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Cursed: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 8

by Jami Brumfield

  “Sure do.” Marshall seemed to perk up quickly.

  “We found the killer, and we’re handling it internally.”

  “Who was it?” He asked.

  “The girl is a gargoyle. She was infected on a trip to Egypt earlier this year.” I leaned back in my chair and rested my feet on the overcrowded desk.

  “Shit, that is horrible. Did she have any clue? I mean, she seemed more like a victim than a cold-blooded killer to me.”

  “She is a victim, and so are her victims. The one responsible for killing my brother, and the other vampires, is the one that infected her and left her to fend for herself.” Only the worst of the worst vampires would abandon their children.

  “That is twisted.”

  “I’ll find him and deal him the justice he deserves,” before he can get his hands on my girl.

  “Okay, let me know if you need any human help. For now, I’ll label the case transferred and keep the evidence in the cold case files. We’ll come up with a cover story for the human victims. If you need access to any of the evidence or the files, just give me a call.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And I’m sorry for your loss, old friend.”

  “Yes, Roderick may have been a son-of-a-bitch, but he didn’t deserve this.” I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. “I sure do wish you were here, brother.”

  My eyes gravitated to the sun. It had been a long time since I could take minutes to enjoy its beauty. I had always appreciated my gift of psychometry, but there were times I wished I could walk around in the day like Roderick. I guess we all wished we had something we didn’t have.

  I walked over to the window and placed my hand on the pane. The warmth spread from the glass to my hand, but there were no nasty side effects. I didn’t feel tired either. Instead, I felt invigorated.

  I placed my cup of blood on the desk and grabbed the phone again to call Edvard, the head of the council. He was the only day walker on the council so I knew he’d be up and about.

  “What?” Edvard snarled into the phone.

  “We have a problem.”

  There was silence for a moment before he spoke in his heavily-lilted Welsh accent. “Well, speak boy, I don’t have all of eternity to wait for you to find your tongue.”

  “I have it on good authority the gargoyles are mobilizing and planning for a war. It appears we are their next target.” I figured ripping the band-aid off was the best way to relay the intel.

  “Your intel is good?”

  “Solid. Definitely worth investigating.”

  “I’ll call an emergency meeting tonight and you can give the council the details.” He hung up the phone. I wasn’t worried about gathering the specifics, I’d worked with Edvard before. He’d send them when he had them.

  It wouldn’t be long before the sun set over the horizon. I figured I’d enjoy the rays until I lost my ability to walk in the day. There was no chance this was anything more than a fluke, probably from drinking Piper’s blood when she saved me.

  Piper. It was strange how much I missed her, and she’d just left this morning. Everything had happened so fast. One day she was punching out the bouncers at the club, the next, she was broken and fragile at the scene of my brother’s death. Then Chloe attempted to kill her, and I was hooked. It was an impossible relationship, but one I was willing to attempt because no woman had connected to me so deeply and quickly than her for almost two centuries.

  My mind ventured a trip back to Elizabeth, my first human love. It was a rare moment that I let myself travel back in time to those days. At best, the memories were too painful. At worst, they left me hollow inside. She was my sunshine, the beacon of light to my otherwise dismal life. How suiting it was she was also the one who took the sun away from me. And now Piper, however briefly, gave that back.

  Chapter Twelve


  “AGAIN!” MARIANNA, THE TRAINER SNAPPED as I fell on my back. A cloud of sand dust surrounded me, and my opponent reached a hand down to help me up. I grabbed hold of the long fighting stick I was given as a weapon, and reached up for Tyler’s large, warm hand.

  “Thanks,” I said dryly, as I took a standing position, ready to battle.

  Tyler grinned. His golden curls looked like a halo on his head, but the way this man fought told me he was a devil when he needed to be. In all fairness, the man was two times my size, but as a PI, I knew fairness wasn’t a factor when you were being attacked. He came at me, putting me on the defensive, which was rarely a good way to start sparring. I blocked with the stick and kicked him back with my foot. The movement surprised him. I saw it in his green eyes and noted how clumsy he was when he stumbled back. The old saying of the bigger they are, the harder they fall was true in this instance. I knew the only way to get the upper hand was to use his weight and unequal footing against him. This gave me the opportunity to put him on the defensive.

  I crashed into him, using all my weight, and watched with mild satisfaction as he tumbled to the ground. After all the bruises he’d given me, a few in return was only fair.


  I used shallow breaths as I offered a hand to Tyler. I really was beginning to dislike Marianna’s voice. The least she could do was offer a little encouragement.

  Tyler reversed his weight and pulled me down on the ground. The action was fast. One minute I was plunging face first into the ground, the next I had been flipped over and slammed into the sand on my back, Tyler was straddling me, his weapon aimed at my throat.

  “That’s enough.” Jacob’s voice came from my left.

  “She needs a lot of work, but has decent potential,” Marianna said before he asked for an update.


  Tyler helped me up again. “Sorry.”

  I gave him a weak smile, but said nothing. Pride was sometimes my weakness.

  “Is she using her gargoyle strength?” Jacob asked.

  “No, the beast and her human half are not in sync yet.” Marianna tossed her long black braid behind her shoulder. “She’ll need some work in that department. Perhaps Anton?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll send her to him after lunch.” Jacob nodded. “Thank you, Tyler and Marianna.”

  They both nodded, and left us alone in the training area.

  “I got a few good hits in there,” I told him.

  “A few good hits are not enough. In battle, it only takes one slip to wind up dead. I’m guessing your mate would not appreciate that very much.”

  “Mate? You keep talking about this mate. Do you know who he is?”

  “I have my suspicions.” He started walking.

  “Any you’d like to share?”

  “You say you were attacked in Egypt, in an ancient tomb.”

  “Yes.” But he already knew that. He and the woman that had sent me on that mission knew all of this.

  “Over a century ago, your vampire friends led an attack on our leader and his elite guard. They entrapped a rather large portion of our population in that tomb. The artifact you were sent to retrieve was like a homing beacon to Jonathan. If you had the artifact in your possession when you were injured, it would’ve been Jonathan that attacked you.”

  “So I am supposed to be mated to some gargoyle leader?”

  “The greatest leader of all time.”

  “How did they survive the tomb?”

  “Our gargoyle halves make us immortal, just as the demons that reside in the vampires makes them immortal. They would’ve survived on rodents and bugs over the years.”

  I shivered at the thought. “That sounds horrific.”

  He nodded. “If you released him, he’s probably on a rampage somewhere trying to regain his strength before he comes to find you.”

  “Yeah, see, about that, I’m not someone who believes in this fated mate stuff.”

  “I understand. You’ll want to meet him and see what happens… when we find him, that is.”

  “So, I’m not going to be forced into some kind of
mating ritual or anything?”

  “Of course not, but I believe you will find that you’re biologically predisposed to want him as much as he will want you.”




  The grumbles from the ancient vampires around the room were a far cry from their usually dignified personas. I couldn’t blame them, not really. If Jonathan was freed from his imprisonment, then retribution was imminent, and many lives on both sides would be lost. If Jonathan was supposed to be Piper’s mate, he’d have to kill a monster that was equal to a God to keep his woman safe. They tried killing him centuries ago, and the only thing that worked was condemning him to a tomb. The monster would not die, and he was hell-bent on eliminating all the vampires from the face of the Earth.

  Some say he was a madman, others believed he was their savior. The deeper they got into the details, the more terrifying the situation became.

  “How did you come across this information?” Edvard asked as he pounded the gavel onto the table, drawing the crowd’s attention and silence.

  “Piper Mason is blood bound to me. She was infected by one of the gargoyles in the tomb. Some suspect by Jonathan himself. She is my source.”

  “Piper Mason, is she any relation to Olivia Mason?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “It’s most likely. Olivia Mason is a follower of Jonathan’s cult.” Carter, another council member entered the conversation.

  “Are you saying this was all a set up?” I asked, dreading the answer I had a feeling was coming.

  “You’ve lived a long time, boy. I’m sure you’ll agree, coincidences are few and far between in the grand scheme of things.” Edvard shook his gavel in my direction.

  “Yes, that is true.” The idea that Piper’s mother set her up to become a gargoyle was unfathomable. What kind of mother would do that to her daughter? I hadn’t been human for a very long time, but it didn’t sound like something a human would do.

  “You must distance yourself from this Piper,” Edvard insisted. The remaining twelve on the council nodded their heads in agreement.

  “I won’t do that.”

  “You have no choice. We could be on the verge of war. She may be helping you now, but eventually, she’ll need to choose a side, and it is likely she will choose to side with her gargoyle half.”

  “You don’t know her,” I insisted.

  “I’ve lived a long time, Sebastian. My experience should count for something.” Edvard spoke pointedly.

  “Experience doesn’t always make sense to matters of the heart,” Chloe interjected.

  “Do you love this woman?” Edvard gave me a surprised look.

  “Love is a strong word,” I stuttered at my sister’s surprise attack.

  “Get your head on straight, Sebastian. It won’t be long before you need to choose a side yourself,” Edvard warned.

  “Why are you so sure there is war on the horizon? Maybe we can find a way to create a peaceful alliance?” I offered a new solution to the age-old problem.

  “Because if Piper has been infected and mated by Jonathan, then the prophecy has begun,” Dr. Carter stated firmly. “If that is the case, we are facing devastating losses on both sides.”

  “What prophecy?” That announcement came out of left field.

  “The prophecy that could end the days that the vampires walk the Earth.” Edvard finished the conversation before it was even allowed to begin. It was obvious by the stern look on the old man’s face he wasn’t going to give out any details on the unknown prophecy.

  “If what you’re saying is true, wouldn’t it be wiser to get her away from them?” I was flailing, looking for a way to get the council on my side so I could better protect Piper.

  “Enough! If you choose her, you’re siding against the council.” Edvard slammed the gavel down and pointed it at me. “Do not side against us, MacGregor.”

  I stepped back, fully aware that it was not advisable to be on his bad side. “Fine.”

  “Is that your decision?”

  I shrugged, my hands raised in defeat. “You leave me no choice.”

  “I need to hear the words.” Edvard gave me a glassy-eyed glare.

  I lowered my eyes and bowed my head. “My loyalty is with the vampires.”

  “Good. We need to put together a contingency plan.” Dr. Carter took control of the conversation.

  “Of course,” I agreed.

  “You can leave now, Sebastian,” Edvard commanded.

  “Our house has the right to be involved in these talks,” I argued.

  “Not until we are sure of your loyalty.” Edvard shook his head with determination.

  “I’ve been loyal to this council for over a hundred years.” Even as the words left my mouth I knew they fell on deaf ears.

  “Unfortunately, their problem is that you have feelings for the woman.” Chloe stepped out of the shadows. Her presence momentarily forgotten.

  “I’ve already made my pledge,” I insisted.

  “Love has caused many wars over the years.” Chloe tossed a cold smile over her shoulder along with her golden locks.

  “I don’t love her.”

  Chloe walked her fingers across my shoulders. “She killed our brother in cold blood. Then you offered to protect her.”

  “Before I knew she was the killer.” I narrowed my eyes at Chloe. “Besides, the plan was to use her as bait to draw out the creature that killed the vampires. The guilty party is Jonathan, the beast that infected her and left her to fend for herself.”

  “You offered her sanctuary, and when your own sister tried to eliminate the problem, you threw her out.” Chloe crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You were torturing her, skinning her alive.”

  “I am a vampire.” She laughed. “Besides, the only way you could’ve known was if you had created a blood bond.”

  “True. But it was solely to keep an eye on her.”

  “And when she attacked you, almost killing you… what happened?”

  “She saved me with her blood.” The room gasped.

  “And you sent her to live with the enemy, with a month supply of your blood.”

  I resisted the urge to wipe the smug look off my sister’s face.

  Dr. Carter added his two cents to the conversation. “The Sebastian I know would’ve killed her on the spot.”

  “There is more at stake than taking her life.”

  “Your presence in this meeting is revoked. Please leave.” Edvard slammed the gavel down again.

  “You’ll regret this, Chloe.” I spoke under my breath so only those closest to us could hear as I left.

  I shrugged off the cool night breeze as I walked out onto the deserted street. The blood boiling in my veins warmed me, despite the chill in the air.

  I huffed out a breath as I pulled out my phone. If they wanted a war, they were going to get a war. I dialed Viktor’s number. He picked up on the second ring.

  “What do you want?” He growled into the receiver.

  “I need your help.”

  “Your family is already highly indebted to me.”

  “I know, but I can’t think of anyone else that can help me with the tasks ahead.” I needed to know this prophecy. The fact that this was the first time I’d heard of it meant the elders had stowed it away in the locked archives. The only one I knew without loyalties that would be willing to help was Viktor.

  There was a long pause before he spoke. “What do you need?”

  “Access to the restricted archives.”

  Viktor whistled into the phone. “That is a tall order.”

  “One I know you can fill.”

  Viktor chuckled. “Is that all?”

  “No, I also need your help to find Olivia Mason, Piper’s mother.”

  “I’ll give you that one for free. I’m sure she is at the monastery with her daughter.” He coughed lightly into the phone. “I’ll send you the address, and I’ll get you access to the arc
hives, but you’ll be doubling your debt.”

  “Fine,” I agreed. The line went dead.



  Are you alone? Sebastian’s warm, silky voice echoed in my mind, pulling me from the state of pre-sleep.

  I sat up in my bed and pulled my blanket closer to my body. I knew he wasn’t there in the physical sense, but I was still trying to get used to the psychic link we shared. Even though I enjoyed his company, it was still a little invasive. Yes?

  I relayed the information to the council. He smiled in my mind.

  Good, they’re pretty serious over here.

  Have you heard anything more about your supposed mate, Jonathan?

  I shook my head ‘no.’ Only that he is out there and they are expecting him to come for me when he works out his aggression from being entombed.

  So look for massive vampire deaths and we’re sure to find him.

  Most likely.

  There are a lot of secret meetings around the compound. All of them seem a little suspicious. Some about vampires, others about a war, then people are whispering about Jonathan and me. I wondered if I should worry him with the conversation I heard, the one where a woman called herself my mother. It seemed too incredulous. My mother had died years ago.

  I think it would be a good idea that you come home. I can protect you better here.

  I need to stay. This is the only way I am going to get the help I need. Besides, I’m your inside girl.


  Sebastian, stop. I’ve made up my mind on this one. One thing you have to understand about me, I’m not a damsel in distress. I know how to protect myself. My father made sure of that. You have to let me be who I am. It was the one thing Jonathan hadn’t taken from me, the one thing that insured he would never possess me.

  And I am a centuries-old vampire. It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I can’t just not worry about you.


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