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Unforgettable (Family Justice Book 5)

Page 41

by Suzanne Halliday

  “What are you doing?” she whined.

  “Cleaning up. A forensics team would love to study the interesting trail of fuckery we got into with that thing. What’s it called? A siphon?”

  “But that’s my job,” she sniped. Ripping the cloth out of his hand and tearing the dishtowel from his waistband she pushed him to sit at the island. He was chuckling at her but not putting up a fight.

  “No one told me there were jobs. Did I miss a memo?”

  Trying to make a point with him sometimes turned into a whole thing so she turned on her angel baby persona full blast, performed a double verbal back flip and totally stuck the landing for a solid ten. With hands slapped to her waist, she cocked a hip and raised both brows. “I believe cleaning and cooking appear under the column labeled wife. Don’t make me teach you a lesson.”

  He roared. Absolutely, positively roared with laughter. Pulling her onto his lap he took what she had in her hands and tossed it aside.

  “Proud of your bad self, are you?”

  She sniggered.

  “Thinking you have this wife thing wrestled to the ground, huh?”

  “Well,” she giggled with a deliberate pout. “I think I understand the basics and passed the permit test, don’t you?”

  He roared some more and wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. “Permit test? Jesus, Angie. You are an original, I’ll give you that.”

  “I’m just saying that it makes me twitchy when I find you cleaning up.” She twined around his neck and gave her butt an audacious wiggle. “You understand that, don’t you?”

  Laying her head on his shoulder she all but purred. “I need,” she stressed, “to take care of you.”

  “The only thing you need to do for me baby is be there. Especially when I need you.”

  He didn’t mention that she stood him up last night but it was implied. Not one to ignore a life lesson she cuddled closer and assured him of her heart. “I will always be there, Parker. I fucked up yesterday and you were right to call me on it.”

  “Is that what the thank you was for last night?” He asked so quietly she had to listen carefully.

  God, she loved him so much.

  “Yes. And for not giving up.”

  “I love you, angel.

  “I love you too.”

  He nudged her a little and urged her to sit up. When she did he gestured with his head and expression for her to look at the table. A small navy blue velvet ring box sat there.

  Her hands shot up to cover her mouth, a reflex when she gasped. “Oh my god,” she murmured. “What’s happening?”

  He ran a finger down the side of her face and offered a smile. “We’ve been down this road a couple of times, Angie. You know what’s in my heart. I’ve literally loved you from the moment of your birth and I will love you with my dying breath. What we do from here on out is entirely up to you. Last night I was angry. And hurt. But right now baby girl? I love you enough to accept whatever choice you make. Open the box. Don’t open the box. The next move is yours.”

  “Oh, Parker,” she cried. “Can I say something first?”

  “Of course, honey. This is you and me, baby. Nothing could ever change that. Say whatever you want.”

  It only took a nanosecond to organize her thoughts. And then she poured out her heart and handed it to him for safekeeping.

  “I’ve never wanted anything except you, Parker. As far back in my memory as I can search, it’s always been you. Even when an ocean and a continent separated us, it was you. So when you asked,” she shrugged to make her point. “That was it for me. You said last night we’re already married in all but name.”

  “I meant it,” he gravely replied.

  “I know and that’s my point. The asking was our moment of destiny. I didn’t need a ring.” She touched the little rubies dangling from her ears. “I had these, remember? They’re a powerful symbol, more powerful than an engagement ring.”

  He gently touched an earring and nodded.

  “And I know this is gonna sound crazy and probably a little lame but it really didn’t dawn on me until recently that we weren’t on the same page with what we wanted.” Poor choice of words on her part because he instantly registered his objection with a primal noise. “Easy, counselor. Let the witness finish her statement,” she teased.

  He eyed her warily but let her continue.

  “What I mean is, it never occurred to me that it was you who needed the ring and everything else. A wedding, all of it.”

  “Seeing you dressed in white coming to me on your father’s arm,” he murmured thickly. “It gets me every time just thinking about it.”

  “I know that now,” she ruefully admitted. “That’s what I mean by different pages, Parker. I dreamed for so long of being yours that none of the pomp and circumstance mattered and in my silly head I figured if I didn’t get all wrapped up in wanting the pageantry that eventually you’d drag me in front of a judge in a t-shirt and cowgirl boots if necessary and simply seal the deal.”

  “I thought you weren’t sure about getting married.”

  “And I wanted you to do what you did last night and take control.”

  He looked at her. “You understand that my taking control means the white dress and probably a horse drawn carriage, right?”

  She rolled her eyes and smirked. “Yeah.”

  He nodded at the box on the table. “And that?”

  With a playful sigh, she gave him a sullen, “Well, I guess,” and picked up the box.

  She loved velvet in any form. Running her fingers on the navy blue material, she felt a smile curve one side of her mouth. The attention to detail, his willingness and desire to do whatever it took for her to be happy made her heart swell with boundless belief in an unforgettable happily ever after just for them.

  “This better be good,” she snickered.

  “Eh,” he shrugged. “QVC.”

  Angie laughed at what was fast becoming a Justice one-liner.

  “Oh?” she said with real amusement. “Today’s special value?”

  “Easy pay and everything,” he proudly crowed. “Now stop fucking around, angel. Are you gonna open the box or what?”

  She smiled into his eyes and cracked open the box.

  “Oh my god.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh my god, Parker.”

  “Believe it or not, that’s my grandmother’s engagement ring. Reset of course with a few embellishments of my own.”

  She blinked through the tears and stared at the center diamond, knowing it belonged to his grandmother. It had to be two carats and looked enormous in an oval halo setting surrounded by smaller diamonds that continued on the band.

  “You had this made?”

  “Yep. I’ve had it for months.”

  “Why the jeweler then? Am I missing something?”

  He shook his head and gave her a sheepish look. “No. As usual you’re looking for ulterior motives when I was just trying to be Mr. Smooth. Had a whole crazy plan to use the ring appointment as a lead-in to some epic moment I was making up in my head.”

  She was shaking when he took the box from her hands and plucked the ring out. It slid effortlessly onto her finger.

  “I like the way it looks,” he quipped before kissing her hand. “Angels need sparkle.”

  She was speechless and could barely work up an expression much less words until something wonderful popped into her mind that perfectly summed up how she felt.

  “You make me sparkle. And I don’t mean that in some cutesy way. It’s true,” she told him. “When you’re near or when I think of you, it’s like something lights up inside me. I feel sparkly inside.”

  He kissed her so sweetly she nearly cried.

  “Well, listen up Sparkles. Internal tingles aside, expect to be covered with shiny things. Oh, and pearls. You need yards and yards of pearls, angel baby.”

  Yes! She loved pearls. So did Sophie. They used to laugh about becoming pearl divers in Tahiti.

  “First though,
now that I see how lovely you look in platinum and diamonds, I’m thinking two things are needed immediately.”

  It never occurred to her that he was the type to go crazy with bling. The thought wasn’t a turn-off.

  “A silver ankle bracelet. Maybe a tiny diamond heart. Come to think of it, you’ll probably need a box just for the ankle jewelry. Your legs demand respect, Angelina. What better way than with expensive gifts?”

  “And the second thing?” He was on an intriguing roll. She waited breathlessly to see where he went.

  “Pussy jewelry.”


  He reached between her legs and stroked her mound. “There’s an artisan in Santa Barbara who custom makes some really beautiful and elegant stuff. I’m not talking cheap sex store Chinese made crap. Think elegant and tantalizing. Like you.”

  She wanted to melt right there on his lap.

  He wasn’t finished throwing shit at her. She was getting winded keeping up with him.

  “Okay. So now we pick a date. I have some ideas but am open to your wishes.”

  “Uh.” Real intelligent sounding you twit!

  “That’s what I thought,” he drawled. “So, it’s November. Your folks get here in December. After giving them time to settle in, I say we go with the first available date after the first of the year. Since Cam and Lacey snagged Valentine’s Day, how do you feel about the end of March? First day of spring.”

  Remembering that it was Parker who needed the hoopla, she smiled broadly and eagerly agreed. Whatever made him happy made her happy.

  “Okay, so,” he smirked with an evil sounding snicker. Producing his phone he said, “I’ve got a save the date email ready to go out to parents and your family along with the whole Justice distribution list. Wanna help me push send?”

  Oh my god. He came prepared! Her smile was so big it hurt. She was damn thankful he waited for her to grow up and even more grateful that they got a second chance. If he wanted to send a plane up to sky write their save the date, she was fine with it.

  “Let’s do it,” she laughed.

  “Finger at the ready,” he warbled in a hilarious voice.

  She put her finger over the button and he kissed the side of her face. “Here goes.”

  He pushed her finger down and the email went out. It was official. On the first day of spring next year she’d finally become Mrs. Parker Sullivan.

  “Holy shit,” Cameron muttered.

  They were at the breakfast table where he was standing on his head to entice Lacey to eat something when his phone buzzed and he picked it up to see what was going on.

  “Everything okay?”

  He looked at her and smiled. Her heart sighed. There’d never come a day when she didn’t see one of his beautiful smiles and remember the dour, sullen, unsmiling man she gave her heart to. Knowing she helped him find his smile was a rare gift that made their relationship stronger.

  “You’re never going to believe this,” he chuckled. “Look.”

  He held up his phone for her to see. On the screen was an elaborate Star Wars themed save the date announcement.

  “When’s the first day of spring?” she asked.

  He looked it up on his phone and told her it was the end of March. Twentieth, twenty-first, somewhere in there.

  She patted her tummy and made a face.

  “Oh goody. Nine months pregnant and a family wedding. Can’t wait.”

  Her husband laughed and kissed her growing belly. “I’ll make a deal with you.”

  One of Cameron’s deals always got her attention. “I’m listening.”

  “How about you drink a smoothie and after Dyl finishes breakfast and settles down, I’ll rub that coconut oil shit you love so much into your belly.”

  “Will you make the smoothie the way I like it?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he assured her. “Now that I know how to use that damn Vita-Mixer I’m ready to rock and roll.”

  “By the way,” she told him with a real laugh, “the Potions Master decals on the big mixer are a nice touch.”

  He was turning her kitchen into a Hogwarts room of requirement with all sorts of stuff. First Stephanie got a vinyl cutter making decals on everything a possibility and then Calder with his 3D printer only made things worse.

  Her husband had interesting theories about raising their kids in a world filled with books, movies and art, insisting that the more well rounded a kid is, the more compassion and manners they develop.

  Manners were going to be a very big thing with him. It was the military in his complicated background coming out.

  “Do we have a deal? Smoothie for a belly rub?”

  For half a second she wondered whether he was hanging around Brody and his canines too much because it sure did seem to her like eat this thing that’s good for you and I’ll scratch your tummy would be something he’d pick up from the dog guru.

  “Deal,” she replied sweetly with her hand ready to shake.

  He jumped up and started running around the kitchen. She looked at Dylan and rolled her eyes to let him know that yes, Daddy was nuts.

  “Dada,” the little boy shouted.

  “Pay attention, son,” he answered. “This is how you take care of Mommy when there’s a baby sister in her belly.”

  Answering everything by hollering, “Baby,” and then laughing hysterically was her son’s new favorite thing to do.

  After a lot of mess and noise, he proudly presented her with a double banana chocolate smoothie made with powdered peanut butter that tasted like heaven. She knew there were all sorts of things added in for nutrition and was glad Cameron was doing his homework. Five months along and all she was able to choke down was risotto, a daily yogurt that always made her gag, Nilla Vanilla wafers and a fresh made smoothie. One look at meat of any kind and she was bent over the toilet. Surely this meant that Little Miss Cameron was going to be a vegetarian, right?

  “Finn is bringing some lasagna by later. He made it just for you.”

  It sounded good and she’d make everyone happy by nibbling on a bite or two but that would be it. The playacting made her feel dreadful but she hated hurting anyone’s feelings and they were all so concerned about her. She wished this pregnancy were as easy and without complaint as Dylan’s.

  He kept a watch on her like a hawk at feeding time, hanging in the kitchen and making a general nuisance until she sucked the straw empty and gave a satisfied, “Ahhh. Happy now?”

  Kissing her he offered an encouraging smile. “I’m sorry for being a pain.”

  “You’re not a pain,” she assured him with her hand caressing the side of his face. “I’m counting on you to keep an eye on me. This time is so different from last.”

  “Betty’s pal, Cheryl? Her daughter is a midwife and also helps her mom with Stork Expressions. She offered to come by and hook you up with a mommy massage. Betty insists it’ll make you feel wonderful.”

  “Really? Oh, honey. That’d be great. I’d ask Meghan but she’s got her hands full with Big Daddy and the twins. The ladies still meet for yoga but with all of us in different stages of pregnancy, it’s more like a support group than a class.”

  “Consider it done, my love.”

  “You take such wonderful care of us.”

  “Ponytail,” he murmured. “You, Dyl and baby girl Cameron are my life. I’ve got the family I always dreamed of. Taking care of you guys is pure pleasure.”

  “Mama. Dada. Baby,” Dylan gurgled with two fingers shoved inside his cheek. He was teething again and as usual was handling it like a champ.

  Cameron kissed her forehead. “I’ll take the little dude upstairs and get him cleaned up and dressed for the day. You relax. Maybe put on Live with Kelly and check out today’s cohosting musical chairs.”

  She would rather choke down a plate of raw meat than watch any of the morning shows. He was teasing her but also laying down a gentle command that she take it easy.

  “Gee thanks,” she chortled. “You know how much I
look forward to makeup tips and celebrity gossip.”

  He swung their young son out of the high chair and tossed him in the air. She all but swallowed her tongue every time he did it but knew he was careful.

  “Wave to Mommy,” he encouraged Dylan. “Now blow her a kiss.”

  She loved kiss blowing and clapped her hands with glee. Dylan was so pleased with himself that he blew a few more while Cameron strode from the room with him perched on his shoulder. Watching her two guys walk away she rubbed her belly and gave it a reassuring pat.

  “Can’t wait for you to get here,” she whispered. “Too much testosterone around here as it is. I need back-up!”

  Laughing, she suddenly sobered and thought wistfully of her mother, wishing for the millionth time that she were still alive and part of her life.


  Mmmm. Just about her favorite smell.

  Was coffee served in heaven?

  Remy stretched in her blanket-covered cocoon and immediately winced. Every inch of her body hurt. She struggled to open her eyes and when she did, decided that yep, her eyeballs hurt too.

  Pushing the covers down with her one functioning hand, she kicked everything away, grunting from the arduous effort.

  And what the goddamn hell was she wearing? Seriously? Sweatpants in bed? Ugh. No wonder she was overheated and sweaty.

  Swinging her legs off the side of the bed, she eyed her injured arm as memories of yesterday fired up in her thoughts.

  The lightning storm and her ill-advised dash into the desert.

  Tumbling off a ledge and the long agonizing hours before she was found.

  Finn riding to her rescue.

  Slutty nurse.

  Pain pills followed by a fuzzy cloud shot with vague vignettes. Stripping out of her clothes. Grabbing the sweats from the hamper. Jace trying to make her drink milk and the funny argument that ensued between him and Finn. And then a lot of nothing.

  She vaguely remembered using the bathroom. And she had a bizarre memory of Finn wiping dripped toothpaste off her shirt. But more than that? Yeah. Not so much.

  Driven by the need to fall face first into a trough of coffee, she dragged herself to the bathroom; grimaced at the fright wig her hair resembled and set about pretending to be presentable. Remy figured as long as her boobs weren’t hanging out and she didn’t smell like the zoo during morning roll call, she was good. After all, it was just Jace and he’d seen her when she was barely clinging to rock bottom.


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