glancing at Parker. An uneasy feeling was brewing in the pit of her stomach. It wasn’t that he was mad or angry. It was something else. Something she couldn’t put her finger on.

  “You look worried, angel. What’s up?”

  She gave Tori a weak half-smile. “You know the drill. Men.”

  They both turned and watched a group of the guys organizing a quick dash through a large tract of empty land behind the gated community. There was some stomach slapping, physical guy parlance translated into ‘I ate too much’, and the usual fuckery that broke out whenever this group of alpha growlers got together.

  Some loud laughter and high fives broke out. The dogs, which Bella insisted be guests at her party, were barking and getting way too enthusiastic. Carmen was scolding Drae for trying to include Daniel in their nonsense. In other words, nothing out of the ordinary.

  “Dragon Lady put her foot down,” Tori chuckled. “Saves me the conversation later when he pouts that I never let him do questionable things with our son. Works for me that Carmen takes the hit and leaves Mom out of it.”

  “Ah. The politics of parenthood.”

  Angie didn’t need to look at Tori to know she was staring a hole through her.

  “Mind if I offer some advice?”

  “Could I stop you?” She muttered uneasily. Victoria was a one-woman dynamo. If she had something to say, she was gonna say it. Period.

  Pfft! “Get real,” Tori taunted. “Imma be blunt.”

  Oh, shit. Blunt? Wasn’t that code for ‘you aren’t going to like this’? Heat poured into her face—a sure sign she was turning a lovely shade of scarlet.

  “Angelina Marquez. What the hell is the matter with you? Grow the fuck up girlfriend. Marry that man before he blows a gasket.”

  Ugh. Feeling all sorts of embarrassed by Tori’s bullseye, she bit her lip and studied the ground. The embarrassment gave way quickly to shame. What had her foolishness done? It was a question she asked herself every day.

  “Even my husband, who does a B-reel worthy imitation of pretending beef with Parker, can offer testimony to the fact that the man loves you. It was funny at first, Ang. Watching you make that big ol’ muscled hunk of alpha quiver in his shoes. But enough is enough. You do realize what the foot dragging looks like, right?”

  Angie winced and gave her a sheepish look. “I know a point when I hear one waiting to be made. Go ahead. Let me have it.”

  Tori touched her arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Sweetie, there’s nothing worse you could do to a man like Parker than publically dismiss his, uh…manhood. The word emasculates comes to mind. Take it from someone who knows. That man wants to adore you. He’s begging for it. Stringing him along isn’t cool, Ms. Marquez. Not cool at all.”

  Fuuuck. Her stomach dropped out.

  “Marry him, angel. And soon. Then get busy making some babies. Got it?”

  She nodded. “Thanks, Victoria.”

  They hugged.
br />   “I better go rescue my son before Draegyn conceals a stowaway.”

  And off she went leaving Angie to go back to watching Parker.

  The incredible cake with the Little Mermaid theme that Betty’s friend Cheryl made along with a wheelbarrow of homemade ice cream consumed and cleared away, it was time for the birthday babe to open her presents.

  Happily snapping a gazillion pictures to remember the joyous occasion, Heather and Brody soaked up Bella’s charming exuberance. Sharing countless looks, an equal number of silent hand squeezes and a few dozen hugs they’d stood aside as the precocious youngster presided over the celebration, much to the delight of those present.

  Maneuvering through the crowd, she came up behind where Brody sat and put her hand on his shoulder. He instantly reached up and squeezed her fingers.

  Bending close, she whispered into his ear, “She looks so happy.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the palm. Tucking it under his chin, he held on tight and sighed. “That’s all I want, ya’ know? For her to be happy.”

  She kissed the side of his face. “Are you ready for the big moment?”

  He chuckled and sat forward, turned slightly and pulled her onto his lap. “Well shit, babe. I don’t know! What’s the protocol for these things?”

  Laughing at how his mind worked, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him for real this time with a loud smooch. “Right, right, right. We should make a plan. Everything is ready. Recycling bin for the wrapping paper and a pad and paper.”

  “For what?”

  “To write down who gave what. So she can send out thank you notes.”

  “Oh my god, seriously? Thank you notes?”

  “Yes. That’s how it’s done so pay attention. But don’t freak out Daddy. Your job is to help your daughter and I’ll take the notes.”

  “Good because I wouldn’t know what to write.”

  “And think,” she snickered. “Men rule the world.”

  “Not anymore we don’t,” he snarled.

  She wasn’t sure if he referred to the ever growing number of countries, businesses and international enterprises being headed by women or the fact that his six-year-old managed to send the entire male contingent of the Justice crew to their damn knees with nothing more than some ruffled shorts, a pair of pink little girl cowboy boots and the sort of eyebrow raising rebel attitude rarely exhibited by women five times her age.

  Bella was ecstatic as each gift was revealed. She didn’t destroy the wrapping in her eagerness and oohed and ahhed over every bow and ribbon, astutely saving all the tags by placing them inside the giver’s card.

  Seeing her gather up the memories gave Heather an idea. Soon as possible she was going to grab Drae and ask if he could make Bella a memory chest in time for Christmas. It was the perfect gift.

  As she kept track of Bella’s birthday haul, the presents and the thoughtful consideration behind each pleasantly surprised her.

  The boys came bearing outrageous toys. Dylan’s contribution was a mega bubble wand set and what seemed like a lifetime supply of Play Doh along with a Minions activity set.

  Daniel filled one big box with a bunch of smaller boxes. Twister. Chutes ‘n’ ladders. Some puzzles.

  Tori and Drae wheeled out an enormous wrapped object sitting on a wagon. Bella nearly vapor-locked as she carefully unwrapped a beautiful custom made Victorian dollhouse large enough for all of Family Justice.

  There were other things just as enthralling to the little girl. A wooden fairy door and accessories from Lacey. A Nerf blaster from Cam and a stack of family DVDs that’d take a year to get through. A personalized chef’s apron, along with a rolling pin and a kid’s recipe book from Finn. Even Mr. O’Brien had something to give; presenting the awestruck child with a tiny green enamel shamrock pin that he swore came with leprechaun magic.

  Alex’s presentation of the very first Justice leather jacket, a nod to Bella’s bike-riding daddy, was quite a moment. The custom leather had the Justice logo and Bella’s name embroidered across the back. Heather didn’t doubt everyone in the room would be getting one for Christmas.

  But it was Stephanie and Calder’s gift that put the icing on Bella’s happy birthday cake.

  Fumbling about, much to Bella’s delight, Calder lugged a pile of wrapped boxes out and pretended to be winded from the effort. With a comical grunt, he knelt in front of the birthday girl and handed a large purple envelope over. Winking at the mesmerized child he drawled, “Daddy may have to read the words.”

  Like she was shot from a cannon, Bella shimmied between Brody’s legs and waved the envelope in his face.

  “Hurry Daddy! Hurry!”

  She was hopping up and down and smiling broadly at Thor. Um, wait. Don’t I mean Calder?

  Pulling a home-made card from the envelope, clearly Stephanie’s handiwork, Brody cleared his throat and started to read as Bella peered over his arm at the words.

  Bella Mia ~ from this day forward you and Daniel share a dappled pony named Snowflake. She is yours to ride! With love from Uncle Calder and Aunt Stephanie.

  Bella gasped when Brody handed her a picture of the grey pony.

  “A pony? For me?”

  Heather glanced at Brody who sat there with the funniest damn expression on his face.

  Stephanie sat down next to Bella. “I learned how to ride when I was your age, sweetie. It sounds like fun but being responsible for a pony is a lot of work.”

  “I take good care of Georgie,” she was quick to assure Stephanie. “Ask Daddy. Or my Heather. Her expression grew serious as a heart attack when she gravely added, “I know all about taking care of things.”

  “Well good,” Stephanie replied. “Then you can help with Snowflake. Daniel is too little to ride by himself so I’m counting on you to make sure the pony you two share gets plenty of exercise and love.”

  “Oh, Aunt Stephanie,” she purred on a drawn out sigh. Heather choked up when she saw Bella bite her lip. “I will. Promise.”

  A Bella promise was the same as being etched in stone.

  “Great!” Calder boomed. “Now open everything else.”

  Half a dozen boxes later and entire riding outfit was revealed. A protective helmet and padded vest. Jodhpurs, riding boots and gloves.

  She caught her mom’s eye and saw the look of incredulity on her face. Same for her dad. There was something amazing and life-affirming about the loving way every single person in this amazing group had taken to Bella.

  “And next week, Uncle Calder and I are going to take you to Gordy’s so you can pick out a saddle.”

  “Can Daniel come? He should be there. Snowflake is his pony too.”

  She reached out and searched for Brody’s hand when Stephanie teared up, sniffed and looked away. She understood the rush of emotions that Bella’s manner sometimes provoked. That a child who’d suffered what she had so early in life to be so generous, open-hearted and always thinking of others at such a young age was deeply moving.

  A date set and confirmed with everyone, her, Brody, Stephanie and Calder checking their phones and entering a detailed reminder, all Heather could think about was how her life had changed. And Brody’s life. And most of all, Bella’s.

  Her mom and dad made a little production out of their gifts. There was a pretty holiday dress for their first Thanksgiving as a family and a junior-sized version of a hairbrush set with Bella’s initials engraved in the silver.

  She’d shared a zillion stories with her mom about Bella’s love of girly things and how their nightly bubble bath ritual became the bridge between what was and what is.

  A pink satin robe with an embroidered B and a pair of fuzzy slippers followed. And then her parents made a loving gesture that blew Heather’s mind and made Brody clear his throat.

  When she saw the palm sized red velvet box she knew immediately what was inside. With her hands clutched over her heart, Heather tried holding it together. A quick look at her dad let her know he wa
s just as emotional.

  “This was my mom’s,” Jennifer told Bella. “It’s very old and very special. Just like you.”

  Bella’s look of absolute wonder as she held up the tiny heart-shaped locket was going to remain in Heather’s heart and mind’s eye forever.

  “Look inside,” her mom urged. Helping little Bella with the snap, they opened the heart together.

  “That’s me and my mom,” she said pointing at one side of the open locket, “and look sweetie. There’s you and Heather.”

  Okay. The locket was one thing but the pictures? Heather hadn’t been expecting that.

  Bella froze. Her eyes darted to Brody, then to Heather and came around again to her parents. Bending close when Bella gestured she wanted to whisper, Heather held her breath when her mom’s eyes suddenly snapped to hers.

  Oh boy. What’s that all about?

  Jennifer Clarke gave Bella a swift hug, a kiss on the head and some whispered words before taking the locket and fastening it around the child’s neck.

  She and Brody exchanged meaningful looks but knew they had to wait till later to find out what was going on.

  Brody closed the storybook and kissed Bella’s head. He’d been reading her The Night Fairy, a story about a fearless sprite who lost her wings but learned how using her head, a little diplomacy, lots of compassion, and acts of bravery made up for what she lost.

  To him, it was an allegory about his daughter’s life.

  “Daddy?” she whispered as he tucked her in.

  She scooted over so he could sit on the side of her bed.

  He gazed at her beautiful little girl face and touched the soft gold and brown curls. One of the first things he learned about his daughter was that she wouldn’t be rushed and never allowed badgering to force a reaction. If she wanted to say something, she did. And she chose her moments carefully, something he marveled at and respected. So he let her set the pace and simply tried to be the best listening dad possible.


  “Have to tell you something. But it’s a secret.”

  Hmm. Secrets were a special category requiring deft handling. Asking a question or two for clarification might help.


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