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Cursed: A Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Page 10

by Jami Brumfield

  The air around me seemed to sizzle with anticipation. I looked at him with confusion, and then followed his eyes, turning around as he stumbled backwards, falling to the ground himself.

  My heart froze. “What the hell?” The words were a whisper, and I wondered if they even left my lips or if they were simply a thought. All my focus was on the marbled beast that flew toward me. His massive wings stirred the air, causing a fierce breeze to wrap around me, swaying my body in the process. At first, his sheer size made me think he was a dragon, but as he got closer I saw the telltale signs of the gargoyle. The stony scales and ashen grey skin were hardened like dried mud on the surface of his body. He was long and lean. His tail whipped like it was steering his direction, aiming straight for me. I was glued to the ground. It was like my feet had sprouted roots, and my body had hardened like a tree trunk. Instinct screamed in my mind to run, but movement was impossible.

  His long talons wrapped around my waist and lifted me into the air. His grasp was surprisingly gentle for a monster. Somehow, I started breathing again, movement returned to my body, and I was able to consciously fight against his grip, only it was too late. I was in the air, flying high above the compound. Even if I had escaped his hold, I’d simply fall to my death. I had little to no control over my own gargoyle inhabitant. And the way we’d been getting along, I didn’t trust she’d come out to save me from the impending fall. I had to wait and see where he was taking me.



  I felt it the moment fear got its cold fingers around her. I was too far away to do anything. I tried to reach out to her telepathically, but something was blocking my message. It was like the terror had built a wall around her mind. She was focused on surviving. It was my only lifeline. I called the pilot to see if there was any way to increase our speed. He said he’d do what he could, but the flight plan was already in motion, and he needed to radio the control tower to see about hastening speed and landing. We were still two hours out, and then I still needed to find the compound. The blood connection would help as long as she was still alive or conscious. If she was unconscious, maybe Chloe could connect to her subconscious through the dream realm.

  I picked up my phone and called my sister for yet another favor. “I can’t reach Piper. I think she is in danger and may be unconscious. Can you reach her using your gift?”

  “I can try.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Sure, but before I go, I have news on the prophecy. It appears that the elders’ seer foretold of a mating between the gargoyle king and his wife. The pairing would make them unstoppable. If she chooses him, the vampires will face major problems. I’m told it was the reason they decided to trap him in that tomb all those years ago. Their decision to capture him was to put the prophecy on hold.”

  “So now they’re afraid that he has another chance to make the prophecy come true.” It made sense. Why else would they be so quick to order an attack on the compound? They’re scrambling to save their hides.

  “Do you think she’ll choose him?” Chloe asked, her words measured.

  “No. She isn’t one to be told what she can and can’t do. His mistake was forcing this future on her. She’ll fight him to her last breath.”

  “And if she dies, the gargoyle mate might have a chance to be reborn into another human host that might feel differently.”

  I nodded. “All the more reason to keep her alive.”

  Chloe sighed. “I’ll try and reach her psychically.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Just go and save your girl.” She hung up the phone.

  It didn’t take five minutes before I was out of my seat, pacing the aisle. There were benefits to owning a family jet. The obvious benefit was being able to fly during the night. The sun was not always my friend, except as of late, ever since drinking Piper’s blood. It should have killed me. Instead, it healed my wounds and made me different, more powerful. I had to assume her blood was the reason I was drawn to her, the desire to create powerful bloodlines was strong in a vampire’s genetic code. Her DNA was perfect for the gargoyles, her blood was ambrosia to the vampires. The poor woman would be running for the rest of her life without a protector like me. I knew it. She knew it. We all knew the truth.

  Piper? I tried to make a telepathic connection with her again. Piper, please, if you can hear me, respond. I know you’re in danger. I’m coming to help you. I promised to protect you, but I need you to connect with me.

  Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a peep. Not a flicker of a connection. She was gone. I just hoped Chloe could find her in the dream realm. Otherwise, I feared I was chasing a corpse.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “WAKE UP, PRETTY PRINCESS”. CHLOE’S sadistic voice rang in my head. I turned every direction, looking for her, but all I saw was darkness. “Did you come here to kill me, Chloe?” I stumbled in the black abyss looking for a wall. If I could just find a wall I’d be able to find a light switch. I had a feeling she had the advantage with her vampire sight.

  “No, I came to help.” She sounded amused.

  “And you expect me to believe that?”

  “Yes.” Chloe clapped her hands once, loudly. “Let there be light.”

  The darkness faded, and I suddenly found myself in a gorgeous meadow surrounded by redwood trees on all four sides. An intense waterfall charged the area with brilliant energy on the left, and Chloe sat on a rock to my right. She looked beautiful in a long, white flowing dress that reminded me of something the Greeks and Romans wore in the golden era.

  “Where are we?”

  “My sanctuary.” She stood up and raised her hands in the air to show off the brilliance of the place.

  I crossed my arms over my chest and took a step back. “And why am I here? If you’re here to kill me, I think you’ll find I’m a little more prepared for you this time.” Memories of Sebastian’s body ripped to shreds played back in my mind, and her attempt to skin me alive fueled the blood boiling in my veins. My animal counterpart was just itching to get her talons around Chloe’s neck. Killing Roderick was a mistake. I hurt the wrong sibling, but I was prepared to protect myself this time.

  She looked at me perplexed. Her head tilted as she examined me under an uncomfortable microscope. “Do you always refuse help from people?”

  “Only from those that have tried to filet me alive.” My words dripped with sarcasm.

  “That was a mistake. You were putting my family in danger. I was simply protecting what is mine.”

  “And now?”

  “And now, well, you’ll have to discuss that with Sebastian. I’m here to make sure you’re still alive. As it seems you’re unconscious, I must inform you that it would be a good idea to wake up now.”

  “How do you know I am unconscious?”

  “Because my gift is in visiting the subconscious and dreams, and you’re not dreaming, not responding to Sebastian’s calls, so I assume you’re unconscious.”

  “Okay?” The vampire and shifter worlds were full of so many surprises. Roderick was a lie detector, Sebastian was able to pick up psychic energy off inanimate objects, and Chloe could enter and manipulate dreams. Talk about a smorgasbord of unique and interesting abilities. All I could do, it seemed, was rip off the heads of vampires that got in my way, and change into a monster. “How do I wake up?”

  Chloe tapped her blood-red fingertip against her lips as she thought about the question. “What is the last thing you remember?”

  “I was… captured by a gargoyle, and he flew me away. I don’t know where.”

  “So wake up and find out. Then tell Sebastian. He’s worried about you.” As abruptly as she appeared, she disappeared.

  I stared at the place she was moments ago. Chloe was an odd bird. But if she was right, I needed to wake up. The question was, how?

  An answer I needed to find quickly because the world Chloe had created was disappearing around me. The edges began to fray and flick
er back to darkness. I took in my surroundings in a 360 degree turn, and ran off in the direction farthest away from the waterfall. Maybe if I kept running I’d find my own safe haven. The scenery behind me continued to degrade, and the degradation was catching up to me. I quickened my pace. My heart matched my speed as I ran for my life.



  “You just left her there?” I felt my blood boil as I gripped the phone.

  “She is unconscious. I can’t wake her, she needs to wake herself,” Chloe stated simply. “But don’t worry. I left her motivation to escape.”

  “So you just left her in a nightmare world that is imploding upon itself?” I still couldn’t believe my sister would be so cruel.

  “It is the equivalent of pushing her off a thirty story building. The theory is that if you’re falling, or if you’re in too much danger, your subconscious will make you wake up.”

  “Theory.” I felt more helpless than I had when she went in to make sure Piper was okay. I was still stuck in the air on a plane, and at least an hour from landing. “Did you find out where she was?”

  “She has no clue as to where she is. She needs to wake up and give you details to help you find her. All I know is a gargoyle kidnapped her.”

  I felt a punch in the gut. “Her mate?”

  “I don’t know.” She sighed, an act we didn’t need to do, but Chloe enjoyed doing for effect. “Most likely. Sooner or later she is going to have to choose. Wouldn’t you rather she was forced to make that choice now instead of in the future?”

  “She doesn’t want him.” I said the words, more to convince myself than her.

  “And you’re sure about this? From my understanding, a shifter mate is a biological and primitive thing. Don’t you think that will have more sway than your idea of true love?”

  She took pleasure in making this painful. I could see her now, each hurtful statement she made was like another pin prick in a voodoo doll made of my likeness. “I promised to protect her.”

  “And what makes you think you’ll need to protect her from her mate?”

  “Why do you insist on making this difficult?” I asked.

  “Because I need to know that if she chooses him, you’ll be able to do the right thing by the vampires.”


  “Seriously, brother, you need to prepare yourself. When and if you find her, she may not want you. She may be setting up a trap for you. There is no way you can take on Jonathan and his mate in a fight. Maybe you should wait for backup.”

  “Enough, Chloe. I’ve made up my mind.” And I had a plan, just in case.

  “And to hell with the rest of us,” she snapped.

  “Pretty much.” A small twinge of guilt entered my mind as I said the words. She was only trying to protect me. To keep us all safe. That is what we did. But I couldn’t help the way I felt. I made a promise to protect her, and yes there was an unholy attraction between Piper and I, one that tied me to her like a tie around the neck, one I hadn’t felt towards a woman in centuries, and it drew me to her. I had to see this through.

  “Fine.” Chloe hung up the phone. My end went dead. She’ll get over it…in time.



  It was a rancid smell, like rotten eggs, that finally helped me escape the darkness that pulled me under. I opened my eyes, and found myself staring into the most eerie, greyish-silver eyes I’d ever seen. They were surrounded by dark thick lashes embedded into a chiseled face, one that artists would love to paint or sculpt. His skin was tan, his body muscular and human. Gone was the beast that stole me away into the sky. His eyes watched me with an inquisitive stare.

  “Who are you?” I asked when I found my voice, after swallowing a few times to break up the dryness that seemed to hold my vocal chords hostage.

  “I am your mate.” He sniffed me. “You are meant to be with me. Did Jacob and your mother not tell you about me?”

  “Jonathan.” I said as dread filled my heart.

  “Aye, and you are Piper. A most unusual name. Do you prefer to use it or do you have a, what do they call it, a nickname?” He had a Scottish drawl that most women would swoon over.

  I sat up and snatched the blanket on the bed up to my chin, putting a barrier between us. “Piper is fine.”

  “Good, Piper.” He said my name like he was trying out a new flavor of ice cream. It obviously didn’t sit well on his tongue, and it didn’t feel right hearing him say it either.

  Sebastian, are you there?

  I hear you, love. Can you tell me where you are?

  Not yet.

  “Where are we?” I asked Jonathan.

  He grinned. “We are in my den. I plan to begin our mating rituals as soon as possible.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” I shook my head violently. “I don’t jump into bed with any Tom, Dick or Harry.”

  “Tom, Dick or Harry? Are these men I must kill for soiling my future wife?” His handsome face was marred momentarily with a confused brow.

  “No.” I raised my chin. “I don’t know what century you’re from, pal, but you can’t just insist on marrying a woman because you feel you have a claim on her.”

  “Your DNA says differently. Why do you fight biology?”

  “Because I have a right to choose.”

  He laughed. “Choose? I did not know there was a competition going on here.”

  “There is.” I raised my chin.

  “Then who must I fight?” He rubbed his hands together with a malicious grin. “I don’t mind killing to claim you.”

  “I do mind you killing for me.”

  He stared at me for a moment. “I am trying to be nice, Piper, but my patience is not strong. Please stop pushing me.”

  I glared at him with the iciest stare I could imagine. “If you’re trying to be nice you wouldn’t have kidnapped me.”

  “I claimed my mate, nothing more. It is my right.”

  “And what of my rights?” I raised my knees to put more barriers between us.

  “You have the right to stand beside a king as his queen. You have the right to bear me many children. You have the right to claim me as yours.”

  “I think I’ll pass.”

  What little kindness that was in his eyes a moment ago was gone. He ripped the blanket from my body and left me exposed in only my underwear. “You are mine to do with as I please.” His finger went to my nipple and twisted through my black lace bra. “Never mistake that.”

  I slapped his hand away, but he dug his fingernails into my waist and pulled my body against his. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I found myself sitting in his lap, evidence of his desire for me poking through his jeans and pressing against my core. He went to kiss me, but I turned my head, refusing his advances as best I could considering the compromising position in which I found myself. The man was far stronger than me.

  He snatched the hair at the nape of my neck and pulled roughly, causing my neck to snap back and my lips to meet his. “You will be mine, Piper. Fighting me only makes things hotter.” He seized my lips with his and forced his tongue into my mouth. I fought against him, but my punches were no more useful than a bunch of gnats interfering with a wilderness walk. His tail wrapped around my hands and pulled them behind my back. The rest of him remained human as he plundered my mouth.

  Disgust in the form of bile rose in my throat. I didn’t think, instead I used the only weapon I had left and bit down, drawing blood.

  He pulled back and wiped the dark red liquid from his lips. A smile spread across his face as he examined me carefully. “Your scent is fierce, Piper. Just as your instinct to fight is strong. I like that. You’ll make a wonderful queen.”

  “You’re a bastard,” I snapped, as his fingers ripped the bra from my body leaving my breasts exposed and pressed flat against his solid chest. The cloth of his flannel shirt rubbed them raw as his fingers cupped my bottom.

  “I am, that is true, but I killed the man that fathered m
e long ago, for leaving my mother alone to raise me.” His tongue slid down my neck and delved further before wrapping around one of my chafed nipples.

  I shivered in response. My mind wanted nothing to do with this man, but my body had different ideas. His touch left my skin hot and cold all at once. It had to be the monster that shared my being. She was forcing desire through my body. There was no way in hell I, the human side of me, wanted this man.

  “You can fight me, but I can feel how your body sings to my touch.” He released me and left the bed. “I’m not going to force myself on you. I just wanted to see if there was an inkling of desire in you for your mate.” He tossed me a shirt and walked out into the kitchen. “Would you like something to eat or drink?”

  I put on the clothing quickly and shook my head. Sebastian would come for me. He’d be here soon. This man had promised not to force himself on me so I was safe, for the moment. I wanted Sebastian, not Jonathan. Logically I knew this, but the physical connection was intense and Jonathan’s touch was awakening a part of me I didn’t want alive. “No, thank you.”

  “Suit yourself. Eventually you’ll get hungry. Just let me know.” He pulled food out of the fridge and started preparing a meal.

  “What I want is for you to let me go.” I stood up and walked out to the breakfast bar. Keeping the counter between us seemed like a good idea while I made my stand.

  He bounced the spatula up and down in his hand, and grinned at me over his bulky shoulder. “Not going to happen. You see, I realized I made a few mistakes with you.”


  “Yes. I should’ve been there when you went through the change.”

  “You should’ve given me a choice in the matter.”

  “True, but after a century of wanting revenge, starving to death, and reanimating only to die, over and over again, you aren’t thinking clearly when your salvation walks through the door.”


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