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Battle of Forces: Sera Toujours

Page 24

by Ali Vali

  Kendal had never considered having a family, since it wasn’t something within her reach. Leaving everyone in her life had been hard enough, but leaving a child to keep her secret would’ve been impossible for her, even if she’d ever possessed the power to sire one.

  When Piper told her otherwise almost nine months ago, before she asked her to make love to her to make it so, it was the closest she had ever come to passing out from shock. In Piper’s womb grew a seed they’d both planted. True, it would hold the essence of two people who’d once loved each other centuries before, but it would also be graced with the essence of her and Piper, just as if they’d created the baby themselves.

  From there, neither of them knew what the future held for the two miracles who would soon come into the world. What the two expectant mothers and the Marmandes did know was that she and Morgaine were about to rattle apart from worry over their mates. No two women had been so coddled during their pregnancies as Piper and Lenore.

  “So, Mac, you get your wish after all,” she said.

  “What wish?”

  “Soon there’ll be a little Marmande-Richoux running around Marmande’s, guaranteeing the business will survive for another generation.”

  “Do you think the baby will be immortal as well, with you two as parents?” Molly asked.

  “Since we’re frozen at the age we are when we drink the elixir, I hope not,” she said, and helped Piper up.

  They headed back to the house to join the others for dinner. After they’d come home to Louisiana, they’d started constructing a house for Lenore and Morgaine, built to their specifications, which included a sprawling library and sword room. Soon most of the places Kendal owned around the world would finish all the new construction she’d ordered. Close to each house she owned would stand a new home, so their children could grow up together.

  The Elders had met and determined the fate of Bailey, since Kendal had decided Travis’s fate for them. She assured them his remains would never be found, and she’d never record how to find them. Rolla accepted her choice since it was his lax judgments that had allowed Travis to join their ranks in the first place. Bailey was placed whole in the crypt where Julius’s body had lain for so many years. With luck, Rolla wouldn’t order his release for at least a thousand years, but she’d fight it when he did.

  At the conclusion of their meeting, Asra was given the status of Elder and provided more rooms in the main compound in Egypt. The others accepted Piper for who she was now in her life and who she’d eventually become to them. Piper hadn’t made the trip with her, but had been comforted that Bruik had stayed to continue her training.

  Bruik had always been a bit of a recluse but had found he enjoyed his afternoon walks with Piper and vowed to stay at her side until Piper felt she no longer needed him. He’d become a welcomed part of their family.

  The other thing Rolla and the others had insisted on was leaving a healer with them. Two pregnancies that had resulted from the power released from a sword would be hard to explain to a doctor in a normal setting. Some of the best medical minds had trained the young woman who saw to their needs. She tried not to bother them too much and had moved into one of the guest rooms to wait for the big day.

  “Coming?” Piper asked as she stood at the base of the stairs after dinner.

  “In a minute, love. I just remembered I left the book about the sword and the Sea Serpent legend outside. If something happens to it, Lenore might have me drawn and quartered, or something equally bad.”

  “Hurry back.” Piper started up the stairs to their room.

  It wasn’t that she needed the rest. So far the pregnancy had been great and her energy level had remained the same. Piper just liked to spend time with Kendal, pressed skin to skin as they marveled at how her body had changed and why. The fact that the baby was theirs overwhelmed them at times.

  It was completely dark by the time Kendal made it to the trees. The staff had left the book she was looking for on one of the chaises, but the evidence of her picnic with Mac had been cleared away. She didn’t see anyone until she bent to retrieve the leather-covered volume that’d come to mean the world to Lenore as well as Piper.

  “Tell me, warrior, how are you handling life lately?” Aphrodite materialized, stretched out on the chaise lounge, and stared up at her.

  Aphrodite’s voluptuous figure hadn’t changed at all, and her voice still had the ability to wrap around Kendal like a velvet glove. Those were the first two things Kendal had noticed about the goddess when she initially visited her, even in the disguise of an old woman. Aside from Piper, only a handful of women had been able to affect her like this. It was a night that, before Piper had come into her life, she thought of often.

  “It was incredible, I’d have to agree,” Aphrodite said, as if she’d spoken her thoughts out loud. “But now you have the woman who will cater to your every want just like you will to hers, do you not?”

  “I do, and I wonder if I have you to thank for that as well,” she said before lowering her head, “Goddess.”

  Aphrodite clapped her hands together and laughed. “I told your partner I chose well, but Piper was completely your choice to make. You’re smart as well as strong and incredibly sexy, and I congratulate you for having such good taste. Piper is your perfect match, but she didn’t make out so bad either.”

  “Thank you for the compliment, and I’m glad you came back so I could also thank you for all you did for us.”

  “Actually, I came back to answer all those questions you’ve had rolling around in here.” Aphrodite tapped the side of her head with a perfectly manicured nail. “It’s a shame you can’t sleep. You could use some downtime every so often from all this thinking. It’s making me tired, and all I’m doing is listening.”

  “It’s the soldier in me.”

  “Then allow me to help put your mind at ease. I meant what I told Piper. The baby you and Piper will bring into this world will be yours, with only a touch of love that started a long time ago. It was my promise to the lovers, who gave me so much, to allow them another opportunity at a life together, but I feel they’d be better off starting fresh without the burdens of their pasts. The same is true of Lenore and Morgaine’s child.”

  Kendal let out a long breath of relief. Not that she minded what the sword had given them, but raising someone who had her own mind-set from birth was a little much to think about. Before she could say or ask anything else, Aphrodite changed form to become the old woman she’d met in the woods after her visit with the Roman general.

  “Sometimes someone who comes bearing gifts is just that. They don’t always have ulterior motives or strings attached. They’re just someone giving you something to make you happy. Learn to listen to your heart, Asra, for it has served you well up to now.” Again Aphrodite changed to another woman Kendal had known from a distant past. “I’ve been with you always to make sure the hope in here never fully died away with the horrors you’ve faced.” She tapped gently over her heart.

  “I never realized.”

  “You gave me your heart because, as I told you before, you were always true and pure when it came to the things you wanted. Someone so kindhearted deserves my rewards and all the gifts I can bestow on you.”

  Kendal looked down as the goddess unfastened enough buttons to see the tattoo that still graced the skin over her heart. The dragon now holding the sword and the orb had become Piper’s favorite place to run her fingers when they were alone.

  “You have given me, as well as my sisters, the depth of your love, the virtue of your wisdom, and the infinite strength of your courage.” Aphrodite pressed her hand harder over her heart, and it was incredibly warm. “We in turn have given you the will to continue the fight.” Aphrodite traced over the claw that held the sword with her finger. “And the reason to do so,” she said, then moved to the claw that held the orb. “The markings changed so you would always remember that it is your heart that makes you who you are, Asra. A heart that now belong
s as much to the woman who owns it and the child who will soon lay its own claim. And through it all you will have my sisters and me to look over you.”

  “I thank you again, Goddess.” Kendal covered Aphrodite’s hand, pulling it away and kissing the palm with as much tenderness as she could.

  “So, little one, are you happy as well?” Aphrodite said with a smile that made Kendal turn around.

  “Had you undone one more button I’d be thinking of ways to kill you, but I’m happy for the most part,” Piper said, her hand on the small of her back, helping her to support the growing weight she was privileged to lug around all day. Aphrodite had come to Piper more than once when she practiced expanding her sight for visions, and they’d formed a friendship.

  “I just wanted to come for one more visit before the blessed event.” Aphrodite moved away from Kendal so she could place her hands over their active child. She laughed at the healthy kicks that probably followed, since the baby loved to be caressed. “I believe this one will act much like that one.” She pointed to Kendal, warning Piper. “And that one I’ve watched for a long time. Are you sure you can handle two of them?”

  “I can handle anything as long as she loves me.” Piper sounded like she was at peace. Kendal placed her hands on her shoulders. Piper smiled back at her but turned back to the goddess.

  “Good.” Aphrodite moved her hands to Piper’s head. “Enjoy the calm of what’s coming, for the war will begin again soon enough. Those who dare to live life to the fullest are those who have the most to lose.”

  “But they are also the ones with the most to gain.” The language they used was the language of the gods, and Kendal stood still behind her since Piper knew she didn’t understand.

  “True, but know that my protection over you will be eternal. All you need do is call my name if you have need of me, and I’ll come to you.”

  “I appreciate that, and I really do thank you for this gift.” Piper put her hands over her midsection and smiled. She planned to give this child all the love and devotion she had missed out on from her own parents.

  “Take care of her, warrior.” Aphrodite’s voice drifted to them in the wind when she disappeared.

  “I’ll take care of you, all right,” Kendal said as she pressed Piper back against her chest and put her hands over Piper’s on their child. “I’ll take care of you both.” After Kendal kissed the side of her head she guided them back to the house.

  “Anything I should be worried about since I can’t make out any of that language?” Kendal asked.

  “Eventually, but for now I’m going to enjoy you and the life we have together. The rest will just have to wait until I’ve had my fill.” She leaned heavily into Kendal to take the pressure off her back.

  “The world doesn’t always wait until you’re ready for the bad things flung our way.” Kendal kissed the side of her neck.

  “That’s true, but we’ll have powerful protectors going forward.”

  “The gods of old don’t hold too much power anymore, my love,” Kendal said, the baby active under her hands. “Granted, it’s amazing to me they exist at all, but I doubt they’ll be much help when battles like this one come our way.”

  “Do you remember the night you mixed the elixir for me?” Piper turned around and faced Kendal.

  “That’s not something I’ll forget anytime soon.” Kendal shook her head slightly, as if she didn’t understand where Piper was taking the conversation.

  “I told you then with my rusty French that the words that came to me were toujours ici. ‘Always here’ is what’s most important for you to remember about me going forward. That was my promise to you then, and it’s my promise to you always.” Kendal immediately lowered her head when she placed her hands behind her neck and kissed her. “You are my balance and the person who completes the other half of my soul, and nothing will ever sever that bond.”

  “Maybe I should promise something in return.” Kendal picked Piper up and cradled her against her chest for the walk back to the house.

  “At the threat of sounding like a composer of Hallmark greeting cards for Valentine’s Day, you’ve already given me more happiness than I ever thought I deserved. That you love me has been the greatest gift any god or supreme being has been gracious enough to give me.”

  “Let’s see if you remember any more of your high school French,” Kendal said as she kissed her again. “You said toujours ici,” she whispered.

  “Always here for you, love,” she said softly back.

  “Sera toujours,” Kendal said, and it took Piper a moment to translate the words in her head.

  “Always will be.” She smiled.

  “No matter the road, the fight, or the years,” Kendal said as she neared the back of the house. “I’ll always be at your side.”

  “Thank you and I love you,” Piper said—and her water broke.

  The next chapter of their story started now.

  About the Author

  Originally from Cuba, Ali Vali has retained much of her family’s traditions and language and uses them frequently in her stories. Having her father read her stories and poetry before bed every night as a child infused her with a love of reading, which carries till today. In 2000, Ali decided to embark on a new path and started writing.

  Ali now lives in the suburbs of New Orleans with her partner of twenty-nine years, and finds that living in such a history-rich area provides plenty of material to draw from in creating her novels and short stories. Mixing imagination with different life experiences makes it easier to create a slew of different characters that are engaging to the reader on many levels. Ali states that “The feedback from readers encourages me to continue to hone my skills as a writer.”

  Acclaim for the Cain Casey Saga

  The Devil Inside

  “Vali’s fluid writing style quickly puts the reader at ease, which makes the story and its characters equally easy to get to know and care about. When you find yourself talking out loud to the characters in a book, you know the work is polished and professional, as well as entertaining.”—Family and Friends

  “Not only is The Devil Inside a ripping mystery, it’s also an intimate character study.”—L-Word Literature

  “The Devil Inside is the first of what promises to be a very exciting series…While telling an exciting story that grips the reader, Vali has also fully fleshed out her heroes and villains. The Devil Inside is that rarity: a fascinating crime novel which includes a tender love story and leaves the reader with a cliffhanger ending.”—MegaScene

  The Devil Unleashed

  “Fast-paced action scenes, intriguing character revelations, and a refreshing approach to the romance thriller genre all make for an enjoyable reading experience in the Big Easy…The Devil Unleashed is an engrossing reading experience.”—Midwest Book Review

  Deal With the Devil

  “Ali Vali has given her fans another thick, rich thriller…Deal With the Devil has wonderful love stories, great sex, and an ample supply of humor. It is an exciting, page turning read that leaves her readers eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.”—Just About Write

  The Devil Be Damned

  “Ali Vali excels at creating strong, romantic characters along with her fast paced, sophisticated plots. Her setting, New Orleans, provides just the right blend of immigrants from Mexico, South America and Cuba, along with a city steeped in traditions.”—Just About Write

  Praise for Ali Vali

  Carly’s Sound

  “Vali paints vivid pictures with her words…Carly’s Sound is a great romance, with some wonderfully hot sex.”—Midwest Book Review

  “It’s no surprise that passion is indeed possible a second time around”—Q Syndicate

  Calling the Dead

  “So many writers set stories in New Orleans, but Ali Vali’s mystery novels have the authenticity that only a real Big Easy resident could bring…makes for a classic lesbian murder yarn.”—Curve

  Blue Skies

/>   “Vali is skilled at building sexual tension and the sex in this novel flies as high as Berkley’s jets. Look for this fast-paced read.”—Just About Write

  Balance of Forces: Toujours Ici

  “A stunning addition to the vampire legend, Balance of Forces: Toujours Ici, is one that stands apart from the rest.”—Bibliophilic Book Blog

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