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Death Never Leaves a Calling Card

Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  “The fins cut lines through the Tronan Armor but the scout’s sharpened bow completes the hole.”

  Gamgel began tracing a shape on his portable computer’s screen and Gregor and Gregory stood up and walked around behind him. The pointed shape evolved into a shape that had twenty-long blades that extended from the point of the shape. The shape had twenty slots with a slot under each long blade. “What are those for?” Gregor asked.

  “The fins will have to be long enough to extend the entire width of your ship. I’m going to assume you might want to land on a planet and landing legs twenty-five feet long might make getting off the ship difficult. When you’re not in space, the fins will retract into the slots.”

  “What are the two ridges beside each slot?” Gregory asked.

  Gamgel looked at Gregory, “Those will be sharpened ridges that will open the hole the fins start.”

  Gregory shook his head and remained silent until Gamgel completed the drawing. He stared at it and Gamgel said, “Of course this is a moot point if welding Bellingham Steel can’t be done.”

  Gregor stared at the drawing and looked at Gregory, “Will you produce this form and have it transported to Bellingham?”

  Gamgel quickly said, “You’ll also need to make the forms for the wings.” Gregory looked at him and turned to Gregor. Gamgel said, “You’ll also have to change the blaster mounts to the recessed model, which can be easily done.”

  Gregory looked at Gamgel and said, “Is there anything else you want to add.”

  Gamgel shrugged, “You might want to insert the scanner antenna into the slots so they won’t have to emerge from the hull.”

  “Can you do it?” Gregor asked.

  Gregory shook his head, “All of my facilities are building scouts, Gregor.”

  “No, they’re not,” Gamgel said.

  Gregory looked at Gamgel and he said, “You still have the facilities that produce the plastic forms for the electronic systems you trade with other planets. He’s not asking you to build a metal form. You can use the hardened plastic polymer to build the forms and not do anything to slow your scout production. You have a surplus inventory of electronic systems and taking time to produce the forms shouldn’t affect your trading partners.”

  Gregory snorted, “Boy, you’ve learned a lot about what we do on Romania.”

  “Comes with being a scientist.”

  Gregory looked at Gregor, “I’ll produce the forms for you. I’ll need to take some precise measurements of your ship before you leave.”

  “Thank you, Gregory. If you can, will you make two of them so Kaylee’s ship can be modified?”

  “Two is easier if we do them at the same time. However, if you will find out if welding the metal is possible, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Take your measurements and I’ll go and immediately find out.”

  “Let me know and I’ll start the process.”

  “Thank you, Gregory. And thank you, Gamgel.”

  “No problem. That ship helped Heaven defeat Earth’s forces. It deserves to be saved.”

  Gregor smiled and walked out of the lab. He boarded his ship and said, “Get us back to Bellingham as quickly as possible.”

  “What’s the rush?” the Computer inquired.

  “I need to find out if it’s possible to weld new Bellingham Steel to hardened Bellingham Steel.”

  “I can answer that.”


  “You leave me unattended for long periods of time. One of my landing struts buckled and had to be reattached to the hull. The Metal Workers welded it right on and used the blasters to harden it.”

  “Will it be as hard as the metal it was welded on?”

  “I believe it is, Gregor. The weld melted into the metal under it. Why do you need to know if it can be welded?”

  “Because if it can, you and I are back in business. Connect me to Gregory’s frequency.” Gregor waited and a moment later, Gregory appeared on the monitor, “Gregory, my ship had a landing strut welded to its hull. The metal can be welded.”

  Gregory smiled, “We’ll start working on the forms right away. I’ll let you know when we ship it.”

  “Thanks, Gregory.”

  “Let me know how it works out.”

  “Will do.”

  • • •

  Captain Walter Mooney adjusted the power delivery on his blaster and looked at Tasha Coronado sitting next to him. He hesitated and then said, “Tasha, have you made plans about leaving this job and joining the scout crews?”

  Tasha looked at him with brown eyes that Walt thought were the most beautiful in existence and shrugged, “I’ve asked Jeremy about going but he keeps delaying the move.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like I see him much. We’re on different shifts and he’s going to work as I’m getting off. I’ve asked him if I should request a shift change but he says he’ll do it. So far, nothing has changed. Why do you ask?” Walt turned back to his blaster controls and stared at the scout he was hitting the blaster’s beam. Tasha tapped him on the shoulder, “I asked you a question.”

  “I don’t know Tasha. I guess I was thinking that you and I made a good team and was checking to see if anything had changed between you and Jeremy.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, but nothing’s changed.” Walt stared at Tasha and she said, “What?”

  “Look, I can handle these two blasters with my eyes closed. I’m going to relieve you of your duties and allow you to go and spend some time with Jeremy. You’re dismissed.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “I’m in command here! Could you handle both blasters, if I had to leave?”

  “Get real, a tomato could handle them.”

  “Then get moving. Enjoy your time together.”

  Tasha gave Walt a quick hug and left the blaster battery as fast as she could walk. Walt watched her go and closed his eyes. He opened them and shook his head. He thought about ordering her back but stopped as she disappeared through the portal.

  • • •

  Tasha started to contact Jeremy but decided to surprise him. She walked down the long corridors to their quarters and stopped outside their quarters not looking forward to what she was planning. She pressed a silver pin on her collar. She stepped through the door and saw Jeremy pulling the covers over him as a woman ran into the bathroom. Jeremy’s eyes were wide open as he shouted, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?”

  Tasha looked at him and backed out of the doorway. It closed and she stood there in the corridor staring at it. After a few moments, it opened and Jeremy rushed forward. She extended her arm and stopped him in his tracks. He opened his mouth and she pushed her hand over it…hard, “You have nothing to say that I want to hear! Be out of here before I get off my shift.”


  Tasha spun around and delivered a kick into his mid-section. He flew back into the room and Tasha said, “There’s more of that coming if you’re still here!” Tasha turned and walked away.

  • • •

  Tasha walked up the corridor and returned to her station. She saw Walt did not turn and question why she was back. She stared at him but he refused to look at her. Finally, she snickered a little and said, “How long have you known about this?”

  Walt continued to stare at his monitor and said, “About what?”

  “Just answer the question!”

  Walt exhaled and turned to Tasha, “It’s been going on for a while.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t want to be the one to cause you pain. I was hoping that Jeremy would do the right thing and tell you he found someone else.”

  Tasha stared at him and Walt couldn’t bear her stare; he turned back to his panel. “Was that the only reason, Walter?”

  Walt rolled his eyes and said without looking at her, “I thought that if I told you, it would be for selfish reasons. It’s not a secret about what he’s been doing and
I kept wondering when your friends would tell you.”

  Walt turned to her, “I’ve put in a transfer request to enter scout training and I’ll be leaving tomorrow. I guess I finally decided that you didn’t deserve what he was doing and that not to tell you before I left would make me less of a friend.” Walt stared at Tasha and then turned back to his panel, “You deserve better, Ta.”

  “I’m going to miss you, Walt. Who is going to be your First Officer?”

  “I’ve put up a bid on the personnel channel. Most of those that apply to enter the Scouts are requesting command positions. I’ll check it after my shift to see if anyone has responded.”

  “You should take it down.”


  Tasha shook her head, “Do you know that there was only one thing that prevented me from forcing Jeremy to apply for the scouts.” Tasha paused and said, “It was having to leave you.” Walt tilted his head. “You’ve always made my day brighter. You make me laugh, you make me think, you make me better. It’s like you said earlier, we do make a good team. And you’re brilliant; you would have already been given command of a warship if the scouts hadn’t come along. So, if you meant what you said, I will be your First Officer.”

  Walt’s smile was huge, “I’d really like that, Ta. Will you look at the personnel channel and delete the bid. I’d also appreciate it if you would fill out the form to be my First Officer.”

  “Glad to do it.” Tasha pulled up the Personnel channel on her console and found the bid Walt had left. She snorted and Walt said, “What?”

  “There’s more than ninety-five people that have answered your bid. Eighty-nine of them are females.”

  Walt’s eyes narrowed and he said, “Let me see that!”

  Tasha erased the file and said, “Oh-no! Too late!” Walt started chuckling and then laughing. Tasha wagged a finger at him, “Now you know that every sailor currently serving on a warship wants to command a scout. Getting someone to volunteer to be a First Officer is not easy and the list of sailors answering you bid tells me you’re quite the lady’s man, Walter.”

  “That’s why I wanted to see the list, Ta. I don’t have anyone that’s shown any interest in me.”

  Tasha laughed, “I’ve seen quite a few women show interest but you’ve been too dense to see it.”


  “I’ve been one of them.”


  “Come on, Walter! I’d take you over Jeremy anytime, anywhere. After you made your proposal about us becoming a team, I made my mind up. I was going to tell Jeremy it was over between us before I agreed to leave with you; it seemed like the proper thing to do. Finding him with someone else just made it so much easier.”

  “Why haven’t you told me?”

  Tasha shook her head, “I’m an old-fashioned girl, Walter. I want to be chased and wooed. Do you think you’re up to that?”

  Walter smiled, “I am. Let’s go to personnel after our shift and sign the transfer papers and I’ll start the process.”

  Tasha smiled, “That’s a good place to begin.”

  • • •

  They took a shuttle down to the surface of Romania and went to a tall skyscraper where Fleet Operations were located. Tasha took Walt’s hand as they sat waiting for the interview, “I wonder who is going to be our Commander.”

  “Settle down, Ta. We’ll be lost in the new sea of scouts pouring out into space. This is a new form of combat and the scouts are going to fight in an entirely different way than our warships have in the past.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The scouts will operate alone attacking targets of opportunity. The Commanders of the scouts will be charged with directing them to specific areas to attack enemy vessels. It’s sorta like turning a high-powered fan in a different direction to blow away things moving toward it.”

  “Lieutenant, the Admiral is ready to see you.”

  They looked up at the Lieutenant and Walt said, “Thank, you.” They followed her into the Admiral’s office and came to attention. Admiral Monlee looked up from her desk and said, “At ease, take a seat.”

  Walt and Tasha sat down and the Admiral looked at Walt, “Why have you waited so long to turn in your transfer request.”

  Walt glanced at Tasha and said, “I was waiting to find a First Officer.”

  “There were more than six-hundred bids on your request.” Walt’s head went back and the Admiral said, “I had it shutoff at ninety something but we continued to track any that came in. Why did you wait?”

  Walt took a breath and said, “I was waiting for a specific First Officer, Sir.”

  Monlee looked at Tasha and said, “Well, you made a good choice. According to our files, Midshipman Coronado has exceptional scores on both her mental, physical, and aptitude tests.”

  Tasha tilted her head and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

  Monlee nodded, “The two of you will report to Fleet Admiral Oliver’s flagship, Delilah’s Sword, to start your initial training.”

  Walt’s brow furrowed, “I thought I would pick up my scout here on Romania and start training here? At least that’s what I’ve been told by friends that transferred to the scouts.”

  Monlee smiled, “You are going to the Advanced Tactical Training School on Admiral Oliver’s vessel. You are being promoted to Admiral and will take command of Twenty-First Scout Fleet. It has not been built yet but that will give you time to choose your unit leaders.”

  Walt and Tasha stared at Admiral Monlee in silence. It was clear Walt was close to a state of shock. He finally asked, “Sir, how does a Captain commanding blaster units get promoted to Admiral? That doesn’t make sense? And why me? I don’t see myself as anything special.”

  Tasha whispered, “Speak for yourself.” Walt looked at her and saw her smiling. He chuckled and turned back to the Admiral.

  “That was a fast recovery, Admiral. Your test scores are quite high and you were on the list of fast-track promotions until the conference decided to stop building warships. The paper you wrote on scout-tactics impressed the Senior Officers on the Leadership Team. Also, you’re only being promoted two ranks to Two Stars. It’s not that big of a jump in rank.”

  “But I’ve never commanded a single warship much less a fleet.”

  “That’s what you’ll learn in Advanced Training.”

  Tasha looked at Walt, “Paper?”

  Walt shrugged, “All officers requesting to command a scout are required to write an essay on how the scouts should be used against the Tronan; First Officers aren’t required to write one.”

  Tasha nodded and Admiral Monlee said to her, “However, You will have to read the papers while you’re in training, Commodore Coronado.”

  Tasha’s head jerked around toward the Admiral. Admiral Monlee smiled, “All Two Star Admiral’s First Officers are Commodores. The two of you have a shuttle waiting for you on the landing pad on top of the building. It will take you back to the Banshee, where you will pick up your personal items. But before boarding the shuttle, both of you will go to the armory on the first floor to be fitted for your uniforms. You will take them with you to your next assignments. I trust that you will make a difference in the coming war. Good-luck.”

  Walt and Tasha came to attention and saluted. Admiral Monlee smiled, “Sorry, Admiral. I am a one-star; you are a two-star. I should be saluting you.”

  “Not yet, Sir. I’ve not been sworn in.”

  Monlee smiled, “Then both of you raise your right hands…” They took the oaths and Monlee saluted. Walt returned her salute and they left her office. Tasha was shaking her head and Walt’s eyes narrowed, “What?”

  “You’re complaining about being promoted two ranks. I’ve just been promoted five ranks by hitching my star to yours. What is this world coming to?”

  “Get over it; you’re intelligent enough to adapt to your new rank faster than you think. Besides, I’d rather have someone working with me who knows how I think than a stranger who does
n’t. I’m going to need you.”

  “I hope I live up to your expectations, Sir.”

  “I have no doubt you will.”

  • • •

  Three hours later, they arrived on the Banshee and went to their quarters and Tasha found Jeremy standing outside the door. He looked at her and his eyes flew wide open. She said, “Lieutenant, is that how you show respect to a superior officer?” Jeremy jerked to attention and saluted. Tasha looked at the Captain who had followed her to her quarters and said, “I believe this sailor needs some time in the kitchen learning proper respect.”

  The Captain looked at Jeremy and said, “Report to the kitchen.”

  Jeremy stared at the Captain and looked at Tasha, who had gone into their former quarters. The Captain smiled, “This is a moment you will not forget, Lieutenant. Now get moving.”

  Chapter Two

  Sam sat in a small room next to his conference room and said, “Please take a seat, Admiral.” Walter sat down and Sam smiled, “I’ve read the essay you did on scout maneuvers and I must say that I’m a little confused by it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I am not alone; the rest of my Senior Officers are also impressed but confused. Only the computers seem to know what you’re saying and they say your viewpoint is brilliant. When we ask them to explain what they mean, they lose us pretty quickly. Explain to me in simple terms what you meant in your essay.”

  “Sir, it seems clear to me that our past tactics to control our fleets will not work in the new environment we find ourselves in.”

  “Why not?”

  “The way we attacked large enemy formations in the past was done by issuing orders and having them passed down to the individual unit-commanders to carry them out.”

  Sam nodded, “That’s how we keep order and maintain our organization during a battle to prevent the destruction of our own vessels by friendly fire.” Walt was silent and Sam said, “Go ahead, Admiral.”

  “Sir, you are probably not going to like hearing this but order and organization are not going to be possible in this new world we find ourselves in. A new means of commanding our forces must be used to fight the coming invasion.”


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