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Anthology - Behind the Mask

Page 32

by Joey W Hill, Lacey Alexander

  Reality intruded and he realized Lily didn’t feel so inclined that way.

  “Very tricky,” came the muffled response from Darla. The clink of silverware on silver could be heard from Lily’s small office. Andrew felt his breathing return to normal.

  No lesbian voyeuristic fantasies would be played out tonight. He must be hornier than he realized.

  Andrew tried to stifle his laughter, and continued into Lily’s office anyway. The sight that greeted his eyes amazed him.

  Feminine decadence abounded.

  One crushed, empty pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chunky Monkey lay on the floor near the wastepaper basket. One almost empty pint of Phish Food lay on the desk, mostly-melted chocolate ice cream stickily seeping out the bottom.

  An extra-large indulgence packet of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups spilled out over the paperwork spread helter-skelter across the desk. M&M’s—both the chocolate variety as well as the peanut variety he noted, completely amused—and strawberries and cream also fought for space among the cluttered desktop.

  Both girls had changed from their suits and jackets into baggy sweat suit pants and torn T-shirts.

  Andrew raised an eyebrow as they scrambled to pick up the scattered suckers and clean up the mess from the ice cream with a man-sized box of tissues they had obviously brought for such a purpose.

  “Andrew!” Lily cried out. “I thought you were going bowling with the guys.”

  “And I thought you were working late, my dear,” he purred, not wanting to ruin the moment. He had never felt so amused, seeing Lily and her friend scramble to right the small office.

  “This isn’t what it seems,” she panted as she finally collected the last of the chocolates from the desk.

  “This isn’t really a girls’ night, as such,” Darla confirmed, mopping up the dripping ice cream, “despite how it looks— Why the hell are you wearing that outfit?”

  Andrew leered at Darla and chuckled as she cringed back in confusion. Her comment about the mask had Lily stopping her collection of the candies and turning fully to face him.

  “Oh my goodness. Andrew! You’re not—”

  Deciding his little pre-prepared speech was not meant for Darla’s ears—why not let Lily embellish it herself after their weekend away?—he strode forward and scooped Lily up into his arms.

  She shrieked, but didn’t fight him and so, with a wink for Darla, he carried his woman back down the corridor and to the elevators.

  * * * * *

  “So, the highwayman of my dreams returns?” Lily cooed in his ear as the elevator descended.

  She smiled as her masked man turned to look down upon her. She was in her oldest, dowdiest “got-my-period-with-cramps-to-die-over-leave-me-the-hell-alone” clothes and his eyes still glittered as they had that first night when she had been dressed to kill.

  “The nice, polite, patient Andrew didn’t seem to be getting anywhere. We decided it was time for the highwayman to return. Highwaymen don’t wait patiently and get their shins kicked for risqué comments. Highwaymen take what they want and damn the consequences.”

  Lily wriggled until he set her down on the floor. Keeping her arms wrapped around his neck, she pulled him down for a deep, drugging kiss. Neither one moved an inch as the elevator jolted to a halt and the doors opened softly.

  “Freeze! Cops are on their way!”

  Both Lily and Andrew broke apart, startled by the one well-known, supremely overweight security guard, shaking as he held his gun on them both.

  “Uh, Niles, it’s Andrew from…”

  “Don’t you talk to me, buddy. I’ve radioed the cops and the city’s finest will be here in a moment for you. Let go of Miss Lily now.”

  Sighing, wondering why the hell old Niles wasn’t snoozing or munching his nachos like normal, Andrew stuck his hands in the air. He felt it far safer for his piece of mind to keep his hands where Niles could see them. He would hate for the old man to have to give himself a heart attack by pulling the trigger of his gun.

  “Darling, can you talk to him?”

  Lily stepped out of his embrace and threw him a saucy glance.

  “What happened to ‘stand and deliver?’” she teased.

  He glared at her.

  Laughing, she exited the elevator and held Niles’ hand, lowering his gun carefully.

  “Niles, sweetie, you’re the very best of security guards but this is Andrew Morrisey, from the Troubleshooting Division. Let him get his ID out, okay?”

  Andrew dug into his pocket carefully and very slowly withdrew his swipe card. The photo was appalling but, as he removed his mask and handed over the card, the flush creeping up old Niles’ face was enough to convince Andrew they were in the clear.

  “Oh sir! I am so sorry, sir!”

  “No problems, Niles. It’s encouraging to know the women are safe at night. Though maybe you should call the cops. Lily and I are on our way out and, while I trust you implicitly, I wouldn’t like our chances if the cops thought we were making a dash for it.”

  Fumbling, still apologizing for his actions, Niles hastily radioed the cops to explain the mess-up.

  Lily stepped back toward him, wrapped her arms around his neck again. Replacing his mask, he bent down to kiss her fully.

  A full minute later they broke apart, panting, as Niles got off his radio.

  “Everything is clear now, sir. And again—“

  “No problems, my man. Like I said, it makes me feel much better allowing Lily to work late to know you’re on the job. Darla is still up there, though I doubt for much longer, so keep an eye out for her, okay?”

  Niles nodded and opened the front door for them. Holding her hand tightly, Andrew hailed a cab, thanking Niles as the man shut the door behind them.

  “To the airport,” he instructed the driver.

  “Airport? Andrew, what have you planned?”

  Leaning back in the cab, Andrew pulled his woman toward him.

  “Andrew-the-businessman has been jumping through your hoops for over a month now. Andrew-the-highwayman has taken over, I told you. Highwaymen do not wait for what they want. I cleared the next three days off with your boss. We’re making a trip back to New Orleans. I have the paperwork all done and an appointment later this evening at the courthouse near our suite. I figure the highwayman can bind you to him this weekend and we can enjoy those three days of nonstop screaming sex you promised me and then we can return back here and work the rest out later.”

  Lily laughed.

  “You have to be kidding. I am not getting married in my oldest pair of sweatpants and a torn shirt. I don’t have anything with me, not even my purse.”

  “Mm…” he murmured, kissing her again. “Wasn’t there that resale shop near the hotel where you found that mask? I bet we can find something there for you to wear.”

  She hit his chest, with no real force, but with enough to make him draw back and laugh.

  “Okay, okay, I packed a suitcase for you, and for me as well, as I don’t like my chances of getting through security dressed like this. It should be waiting in the locker the courier mailed me the key to. Your blue Regency dress is freshly pressed and all those naughty camisoles and garter belts you’ve been holding out on me are packed in a bag. Other than that, you can be naked all weekend for all I care.”

  When the cabbie cleared his throat, face flaming red, they both laughed and sank back into the cab to wait until they reached the airport. Lily kept fingering his mask.

  “I do love the highwayman. I think I love the businessman more but the highwayman certainly has his uses.”

  “This highwayman is glad and he just can’t wait to order you to ‘stand and deliver’ tonight. As his wife, you won’t be allowed to turn him down.”

  Lily laughed huskily and caressed his jaw.

  There is definitely a lot of good to be said for going to a “real” Mardi Gras.

  About the author:

  Elizabeth Lapthorne is the eldest of four children. She grew u
p with lots of noise, fights and tale-telling. Her mother, a reporter and book reviewer, instilled in her a great appreciation of reading with the intrigues of a good plot.

  Elizabeth studied Science at school, and whilst between jobs complained bitterly to a good friend about the lack of current literature to pass away the hours. While they both were looking up websites for new publishers, she stumbled onto Ellora’s Cave. Jumping head-first into this doubly new site (both the first e-book site she had ever visited, as well as her first taste of Romantica) they both devoured over half of EC’s titles in less than a month. While waiting for more titles to be printed (as well as that ever-elusive science job) Elizabeth started dabbling again in her writing.

  Elizabeth has always loved to read, it will always be her favourite pass-time, (she is constantly buying new books and bookshelves to fill), but she also loves going to the beach, sitting in the sun, having coffee (or better yet, CHOCOLATE and coffee) with her friends and generally enjoying life. She is extremely curious, which is why she studied science, and often tells “interesting” stories, loving a good laugh. She is a self-confessed email junkie, loving to read what other people on the EC board think and have to say, she laughs often at their tales and ideas. She recently has developed a taste for the gym. She’s sure she read somewhere it was good for her, but she is reserving judgment to see how long it lasts.

  Elizabeth Lapthorne welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

  Also by Elizabeth Lapthorne:

  Desperate and Dateless

  Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails I anthology

  Lion In Love


  Rutledge Werewolves 1: Scent of Passion

  Rutledge Werewolves 2: Hide and Seek

  Rutledge Werewolves 3: The Mating Game

  Rutledge Werewolves 4: My Heart’s Passion

  Rutledge Werewolves 5: Chasing Love

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.




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