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High Plains Promise (Love on the High Plains Book 2)

Page 13

by Beaudelaire, Simone

  Late that evening, Kristina Heitschmidt sat in a kitchen chair she'd pulled up to the window, watching the spring moonlight glitter on the streets, their red color appearing nearly black in the hazy moonlight. She'd been unable to sleep, despite passing an emotional evening with her husband. First they'd prayed for the family of Bill, the criminal who had just died. Then they'd tried to talk, but found it impossible. At last they'd settled for soothing each other in the most primal way. It had helped a great deal, but though Cody had dropped into a contented sleep, Kristina still felt restless.

  A movement in her peripheral vision caught Kristina's attention. A figure swathed in black was making his way down the street, movements furtive, sliding from one shadow to the next. Alarmed, Kristina stood, planning to wake her husband. If the robber gang was planning to do something untoward, they needed to do something to stop them.

  Then a gust of Kansas wind ruffled the figure, sending the black hood falling back to reveal the golden hair and delicate features of Rebecca Spencer. The woman looked to the left and right and, seeing no one, pulled the hood back up and hurried on in the direction of Kristina's childhood home.

  The pastor's wife compressed her mouth in a disapproving line. If Becky didn't return in the next ten minutes or so, there would be hell to pay tomorrow.

  James was sprawled on the sofa in his parlor, reading a book by the light of the oil lamp. Or trying to. Dark thoughts weighed on his mind. Today, his son's murderer had been executed. At one time, he'd looked forward to the dispensing of justice, but now, he began to realize it would not bring Calvin back. It would not give him the opportunity to make things right with his son, who had died before they could talk, before they could forgive each other for the mess they'd made of their relationship.

  Cal had been killed defending his sister. And she and Cody had been there with him at the end, making sure he didn't die alone. Those thoughts, with which well-meaning friends tried to soothe him, provided no comfort at all. He didn't want platitudes. He wanted his son.

  There was a soft knock on the door. How odd. It was late, far later than anyone should be up, let alone knocking on people's doors. Who could it be?

  He opened it to see the petite figure and glowing golden hair of his fiancée.

  “Rebecca?” James asked, startled.

  “James, I… I need… can I please come in?”

  Blinking, he ushered her into the parlor and shut the door.

  “What's going on, love?” he asked, turning to face her.

  “I couldn't sleep. I… I'm sorry. I hope I didn't disturb you.” She looked… desperate, nearly hysterical. James approached quickly and took her in his arms. No matter how often they embraced, it always amazed him how warm and sweet she felt. Tonight, it appeared, she was feeling needy. She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a hot, wild kiss. The heat and passion of his woman was exactly what James wanted, and he shared his love with her for long moments, until fiery arousal left him on the edge of his control.

  “Stop, love,” he urged, pulling back a little.

  “Oh please, James. Don't stop me. I need you.” She guided his mouth back to hers and nipped his lower lip.


  “I'm burning up. I can't stop… thinking about you, about what we did. Can't we please, please do it again?”

  He blinked. Where had this eager creature come from? Oh, he'd seen the heat in her eyes more than once, and known that once their marriage vows were said, he'd be getting a passionate wife. He wanted that. But he had never expected this.

  “Let's just be very clear here. You're asking me to make love to you?”

  She nodded, biting her lip. “I feel like such a hussy, but I can't help it. I want you. I need you. Please, James.”

  He kissed her forehead. He should send her home. Make her wait until their wedding night. But he couldn't. He needed her just as badly.

  “Listen, love. You're not a hussy. Everyone needs to be close to the one they love sometimes. Never be ashamed to ask me for what you need, darling.”

  “I do love you, James,” she said fervently. The sweet words sounded like music in his heart.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs to his bedroom.

  Unlike the previous time, where they'd come together in a mad rush, this evening James undressed his lady slowly, kissing and caressing her as he bared her body. Her busy hands worked feverishly at his buttons, stripping him down as he did her, until they stood naked. Then he reached out his arms and engulfed her in a crushing embrace, feeling the intense pleasure of her soft skin.

  He pulled the pins from her hair, freeing the silky golden strands to tumble around her shoulders and down her back. He laced his fingers through it at her scalp, pinning her in place so he could ravage her mouth. She acquiesced to his plundering with a soft, breathy moan.

  James's blood was pounding. Had his pulse increased so dramatically? He released Rebecca's mouth and stepped back, holding her hands and looking over the entire length of her body.

  Slender shoulders, small, upright breasts crowned with erect nipples, much darker than he would have expected on her pale skin, tiny waist, softly curving hips… she was a study in delicate beauty. It seemed almost wasteful that her gorgeous body had been hidden away all these years with no one to enjoy it. Determined to make up for lost time, he stepped close to her again, kissing her and then trailing his lips down her neck. He cupped her little breasts and leaned down to kiss each one.

  The difference in their heights made it difficult for him to love her while standing, she seemed to realize, because she stepped away, walking to the bed, pulling down the covers, and stretching out on the cream-colored sheets. James grinned at her eagerness and quickly joined her, kneeling, straddling her hips, and continuing what he had begun. He touched his lips to her nipple and opened over it, treating her to a long, pleasurable suck. Her fingers laced into his hair, holding him against the soft flesh as he nipped and tugged the tender peak, and she moaned and squirmed.

  “Hmmm,” he hummed, “you are so sweet.” He left the glistening nub and turned to the other, lashing it with his tongue.

  “Oh, James,” she sighed. “Oh yes.”

  “Does that feel good, Rebecca?” he asked. “Does that please you, darling?'

  “Oh yes. I had no idea.”

  “So innocent. Let me teach you.” He kissed her between her breasts and followed the line of her sternum down, then down lower again, trailing his lips over the little convexity of her lower belly, nibbling the edge of her navel, and at last pressing his lips to the golden curls between her thighs.

  Rebecca drew in an unsteady breath. “James?”

  “Trust me, love. Bend your knees.” She did, and he moved her, positioning her legs on the outside of his thighs, so she was splayed open before him. He ran his thumbs along the edges of her cleft and pressed gently, parting the folds and revealing the wet pink flesh between.

  He glanced up at her face. She was blushing tremendously. He smiled.

  “So pretty,” he whispered, stroking the length of her womanhood from top to bottom with the tip of one index finger. She gasped as he touched her clitoris and then sighed as he slowly pressed into her opening.

  He lowered his mouth then and kissed her, snaking out his tongue to tease that sensitive, throbbing pearl. Rebecca whimpered.

  “That's it, darling,” he murmured, “I want to make you feel so good.”

  She seemed to be beyond coherent answers, but her sobbing breath and the clenching of her passage told him all he needed to know. He built her pleasure slowly, taking her to the edge of ecstasy and letting her slip back, playing her body with skill until she was squirming and moaning. Then, and only then did he bring her over. She cried out. Her body twisted and she clamped down hard on the finger inside her.

  James stretched out on top of her and whispered, “That's it, darling. Enjoy it.”

  “Oh! Oh!”

  The sight of her flushed, beautiful face, lips parted, eyes closed in ecstasy tempted him beyond resistance. James withdrew his finger from her and pressed his erection in, taking her with a powerful thrust. Then he groaned. She was all wet, clinging heat and soft, yielding sweetness as her body clasped his in the most intimate embrace.

  “I love you, Rebecca,” he said. And then he pulled back and pushed in again. She arched and spasmed around him a little longer, and then her body went soft and acquiescent under an onslaught of passionate plunges, until at last he reached his own peak and spilled his hot seed into her waiting belly.

  He kissed her as their ardor cooled. When he lifted his face from hers, her sapphire eyes opened, shining with tears.

  “What's wrong, love?” he asked tenderly, not wanting a replay of the previous time.

  She shook her head. “I just can't believe this is really happening.”

  “Believe it, Rebecca. I love you.”

  She smiled and pulled him down for another sweet kiss.

  Cody woke suddenly from a deep sleep at the sound of a soft gasp. The bed beside him felt empty and cold. Where was his wife?

  “Kristina?” he said softly, his voice uncooperative. He opened heavy eyelids. In the bright moonlight, he could see her standing by the window. His sleepy body resisted the command to move, but eventually he managed to lever himself from the bed and cross to her, taking her long, lean body in his arms and kissing her cheek.

  “What's wrong, darlin'? Why are you up?”

  Then he glanced outside the window where a couple stood in the street, locked in a passionate embrace. The difference in their heights and matching blond hair told Cody everything he needed to know.

  “Maybe they didn't…” He began, trying to give his father-in-law the benefit of the doubt.

  “They did,” she replied. “She went to him over an hour ago.”

  Cody shook his head.

  “It's not right, Cody,” Kristina said, her voice catching.

  “I know,” he replied. Really, Lord? Do I really have to deal with this? With James? Why James? He shook his head again. He really did not want to have to confront the head of the elder board, his friend and the father of his bride.

  Sighing, Cody pulled his wife away from the window and back into the bed. “Enough spying, love,” he told her. “I'll deal with it. Try to get some sleep.” He kissed her forehead and cuddled her close, wishing his warmth could melt away the image of her father's sin.

  Chapter 14

  “Do you call this lemonade?” Mrs. Fulton asked sourly, regarding the pale yellow liquid in her glass with an expression that could have curdled cream. Her perfectly groomed, steel gray eyebrows lowered to the top of her steel-rimmed spectacles. Her thin lips pursed into a prune-like pucker. Even her metallic-gray hair seemed to quiver with disapproval.

  Allison raised one eyebrow and took a sip. The taste was pleasant, tart and sweet, and the floating ice made it even more refreshing.

  “As a matter of fact, Mother,” she replied, “I do. What's the problem?”

  “Oh, nothing,” Mrs. Fulton replied in a tone which implied just the opposite.

  Allison sighed. While she and Wesley were getting along better in the main, his mother was another story. They'd never liked each other. But she and Wes had been alone, just the two of them, since his father left when he was seven. They were very close. So close Mrs. Fulton could hardly stand him being friends with anyone else, let alone marrying. And now he was married again, once again to someone she'd never approved of. Married and about to be a father again. Allison couldn't help smiling, her free hand going to the side of her belly, where Wesley's baby pressed back against her hand.

  “What are you smirking about?” Mrs. Fulton snapped.

  “Nothing,” Allison said. “It tickles, is all. Would you like to feel, ma'am?”

  Her mother-in-law rolled her eyes in disgust and muttered what sounded suspiciously like `uncouth hussy'.

  Allison grinned and quickly suppressed it. While she had said she didn't care that Wesley's mother' didn't like her, the animosity did make visits awkward. She was quite sure Mrs. Fulton did it deliberately.

  “Hello, darling. Hello, Mother.” Wesley banged the door open and strode into the room, pecking Mrs. Fulton on the cheek before crossing to Allison and placing his hands on her shoulders. “How are you feeling?”

  “I'm fine, dear,” she told him sweetly. While the tense undercurrents remained in their marriage, she appreciated him making such a show of affection in front of his mother.

  “That's good. What have you got there?” He scooped her drink out of her hands and took a big gulp.

  “Hey,” she protested, laughing and swatting at him. He grabbed her hand, restraining her. “I was going to give this back, but since you're acting that way…” He downed the whole glass.

  Allison dissolved into helpless laughter. Sometimes, Wesley gave her flashes of the carefree boy she'd fallen in love with years ago. She looked up at him and humor faded to affection as they shared an intense gaze.

  “Humph,” Mrs. Fulton snorted, shattering the mood. “If that's how you two are going to behave, I'll go. I would hate to interrupt your little honeymoon.”

  “Bye,” Allison said cheerfully, waving. Mrs. Fulton stormed out of the house in a huff.

  Allison looked back up at her husband, suddenly doubting herself. Even as a child, Wesley had been fiercely protective of his mother.

  He scowled at her. “You're a bad girl, Allison,” he said sternly.

  “Sorry,” she said, trying to feel contrite.

  “Where's Melissa?”

  “Napping. I'll get her up in a minute.”

  “Let her sleep,” Wesley said, his frown turning to a naughty grin. “I'd like a private word with you, Mrs. Fulton.”

  She smiled and let her husband lead her out of the parlor and towards the stairs.

  “James, we need to talk.”

  James Heitschmidt turned to see his son-in-law approaching him from the pulpit of the church.

  “What's going on, Cody?” he asked, reluctantly releasing his fiancé's arm with a gentle squeeze. “See you at lunch, Rebecca.”

  Her pink lips curved into a sweet smile. She took his hand for a moment, giving him a lingering look. “See you then.”

  He watched her leave, unable to tear his eyes away from her retreating figure until she disappeared behind the church door.

  “James,” Cody said, trying again to capture his attention.

  “Sorry, Cody. Yes, I'm listening. What did you need?”

  “Let's sit.” The young pastor indicated a pew and James sank into it, his thoughts still on Rebecca. Their wedding was a couple of months away, and already they'd succumbed to passion again. While the first time had been understandable, the second had been undeniably naughty, and yet how could he regret it? They would soon be married, so was it really so great a sin to share their love this way a bit in advance?


  “Sorry,” he said, his facing heating. “But you remember what it's like, don't you? I mean, after all, you've only been married a few months. I still catch you with that distracted look on your face.” He gave his son-in-law a fond look. Now that he'd adjusted to Kristina being married, he was glad she'd joined her life with a man who adored her.

  “I have no problem with you looking, James. Not even with a few kisses. But really, you should have stopped there.” Cody was blushing furiously.

  A cold sensation shot through the pit of James's stomach, but he managed to say mildly, “You really shouldn't listen to rumors, Cody. Rebecca is a lady.” Then he ruined everything as an image of his lady, naked and whimpering, shot through his mind, making his face burn.

  “Rumors? No, James. Not unless your daughter has taken to spreading malicious gossip about her own father. Not unless my own eyes deceived me. We saw you. Is this how you treat a woman you care about then? For shame.” Though embarrassed, Cody was not about to b
ack down, James saw.

  “Fine. You're right. But make no mistake, there's nothing casual about this. I love Rebecca. I'll be marrying her June first. Is it really such a terrible thing?”

  “Yes,” Cody replied. “Do I have to remind you that you're head of the elder board? After me, you should be the person in this town most above reproach.”

  “Does anyone know other than you two?” James asked.

  “I haven't heard. And I have no intention of saying anything that would damage Miss Spencer's reputation. But as your pastor, I have a responsibility to let you know your behavior won't be tolerated. James, you know what I have to do if you persist.” Cody gave him a pleading look. James closed his eyes. Scripture was clear; those who willfully continue in sin were to be cast out of the fellowship.

  “Come on, Cody, isn't that a little harsh? I'm not hurting her. And we would hardly be the first couple to…”

  Cody cut him off with a sharp gesture. “You're making excuses, James. And you are hurting her. I know a bit about her… history, and I can't imagine being used in this way does her any good.”

  James's jaw clenched. “I'm not using her. I love her.”

  “You might know that, but does she?”

  James wanted to say yes. He really did. But he couldn't. Rebecca's trust was so fragile, and the way she clung to him made it plain she didn't really believe in his commitment. “Cody, surely you remember how difficult it is to wait…”

  “I remember,” Cody replied. “I remember every day before the wedding. I don't regret holding out.”

  “Of course not. But neither of you had any experience.”

  Cody just looked at him. James changed the subject. This was getting much too personal. He didn't want to talk or think about Cody's intimate life with his daughter.

  “What should I do?”

  “Stop,” the young pastor replied simply. “Wait. June isn't so far away.”


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